tumble cd phantom drive cd shadow step cd vaporise cooldown air receive cd lethal torture cd painkiller cd That's the plates I use. I use all cd because bp damage isn't very good so the skills cooldown need to be reduced so i can use them again and again i a very short time.
jangan malu terlihat miskin. malulah ketika pake job se-cancer MK tapi masih kalah, udah gitu kalahnya lawan dead job pula awikwok 🤡 english: don't be ashamed when being poor. be ashame when you use a cancer job like mystic klown and still losing. on top of that, against a dead job lmao 🤡👍
no bro why you dissappointed with bp? His skill is not a copy paste from AW, the only dissappointing from bp is that the devs increased the transformation cooldown which is make bp look dumb and weak without transforming
the red rasengan very satisfying when it connects
yes, i know how it feels
what are the heraldies for BP? or are there no such thing for spinoff classes?
tumble cd
phantom drive cd
shadow step cd
vaporise cooldown
air receive cd
lethal torture cd
painkiller cd
That's the plates I use. I use all cd because bp damage isn't very good so the skills cooldown need to be reduced so i can use them again and again i a very short time.
keren euy, baru coba buat BP masih belum paham combonya, tapi di sini banyak contoh combonya.
combonya gampang, cuma speednya doang yg kurang
Gilakkk combo nya lawan GL, njirrr masokk smua bang
The best dah lu maen BP
motivasi utk ngalahin lawan pake job beginian lebih dari 100% coy
Bagus bleed apa assasin?
bleed itu assassin
@@LightZell kan ada 2
@@LightZell makin bingung, dulu awal maen pemilihan karakter kayak ada animasinya semua karakter jadi satu sekarang buluk bet aseli
Sebernarnya sih bleed phantom mah udh sakit cuma cara masukin semua damage nya itu gimna maka nya nih job udh di ambang kepunahan 😅
karena kalo ga transform act speed ini karakter bener2 minim
Back when this class was released it was very OP especially the charged shuriken 😭
back then that shuriken was basically a truck get throwing at you 3 times
back when this class can transform 3 times
akhir nya khodam assassin keluar 😂😂
apcb khodam
AH nya mna
masih lv95, leveling dulu
@@LightZell pura² lvling sebenarnya males grinding, malah fokus farming di server lain~~ 🤭🤭
@@I.V.Y.N 2 level lagi coy, masih ngantri
Wuih, Assassin ada job baru!
waduh separah itu
Transformnya masih kena pajak darah gk sih sekarang
masih lah
Make transform cooldown from 90s to 50 or 45 second
make it 30 second and it all good
bayangin aja CD transform dulu 30 detik skrng jd 90 detik awkoawkoaw, koplak ini ED
karena saking op nya
asalkan speedy cut nya keluar shuriken pasti udh seneng pake BP lagi wkwkw
transform cooldownnya diturunin baru seneng
they have to buff his non-transform damage.
the only thing they must do is reduce transform skill cooldown, because non transform bp is slow af
Req bang mainin yng versi burung ijo ny
Keren juga lo pal bisa job inih
lah ini main char gw cok
@@LightZell coba lo pake job machina
@@mikelesmana809 waduh
Main BP harus rajin-rajin ngilang. Kayak si sepuh itu, ntah apa IGN-nya. Pusing lawannya, gesit suka ngilang-ngilang
ok nice info
Andai damagenya lebih dinaikin lagi, biar lebih playable.
Udah dirundung kepunahan ni job 😅
cooldown transform aja diturunin udah op nih job
@@LightZelldi banding yg dngan assassin yg Laen bang ripper, raven, light fury sama abys Walker yaa masih jauh lahh 😭
@@edosangsurya2095 kalo usernya gg, job apapun itu pasti ditebas kecuali maratol
This character looks hard to use, also theres no one using BP in MP pvp anymore
there's 1 person who still using it
Job broken yg butuh revamp skill
ga bakal dapet lagi
Mending AW, renyah😊
adalah benar 100%
Udah gak se OP dulu
iya udah kena nerf parah asli
So sad to see this class being forsaken by gm, they half their dmg, increase their cd, nerf their cd reset lol
and never get any buffs from them
@@LightZell welp i do understand it was op, but heck thats overkill
@@ervinchan9919 yes very overkill for him, they did my boy very dirty.
jangan malu terlihat miskin.
malulah ketika pake job se-cancer MK tapi masih kalah, udah gitu kalahnya lawan dead job pula awikwok 🤡
don't be ashamed when being poor.
be ashame when you use a cancer job like mystic klown and still losing. on top of that, against a dead job lmao 🤡👍
bang udah bang
i was so disappointed at BP as Assassin's spinoff.
They couldve been more creative instead of just an AW-copypaste 😢
no bro why you dissappointed with bp? His skill is not a copy paste from AW, the only dissappointing from bp is that the devs increased the transformation cooldown which is make bp look dumb and weak without transforming