안녕하세요 푸메라니안 여러분🙇🏻♀️ 오늘은 마라 해물찜을 만들어왔어요 ❤️ 매운 양념장에 마라소스, 신선한 해물들(가리비, 피문어, 키조개, 대합, 새우, 전복 등) 이용해서 뚝딱! 해물찜에 마라소스 넣으면 괜찮을까? 약간 걱정했던 것과 다르게 너무너무너무너무 맛있었어요! 얼얼하면서도 매콤한 양념에 달달한 해물 맛이 환상이었어요…👍🏻 해물들 전부 너무 싱싱해서 씹을때마다 해물즙이 아주… 팡팡..💦 향긋하고 아삭아삭한 미나리도 올려서 함께 먹으니 더더욱 맛있었고요! 소스도 즈마장+라조장 소스랑 불닭마요소스로 두 가지를 처음 준비해봤는데, 완전 맛있었어요…. 소스 궁합도 기대이상이라 깜짝 놀랐어요.. 마지막에 문어랑 전복 잘라서 볶음면이랑 볶음면까지 호로록.. 풀코스 덕분에 행복함 폭발, 아드레날린 폭발이었습니다 🤭 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사드리며, 내일도 모레도 맛있는 하루 보내세요 🙋🏻♀️ 🔥My Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam 🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya Hi guys! Today I prepared Spicy Braised Seafood! I used Chinese spicy sauce called mala and it added flavors to the dish! I bought seafood: scallop, shrimp, abalone, 3 kinds of clams, and octopus! Since the seafood was so fresh, it was really juicy, plump and tender. I added spice to the spicy and sweet seasoning, and it was really delicious. I dipped the seafood into nutty and red pepper oil sauce, and spicy mayo sauce alternately. It was so much better than I expected! I made fried rice and fried noodles with the leftover seasoning, abalone and octopus, and it was really delicious. I was happy eating! Thanks for watching my video today! Hope you enjoyed watching it! Hai kawan! Hari ini saya menyiapkan Seafood Pedas Direbus! Saya menggunakan saus pedas Cina yang disebut mala dan menambahkan rasa ke makanan! Saya membeli makanan laut: scallop, udang, abalone, 3 jenis kerang, dan gurita! Karena makanan laut begitu segar, itu benar-benar juicy, montok, dan empuk. Saya menambahkan bumbu ke dalam bumbu pedas dan manis, dan rasanya sangat lezat. Saya mencelupkan makanan laut ke dalam saus minyak kacang & lada merah, dan saus mayones pedas bergantian. Itu jauh lebih baik dari yang saya harapkan! Saya membuat nasi goreng dan mie goreng dengan bumbu sisa, abalon, dan gurita, dan itu benar-benar lezat. Saya senang makan! Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini! Saya harap Anda menikmati menontonnya! हाय दोस्तों! आज मैंने स्पाइसी ब्रेज़्ड सीफूड तैयार किया! मैंने माला नाम से चीनी मसालेदार चटनी का इस्तेमाल किया और इसने खाने में फ्लेवर जोड़ा! मैंने सीफ़ूड खरीदा: स्कैलप, श्रिम्प, एबलोन, 3 प्रकार के क्लैम और ऑक्टोपस! चूंकि समुद्री भोजन बहुत ताज़ा था, यह वास्तव में रसदार, मोटा और कोमल था। मैंने मसालेदार और मिठाई मसाला के लिए मसाला जोड़ा, और यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था। मैंने समुद्री भोजन मूंगफली और लाल मिर्च तेल सॉस में डुबोया, और मसालेदार मेयोनेज़ सॉस बारी-बारी से। यह मेरी अपेक्षा से बहुत बेहतर था! मैंने बचे हुए सीज़निंग, अबालोन और ऑक्टोपस के साथ तले हुए चावल और तले हुए नूडल्स बनाए, और यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था। मुझे खाकर खुशी हुई! आज मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद! मुझे आशा है कि आप इसे देखने का आनंद लेंगे! Chào các cậu! Hôm nay tôi đã chuẩn bị hải sản om cay! Tôi đã sử dụng nước sốt cay Trung Quốc gọi là mala và nó thêm hương vị cho thức ăn! Tôi đã mua hải sản: sò điệp, tôm, bào ngư, 3 loại nghêu và bạch tuộc! Vì hải sản rất tươi, nên nó rất ngon, đầy đặn và mềm. Tôi đã thêm gia vị cho gia vị cay và ngọt, và nó thực sự rất ngon. Tôi nhúng hải sản vào nước sốt đậu phộng & hạt tiêu đỏ, và sốt mayonnaise cay xen kẽ. Nó tốt hơn nhiều so với tôi mong đợi! Tôi đã làm cơm chiên và mì xào với gia vị còn sót lại, bào ngư và bạch tuộc, và nó thực sự rất ngon. Tôi đã ăn rất vui! Cảm ơn đã xem video của tôi ngày hôm nay! Tôi hy vọng bạn thích xem nó! こんにちは、みんな!今日はスパイシー煮込みシーフードをご用意しました!マラと呼ばれる中国のスパイシーソースを使って、食べ物に風味を加えました!ホタテ、エビ、アワビ、アサリ3種、タコのシーフードを買いました!魚介類はとても新鮮だったので、本当にジューシーでふくよかで柔らかでした。スパイシーで甘い調味料にスパイスを加えてみました。ピーナッツ&レッドペッパーオイルソースとスパイシーマヨネーズソースに交互に海鮮を浸しました。想像以上に良かったです!残り物・あわび・たこでチャーハンと焼きそばを作ってみました。食べて幸せでした!今日は私のビデオを見てくれてありがとう!楽しんでいただけましたでしょうか! اهلا ياجماعة! اليوم أعدت المأكولات البحرية مطهو ببطء حار! لقد استخدمت الصلصة الحارة الصينية المسماة مالا وأضفت نكهات للطعام! اشتريت المأكولات البحرية: أسقلوب ، جمبري ، أذن البحر ، 3 أنواع من المحار ، والأخطبوط! نظرًا لأن المأكولات البحرية كانت طازجة جدًا ، فقد كانت حقًا مليئة بالعصارة والسمك والعطاء. أضفت التوابل إلى التوابل الحلوة والحلوة ، وكان لذيذًا حقًا. غمس المأكولات البحرية في صلصة الفول السوداني وزيت الفلفل الأحمر وصلصة المايونيز الحارة بالتناوب. لقد كان أفضل بكثير مما توقعت! لقد صنعت الأرز المقلي والمعكرونة المقلية مع التوابل المتبقية وأذن البحر والأخطبوط ، وكان لذيذًا حقًا. كنت سعيدا بالأكل! شكرا لمشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم! آمل أن تكون قد استمتعت بمشاهدته! หวัดดี! วันนี้ฉันเตรียมอาหารทะเลจัดจ้าน! ฉันใช้ซอสเผ็ดจีนเรียกว่า mala และเพิ่มรสชาติให้อาหาร! ฉันซื้ออาหารทะเล: หอยเชลล์, กุ้ง, หอยเป๋าฮื้อ, หอย 3 ชนิดและปลาหมึก! เนื่องจากอาหารทะเลสดใหม่มันฉ่ำจริง ๆ อวบอ้วนและนุ่มนวล ฉันเพิ่มเครื่องเทศลงในเครื่องปรุงรสเผ็ดและหวานและมันอร่อยจริงๆ ฉันจุ่มอาหารทะเลลงในซอสน้ำมันถั่วลิสงและพริกแดงและซอสมายองเนสสลับกัน มันดีกว่าที่ฉันคาดไว้มาก! ฉันทำข้าวผัดและก๋วยเตี๋ยวผัดกับเครื่องปรุงรสที่เหลือหอยเป๋าฮื้อและปลาหมึกและมันอร่อยจริงๆ ฉันมีความสุขกับการกิน! ขอบคุณที่รับชมวิดีโอของฉันวันนี้! ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะสนุกกับการดูมัน!
It's good to watch you while snacking ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It always amazes me how she can eat so much ! I’ll be full from two bites ! She makes it so appetizing and it’s cute how she cleans every bit of sauce ..lol!Awesome 😊
I like her expression 😘🤩 while eating It's make me hungry before I eat food I always use to watch her video....keep it up I will always support her😋😍😍my favourite mukbang
I love how she just is calm with her eating and sometimes every bite she takes she makes a beautiful smile and is just so cute like when she eats it like eat done and clean and talk about how it was and ya know but I like how she’s calm every time she eats is like she’s all clean and really she eats fast and I can see how she eats is like omgg is so good and I can see that I love her smile every bite she takes it’s like the end she smiles and in her other videos she smiles is just so cute like she’s so clean with herself and I know someone helps her do all this stuff with recording and cleaning her hands and stuff and I want to thank the person that helped her do all this stuff for her and in her caption she writes all those letters and ofc I know someone is helping her I’m glad she has a good life and just cleans herself when she needs to what i really think IS the ads should stop really I just want to watch her videos anyway I hope she has a great life making videos and having fun doing videos and ya know someone can be there to help her with stuff so I hope her and everyone to have a great day don’t let anyone bother you good night and good moring everyone:)
I just want to thank all the people that have been helping her recording stuff I know they have been doing hard work and look at her caption what she said they made all those letters for her her life I know it’s really hard but she keeps making videos to make everyone like satisfied and impressed she’s like eat done and clean she talks about how her eating was at the end and I love her eating I love her smile and I love everything she does when she eats she’s beautiful like every time I hope she gets the girl on and on making videos how she likes it and keep making satisfying videos how I like it
You should try to make kimchi yourself! There are many good recipes in youtube and all around the internet. I also wanted to taste it after watching mukbangs but I live in northern Europe and there aren't these kind of foods around. But the ingredients are easy to find (except gochugaru chiliflakes, I can't find them anywhere) and kimchi is quite easy to make too! And it really is delicious! Now I eat it every day and I recommend it to everyone. 😄
안녕하세요 푸메라니안 여러분🙇🏻♀️ 오늘은 마라 해물찜을 만들어왔어요 ❤️ 매운 양념장에 마라소스, 신선한 해물들(가리비, 피문어, 키조개, 대합, 새우, 전복 등) 이용해서 뚝딱!
해물찜에 마라소스 넣으면 괜찮을까? 약간 걱정했던 것과 다르게 너무너무너무너무 맛있었어요! 얼얼하면서도 매콤한 양념에 달달한 해물 맛이 환상이었어요…👍🏻
해물들 전부 너무 싱싱해서 씹을때마다 해물즙이 아주… 팡팡..💦 향긋하고 아삭아삭한 미나리도 올려서 함께 먹으니 더더욱 맛있었고요! 소스도 즈마장+라조장 소스랑 불닭마요소스로 두 가지를 처음 준비해봤는데, 완전 맛있었어요…. 소스 궁합도 기대이상이라 깜짝 놀랐어요..
마지막에 문어랑 전복 잘라서 볶음면이랑 볶음면까지 호로록.. 풀코스 덕분에 행복함 폭발, 아드레날린 폭발이었습니다 🤭 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사드리며, 내일도 모레도 맛있는 하루 보내세요 🙋🏻♀️
🔥My Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam
🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya
Hi guys! Today I prepared Spicy Braised Seafood! I used Chinese spicy sauce called mala and it added flavors to the dish! I bought seafood: scallop, shrimp, abalone, 3 kinds of clams, and octopus! Since the seafood was so fresh, it was really juicy, plump and tender. I added spice to the spicy and sweet seasoning, and it was really delicious. I dipped the seafood into nutty and red pepper oil sauce, and spicy mayo sauce alternately. It was so much better than I expected! I made fried rice and fried noodles with the leftover seasoning, abalone and octopus, and it was really delicious. I was happy eating! Thanks for watching my video today! Hope you enjoyed watching it!
Hai kawan! Hari ini saya menyiapkan Seafood Pedas Direbus! Saya menggunakan saus pedas Cina yang disebut mala dan menambahkan rasa ke makanan! Saya membeli makanan laut: scallop, udang, abalone, 3 jenis kerang, dan gurita! Karena makanan laut begitu segar, itu benar-benar juicy, montok, dan empuk. Saya menambahkan bumbu ke dalam bumbu pedas dan manis, dan rasanya sangat lezat. Saya mencelupkan makanan laut ke dalam saus minyak kacang & lada merah, dan saus mayones pedas bergantian. Itu jauh lebih baik dari yang saya harapkan! Saya membuat nasi goreng dan mie goreng dengan bumbu sisa, abalon, dan gurita, dan itu benar-benar lezat. Saya senang makan! Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini! Saya harap Anda menikmati menontonnya!
हाय दोस्तों! आज मैंने स्पाइसी ब्रेज़्ड सीफूड तैयार किया! मैंने माला नाम से चीनी मसालेदार चटनी का इस्तेमाल किया और इसने खाने में फ्लेवर जोड़ा! मैंने सीफ़ूड खरीदा: स्कैलप, श्रिम्प, एबलोन, 3 प्रकार के क्लैम और ऑक्टोपस! चूंकि समुद्री भोजन बहुत ताज़ा था, यह वास्तव में रसदार, मोटा और कोमल था। मैंने मसालेदार और मिठाई मसाला के लिए मसाला जोड़ा, और यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था। मैंने समुद्री भोजन मूंगफली और लाल मिर्च तेल सॉस में डुबोया, और मसालेदार मेयोनेज़ सॉस बारी-बारी से। यह मेरी अपेक्षा से बहुत बेहतर था! मैंने बचे हुए सीज़निंग, अबालोन और ऑक्टोपस के साथ तले हुए चावल और तले हुए नूडल्स बनाए, और यह वास्तव में स्वादिष्ट था। मुझे खाकर खुशी हुई! आज मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद! मुझे आशा है कि आप इसे देखने का आनंद लेंगे!
Chào các cậu! Hôm nay tôi đã chuẩn bị hải sản om cay! Tôi đã sử dụng nước sốt cay Trung Quốc gọi là mala và nó thêm hương vị cho thức ăn! Tôi đã mua hải sản: sò điệp, tôm, bào ngư, 3 loại nghêu và bạch tuộc! Vì hải sản rất tươi, nên nó rất ngon, đầy đặn và mềm. Tôi đã thêm gia vị cho gia vị cay và ngọt, và nó thực sự rất ngon. Tôi nhúng hải sản vào nước sốt đậu phộng & hạt tiêu đỏ, và sốt mayonnaise cay xen kẽ. Nó tốt hơn nhiều so với tôi mong đợi! Tôi đã làm cơm chiên và mì xào với gia vị còn sót lại, bào ngư và bạch tuộc, và nó thực sự rất ngon. Tôi đã ăn rất vui! Cảm ơn đã xem video của tôi ngày hôm nay! Tôi hy vọng bạn thích xem nó!
اهلا ياجماعة! اليوم أعدت المأكولات البحرية مطهو ببطء حار! لقد استخدمت الصلصة الحارة الصينية المسماة مالا وأضفت نكهات للطعام! اشتريت المأكولات البحرية: أسقلوب ، جمبري ، أذن البحر ، 3 أنواع من المحار ، والأخطبوط! نظرًا لأن المأكولات البحرية كانت طازجة جدًا ، فقد كانت حقًا مليئة بالعصارة والسمك والعطاء. أضفت التوابل إلى التوابل الحلوة والحلوة ، وكان لذيذًا حقًا. غمس المأكولات البحرية في صلصة الفول السوداني وزيت الفلفل الأحمر وصلصة المايونيز الحارة بالتناوب. لقد كان أفضل بكثير مما توقعت! لقد صنعت الأرز المقلي والمعكرونة المقلية مع التوابل المتبقية وأذن البحر والأخطبوط ، وكان لذيذًا حقًا. كنت سعيدا بالأكل! شكرا لمشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم! آمل أن تكون قد استمتعت بمشاهدته!
หวัดดี! วันนี้ฉันเตรียมอาหารทะเลจัดจ้าน! ฉันใช้ซอสเผ็ดจีนเรียกว่า mala และเพิ่มรสชาติให้อาหาร! ฉันซื้ออาหารทะเล: หอยเชลล์, กุ้ง, หอยเป๋าฮื้อ, หอย 3 ชนิดและปลาหมึก! เนื่องจากอาหารทะเลสดใหม่มันฉ่ำจริง ๆ อวบอ้วนและนุ่มนวล ฉันเพิ่มเครื่องเทศลงในเครื่องปรุงรสเผ็ดและหวานและมันอร่อยจริงๆ ฉันจุ่มอาหารทะเลลงในซอสน้ำมันถั่วลิสงและพริกแดงและซอสมายองเนสสลับกัน มันดีกว่าที่ฉันคาดไว้มาก! ฉันทำข้าวผัดและก๋วยเตี๋ยวผัดกับเครื่องปรุงรสที่เหลือหอยเป๋าฮื้อและปลาหมึกและมันอร่อยจริงๆ ฉันมีความสุขกับการกิน! ขอบคุณที่รับชมวิดีโอของฉันวันนี้! ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะสนุกกับการดูมัน!
Ur contents r great unnie! Borahae💜
Ap ek baar octopus khao na
Thank you 🌹
어떻게 다 먹을 수 있습니까?
사랑해요❤ 푸메님
She's so polite, and clean.
I love her
@@ronogoateddddd lmao what
@@ronogoateddddd e-
드시는 속도도 빠르지않고 적당하고 음미해서 맛있게 드시니까 보기좋아요!!❤️❤️
우와... 문어가 푸메님 얼굴만해요...!!!🤭
심지어 마라맛 해물찜닭이라니...❤️
진짜... 너무너무 맛있어보여요😭🤩
you're one of the best mukbanger that i've ever watched:3...
언니 덕분에 입맛이 돌아 왔어요ㅠㅠ
진짜 언니가 먹는 모습 보면 배에서 꼬르륵 소리들리고ㅠㅠ
와.... 해물찜 소리ㅠㅠ 너무 조아여❤ 푸메님ㅠ
푸메님은 너~무 복스럽게 드셔서 영상 몰입이 더 ×100 잘되는것같아염ㅠ 😍😍
거기에다 라면볶음밥🍜까지ㅠ
진짜 완벽하다.. 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 오늘 영상은 2배로 더 잘보고가용💕 사랑해요😘
Fume is always so lovely and satisfying 🤗
Her dog is so cute 😻😻😻😁. He just melts my heart 🤗💜
And what about her??😂
I love how you complement your own food it makes me want to eat it more
I really craved everything, it looks so delicious.
Greetings from Mexico 🇲🇽
The best thing in this video is that's she cook all the Sea food 😊😘
Don't you just love how neat she is. And she has to be the prettiest mukbang I've seen
You should see 'Qei ASMR' she is more patience than her
I love when they use what’s left of the meal to make another meal lol
Fume:Making mukbangs eat good food
Me:Sitting in bed starving
*why I love about fume.
1: she is clean
2. She never wastes food (I saw many mukbang who eats food but wastes so much and leaves over.*
The seafood looks so beautiful and tasty!!😍 the presentation is great and I’m sure it tastes even better than it looks 😋
Itu di bibir masih ada terus di masukin makanannya
@@auliahermawan890 ekhem apa? Itu tidak masuk akal! Orang lagi bilang makanannya enak 😒
@@auliahermawan890 Dan juga BISA aja dia NGGAK ngerti BHS Indo!
I watch fume's videos during my diet time, and i love it!! ❤️❤️
내가 좋아하는 채널은 fume, 치어 업 fume 🥰
I am right now eating a cookie that is made by one of my cousin mom I think but the cookies are so yummy
Who loves Fume?
literately everyone watching
I hope that you can often make this kind of food, i love how fresh seafood look like 😁
Eu nunca experimentei frutos do mar,mas tenho muita vontade de experimentar 😋😋
Did you try it yet? It’s so good
Suka bangettt sama chanel inii
I wish spicy food wasn't my weakness, cause that looks good! 😍
AHAHHA ı agree with you :D
Me to 😍
I wish seafoods wasnt my weakness, shrimps make my mouth itchy, octupus and squid make my tummy hurt, crabs make my mouth itchy too, and more-
@@waoh21 i think you might have some sort of allergy did you tell your doctor about it?
@@waoh21 you most likely are allergic my brother does that
해산물들이 너무 신선해서 더 맛있어보여요 ㅠㅠ 무엇보다 마지막 라면사리랑 볶음밥으로 마무리까지😊😊😊진짜 맛있겠다...
Ryryryryry CHAERNOYOYNG dbzbsbsbbsbsbsbsbsbsbdbsb
Sfsgsgsgsgdggdggdgd MLLI xnxjxjxjxjxjxjxjxjxnxjxjcjcjccndjdjcjcjcjcjc
Sfsfffsffsfsfsfsfsfg FYUJINM djdjdjfnfjfnffbfnfnfnfjfnfjfgngn
She doesn't try to look good, she acts like nobody is there , that natural talent right there.😆
100% I agree
100000000 nice
That's me on normal occasion
It's good to watch you while snacking ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It always amazes me how she can eat so much ! I’ll be full from two bites !
She makes it so appetizing and it’s cute how she cleans every bit of sauce ..lol!Awesome 😊
I like her expression 😘🤩 while eating
It's make me hungry before I eat food I always use to watch her video....keep it up I will always support her😋😍😍my favourite mukbang
Rafey tulpo
Rafey tulpo
@@leonamalabanan3290 huh
Spicy seafood are the best 😋
This is a plate for dream for seafood lovers
A dream come true!
*watches this at 4am*
*gets hungry*
me: what a torture 😩😩
Знаю, что это вкусно, пробовала на Тенерифе. Но этого блюда хватит на всех в ресторане на 7 столиков!
ik this is random but I've noticed how amazing ur skin is! PLEASE drop an ASMR skincare routine. ur skin is glowing and so clear! 😍💞
한국사람 있으면 손 좀,, ;; ✋
I don't really like seafood, but she makes them look delicious😍😍😍
Same yeah, everything looks delicious. 😍🙈😍😍😂
해물찜에 마라소스 넣으면 괜찮을까? 약간 걱정했던 것과 다르게 너무너무너무너무 맛있었어요! 얼얼하면서도 매콤한 양념
Gw jadi ngilerr🤤🤤 makan nasi sambil nonton ini kenyang gw
I love how unnie eats the seafoods. She's still beautiful while she's doing this.
Oh wow!! Fresh seafood.. still alive .
fresh doesn’t mean alive...
@@jellykiwi ikr
* . ̊༄
fresh could mean that it’s freshly caught. she cooked and prepared the sea food. i’m happy she cooked it so the creatures couldn’t feel it.
Que água na boca me dá de ver esses vídeos!!!
I never tried this in my life but It looks so good
I love how she just is calm with her eating and sometimes every bite she takes she makes a beautiful smile and is just so cute like when she eats it like eat done and clean and talk about how it was and ya know but I like how she’s calm every time she eats is like she’s all clean and really she eats fast and I can see how she eats is like omgg is so good and I can see that I love her smile every bite she takes it’s like the end she smiles and in her other videos she smiles is just so cute like she’s so clean with herself and I know someone helps her do all this stuff with recording and cleaning her hands and stuff and I want to thank the person that helped her do all this stuff for her and in her caption she writes all those letters and ofc I know someone is helping her I’m glad she has a good life and just cleans herself when she needs to what i really think IS the ads should stop really I just want to watch her videos anyway I hope she has a great life making videos and having fun doing videos and ya know someone can be there to help her with stuff so I hope her and everyone to have a great day don’t let anyone bother you good night and good moring everyone:)
I just want to thank all the people that have been helping her recording stuff I know they have been doing hard work and look at her caption what she said they made all those letters for her her life I know it’s really hard but she keeps making videos to make everyone like satisfied and impressed she’s like eat done and clean she talks about how her eating was at the end and I love her eating I love her smile and I love everything she does when she eats she’s beautiful like every time I hope she gets the girl on and on making videos how she likes it and keep making satisfying videos how I like it
I really want to try that sauce!!
Love watching your videos! Everything you eat looks so delicious and I gotta try kimchi someday because of you 😂❤️❤️❤️
You should try to make kimchi yourself! There are many good recipes in youtube and all around the internet. I also wanted to taste it after watching mukbangs but I live in northern Europe and there aren't these kind of foods around. But the ingredients are easy to find (except gochugaru chiliflakes, I can't find them anywhere) and kimchi is quite easy to make too! And it really is delicious! Now I eat it every day and I recommend it to everyone. 😄
Please try south Indian food like dosa,idly,uthhapam and vada also
Wahhh mantul kak Fume. Semangat terus buat nge-post mukbang seafood-nya🙃💌💕💕
Suka bnget ama fume, stiap makanan yg dia makan pasti bikin jdi laper.
Nikmat bnget ngeliatnya, bner2 bsa menikmati makanan dengan sempurna
Iya betul sekali, tmbh rapih banget makan nya 💙
Who's craving right now 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Who else wants to try those seafood?
Wow that's alot of spices to make these. 🤤🤤🤤
oi Boa tarde,amo a geito q vocês encinam a fazer,vou tentar fazer aqui,adooooooro frutos do mar,bjos vc arrasou.🤗🤗😍😍😘😘😘😘
A comida deve ser deliciosa, mas ver esse povo comendo, é de dar ânsia!
Fume makes all of her meals look 10x more delicious 😋😍❤️❤️❤️
Shariq Ahmed cause it is
@@dontbullyme4646ikkk 😭😭 im literally starving 🤧🤧
omg i just noticed, is it just me or she looks like red velvet's seulgi sometimes
She rlly does look like a Kpop idol thoo 😍
Heem mirip seulgi
Its the nose
OMG the sounds produce in her every bite make me fell hungry
OMG when Fume is eating my mouth is uhhhhh I want to eat as fume 🤤🤤😣😣
reacts for video
edit:ummm deliciosy
me:cool video
thanks for like!
Fume's skin is brighter than mah future😂
Hi i'am from indonesia
I love you fume:)
나는 당신이 먹는 방식을 정말 좋아합니다
나는 항상 당신의 콘텐츠를 좋아합니다 🥰😍
Perfeitaaa❤️❤️❤️ cadê os brasileiros q amam a Fume ?? Caraa eu amo o sorrisinho dela mn❤️🇧🇷 I LOVE YOU
What you made, looks super delicious, Fume!!!! I’m craving for some seafood right now❤️
@@zainbmohammed3202 .
Your fluffy little friend is so nice💕😊
Em plena 1:40 da manhã e eu vendo pessoas comentando comida oriental kkkk
Oi br aq
해물찜 색이 아주 식욕을 자극하는 색이라 너무 먹고싶네요. 특히나 저기에 소주한잔 똭 하고 안주로 가리비 한입 하면 좋겠네.
그렇죠. 라면사리와 볶음밥은 진리죠. 예의구요. 침샘 폭발중...
Today i am early for every thing...i was early to blackpink how u like that , bts stay gold.. now fume 😄
omg sameeee HAHAHAHAH
Can I have some? 😂 ♥
1000만명 가즈아!!!
“If you're Army, Give your hand”✋💜💜💜💜💜
I wish I can eat atleast once in my life 😋
Comentário em português estão em falta 😂
Adoro esse barulhinho ❤️
Também acho kkkk
Me deu água na boca 😋😂🤦🏻♀️
한국음식 먹을때 좋아요 ♥️
I always watching youre mukbang Video
Lo primero que haría si llego a ir a Corea es comer esto 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Fume: Eats spicy food and nothing happens
me: eats chili fries 🍟and cries my butt off
🦐🦑🐙🦀🦞by the way who else loves her sea food boils
I'm from indonesia
Sama cuy
I like her video very much
내가 이런 amsr을 좋아하는 유일한 브라질 사람이라면
When im not broke af, imma get a whole meal of this😂
Mmmm. .
more than 10 times watched this..everytime i lose my appetite...
I craved everything you ate haha 😅🤤🤤
Thank you so much for the subtitles.
I'm not full right now because i watch this yummy😋
I'm from Egypt 💌💌
😫 I REALLY WANNA TRY WHAT SHE’S TRYING!!!!!! I’m so sad because I can’t eat the AWESOME AND AMAZING FOOD that she eat’s
Why use caps
She be eating so good 😭
냉장까지 먹는게 깔끔하게 드시는게 좋아보여요 어느 먹방하시는분는 대충 먹는거 보기싫던데 먹음직스럽게 보기좋아요❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
ABYUJINDV ndnddndn dbxdhdbxbxbxbxbxxbdbxnxnxbxnxxbxbxbxn
RYOYEON jssksjsjsj sbshsshsbssbsbshshsbdb
I really like all your videos, I'm from Indonesia🤩🤩🤩
Yo solo bingo por las recetas se mira tan deliciosas. 🤤 🥰
Gelud kita
Im chewing water right now💔😂❤❤❤
I love the way you are presenting..love from india ❤️❤️