Because back then people were real and grounded. Now it's all about who can outdo everyone else and score the most clout. I preferred the way things were 25 years ago when people were real rather than ridiculous caricatures fixated with scoring their 15 minutes of fame at any cost.
Linzi gorgeous
The one thing I hated, was all the boring anecdotes!
Contestants were much more restrained in those days.The difference now is amazing,with all the over-excited behaviour.
Because back then people were real and grounded. Now it's all about who can outdo everyone else and score the most clout. I preferred the way things were 25 years ago when people were real rather than ridiculous caricatures fixated with scoring their 15 minutes of fame at any cost.
My BIG MONEY answers:
Never heard of the word gallery with an y and an s before
I think the rule for names is different than fir other nouns. The Thomas family wouldn’t necessarily be written the ‘Thomases‘. Have a nice evening.
Because it’s a surname,and not an object,it gets the name,and ‘s,to pluralise.