Frank Spector: What Does The Word "Nick" Mean In A Surgery Malpractice Case?

  • Опубликовано: 25 июн 2024
  • What's in a word? Hi, everyone. My name is Frank Specter. I'm a medical malpractice lawyer in Maryland in DC for over 30 years. You know, in our culture, there are words that used to not exist but now exist and they're part of all of our normal vocabulary and sometimes those are positive, but sometimes those words can be negative or misleading. And that's no different in medical malpractice. Over many years, there have been words that have been, uh, used in the medical profession to explain medical injuries which make those injuries seem a lot less than, and a lot less serious than what they really are. And today I want to talk about one of those words and that word is Nick. How does this come up? So, here's the scenario you go in for surgery, let's say you're having your gallbladder taken out and after the surgery, the doctor comes and says to you, well, we had a small complication while we were taking out your gallbladder, we nicked something else and then you have internal bleeding and things are a lot worse than what you had expected. So, what does that word, Nick mean? Well, Nick really means a cut. And you know, when a, when a doctor is operating on one area, they shouldn't cut another organ or another area. And so the word Nick has been used in the medical profession to make you feel like it's not as serious as it is. And so the word cut has been substituted by the word Nick. And these are lots of words. I'm gonna be doing a series of videos on how some of these words that have been used in the medical malpractice and medical profession make you feel that something is less than serious and it may cause you not to want to pursue a case. So I just wanted to do this video today because words have meanings and the words that are being used are calculated to make you feel like the injuries that you have sustained are not as serious because after all, it's just the Nick, but that's not really what it is. It's a cut. So thanks again for listening to my video. My contact information will, will be below. Please subscribe, hit the like button and also I have a contact form for you to fill out if you'd like to speak with me. Thanks. 《Transcribed by Brander》

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