Gaetz says his behavior was ‘embarrassing, though not criminal’

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 553

  • @edwardpoe7323
    @edwardpoe7323 23 часа назад +45

    Having sex with minors is still criminal even in florida. So is the alleged drug

    • @shakerman55
      @shakerman55 22 часа назад +1

      More evidence against bye - den than him😂

    • @maskedmarvyl4774
      @maskedmarvyl4774 21 час назад +1

      Lol! "Even in Florida". That made me laugh out loud. I lived in Florida. I understand why you made that comment.

    • @elmosweed4985
      @elmosweed4985 21 час назад

      And just plain fkn sick.

    • @elmosweed4985
      @elmosweed4985 21 час назад

      @@shakerman55 Sorry- the key witness said he lied.

    • @siewheilou399
      @siewheilou399 21 час назад

      Why did he not take her to France?

  • @James_Doyle83
    @James_Doyle83 23 часа назад +44

    Sleeping with a child is criminal

    • @lamontcranston3177
      @lamontcranston3177 22 часа назад +4

      She is a child of poverty. She did not want to take hard drugs but when Gaetz offered to pay her to take hard drugs she couldn't say no.

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 22 часа назад

      Michael Jackson had multiple deadbolts on his bedroom door with a security guard too.

    • @CherryBlossom-z8s
      @CherryBlossom-z8s 21 час назад +1

      Yes, it is an act that is against morality and law in most countries. This is a serious problem, because children are not yet capable of understanding and making decisions about sexual relationships, and this behavior can cause psychological, physical and social harm to children.

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 21 час назад

      @ water is wet.
      You probably get invited to parties, but everyone soon regrets it.

    • @jackdavis8701
      @jackdavis8701 13 часов назад +1

      what about Joe biden having kids touch his hair leg?

  • @Skyenchantment8
    @Skyenchantment8 День назад +86

    Kevin McCarthy is laughing his as& off

    • @moniqueengleman873
      @moniqueengleman873 23 часа назад +6

      I bet he is!!!😂😂😂

    • @tosin5346
      @tosin5346 23 часа назад

      He is definitely having the last laugh. Payback is a bitch! 😂

    • @angrytater2456
      @angrytater2456 23 часа назад +8

      There are others laughing as well. Gaetz made some enemies.

    • @L.A55
      @L.A55 23 часа назад

      Kevin Mcarthy is a sellout uniparty 🤡

    • @lamontcranston3177
      @lamontcranston3177 22 часа назад

      @@angrytater2456 Ha! Yeah, just a few. How about this. He makes most Americans want to vomit.

  • @reecom9884
    @reecom9884 22 часа назад +25

    Matt Gaetz saying it was “embarrassing”, coming from him is a joke! The guy has no shame!

    • @tonysmith2045
      @tonysmith2045 6 часов назад +1

      DemonRats have zero shame, in fact they probably don't even know what the definition is😮

  • @DavidDomke
    @DavidDomke День назад +61

    You can't give $10,000 to two teenagers without it being illegal. At least it shouldn't be in a sane Society

    • @JoePackJoeNC
      @JoePackJoeNC 23 часа назад +6

      im 18 legal age or not? apparently if you're 13 you can decide gender surgery so

    • @DavidDomke
      @DavidDomke 23 часа назад +12

      @JoePackJoeNC 17 is less than 18. There is a huge difference between a teenager wanting to use puberty blockers themselves and an adult offering to pay a teenager for sex. I really don't know how to explain to you that the two are different other than one is a teenager deciding what they want to do for themselves and the other is an adult the current trying to buy something off a teenager set the teenager can't sell legally

    • @angrytater2456
      @angrytater2456 23 часа назад +16

      @@JoePackJoeNC The girl was 17, regardless of your whataboutism.

    • @MrEzlongboarding
      @MrEzlongboarding 23 часа назад

      @@JoePackJoeNC Lol trying to throw gender surgery into this conversation is desperately grasping for straws bro, just take the L and move on.

    • @Rust_Rust_Rust
      @Rust_Rust_Rust 23 часа назад

      ​@@angrytater2456That's the age of consent in Texas no big deal

  • @craigstahl1874
    @craigstahl1874 23 часа назад +26

    Even in America providing drugs to and screwing a minor is a crime.

    • @marcus1282
      @marcus1282 18 часов назад +1

      Not so fast, it depends on who you are!

    • @Sever-x7v
      @Sever-x7v 17 часов назад

      it's what republicans do

    • @neanderthalslayer
      @neanderthalslayer 8 часов назад

      Not if you are a white man

    • @tonysmith2045
      @tonysmith2045 6 часов назад +2

      Well the hunter pardon has proven your comment correct😮.. Those 51 Intelligence Officers lied about Hunters computer, it is real....

    • @craigstahl1874
      @craigstahl1874 3 часа назад

      @tonysmith2045 Huh?

  • @FranklinWilson-ev9dq
    @FranklinWilson-ev9dq 22 часа назад +22


  • @marcikarasov9791
    @marcikarasov9791 22 часа назад +5

    It is criminal to bave sex with a minor. Duh

  • @kylerock2043
    @kylerock2043 День назад +59

    So embarrassing = sleeping with a 17 year old. Interesting standards. Trump did well with this pick.

    • @ImListeningToReason
      @ImListeningToReason День назад +10

      Only the Best People.

    • @gacj2010
      @gacj2010 День назад +1

      @@ImListeningToReason Yup ... Pam Bondi is a she cat .. beware

    • @AverageJoe483
      @AverageJoe483 День назад +3

      While I agree , I want to hear the findings of the committee before I pass complete judgement here

    • @chrismaddox9884
      @chrismaddox9884 День назад +6

      Except it was proved it didn't happen

    • @OldCrow5150
      @OldCrow5150 День назад +3

      And yet the Authorities determined there was NO crime. However, there was a lying female that admittedly was on drugs and having sex for $. So there's that.

  • @TheMoseswoman
    @TheMoseswoman 22 часа назад +8

    Taking a minor across state line for the purpose of sex is illegal. I think they call it sex trafficking. Double check that because I have a masters degree in social work, not a JD.

  • @bluetoughguy
    @bluetoughguy 22 часа назад +5

    Pretty sure he was doing more than drinking and smoking.....also, no one buys he was giving his gf's and non-gf's money just because....

  • @americanmade-1
    @americanmade-1 День назад +83

    Matt is so creepy. His eyes look evil.

    • @Maritime007
      @Maritime007 День назад +18

      Looks like a character from Beavis and Butthead to me...

    • @AverageJoe483
      @AverageJoe483 День назад +4

      I’m sure you’re very good looking 😂

    • @jackcross5446
      @jackcross5446 День назад +1

      😂 I support Matt, but that's funny. I can see it.

    • @jackcross5446
      @jackcross5446 День назад +1

      ​@@Maritime007That's kinda true. I can see it. Still like the guy.

    • @indiaalphanovember8217
      @indiaalphanovember8217 23 часа назад +2

      @@Maritime007 It's the forehead lol

  • @jewelinvegas580
    @jewelinvegas580 22 часа назад +4

    What Gaetz really means is he's not taking the witness stand.

  • @americanpancakelive
    @americanpancakelive 23 часа назад +19

    It doesn't matter that Matt Gaetz thinks his behavior is embarrassing, it matters how his victims view it. This is like asking Charles Manson if he is crazy.

  • @Macknism
    @Macknism 23 часа назад +28

    Aren’t R Kelly and P Diddy in jail for the same behavior?

    • @lamontcranston3177
      @lamontcranston3177 22 часа назад +7

      Exactly, but they're black.

    • @hellodarling4846
      @hellodarling4846 21 час назад +6

      Yeah. But they are BLACK ! Big difference!

    • @jeremiahealy3657
      @jeremiahealy3657 21 час назад

      Rule number 1: don't be black in America

    • @MochaMan.
      @MochaMan. 21 час назад +3

      How come Beyonce doesn't say anything about Diddy and his best friend Jay-z's behavior toward women ?

    • @shonkeithabonner3805
      @shonkeithabonner3805 18 часов назад +2

      My thoughts exactly,the media quick to blast black men

  • @deannatow9175
    @deannatow9175 17 часов назад +1

    Matt, as a lawyer, you know it is a crime.

  • @erasmoganceres4376
    @erasmoganceres4376 23 часа назад +17

    Since when was sleeping with underage children, NOT criminal?

    • @6Charles5
      @6Charles5 22 часа назад +1

      Why do you think Republicans want to get more babies here?

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 22 часа назад +1

      What year did Michael Jackson put out his album Thriller?
      The world was more interested in the music to care.

    • @tjsnaps
      @tjsnaps 22 часа назад +1

      The age of consent was as low as 14 in some states up into the 90s I'm saying it's right I'm saying it was Times change

    • @6Charles5
      @6Charles5 22 часа назад +1

      @tjsnaps Those states were RED states of course

    • @erasmoganceres4376
      @erasmoganceres4376 21 час назад +3

      @tjsnaps and what states are those? As long as i can remember, it's always been 18. Which states? Cuz 14, is absolutely inappropriate. Even in places like Kentucky where to this day is still legal to marry your cousin. As long as their of legal consent.

  • @DuaneCampbell-p3o
    @DuaneCampbell-p3o 23 часа назад +14

    Statutory Rape is still rape. But he is a darling of the party of family values.

  • @tcphoto
    @tcphoto 12 часов назад +1

    I look forward to reading the report, Matt clearly thinks that he can cleanse his history despite what has been reported that he had sex with underaged girls, consumed a cocktail of viagra and energy drinks and used Venmo to pay the girls for sex. Let's read the report, discuss and see how the people judge him.

  • @whhiii
    @whhiii 8 часов назад +1

    We the People have a right to see this report.

  • @011keepers
    @011keepers День назад +38

    didnt he use drugs -- that seems criminal.

    • @OldCrow5150
      @OldCrow5150 День назад

      And yet the Authorities found no crime other than the lying female that was admittedly on drugs and having sex for $. So there's that. 😊

    • @TripleTake-we3
      @TripleTake-we3 23 часа назад +9

      also statutory rape

    • @henrylee8510
      @henrylee8510 23 часа назад +9

      Lots of drugs. His dad is super powerful in FL, rich family.

    • @OttoErotic69
      @OttoErotic69 23 часа назад

      You mean like Hunter and the mysterious cocaine at the White House?

    • @petezahman3914
      @petezahman3914 23 часа назад +3

      Maybe the dementia patient you voted for should give him a pardon! 🤣

  • @eternalskeptic
    @eternalskeptic 22 часа назад +4

    Matt Gaetz says that this is just a minor detail...😏

  • @stephenc370
    @stephenc370 День назад +42

    And yet he was still voted into office 5 times since 2016...makes you wonder...

    • @dianek.851
      @dianek.851 День назад +19

      Sleaze is a requirement in Florida politics.

    • @ssarty1
      @ssarty1 23 часа назад +6

      Florida man.

    • @Droid6689
      @Droid6689 23 часа назад +4

      He would be voted in again today if there was an election. He didn't do anything wrong

    • @mikekenz-xg1vy
      @mikekenz-xg1vy 23 часа назад

      Americans would have done nothing if it wasnt released. The amount of naive illiterate easily confused and manipulated population in America drwarfs the entire world 10 times over. Billionaires tell Americans what to do who to fear and how many trillions to give. You all obey your masters

    • @Karl44444
      @Karl44444 22 часа назад +6

      Their are many like this
      On side of Trump
      Even the President elect same thing

  • @Elizabeth-yg2mg
    @Elizabeth-yg2mg 20 часов назад +3

    Sleazeball shouldn't be anywhere near government.

  • @carolmiller6487
    @carolmiller6487 22 часа назад +4

    Of course it was criminal.

  • @tonyrichardson5955
    @tonyrichardson5955 23 часа назад +5

    Best Christmas gift for McCarthy I'm sure 😂

  • @Eugenestube
    @Eugenestube 23 часа назад +22

    Sex with children is criminal.

  • @17SFC
    @17SFC 22 часа назад +4

    Once this has been released Matt gaetz is going to be in a lot of trouble down here in Florida.

    • @gregbors8364
      @gregbors8364 22 часа назад

      Lol, no he isn’t. Florida men admire his ability to get high school chicks

  • @brooks9978
    @brooks9978 День назад +34

    Tell that to the judge you creep

    • @Droid6689
      @Droid6689 23 часа назад

      Considering the investigation didn't reveal enough to even charge him, he'll never have to tell it to a judge because his behavior was perfectly acceptable

    • @Karl44444
      @Karl44444 22 часа назад +1

      @@Droid6689, because he paid the girl off so she would not come forward

    • @Deathl2ow
      @Deathl2ow 22 часа назад

      ​@@Droid6689quit defending this guy, he even has direct association with his best friend being a child s$x trafficker that was sentenced to 11 years. Take the L that this guy is a grade A creep.

    • @Droid6689
      @Droid6689 21 час назад

      @@Karl44444 That's your imagined account of the situation

  • @user-ve7ji8zb8v
    @user-ve7ji8zb8v 22 часа назад +1

    Sorry. Sex with someone underaged is criminal. So is paying for sex with anyone.

  • @cliffmanty4113
    @cliffmanty4113 17 часов назад +1

    EVERYONE knows what he did, just ask Joel.

  • @Dogman580
    @Dogman580 День назад +41

    Lock him up

    • @JasonDrvmz
      @JasonDrvmz 22 часа назад +1

      For what crime?

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 22 часа назад

      @@JasonDrvmz I understand your confusion because there is no right and wrong in Con Land. That's how they can love a rapist.

    • @Dogman580
      @Dogman580 22 часа назад

      @@JasonDrvmz Sex with a child. Wake up

    • @Dogman580
      @Dogman580 22 часа назад

      @@JasonDrvmz If you didn't know sex with children is illegal.

    • @Dogman580
      @Dogman580 19 часов назад +1

      @@JasonDrvmz I guess you didn't know but sex with a child is illegal. Thats a really dumb question.

  • @slyo6262
    @slyo6262 23 часа назад +13

    To think this individual was been considered for the highest level of the law enforcement office in the country is mindboggling. 🤦‍♂️

  • @mchawk315
    @mchawk315 23 часа назад +13

    That's exactly what a criminal would say.

  • @flipz5999
    @flipz5999 23 часа назад +4

    Somehow I don't believe he is a changed person.

  • @antihero5203
    @antihero5203 22 часа назад +17

    He resigned from congress in hopes that the report would stay hidden. Great plan, Matty.

    • @MochaMan.
      @MochaMan. 21 час назад +1

      He'll be back in January.
      But thanks for your input.

    • @Task-paralysis24.7
      @Task-paralysis24.7 9 часов назад

      ​@@MochaMan. Something tells me he's not going to be back. He'll be too busy trying to keep his wife from divorcing him and taking everything he's got. 😂😂😂

    • @toddgarver5397
      @toddgarver5397 8 часов назад +1

      ​@@MochaMan.Do you defend Diddy this aggressively also?

    • @Truth1561
      @Truth1561 7 часов назад +1


    • @notreally2406
      @notreally2406 4 часа назад

      No he didn't

  • @unclebuck5051
    @unclebuck5051 22 часа назад +5

    Oh Matt, I beg to differ.

  • @6Charles5
    @6Charles5 22 часа назад +16

    By "earlier in life" he means yesterday!

  • @Truth1561
    @Truth1561 7 часов назад +1

    He makes my skin crawl 😩
    Even his wife is 12 years younger than him -though thankfulky she is an adult!

  • @dmb91964
    @dmb91964 23 часа назад +14

    All these cabinet nominees claim their bad behavior is from a past life. Like five years or so ago. Uh-huh.

  • @ImListeningToReason
    @ImListeningToReason День назад +34

    He denies, we depose.

    • @LuigiAzsassin
      @LuigiAzsassin День назад +7

      🏴 Deny Defend Depose 🏴
      Free Luigi.

    • @chrismaddox9884
      @chrismaddox9884 День назад

      It's already been proved it didn't happen

    • @JonGriebel
      @JonGriebel 23 часа назад +1

      Luigi’s back will scream and groan,
      On a mattress thin as brittle bone.
      First-degree earns no plush reprieve,
      Just aching nights he can't believe.

    • @JamesMilne-hi2ot
      @JamesMilne-hi2ot 23 часа назад +2

      ​@@chrismaddox9884Nope, not true.

    • @LuigiAzsassin
      @LuigiAzsassin 23 часа назад +2

      @@ImListeningToReason Chris.. being proven totally innocent is the best reason to fight against anyone knowing about it. 👉🙄👈?

  • @mcdibbern9919
    @mcdibbern9919 23 часа назад +4


  • @6Charles5
    @6Charles5 22 часа назад +12

    Matty now scared 💩less!

  • @BlueJazzBoyNZ
    @BlueJazzBoyNZ День назад +31

    Should Gaetz be sharing a Cell with the Diddler... ?

    • @angrytater2456
      @angrytater2456 23 часа назад +4

      Trump? Yes!

    • @Karl44444
      @Karl44444 22 часа назад +4

      The 17 year old came forward and
      GAETZ paid her off

  • @RussToronto
    @RussToronto 22 часа назад +1

    The Law Always Catches up too you.Mr Gaetz.

  • @shonkeithabonner3805
    @shonkeithabonner3805 18 часов назад +1

    If he was a rich black man it would have been all over the news let's be real

    • @Task-paralysis24.7
      @Task-paralysis24.7 9 часов назад

      Let's be real, if he had been anything other than the son of a very rich white man, they would have snatched him. His daddy's money has shielded him for years.

  • @Jenny40090
    @Jenny40090 22 часа назад +3

    He is disgraceful not embarrassing

  • @Bob-mn7ob
    @Bob-mn7ob 23 часа назад +1

    I’m a solid conservative and despite CNN reporting, I do have serious concerns about Gaetz. I hope CNN keeps things unbiased. Time will tell.

  • @elainemarylee
    @elainemarylee 23 часа назад +8

    So, trying to sanitize his actions, eh? He's definitely unfit for office.

  • @ohdear2275
    @ohdear2275 22 часа назад +1

    Dana can hardly contain her glee

  • @dylagent1
    @dylagent1 День назад +18

    He absolutely looks like a villain...if the shoe fits...

  • @youcantmakeclaimsofexisten3898
    @youcantmakeclaimsofexisten3898 23 часа назад +12

    If she was underage then this needs to be referred to as grape!

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 22 часа назад

      ABC News would disagree.

    • @sugaredwards6207
      @sugaredwards6207 20 часов назад +1

      @@guybeingaguy they don't care about statutory gRape?

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 20 часов назад

      They were 13. Nobody gives a shit about grape. Concord, seedless, red, green, it don’t matter at that age.
      At 13 all my girls wanted the Fruit punch. Wasn’t a store for miles that had ANYTHING Fruity or red. I had gotten a loan from my dad and cleaned house.
      I was fucking KING that year I tell ‘ya!
      Don’t nobody care about grape man.

  • @cowboy1875
    @cowboy1875 17 часов назад

    the f'n guy was a public servant all investigation and reports on public servants should be public record. Although in Matt's defense he thought he was a self servant

  • @u.s.family9279
    @u.s.family9279 10 часов назад +2

    34FELON'S UNFIT Cabinet NOMS: GAETZ, Hegseth, Kash, Pam Bondi, JFK Jr., Tulsi etc.

  • @kevinjenner9502
    @kevinjenner9502 20 часов назад

    NBC News 12/13/24. “US Airman in Japan is sentenced to 5 years in prison for sexually assaulting a minor”…It never ends for the residents of Okinawa.

  • @audenharper3014
    @audenharper3014 23 часа назад +2

    Something tells me that this report will contain nothing less than Gaetz upholding the strictest ethical practices and family values that 🐘 have built their party on and are known for ✊

  • @thomasmoll4884
    @thomasmoll4884 23 часа назад +2

    Allll that time at law school, still dumb as _____.

  • @ChairmanKim
    @ChairmanKim 21 час назад +2

    Kevin is laughing 😂

  • @sethsmith8638
    @sethsmith8638 День назад +20

    The powerful served up Gaetz to distract from Luigi!!!!

    • @angrytater2456
      @angrytater2456 23 часа назад

      There are probably a few reasons, the biggest being that Gaetz is no longer useful to them.

    • @Alltime2050
      @Alltime2050 22 часа назад

      Gaetz predates Luigi by several years. Damn, sone Americans are incredibly ignorant. No wonder they’re so freaking paranoid.

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 22 часа назад

      Deep state?
      Right wing?

    • @lamontcranston3177
      @lamontcranston3177 22 часа назад +5

      Gaetz is unfinished business. A lot of people hate this guy.

    • @sethsmith8638
      @sethsmith8638 22 часа назад

      @lamontcranston3177 it's a sus flip.

  • @Crow_Friend
    @Crow_Friend 22 часа назад +3

    DRACULA! 🤣🤣😆

  • @thetubekrawler2876
    @thetubekrawler2876 21 час назад

    Now investigate how he moved a 12 year old boy into his home.

    • @Task-paralysis24.7
      @Task-paralysis24.7 9 часов назад

      ​@@stevebeegreat don't simp for the groomer, it's not a good look.

  • @Freedom0515
    @Freedom0515 23 часа назад +3

    I wish someone gave me $10000 when I was a teenager. it could have help pay my college tuition.😅

    • @sugaredwards6207
      @sugaredwards6207 20 часов назад

      lots of Gaetz types around willing to throw money at teenage girls

  • @nicknames5141
    @nicknames5141 День назад +3

    The committee investigated their party member. Why wasn't it an impartial outside investigation? How is there accountability if you are investigating yourself.

  • @robertjohnson8915
    @robertjohnson8915 23 часа назад +2

    Oh now the S O B admits it

  • @davidgiles9651
    @davidgiles9651 20 часов назад +2

    Other "civilians" have been CONVICTED of the exact same thing.

  • @jeffreyscorsone991
    @jeffreyscorsone991 20 часов назад

    In typical fashion of his favorite Orange friend, how quickly he changes some of his story. What happened Mr. Gaetz, is some of your colleagues realized it was the right thing to do by releasing this report.

  • @stevemlejnek7073
    @stevemlejnek7073 День назад +12

    When will Jack Smith's reports come out?

    • @angrytater2456
      @angrytater2456 23 часа назад

      Can't wait!

    • @guybeingaguy
      @guybeingaguy 22 часа назад

      Smith is a dead man walking.

    • @MochaMan.
      @MochaMan. 21 час назад

      Jack doesn't want that, he wants a pardon for himself instead.😆

  • @basenvy
    @basenvy 23 часа назад +3

    NO SUCH CLAIM was ever made in court -- BECAUSE he has power and influence; the girls and their families didn't want their lives destroyed. Is this so hard to understand?

  • @ljre3397
    @ljre3397 20 часов назад

    I just pray there’s no photos. Matt should be rooming with the Diddler.

    • @ljre3397
      @ljre3397 20 часов назад

      @ a true profit you are.

  • @bengoku1978
    @bengoku1978 23 часа назад +5

    It's embarrassing and he's a criminal

  • @DanielLiljeberg
    @DanielLiljeberg 19 часов назад +4

    That he was even considered as AG is flabbergasting

    • @notreally2406
      @notreally2406 4 часа назад

      Only if you can't think outside the box

    • @DanielLiljeberg
      @DanielLiljeberg 28 минут назад

      @@notreally2406 You can say that to try and defend all kinds of people. Doesn't mean it is right.

  • @jackshaftoe1715
    @jackshaftoe1715 14 часов назад

    He's got that whole tent preacher look too !

  • @MochaMan.
    @MochaMan. 21 час назад

    Speaking of bad behavior where is Tom Hanks, did he flee the country ?

  • @mgscheue
    @mgscheue 23 часа назад +2

    He certainly was an embarrassment as a congressman.

  • @lorrainemarez9965
    @lorrainemarez9965 23 часа назад +1

    Lock him up!

  • @aprilstearns9104
    @aprilstearns9104 23 часа назад +1

    Just embarrassing? LOLOLOL you just keep telling yourself that line of garbage.

  • @engineered-mind
    @engineered-mind 17 часов назад

    Drug and sex crimes are some of the worst crimes in US

  • @robertbanas3332
    @robertbanas3332 23 часа назад +1

    Will it be the full report ?
    Very doubtful!

  • @YogiDan1964
    @YogiDan1964 23 часа назад +3

    His behavior is uncalled for, and should be removed from office….

  • @raycampbell162
    @raycampbell162 23 часа назад +4

    Trump and Gaetz belongs in jail

  • @DelfinoGarza77
    @DelfinoGarza77 День назад +4

    I thought we were supposed to keep it a secret of who does SA? Like if your friend's daughter was in a room with gaetz, would you tell your friend? No, because gaetzs' feelings might be hurt.

  • @TheD313
    @TheD313 23 часа назад +2

    He looks like what Max Payne would look like if he chose the other path.

  • @The_Algorithm_
    @The_Algorithm_ 19 часов назад

    Weird how he thought that behavior was OK to bury when he had the chance to be the AG.

  • @shonkeithabonner3805
    @shonkeithabonner3805 18 часов назад

    The media doesn't mind putting black men on blast,

  • @poundshopcicero3089
    @poundshopcicero3089 21 час назад

    He may plead innocence, however it is the domain of the law to decide who is guilty or innocent. Period.

    • @FrederickLaCuesta
      @FrederickLaCuesta 21 час назад

      Therefore, OJ Simpson is innocent??? Or all the innocent people that received a guilty verdict merely based on race???

  • @lentongunn5851
    @lentongunn5851 23 часа назад +2

    Wonder why DOJ and Garland refused to look into this more. They announced no charges would be filed against Matt.

    • @Droid6689
      @Droid6689 23 часа назад

      Because they actually did a full investigation and realized he was innocent. The ethics investigation was just a smear campaign

    @SPACEKNOCKERZ76 23 часа назад +7

    I mean just look at him.

  • @josefelixaranda9002
    @josefelixaranda9002 День назад +3

    It is up to the House Panel to public the reasons that changed their minds. But they know the whole thing for a long time and that is why I think nothing so painful or disgraceful ,or criminal is in Gaetz past .The motives surprising Dana .

  • @StacBurger-x6s
    @StacBurger-x6s 20 часов назад

    There should be an ethics investigation into the head of the ethics committee chairman that gate wants to investigate for insider trading do you think there’s a conflict of interest to you releasing this report we would all have to be stupid not to understand what they’re trying to do they do not want this man in any position of power because he will prosecute them, And America wants everyone that has been acting illegally prosecuted whether they are a republican, or a democrat there a politician acting in bad faith in their position of power, and they need to be prosecuted

  • @Elisa-j6s
    @Elisa-j6s 20 часов назад

    bad people only feel bad when they’re caught

    @SPACEKNOCKERZ76 23 часа назад +2

    Giggity giggity

  • @TheJakeTheNerd
    @TheJakeTheNerd 22 часа назад

    "He's allowing them to have that advice and consent authority." Bro knows Trump shouldn't have a choice right?

  • @ThePunkLoserAlcoholic6
    @ThePunkLoserAlcoholic6 22 часа назад +2

    Matt gates looks like Beavis and Butthead☠️☠️

  • @topcatcoast2coast579
    @topcatcoast2coast579 23 часа назад

    Did she just turn 17? Was she still in highschool? Was she 17 and in college? Was she allllllmost 18? So many questions and no answers 😂😂😂

  • @OneHungLee
    @OneHungLee 19 часов назад

    Kevin McCarthy is popping the Dom Perignon today!!🍾

  • @matthewshields9801
    @matthewshields9801 23 часа назад

    He’s not in congress anymore.😂

  • @nightguardian812
    @nightguardian812 19 часов назад

    Don't worry Matt, you fit in real well with GOP clowns.

  • @jg1238
    @jg1238 21 час назад

    He forgot disgusting and flat out nasty!

  • @esley02
    @esley02 22 часа назад

    Let's see what he's hiding

  • @franksarna4595
    @franksarna4595 19 часов назад

    this is ware the maga moral sh$t hit's the road and crashes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣