Galaxy S22 Plus Gaming Performance and Gameplay (Exynos Version)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @markkrasznay4908
    @markkrasznay4908 2 года назад +6

    Dont know how can it be your favorite device for gaming while i play on play OnePlus 8T everything on ultra/120fps and thats a 3 yo phone?
    I have a Flip 3 too which has a stronger chip yet im glad if i have 60fps in pubg or genshin impact...
    There is something wrong with Samsung devices about gaming..

    • @markkrasznay4908
      @markkrasznay4908 2 года назад +3

      @DANIEL CHUKWUKERE yep and i just switched to a s22 and its the same shitty performance. Samsung is throttling the performance of their devices tho except benchmark programs. what a shame :D

    • @ManSeriouslyWTF
      @ManSeriouslyWTF Год назад

      I guess it depends on the device. I have the Snap Dragon variant of the S22+ and I haven't had any hiccup with games, and can play Genshin on High for the most part. A bit of heating aside, it plays smooth

  • @nagyba
    @nagyba 2 года назад +10

    Mine cannot even perform in medium graphics in fortnite - the frame drops to 1fps every time I even turn around... :S I have been tinkering with it a lot, but it gets so hot it literally burned my gf's hand XS with 8gbs of ram and 126gb it wasn't worth the price, I am selling it almost for sure...

    • @demondearest3347
      @demondearest3347 2 года назад +6

      Put it lowest graphics with 80% or 100% 3d resolution . Higher graphics is high demand, and fortnite honestly isn't optimized well for mobile devices

    • @demondearest3347
      @demondearest3347 2 года назад +9

      It's literally not the phones problem. It's Epic, they don't optimize for mobile devices, even the highest phone with still lag with fortnite

    • @demondearest3347
      @demondearest3347 2 года назад +4

      @One Core ugh no wonder. My s22+ is constantly over heating. Even on dumb little stuff

  • @hexshadow7080
    @hexshadow7080 2 года назад +5

    I can see frame drops.

    • @coppervsglass
      @coppervsglass  2 года назад +8

      It was steady. My camera records at 24fps and screen recordings put more stress on the phone. Day to day games are smooth

  • @g33k_Tech
    @g33k_Tech 2 года назад
