مدد يا رسول الله مدد يا حبيب الله مدد يا نبي الله انت المعلم من علمك نعلم من صدقك نفهم انك رسول الله يا صاحب القران يا هادي عدنان يا رحمة الرحمن لكل عباد الله يا صاحب الإسراء في ليلة الغراء يا رحمة السماء في كل عباد الله يا رب بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنا واغفر لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم
بماذا أصفك وكل الوصف في حقك قليل بالصدق أم بالأمانة أم بكونك جـــميل بالكرم أم بالخلق الرفـــــيع أم بالنسب الأصــيل أم أصفك بالحبيب أم بالمصـطفى أم بالخلـــيل أم أصف شوق المحبين لرؤياك وكيف الدموع لذكراك تسيل تعددت صفاتك فلا وســـيلة لعدها ولا ســــبيل قد عــدت لدرب الله تائبا فعسى أن يكون حبي لك هو الدلــيل رباه قد ملأ قلبي بحبك وحــــب نبيك فـــهل تقبل قلبي الذلــــيل صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما اّلَلَهِمَ صٌلَ عٌلَى َّسيِّدِنِأّ مَحٌمَدِ وِعٌلَى آلَهِ وِصٌحٌبِهِ وَِّسلَمَ ❤
Masya Allah! Good nasyid on our intercession to Rasulullah SAW so that he will pray for us to Allah SWT in achieving our aims. "Madad" literally means help. So it means "Help us! Help us! Ya Rasulallah!" just like how Abu Sufyan came to Madinah and ask him for help during a drought in Makkah. For ASWJ, we believe that the Prophet is a Living Prophet in his blessed tomb. In Sunan ad-Darimi, our Lady Aisyah RDA made a hole on the roof above his blessed tomb during a drought in Madinah, which then came the rain. Madad! Madad! Ya Rasulallah!!!! May my heart be blessed by thinking of you.
Elhamdulillah,we are Muslim my dear brother.The angels in the tomb don't ask you:Do you were Hanafi.Inshallah you know about that.i am Hanafi too but this isn't that much inportant.Inshallah forgive me by Allah(s.w.t).I think my hart told me to say that,Inshallah.Selam Aleykum!!!
Madad ya Rasool Allah, Madad ya Habeeb Allah, Madad ya Nabi Allah, Anta al-mu'allim, min 'ilmik na'allim, Min sidqik nafham, annaka Rasool Allah. Ya sahib al-Quran, ya Hadi 'Adnan, Ya Rahmat al-Rahman, li kulli 'ibad Allah. Ya sahib al-Isra' fi laylat al-ghurra', Ya Rahmat al-sama', li kulli 'ibad Allah. Ya Rabb, bi al-Mustafa, balligh maqasidna, Wa'ghfir lana ma mada, ya Wasi' al-karam. Translation : Help us, O Messenger of Allah, Help us, O Beloved of Allah, Help us, O Prophet of Allah, You are the teacher, from your knowledge we learn, From your sincerity, we understand, that you are the Messenger of Allah. O Companion of the Quran, O Guide of Adnan, O Mercy of the Most Merciful, for all the servants of Allah. O Companion of the Night Journey, in the night of the Ascension, O Mercy from the heavens, for all the servants of Allah. O Lord, by the Chosen One, fulfill our aims, And forgive us for what has passed, O Most Generous.
MASHA ALLAH Beutifull......Nasheed....Al Madad Ya Rasulallah......Al Madad Ya Habiballah......Al Madad Ya Nabiyallah........Al Madad Ya Noorullah.....Al Madad Ya Safiyallah.....Al Madad Ya Khatama Nabuwwati Wa Risalat......Al Madad Ya Rauf ur Raheem.....Al Madad Ya Rehmat lil Aalameen.....
Ya Rasul..Ya HabibAllah.. kekasih kami.. kamulah sumber KEKUATAN kami.. Allah, Rasul, Islam.... adalah BENAR.. Tunjukkan KEBENARAN kepada kaum kafir laknatullah.. Saudaraku di Gaza, bersabarlah... - PEACE FOR GAZA - Maaadad.. Maaadad..Maaadad.. Ya Rasullullah..
Rasulullah habibAllah Rasulullah nabiAllah Rasulullah....... madad madad madad madad madad madad ya rasulullah madad ya nabiAllah madad ya habibAllah madad ya rasulullah Antal mua'limu min ilmika naqlamu minsiidkin ka nafhamu an'nak rasulullah.. Ya sohibal quran ya hadi ya adnan ya rohmatan rohman likullil ibadillah .. Ya sohibal israk fi laillailatil gharrak ya rahmatas samak likuli i'badillah.. Ya robbilbil mustofha balligh maqosidana wagh fil lana mamadho ya wa si a'karomi..
@xr400r2102 Salam. Insya Allah for the love of Rasulallah saw, we pray that we get syafaat/intercession from him with Allah's permission during Yaum al Qiyamah, the Day of Judgement.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Salam Alaik to all, Thanks to you that this video has reached the 15,000 views mark. Thanks for all the support! Sollu 'Alan Nabi...!
from previous post.. Every heart Every heart melts in the rapture of the beloved And for that love I have a witness, a witness and a proof: Regarding that proof, if I mention the name of Muhammad the eyes of the lovers will be overrun with tears He is the Messenger of God He is the Messenger of God He is the Chosen One, He is, to the Lord, a most trusted friend Aid us, Help us Support us oh God's Messenger! Aid us, Help us Support us oh Most Beloved of God! Oh Lord, grant our gathering a joyous purpose and conclusion and bless all souls among us to meet the Pearl of Your Creation Aid us, Help us Assist us oh Messenger of God! Aid us, Help us Support us oh Most Beloved of God! Oh our Lord, we're calling upon You and we seek that which pleases You Grant us for our journey Your aid by the blessings upon Muhammad Aid us, Help us Assist us Oh Messenger of God! Aid us, Help us Support us oh Most Beloved of God! Oh, Treasured friend of the Divine, Honor us by looking once upon us! Our Master, father of Fatima Zahra! and Qasim and Abd-Allah! Our Master, you are the Beloved, with your remembrance my Heart is healed! Oh my Master! One who takes refuge will never lose with the Messenger of God! Aid us, Help us Assist us Oh Messenger of God! Aid us, Help us Support us oh Most Beloved of God! Oh Master, you are the Chosen one in praising you our destinies become clear. Oh Master, save us from the fire, for your sake, Oh God's Messenger. Oh Lord, we ask You by the beloved and his family, grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings! Oh Most Merciful One Who is generous with His mercy, a poor servant at Your Door will never be refused! And make my life's deeds to be of virtuous result so on that Day I come before You my soul may be in peace! Oh Lord, we ask You by the beloved and his family, grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings! Therefore by Your grace grant me forgiveness and bestow upon me that for which You know I'm in dire need! Oh friends, if you ever feel hopeless in your life's situation say, "with every burden comes a divine opening!" Oh Lord, we ask You by the beloved and his family, grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!
جاز الاستعانة و التوسل بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم و بالاولياء الله تبارك وتعالى لان الاستعانة و التوسل بهم حقيقتا بالله تعالي العون و الاستعانة حقيقتا من الله تبارك وتعالى هذا هو المفهوم الصحيح شرعا و نقلا
@@Awliyah786 ************Ikhtilaaf = disagreement What are you disagreeing with? Use your words... that is how people communicate... hahahaha. I can't read your mind.
@@afrimaadzijaj alas.... no... the teachings are contradictory on this... hahaha... some say it is only halal for women, other hadith say only at celebrations, and in others, never halal.... which is why I asked the question... seems from the very beginning, your precious, perverted, pedophile & pederast prophet, piss and pig blood be upon him, forever and ever ameen, and his companions never agreed on this. It changes hadeeth to hadith etc... and some sects of islam use MORE than the daff and it is halal in their estimation... so again, HOW do you determine what is and what isn't haram? When even your best scholars cannot agree, why should we put any credence into what the lay muslim has to say? hahahahaha
كانَ رسول الله ﷺ أجودَ النّاس كفًا، وأجرأَ النّاس صدرًا، وأصدقَ النّاس لهجةً، وأوفاهُم ذمَّةً، وألينهُم عريكةً، وأكرمهُم عِشرةً، من رآهُ بديهةً هابهُ، ومن خالطهُ معرفةً أحبَّهُ، يقول ناعته: لم أرَ قَبلهُ ولا بعدهُ مِثلهُ ﷺ 🤍 .
مدد يا سيدي يا رحمة للعالمين بصلاة عليه يا رب المحبين. صل الله عليه و على اله و بارك و سلم
مدد يا رسول الله
مدد يا حبيب الله
مدد يا نبي الله
انت المعلم من علمك نعلم من صدقك نفهم انك رسول الله
يا صاحب القران يا هادي عدنان يا رحمة الرحمن لكل عباد الله
يا صاحب الإسراء في ليلة الغراء يا رحمة السماء في كل عباد الله
يا رب بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنا واغفر لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم
صل الله عليه وآلة واصحابه وسلم 💖✨
بماذا أصفك وكل الوصف في حقك قليل
بالصدق أم بالأمانة أم بكونك جـــميل
بالكرم أم بالخلق الرفـــــيع أم بالنسب الأصــيل
أم أصفك بالحبيب أم بالمصـطفى أم بالخلـــيل
أم أصف شوق المحبين لرؤياك وكيف الدموع لذكراك تسيل تعددت صفاتك فلا وســـيلة لعدها ولا ســــبيل قد عــدت لدرب الله تائبا فعسى أن يكون حبي لك هو الدلــيل رباه قد ملأ قلبي بحبك وحــــب نبيك فـــهل تقبل قلبي الذلــــيل
صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
اّلَلَهِمَ صٌلَ عٌلَى َّسيِّدِنِأّ مَحٌمَدِ وِعٌلَى آلَهِ وِصٌحٌبِهِ وَِّسلَمَ ❤
sejuk hati ini bila mendengarkan sholawat kepada nabi muhammad saw..
Masya Allah! Good nasyid on our intercession to Rasulullah SAW so that he will pray for us to Allah SWT in achieving our aims. "Madad" literally means help. So it means "Help us! Help us! Ya Rasulallah!" just like how Abu Sufyan came to Madinah and ask him for help during a drought in Makkah. For ASWJ, we believe that the Prophet is a Living Prophet in his blessed tomb.
In Sunan ad-Darimi, our Lady Aisyah RDA made a hole on the roof above his blessed tomb during a drought in Madinah, which then came the rain.
Madad! Madad! Ya Rasulallah!!!! May my heart be blessed by thinking of you.
Muhammad Ismail , u said truth, and it's true
Muhammad Ismail I am hanafi, are you? And I'm from Pakistan, where u from
Amin.Nothing but the truth,Elhamdulillah.
Hanafi,Shaafi,Maliki,Hanbali. All of the are Hakk
Elhamdulillah,we are Muslim my dear brother.The angels in the tomb don't ask you:Do you were Hanafi.Inshallah you know about that.i am Hanafi too but this isn't that much inportant.Inshallah forgive me by Allah(s.w.t).I think my hart told me to say that,Inshallah.Selam Aleykum!!!
صلوا على النبي
مدد یا رسول اللہ علیہ السلام💚
Madad ya Rasool Allah,
Madad ya Habeeb Allah,
Madad ya Nabi Allah,
Anta al-mu'allim, min 'ilmik na'allim,
Min sidqik nafham, annaka Rasool Allah.
Ya sahib al-Quran, ya Hadi 'Adnan,
Ya Rahmat al-Rahman, li kulli 'ibad Allah.
Ya sahib al-Isra' fi laylat al-ghurra',
Ya Rahmat al-sama', li kulli 'ibad Allah.
Ya Rabb, bi al-Mustafa, balligh maqasidna,
Wa'ghfir lana ma mada, ya Wasi' al-karam.
Translation :
Help us, O Messenger of Allah,
Help us, O Beloved of Allah,
Help us, O Prophet of Allah,
You are the teacher, from your knowledge we learn,
From your sincerity, we understand, that you are the Messenger of Allah.
O Companion of the Quran, O Guide of Adnan,
O Mercy of the Most Merciful, for all the servants of Allah.
O Companion of the Night Journey, in the night of the Ascension,
O Mercy from the heavens, for all the servants of Allah.
O Lord, by the Chosen One, fulfill our aims,
And forgive us for what has passed, O Most Generous.
Madad Ya Rasul Allah Ya Aba Qasim Sallallaho Alayhewasallam😭😓
MASHA ALLAH Beutifull......Nasheed....Al Madad Ya Rasulallah......Al Madad Ya Habiballah......Al Madad Ya Nabiyallah........Al Madad Ya Noorullah.....Al Madad Ya Safiyallah.....Al Madad Ya Khatama Nabuwwati Wa Risalat......Al Madad Ya Rauf ur Raheem.....Al Madad Ya Rehmat lil Aalameen.....
So glad my Ustaz(Hafiz) was in it.
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلَىآلِ. سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ
المدد یا رسول اللہ ﷺ ۔
المدد یا حبیب اللہ ﷺ ۔
المدد یا نبی اللہ ﷺ ۔
المدد یا نور اللہﷺ ۔
This is a very beautiful nasheed
Masha'Allah beautiful beautiful
madad Madad madad Ya Rasool Allah Salu Alahi Wassalam
Rabi Rehman eh
Ya Rasul..Ya HabibAllah..
kekasih kami.. kamulah sumber KEKUATAN kami..
Allah, Rasul, Islam.... adalah BENAR.. Tunjukkan KEBENARAN kepada kaum kafir laknatullah..
Saudaraku di Gaza, bersabarlah...
Maaadad.. Maaadad..Maaadad.. Ya Rasullullah..
Madad ya rasool allah madad madad ya habib allah(mash allah)
Mashallah love from India proud 2 b suffism sunni Muslims
Allahumma Solli 'Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa'ala ali Wa Sahbi Wassalim
صل الله عليه وآلة واصحابه وسلم 💖✨
mashaallah :) menenangkan hati & dijiwa, disaat keresahan :)
Madad Ya RasulAllah means Support Us Oh Messenger of Allah
by asking duas for us?
@@tazboy1934 Yes
madad madad madad madad madad madad .madad ya rasullallah
asyikin khairul
Musician : how much drumming do you want?
Producers : yes
Rasulullah habibAllah
Rasulullah nabiAllah
madad madad madad madad madad madad ya rasulullah
madad ya nabiAllah madad ya habibAllah madad ya rasulullah
Antal mua'limu min ilmika naqlamu minsiidkin ka nafhamu an'nak rasulullah..
Ya sohibal quran ya hadi ya adnan ya rohmatan rohman likullil ibadillah ..
Ya sohibal israk fi laillailatil gharrak ya rahmatas samak likuli i'badillah..
Ya robbilbil mustofha balligh maqosidana wagh fil lana mamadho ya wa si a'karomi..
يا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
Onnu kananam ya Allah habeeb ne swapnathil onnu konogu bagiya thha Allah 💚💚😭😭😭
Sollu 'ala nabi..! MAdad madad ya Rasulullah...
Ya rasullulah. Masya allah. :')
Madad Madad ya Rasoolallah
salalahu alaihi wa salaam
Sufu Hashim great
Ahmed Faizy 92 just
allahouma sali wa salem 3alè rasoul ilèh wè 2èlihiwa sa7bihi wè mèn weleh
Truly Masha Alla Rasheed From Kerala
I will Prayer For You
Ok Masalama السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ..
All time favourite!! ❤️
Madad ya Habib Allah
Beautiful song and qasida!
beautiful mashallah ❤
Madeehul Mustafa, a group of Musheedins from Singapore! Sallu~ :)
من لم يتعلم من الماضي لن يرحمه المستقبل
Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa 'ala alihi wa sallam!
Allaho akbar
shollu a"alaih..... madad ya rosulalloh
Assallamoalaikum - Subhan Allah nice nasheed - May I have its transliteration and translation? Jazaak Allah
Remind me to ustaz uwais al-Qarni in Arabic class
@xr400r2102 Salam. Insya Allah for the love of Rasulallah saw, we pray that we get syafaat/intercession from him with Allah's permission during Yaum al Qiyamah, the Day of Judgement.
Masha Allah 💖💖
awesome naat
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
mashallah very good
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Salam Alaik to all,
Thanks to you that this video has reached the 15,000 views mark. Thanks for all the support!
Sollu 'Alan Nabi...!
Ma shaa Allah
Meded Ya Habibullah.
kalam beautiful
al madad ya rasullah
masha Allah
Masha allah
Madad yang mula2 tu berapa kali
anyone have the translation for this?? in malay?? or english?? to gain my understanding of this burdah.
Salam all. Can I know the translation. This nasheed sounds beautiful. Peace be upon Rasullalah Nabi Allah Muhammad. s.a.w
sollu alannabiy....
salam anyone know the translation to this.
Salam... Anyone knows the english translation for this song? Thank you.
magickzman it's not song it's burdha
مدد يا رسول الله
maddad tho mureed ki hoona
ada liriknya tk ye?
good good good
put subtitles please
from previous post..
Every heart
Every heart melts
in the rapture of the beloved
And for that love I have a witness,
a witness and a proof:
Regarding that proof, if I mention
the name of Muhammad
the eyes of the lovers
will be overrun with tears
He is the Messenger of God
He is the Messenger of God
He is the Chosen One,
He is, to the Lord, a most trusted friend
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh God's Messenger!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!
Oh Lord, grant our gathering
a joyous purpose and conclusion
and bless all souls among us
to meet the Pearl of Your Creation
Aid us, Help us
Assist us oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!
Oh our Lord, we're calling upon You
and we seek that which pleases You
Grant us for our journey Your aid
by the blessings upon Muhammad
Aid us, Help us
Assist us Oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!
Oh, Treasured friend of the Divine,
Honor us by looking once upon us!
Our Master, father of Fatima Zahra!
and Qasim and Abd-Allah!
Our Master, you are the Beloved,
with your remembrance my Heart is healed!
Oh my Master! One who takes refuge
will never lose with the Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Assist us Oh Messenger of God!
Aid us, Help us
Support us oh Most Beloved of God!
Oh Master, you are the Chosen one
in praising you our destinies become clear.
Oh Master, save us from the fire,
for your sake, Oh God's Messenger.
Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!
Oh Most Merciful One
Who is generous with His mercy,
a poor servant at Your Door
will never be refused!
And make my life's deeds
to be of virtuous result
so on that Day I come before You
my soul may be in peace!
Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!
Therefore by Your grace
grant me forgiveness
and bestow upon me that
for which You know I'm in dire need!
Oh friends, if you ever feel hopeless
in your life's situation
say, "with every burden
comes a divine opening!"
Oh Lord, we ask You
by the beloved and his family,
grant us a speedy victory and spiritual openings!
Somebody yang baik hati lagi budiman .. can help me to translate this?
Thank you
Ask madad just from Allah
It's called waseelah btw.
لايجوز طلب المدد من رسول الله
صلى الله عليه وسلم
قول مدد يارسول الله شرك بالله لان هذه العبارة استغاثة بغير الله
جاز الاستعانة و التوسل بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم و بالاولياء الله تبارك وتعالى
لان الاستعانة و التوسل بهم حقيقتا بالله تعالي
العون و الاستعانة حقيقتا من الله تبارك وتعالى
هذا هو المفهوم الصحيح شرعا و نقلا
tak pon
Isn't this haram?? Drums are musical instruments and musical instruments are haram.
************Ikhtilaaf = disagreement
What are you disagreeing with? Use your words... that is how people communicate... hahahaha. I can't read your mind.
The drumbeats are okay, as per Rasoolullah, Alaihi Salaatu wa Salaam...😌💚🌹
@@afrimaadzijaj alas.... no... the teachings are contradictory on this... hahaha... some say it is only halal for women, other hadith say only at celebrations, and in others, never halal.... which is why I asked the question... seems from the very beginning, your precious, perverted, pedophile & pederast prophet, piss and pig blood be upon him, forever and ever ameen, and his companions never agreed on this. It changes hadeeth to hadith etc... and some sects of islam use MORE than the daff and it is halal in their estimation... so again, HOW do you determine what is and what isn't haram? When even your best scholars cannot agree, why should we put any credence into what the lay muslim has to say? hahahahaha