Q1..The uncontrolled bleeding during catheterization of the auditory tube is due to the false passage of the catheter into the pharyngeal recess which overlies the internal carotid artery so the bleeding is due to trauma to the artery wall. Q2..The weakest point in the lateral wall of the pharynx is the gap between the two parts of the inferior constrictor muscle , Killian dehiscence gap. Q3..After tonsillectomy, the patient suffers from ear pain because the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the tonsils via its tonsillar branches also gives a sensory supply to the middle ear. Q4..Children with adenoids snore when they are sleeping and suffer from nocturnal enuresis . The relation between airway obstruction and nocturnal enuresis may be due to that the child is unable to expire well but the inspiration is quite good so, there is always a negative pressure in the lungs leading to an increase in venous return to the heart. This will cause hypervolemia in the right atrium so, atrial natriuretic peptide will be released from special cells in the right atrium causing natriuresis . I hoped my answer is right. I am not sure.
27:02 Laryngopharynx 30:08 Pharyngeal Muscles 45:05 Gaps of the pharynx 48:32 Nerve supply of the pharynx 50:44 Blood supply of the pharynx 51:50 Lymphatic drainage of the pharynx 52:24 MCQ 54:46 Practical questions
1-because auditory tube open in lateral wall of nasopharynx and in close to it (behind to it ) there is a pharyngeal recess which related to internal carotid artery so when doctor try to catheterize the tube , he by mistake injured this artery which cause this sever uncontrollable bleeding . 2- area between the 2 inferior constrictor muscles because no muscles to support this part of pharynx ( cause which know as Zenker's Diverticulum ) . 3- because they have the same nerve supply ( the glossopharyngeal nerve ). I hope to be right answers thanks for your effort and support Dr / Ayman 🌸
بارك الله فيك واستخدمك مساعدا معينا لمن كرب عليه شيء واجعل له يا ربنا على كل ثانيه قضاها لأجلنا قصرا ينعم به في جنات النعيم احسن العمل يا ربنا فأحسن حاله احسن فبين لنا ما أُبهم علينا فارزقه الجنه
1- the doctor pressed on the fossa of rusen muller or pharyngeal recess which overlies internal carotid artery so it causes its injury and uncontrolled bleeding 2-the weakest part of lateral pharyngeal wall is the gap between transverse and oblique fibers of inferior constrictor muscles 3- the palatine tonsils are supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve which transmits sensory sensations from middle ear so pain in tonsils is refered to the ear
enlargment of pharyngeal tonsil (Adenoids) leads to a decrease in oxygen content, negatively affects the nervous system, and consequently leads to the lack of control of bladder muscles and urination
1)internal carotid artery lie in pharyngeal recess 2) The inferior pharyngeal constrictor is split into two parts; the thyropharyngeus and the cricopharyngeus. This area between the two is a weak area in the mucosa.
دكتورنا الغالي والله أثلجت قلوبنا بشرحك الرائع وبأسلوبك الجميل الرائع 🤣🤣 ،بديت شروحاتك من البداية ومتعمد علي شرحك وما حصل فتحت مرجع، هل المعلومات دي كافية إني امتحن بيها الmrcs من غير ما اقرأ من مرجع ؟
The pain usually happens between day 3 and day 7 after surgery because the same nerve goes to tonsils goes to ear but should be give the child pain medication control pain and make him more comfortable.
Adenotonsilar hypertrophy is one the most common leading causes of upper airway obstruction which may result in nocturnal enuresis in children. The pathophysiological mechanism through which airway obstruction may cause enuresis is related to the increased work of breathing that can lead to higher negative intrathoracic pressure during inspiration and hence increased cardiac load. This effect may increase circulating serum levels of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides which are produced and released by cardiac myocytes in response to stretch or strain, and this decreases the amount of ADH secreted and result in diuresis
إجابة سؤال حضرتك في العلاقه بين التضخم ال pharyngeal tonsils و التبول اللاإرادي= إصابة الأطفال بتضخم اللحمية واللوزتين تؤدى إلى التبول اللاإرادى أثناء النوم، ذلك بسبب انخفاض نسبة الأكسجين، ويؤثر بالسلب على الجهاز العصبى، وبالتالى يؤدى إلى عدم التحكم فى عضلات المثانة والتبول أثناء النوم ، هو كده صح ؟
Q2:the inferior constrictor muscle have two origin (one from cricoid cartilage and other from oblique line of throid cartilage )between two muscle (cricopharyngeus and thyropharyngeus ) it form a weak gap which is liable to herniation called pharyngeal diverticulum
سؤال اللي هو ليه الطفل الي عنده اللوز بيكون عنده تبول لا ارادي It's due to decrease in the percent of oxygen, and negatively affects the nervous system, and thus leads to a lack of control over the bladder muscles and urination during sleep. (Nictoria)
دكتور أحد الأسئلة كان .. Why does the adenoids (hypertrophy) rarely occur after puberty ? Because that the tonsils are primary lymphoid organs , i.e. they are highly active during childhood , but later they undergo atrophy after the 6th year and may disappear at the age of 20 . But the adults still susceptible to the "" Tonsillitis "" which may cause by viral infection attack tonsillar tissue . و جداً ممتن منك أستاذي زادك الله خيراً و جزاك ما تحب
The answer of the interactive questions: 1- The doctor catheterize the pharyngeal recess rather than the Eustachian tube by mistake and he injured the internal carotid artery which lies in close relation with the pharyngeal recess. 2- The weakest part on the lateral wall of the pharynx which is liable for herniation is the Killian dehiscence which is a triangular area of weakness formed by the oblique fibers of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (thyropharyngeus), which attach anteriorly to the oblique lamina at the sides of the thyroid cartilage and posteriorly to the median raphe, and the transverse fibers of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (cricopharyngeus), which attach to the sides of the cricoid cartilage anteriorly and wind around the pharynx, with no posterior attachment. 3- The child feels pain in his ear for short time of the operation because the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the palatine tonsils supplies also the middle ear.
The relation between adenoidhypertophy and enuresis in children is due to inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion due to insufficient or inadequate time of sleeping.
Q1.. the uncontrolled bleeding due to catheterize deeper to the pharngeal raphe and this led to injury to internal carotid artiery Q2.. the weakest part in the lateral wall of pharynx between the transverse and oblique bundle of the inferior constructor muscle Q3.. The child felt pain after tonsillectomy because the glossophargneal nerve that supply tonsil through tosiller branch . It aslo supply the middle ear
I think adenoids will cause compression on pharyngeal plexus that formed by vagus nerve and Vagus supply parasympathetic fibers to urinary bladder causing contraction of dartous muscle and relax sphincters , so maybe the parasympathetic supply to bladder will destroy? 😢 I hope i’m doing well
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour دكتور ايمن شكراً شكرًا من اعماق القلب على كل عطائك و شرحك و ابتسامتك الجميلة الي اسعدتنا كثير ، احنا طلاب من المملكة العربية السعودية و نتابعك و ممتنين جدًا جدًا لك كل الدفعة تعرفك و تدعي لك أسال الله ان يدخلك الجنة بدون حساب و لا سابق عذاب يا كريم 🩷
شكراً بجد لحضرتك يا دكتور ❤️ بس لو سمحت عندي سؤال صغير : في الدقيقة ٢٦ حكيت انه عندي salpingopharyngeus muscle وانه ال motor supply is glossopharyngeal n بس مش حكينا انه ال palatopharyngeal arch بيكون تحته palatopharyngeal m واللي بيغذيها cranial pt. Of Accessory n???
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour تمام شكرا لحضرتك... لو الموضوع مش هيضر حضرتك ممكن ترفعهم حضرتك ع القناة لأن بتابع حضرتك من أسوان وشرح حضرتك بيفدني جدا اللهم بارك و بيوفر معايا وقت ف المذاكره
Q1..The uncontrolled bleeding during catheterization of the auditory tube is due to the false passage of the catheter into the pharyngeal recess which overlies the internal carotid artery so the bleeding is due to trauma to the artery wall. Q2..The weakest point in the lateral wall of the pharynx is the gap between the two parts of the inferior constrictor muscle , Killian dehiscence gap. Q3..After tonsillectomy, the patient suffers from ear pain because the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the tonsils via its tonsillar branches also gives a sensory supply to the middle ear. Q4..Children with adenoids snore when they are sleeping and suffer from nocturnal enuresis . The relation between airway obstruction and nocturnal enuresis may be due to that the child is unable to expire well but the inspiration is quite good so, there is always a negative pressure in the lungs leading to an increase in venous return to the heart. This will cause hypervolemia in the right atrium so, atrial natriuretic peptide will be released from special cells in the right atrium causing natriuresis . I hoped my answer is right. I am not sure.
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour دكتور ممكن توضح ليش expiration ما بكون كويس؟
حقيقي نحن محظوظين اننا في عصرك ..جزاك الله عنا كل خير
انا ف سنه خامسه ودخلت اشوف الفديو ليه 😂 جزاك الله كل خير يا دكتور الواحد فاكر شرح حضرتك حتي الآن والله 💙💙💙💙💙💙
فكرة الاسىلة عظيمة، المعلومة ما تثبت بدون بذل جهد بمحاولة تذكرها
جوزيت خيرا استاذ
ربنا يبارك فيك
00:00 - Intro
00:48 - Definition
02:06 - Structures
03:04 - Subdivisions
04:07 - Nasopharynx
12:58 - Practical Questions
14:24 - Oropharynx
16:25 - Palatine Tonsil
18:44 - Blood Supply
20:48 - Lymphatic Drainage
21:07 - Nerve Supply
22:03 - Vallecula
23:31 - Practical Questions
27:02 - Laryngopharynx
30:09 - Muscles
40:14 - Palatopharyngeus m.
41:28 - Salpingopharyngeus m.
43:35 - Stylopharyngeus m.
45:03 - Gaps
48:34 - Nerve Supply
50:46 - Blood Supply
51:52 - Lymphatic Drainage
52:22 - MCQ
54:47 - Practical Questions
56:28 - Interactive Questions
مجهود رائع يا حيدر
27:02 Laryngopharynx
30:08 Pharyngeal Muscles
45:05 Gaps of the pharynx
48:32 Nerve supply of the pharynx
50:44 Blood supply of the pharynx
51:50 Lymphatic drainage of the pharynx
52:24 MCQ
54:46 Practical questions
1-because auditory tube open in lateral wall of nasopharynx and in close to it (behind to it ) there is a pharyngeal recess which related to internal carotid artery so when doctor try to catheterize the tube , he by mistake injured this artery which cause this sever uncontrollable bleeding .
2- area between the 2 inferior constrictor muscles because no muscles to support this part of pharynx ( cause which know as Zenker's Diverticulum ) .
3- because they have the same nerve supply ( the glossopharyngeal nerve ).
I hope to be right answers
thanks for your effort and support Dr / Ayman 🌸
الله يعطيك الف عافيه يا دكتور على هذا المجهود والشرح العظيم 💕💕💕💕💕
ربنا يجازي حضرتك كل الخير
حقيقي بكون مستمتعه جدا وانا بسمع الفيديوهات
احلى شرح بالدنيا محظوظين بيك دكتور
متابعتك من العراق ❤
اهلا و سهلا بيكى تشرفنا
بارك الله فيك واستخدمك مساعدا معينا لمن كرب عليه شيء
واجعل له يا ربنا على كل ثانيه قضاها لأجلنا قصرا ينعم به في جنات النعيم
احسن العمل يا ربنا فأحسن حاله
احسن فبين لنا ما أُبهم علينا فارزقه الجنه
والله مش عارفة من غير حضرتك كنا هنعمل اي❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
1- the doctor pressed on the fossa of rusen muller or pharyngeal recess which overlies internal carotid artery so it causes its injury and uncontrolled bleeding
2-the weakest part of lateral pharyngeal wall is the gap between transverse and oblique fibers of inferior constrictor muscles
3- the palatine tonsils are supplied by glossopharyngeal nerve which transmits sensory sensations from middle ear so pain in tonsils is refered to the ear
You are perfect doctor ❤ ♥ 💙 😍
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour ❤️❤️❤️
enlargment of pharyngeal tonsil (Adenoids) leads to a decrease in oxygen content, negatively affects the nervous system, and consequently leads to the lack of control of bladder muscles and urination
شكرا لحضرتك 🤍
ربنا يبارك فى حضرتك والله مش عارفه اقول ايه ع الشرح الرائع ده💜✨
1)internal carotid artery lie in pharyngeal recess
2) The inferior pharyngeal constrictor is split into two parts; the thyropharyngeus and the cricopharyngeus. This area between the two is a weak area in the mucosa.
👑👑👑اقوى دكتور تشريح
صل على أفضل الخلق ❤
دكتورنا الغالي والله أثلجت قلوبنا بشرحك الرائع وبأسلوبك الجميل الرائع 🤣🤣 ،بديت شروحاتك من البداية ومتعمد علي شرحك وما حصل فتحت مرجع، هل المعلومات دي كافية إني امتحن بيها الmrcs من غير ما اقرأ من مرجع ؟
جزاك الله الجنة يا دكتور❤
جزاك الله خيرا يا دكتور على هذا الشرح العظيم 💜✨
The pain usually happens between day 3 and day 7 after surgery because the same nerve goes to tonsils goes to ear but should be give the child pain medication control pain and make him more comfortable.
رائع يا دكتور و ال ENT اصبح سهل بفضل حضرتك
ممكن سؤال اكو احد كن شرح ENT خوش؟
ما شاء الله على الاسلوب والشرح الرهيب ارزقك الله العافية والراحة والتوفيق ان شاء الله في ميزان حسناتك آلهم آمين
Adenotonsilar hypertrophy is one the most common leading causes of upper airway obstruction which may result in nocturnal enuresis in children. The pathophysiological mechanism through which airway obstruction may cause enuresis is related to the increased work of breathing that can lead to higher negative intrathoracic pressure during inspiration and hence increased cardiac load. This effect may increase circulating serum levels of atrial and brain natriuretic peptides which are produced and released by cardiac myocytes in response to stretch or strain, and this decreases the amount of ADH secreted and result in diuresis
شوف الفيديو دا و منتظر ردك
ربنا يديك الصحه و العافيه يا دكتور متشكرين لجهودك
إجابة سؤال حضرتك في العلاقه بين التضخم ال pharyngeal tonsils و التبول اللاإرادي=
إصابة الأطفال بتضخم اللحمية واللوزتين تؤدى إلى التبول اللاإرادى أثناء النوم، ذلك بسبب انخفاض نسبة الأكسجين، ويؤثر بالسلب على الجهاز العصبى، وبالتالى يؤدى إلى عدم التحكم فى عضلات المثانة والتبول أثناء النوم ، هو كده صح ؟
الله يبارك في علمك يارب ❤.
اللهم آمين الف شكر
Disturbed Respiration will cause hypoxia which will weaken the tonic contraction in the external uretheral sphincter causing nocturnal enuresis
The hypoxia will be due to mouth breathing
I'm at the first year of
But i heard this point somewhere
Q2:the inferior constrictor muscle have two origin (one from cricoid cartilage and other from oblique line of throid cartilage )between two muscle (cricopharyngeus and thyropharyngeus ) it form a weak gap which is liable to herniation called pharyngeal diverticulum
سؤال اللي هو ليه الطفل الي عنده اللوز بيكون عنده تبول لا ارادي
It's due to decrease in the percent of oxygen, and negatively affects the nervous system, and thus leads to a lack of control over the bladder muscles and urination during sleep. (Nictoria)
Decrease of oxygen due to enlargement of tonsil👌
دكتور أحد الأسئلة كان ..
Why does the adenoids (hypertrophy) rarely occur after puberty ?
Because that the tonsils are primary lymphoid organs ,
i.e. they are highly active during childhood , but later they undergo atrophy after the 6th year
and may disappear at the age of 20 .
But the adults still susceptible to
the "" Tonsillitis "" which may cause by viral infection attack tonsillar tissue .
و جداً ممتن منك أستاذي
زادك الله خيراً و جزاك ما تحب
جزاك الله خير الجزاء آمين 🤍🤍🤍
اللهم آمين
دكتور هو ايه العلاقه ما بين
ال necturneal enuresis and adenoids
و حاول تشوف صندوق الوصف بكون واضع فيه لينكات و معلومات و اسئله
The answer of the interactive questions:
1- The doctor catheterize the pharyngeal recess rather than the Eustachian tube by mistake and he injured the internal carotid artery which lies in close relation with the pharyngeal recess.
2- The weakest part on the lateral wall of the pharynx which is liable for herniation is the Killian dehiscence which is a triangular area of weakness formed by the oblique fibers of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (thyropharyngeus), which attach anteriorly to the oblique lamina at the sides of the thyroid cartilage and posteriorly to the median raphe, and the transverse fibers of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor (cricopharyngeus), which attach to the sides of the cricoid cartilage anteriorly and wind around the pharynx, with no posterior attachment.
3- The child feels pain in his ear for short time of the operation because the glossopharyngeal nerve which supplies the palatine tonsils supplies also the middle ear.
The relation between adenoidhypertophy and enuresis in children is due to inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion due to insufficient or inadequate time of sleeping.
I made a clinical video for this topic revise please
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour Ok doctor I will revise it.
Q1.. the uncontrolled bleeding due to catheterize deeper to the pharngeal raphe and this led to injury to internal carotid artiery
Q2.. the weakest part in the lateral wall of pharynx between the transverse and oblique bundle of the inferior constructor muscle
Q3.. The child felt pain after tonsillectomy because the glossophargneal nerve that supply tonsil through tosiller branch . It aslo supply the middle ear
Thank you so much ya doctor for your dedication ❤❤
جزاك الله خيرا
اللهم آمين الف شكر
شكرا جدا يدكتور ع شرحك الجميل💖🥰
كنت عايز اعرف فين esophagus a
stomach and rectum and renal canal and spleen
المفروض تكون palatopharyngeus muscle ويكون motor supply بتاعها من cranial part of accessory nerve ؟!!
3) middle ear and tonsil supply by glossopharyngeal nerve
killian dehiscence the weakest part of lateral wall of pharynx
its the common site for diverticulum like zenker diverticulum.
Really you are perfect 👌❤
ربنا يكرمك و يجازيم خير يا دكتور
دكتور هو انا لو عايزه اتواصل مع حضرتك بشكل خاص عندى مشكلة ومحتاجة اكلم حضرتك ممكن تقولى ازاى 🥺
I think adenoids will cause compression on pharyngeal
plexus that formed by vagus nerve and Vagus supply parasympathetic fibers to urinary bladder causing contraction of dartous muscle and relax sphincters , so maybe the parasympathetic supply to bladder will destroy? 😢 I hope i’m doing well
فى فيديو فى لستة تشغيل ال clinical anatomy
انا شارح فيه الموضوع دا
دكتور ايمن شكراً شكرًا من اعماق القلب على كل عطائك و شرحك و ابتسامتك الجميلة الي اسعدتنا كثير ، احنا طلاب من المملكة العربية السعودية و نتابعك و ممتنين جدًا جدًا لك كل الدفعة تعرفك و تدعي لك أسال الله ان يدخلك الجنة بدون حساب و لا سابق عذاب يا كريم 🩷
جزاك الله كل الخير ي دكتور
دكتور لو سمحت تعمل كل الفيديوات على قناه حظرتك لان الصراحه فيديو الجامعه تحت المستوى الجوده ٣٢٠ بس والصوت مش كويس
دكتور هو مش السوال الاول في الMCQ مفروض يكون A برضو لانو في الكتاب كاتب كدا
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour خلاص شكرا
وردة دكتور الله يوفقك انشالله
هل glossopharyngeal nerve جزء من pharyngeal plexus؟
دكتور امتى راح تنزل بقية المحاضرات
ربنا يبارك لحضرتك
أنا واثق انه الدكتور هو اللي مات مش الطفل😂😂😂🤍
يا دكتور هو فيديو لل oesophagus و ال stomach
دكتور لو سمحت لو عايزه كتب حضرتك اقدر اجيبها منين ?
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour لو محافظة تانى ازاى اقدر اجيبهم ?
شكراً بجد لحضرتك يا دكتور ❤️
بس لو سمحت عندي سؤال صغير : في الدقيقة ٢٦ حكيت انه عندي salpingopharyngeus muscle وانه ال motor supply is glossopharyngeal n
بس مش حكينا انه ال palatopharyngeal arch بيكون تحته palatopharyngeal m واللي بيغذيها cranial pt. Of Accessory n???
Anatomy of oesophagus?
فين ال esophagous يادكتور لو سمحت؟
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour تمام جزاكم الله خير يادكتور .. في ميزان حسناتك إن شاء الله ❤️❤️😍😍
عاشت الايادي👏👏👏👏👏🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💐💐💐💐💐💐
يا دكتور هو فيديو لل oesophagus و ال stomach
@@Dr.Ayman_khanfour تمام شكرا لحضرتك... لو الموضوع مش هيضر حضرتك ممكن ترفعهم حضرتك ع القناة لأن بتابع حضرتك من أسوان وشرح حضرتك بيفدني جدا اللهم بارك و بيوفر معايا وقت ف المذاكره
+1 ي دكتور واتعودت جدا ع شرح حضرتك وطريقتك في تنظيم المذاكرة والمعلومات ❤️❤️