Put in the usually ignored paragraph with the bit about "across the waste of waters she calls and calls to me" and "i hear the noise of battle, the thunder of her guns" and its perfect
Yo I live 30 minutes away from Alvin C. York's house and I took a tour of it. One of my family members (Probably my great grandpa) Knew him and was friends with him.
"COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES. YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!" - Sergeant Dan Daly, two time Marine Corp (would soon to be) Medal of Honor recipient at Belleau Wood.
He actually never got that third Medal of Honor because the political side basically went “we don’t care if you earned it it’s not fair for one man to get three medals”
I love this! It’s so realistic! The inclusion of the BF1 voicelines really adds to the suspension, especially when they suddenly get killed off. Please do more of this!
@@Catrin3 they dont own the audio it's front the American Patriot world war one song "Over There" and the Voice lines are form the FPS game Battlefield 1
I read about the Marines at Belleau, it really is crazy. They marched into that wood, and most kept going, even as their line fell apart. In small groups and as individuals they kept pushing and fighting. There was a group of three that actually pushed all the way through the wood to the other side and chased a large group of Germans back to the town. They took cover in a ditch next to the road leading into the town and kept firing on the Huns. After a while, the Corporal told the Private to run back for more ammo while he and the Lance Corporal stayed behind to keep the pressure on. The Private made it back to the main Marine force but the Corporal and Lance never made it out.
"Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima" but you're pinned down by the Japanese in a crater on Iwo Jima listening to the agonizing screams of war all around you
@@gabrielfulmerhouser9684 I was thinking maybe the Iraqi army at either Muthanna, during the 'Battle of Norfolk' as it's commonly known, which would be closer to the period of the song's release but less characteristic of the situation; or during the battle of Baghdad in 2003, which would be more characteristic of the situation but further from the song's era.
Oh yeah, it’s finally here, my request has been fulfilled. You’re the best Jorm! Edit: I didn’t expect this comment to get this many likes! Thank you all!
Jörm, I just wanna say I’ve been listening to these since the Kuwaiti oil fields popped up in my recommended and this might be my favorite one yet. The shouting being abruptly cut off by machine gun fire and the sound of bullets impacting all mixed with the background music is all seriously amazing work.
"Battle Hymn of the Republic" But your leading the Pennsylvania State Guard against the mob of workers and Pinkertons at The siege of Homestead Steelworks.
That would be so cool. Like, have it start off in the distance, but as the soldiers realize it's coming from the enemy, they join in. Then we slowly hear sounds of walking and then talking and laughter.
This is *horrifying*. I was gonna request this one myself, but I never imagined how scary it would be. This song mixed with these sound effects and the image you chose - this comes closer to capturing the insane, twisted horror of the First World War than anything I've seen. Especially given the incompetent way US troops were led in battles like Belleau Wood. :(
>Especially given the incompetent way US troops were led in battles like Belleau Wood. :( This is false and people like you should be prosecuted for spreading anti-American propaganda.
@@blakemueller5899 These dipshits already got 'It's a Long Way to Mukumbura.' The only reason Rhodies never die is because they all got fucking killed.
"Retreat, hell we just got here" -Lloyd W. Williams He said that after being asked to fall back by a French Officer saying the Germans in Belleau Wood were too entrenched
“Fuuucckkkk Fuuccck!” “I can’t I can’t”. I don’t think most people realize this is from a game called Battlefield 1 showing the true realities of war. If you look up Battlefield 1 American voice lines you’ll find out another way was by playing the game which I have and it has a dark, doomer atmosphere . Especially when the British in the game say in the game: “They’re Coming! They’re coming”! You can legit hear the shakiness in his voice and the pure terror knowing he would be killing by Germans or Ottomans. Holy shit man…
“I Vow to Thee my Country” but your Lewis gun is running out of ammo.
Truly beautiful song that needs to be one
Put in the usually ignored paragraph with the bit about "across the waste of waters she calls and calls to me" and "i hear the noise of battle, the thunder of her guns" and its perfect
This one would slap
I wholeheartedly agree, this needs to be made
Bro I know that’s a bf1 voice line but it still gave me chills
*Blood Splatter + Skull Crunching sound*
"Hehe, okay!"
Or when you here
@@geocatcher5743bro that reminds me of some of the BO2 voice lines they weren’t bad “SNIPER GET DOWN!!”
“Rule, Britannia” but you are on the HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar
Would have been perfect for yesterday (yesterday was Trafalgar day)
Was gonna suggest HMS Bury but this is great too
"Rule, Britannia" but your aboard the hms hood fighting the bismark
@@sexybastard4356 or the HMS Repulse under attack off Malaysia
@@autobotjazz1972 Or the HMS Prince of Wales at South China Sea
--> German soldiers pinned down several American soldiers
*This enraged Alvin York, who punished them severely*
82nd all the way
@@sirfloridaman4205 Unfortunately, no. I just know of the meme.
Yo I live 30 minutes away from Alvin C. York's house and I took a tour of it. One of my family members (Probably my great grandpa) Knew him and was friends with him.
@@halfcatenjoyer2914 That’s really damn cool, and York was one cool dude
*Spanking Noises*
"COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES. YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!" - Sergeant Dan Daly, two time Marine Corp (would soon to be) Medal of Honor recipient at Belleau Wood.
He actually never got that third Medal of Honor because the political side basically went “we don’t care if you earned it it’s not fair for one man to get three medals”
Retreat?! Hell, we just got here!
I love this! It’s so realistic! The inclusion of the BF1 voicelines really adds to the suspension, especially when they suddenly get killed off. Please do more of this!
I will! Thanks for watching!
@@jrmungandr disculpe ¿Le molestaría si algún día decido utilizar éste audio?
@@Catrin3 they dont own the audio it's front the American Patriot world war one song "Over There" and the Voice lines are form the FPS game Battlefield 1
“Ballad of the Alamo” but your surrounded by the Mexican army
Apruebo esta propuesta
Yellow rose of texas
Que paso?
I read about the Marines at Belleau, it really is crazy. They marched into that wood, and most kept going, even as their line fell apart. In small groups and as individuals they kept pushing and fighting. There was a group of three that actually pushed all the way through the wood to the other side and chased a large group of Germans back to the town. They took cover in a ditch next to the road leading into the town and kept firing on the Huns. After a while, the Corporal told the Private to run back for more ammo while he and the Lance Corporal stayed behind to keep the pressure on. The Private made it back to the main Marine force but the Corporal and Lance never made it out.
Proud of those stubborn devil dogs, someone had to end this damn forsaken war.
Germans described them as, Brave confident sharpshooters
good thing I came to listen to it before the waiting room opened
Why's this one unlisted, it's great!
Haha because I had to premiere it
sneaky one
its unlisted because it enlisted
"We're done for! WE'RE DONE FOR!" *Metallic thunk*
Bro this part lowkey makes me wanna cry
“Those caissons go rolling along” but your Sherman Column got ambushed by flak 88s
Omg I've waited patiently for this! All the war crime stick suggestions pulled through lol - Love you Jörm
Sup again jager
@@jrmungandr THANK YOU DADDY
Your pfp looks epic were you in army
Your pfp looks epic were you in army
“Jingle Jangle Jingle” but patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
“I’ve got Spurs that Jingle Gangle Jingle”
Ave, True to Caesar.
Ave,True to Caesar.
Ave,True to Caesar.
"Men of harlech" but zulus are overrunning your positions
"Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima" but you're pinned down by the Japanese in a crater on Iwo Jima listening to the agonizing screams of war all around you
Attempt #2: "Should I Stay Or Should I Go", but your M1 gets detracked and you're nearly surrounded
By what army? Any suggestions? Love the idea tho
Which M1? Garand? Carbine? Flamethrower? Bayonet? Helmet? Abrams? Light tank?
@@nopinkeyfinger obviously the helmet
@@gabrielfulmerhouser9684 I was thinking maybe the Iraqi army at either Muthanna, during the 'Battle of Norfolk' as it's commonly known, which would be closer to the period of the song's release but less characteristic of the situation; or during the battle of Baghdad in 2003, which would be more characteristic of the situation but further from the song's era.
@@RJKilroy thanks m8. Good understanding of history
Oh yeah, it’s finally here, my request has been fulfilled. You’re the best Jorm! Edit: I didn’t expect this comment to get this many likes! Thank you all!
YOU'RE breathtaking!
I agree
@@jrmungandr maybe "Erika" but you're defending the reichstag?
@@torinn1698 damn that'd be cool
@@jrmungandr Every soldier in this video is breathtaking. Literally :D
"It Was a Good Day" but Bloods just drive-by you
Nah, that ain’t was specifically about a day where nothing happens, a more fitting choice would be hood took me under or straight up menace
@@sanjithdey636 Honestly the juxtaposition of that song over a day where some really bad shit happens makes that combo sound way better imo
Yes best suggestion yet
@@ethansolomon2126 yeah, the irony is quite strong
Famously, on the way towards Belleau Marine Captain Lloyd W. Williams said to the French urging him to fall back "Retreat? Hell, we just got here"
The live chat was the closest thing to an actual war
Thank you for your service in the great live chat wars
@@mrmr_zoomie your welcome
Bruh, I saw your performance in the battle, it was awesome, I intend to participate in the next one
"I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world"
Ha your profile picture is my Xbox gamer picture
"Over the Hills and far away" but your British Rifle Company just ambushed a French Infantry Column in 1812 Spain.
Seven Spanish angels but you can hear the lawmen at your door
This is legitimately your best one yet. I loved how you included them screaming for help. Can't wait to see what's next!
Look up the BF1 “Intense Battle” response playlist if you’re wanting to hear more of them. Heart-wrenching shit to listen to
“Bulls on Parade” but you’re an Abrams commander at the Battle of 73 Easting
You sir are a God if he sees this
This is a good one
would say that was more of a bloodbath or slaughter then a battle
This ones gonna be a banger
The “Maple leaf forever” but your in the thick of the fighting at Queenston Heights (or Lundy’s Lane works as well)
“Dixieland” but your a confederate soldier at Pickett’s charge.
Ah! I suggested that exact one! That's really the song and the moment for the Confederacy too. Shelby Foote had some opinions about that moment.
retreat? Hell, we just got here!
"War sucks" - Every sane human being who has ever lived.
“Ela Partiu” from Tim Maia, but you’re a BOPE officer trapped in the favela
Jörm, I just wanna say I’ve been listening to these since the Kuwaiti oil fields popped up in my recommended and this might be my favorite one yet. The shouting being abruptly cut off by machine gun fire and the sound of bullets impacting all mixed with the background music is all seriously amazing work.
London calling , but your at the battle of goose green.
"Battle Hymn of the Republic" But your leading the Pennsylvania State Guard against the mob of workers and Pinkertons at The siege of Homestead Steelworks.
Proud Pennsylvanian here.
"halo halo Bandung"but you're in the war with your Bamboo spear againts the the Netherlands troops
“I get around” but you still see the jungle every time you close your eyes
What a wonderful world but the asteroid is about to hit
"Silent night" but it's the winter of 1914,and you start to hear singing on the other line.
Would be epic if you did this as a Christmas upload
That would be so cool. Like, have it start off in the distance, but as the soldiers realize it's coming from the enemy, they join in. Then we slowly hear sounds of walking and then talking and laughter.
@@SingingInferno I commented this on a other video and he actually responded,so idk if it's actually coming
Fortunate Son, but you are stuck on the Hamburger Hill
"Retreat?! Hell we just got here!"
US Being US
“Thunderstruck”, but Your A-10 is being blown to bits
This is *horrifying*. I was gonna request this one myself, but I never imagined how scary it would be. This song mixed with these sound effects and the image you chose - this comes closer to capturing the insane, twisted horror of the First World War than anything I've seen. Especially given the incompetent way US troops were led in battles like Belleau Wood. :(
>Especially given the incompetent way US troops were led in battles like Belleau Wood. :(
This is false and people like you should be prosecuted for spreading anti-American propaganda.
Retreat? Hell, we just got here!
“Rhodesians never die” but you are flying a chopper over the Zambezi river
Nah, Rhodies Never Die is a shit song for a shit government.
@@justanothercommenter5835 Thank you. Tired of all these skinheads openly idolizing them
@@blakemueller5899 These dipshits already got 'It's a Long Way to Mukumbura.' The only reason Rhodies never die is because they all got fucking killed.
@@blakemueller5899 Wasn’t trying to idolise them, Just because I like the music doesn’t mean I like the country or the government that once ran it
@@blakemueller5899 The skin-heads idolize South Africa
“The battle of the Somme”but your going over the top in 2nd battle of the Somme
"Battotai", but your unit is stuck in the thick jungle of Kokoda track
Over there but American volunteers engaging the Russian BTR column.
Funny. I'm going as a Doughboy this Halloween, and what do I see on my recommended but this
"Retreat, hell we just got here" -Lloyd W. Williams He said that after being asked to fall back by a French Officer saying the Germans in Belleau Wood were too entrenched
The songs of war always make war sound so gentle and fun but when you're actually there fighting you realize that war is hell.
"When Johnny Comes Marching Home" but he can't 'cause he got shot on Omaha Beach.
“Retreat!? Hell, we just got here!”
I love the marines speaking in the background. Keep up the good work man.
Liberty is just a dream when you're dying in the mud
I love that you included the Browning .303 machine gun sound effect from Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 1! Only true history nerds will know. 👍
“Fuuucckkkk Fuuccck!” “I can’t I can’t”.
I don’t think most people realize this is from a game called Battlefield 1 showing the true realities of war. If you look up Battlefield 1 American voice lines you’ll find out another way was by playing the game which I have and it has a dark, doomer atmosphere . Especially when the British in the game say in the game: “They’re Coming! They’re coming”! You can legit hear the shakiness in his voice and the pure terror knowing he would be killing by Germans or Ottomans. Holy shit man…
This resonates the moments when I joined late to a Boots on Ground match in MW but the other team is already near my spawn point.
*Alvin York proceeds to use his Tennessee chadness to eliminate the enemy*
This is bound to be bloody epic.
Idea- the cruel wars by the dreadnoughts but the Prussians are leading a bayonet charge on your line
This is gonna be great! Thanks Jörm for all the amazing videos! Each and every one is a banger!
For liberty and justice for all God bless those boys
"Friday I'm In Love" but you're getting shelled in Sarajevo
"West of the Wall" but the Stasi found you trying to cross the border
"And we won’t come back we’re buried over there"
This ones going to be pretty epic I can feel it.
My country ‘tis of thee but your walking the Bataan death march
“The Rising of the moon” but the British army are beginning to move up Vinegar Hill.
"Retreat hell! We just got here!"
"British Grenadiers" but you're charging Gate Pā
Oh heck yea! Have I been waiting for this one.
GG, good job team we build the most nodes.
"La Victorie Est a nous" But you are in Garde Imperiale line at the battle of Waterloo
"Rock the Casbah" but you are trying to locate the Gaddafi's convoy.
Love the use of the unused BF1 dialogue
"The Red Army is Strongest" But you're driving a tank and questioning your humanity during the Hungarian Uprising of 1956
Plastic love but you are in a shootout with the yakuza
Crazy to me how many lives were lost in this battle over 2 simple mistakes.
Wo alle straßen enden but you are stuck in a foxhole after a failed charge
How about this ruclips.net/video/K0UUb0SRziY/видео.html
“Come All You Bold Canadians” but you’re watching Washington, DC burn
Pov: Jack Marston post credits
“Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition” but you’re at the Meuse-Argonne offensive
I have a video idea "rifles of the ira but the British just discovered your squadron" (or kinky boots)
Shipping up to Boston but you’re in a fistfight in a irish pub
Seconded 🤣
Pumped up kicks but you are hiding in a bathroom
Parallel universe/ song revisit
Fly me to the moon but Nixon is giving the moon disaster speech
All of these ideas are great, Just like what you do with it :-)
"Retreat? Hell we just got here!"
Prussens Gloria but you're getting crushed by Napoleon at Jena and you've just had word that Davout has defeated your king at Auerstedt.
Prussens Gloria was wrote afther the Franco prussiam war not in the napoleonic wars
"Rota" but you are defending bunker at Westerplatte before germans in 1939
"Over the hill and far away" but your surrounded by zulus
Nah, what about Men of Harlech
Just sat down and watched this. Heavily loved it! Keep up the great content :)
Next attempt. Marshi I UÇK but Serbian Special forces are surrounding Prekaz.
Here's a cool idea:
Battotai but you are besieging Chinese troops in Shanghai
"Those Caissons Go Rolling Along" But you're a forward observer under heavy fire at Okinawa
Just so good, please make more so, and share them on spotify too!