The ancient city of PETRA in Jordan (Eng subtitles)

  • Опубликовано: 30 янв 2023
  • Petra: The MysIerious City of Rock.
    Hewn out of the solid rock, the ancient ruined city of Petra lies within a ring of forbidding sandstone mountains in the desert southwest of modern Amman, 50 miles south of the Dead Sea in Jordan. Such is the site's protected position that even today this spectacular complex of temples, tombs, and houses can only be accessed on foot or on horseback. Entrance to Petra is via a dark winding crevice in the rock, known as the siq (cleft in Arabic), which is in places as little as a few feet wide. This great mystery of the desert contains nearly 1,000 monuments, and once possessed fountains, gardens, and a permanent water supply. But why was it carved out of the sandstone in such a secluded, arid location? Who built this majestic city and what happened to its inhabitants?
    #Petra #cityofpetra #petra # JordanPetra #jordan #edomites #nabateans #palestine #seleucid #ArabiaPetraea #wadimousa #valleymoses #petramonuments #dushares #el-deir #HarrisonFord #UNESCO #петра #петрагород #петраиордания #иордания #иорданиядостопримечательности #сик #каньонсик #идумеи #набатеи #палестина #селевком #петрея #древниегорода #буркхардт #петрапроисхождение #ВадиМуса #долинемоисея #душарес # храмдушарес # ХрамКрылатыхЛьвов #набатейскийхрам #аллат # ЭльДейр #ХаррисонФорд эльдейрмонастырь #юнеско #древнийгородпетра #пещерыпетры #чудессвета #достопримечательности #памятникипетра

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