Nikon doesn't have clients that appreciate workmanship like Lieca users. Nikon customers were all angry that the DF cost so much but didn't give them a ton of "features." They totally ignored the fact that building such a body actually requires resources and labour, so hence the higher price. Most of them are not into special additions coz they are all checkbox tickers who want max features and max megapixels and max AF speed and max card slots and for the same price as the last gen.
For Vintage 50mm from Leica I am still very impressed by the 50mn f2 Summicron Rigid.
Nikkor 50mm 係 改了 optical formula, 大支小小,完全是黑嘴的,即 1964 年的 Olympic version, 2000 年復刻 version 都係選用 Olympic version optics. 畫質上比早期 5cm 有更大改進。
最易分辨,就在最尾一片玻璃,新 formula 大好多,價格上也貴上 5-7 倍 。閣下果支是早期 formular 的後期版本,即黑身帶 chrome ring 前圈。
50mm 最主要係視覺角度 跟人眼視覺角度接近
What do you think about the Canon P and its 50mm f1.4 LTM lens?
OMG so nice.😍
Go try 35mm f1.8, no regret
主持人那個contax lens to leica m 機身接環八十年代曾經向李祖斌先生訂做,李先生説造好打電話給我!收費二千多元,這接環並不容易造,我覺得並不貴,李先生沒有收我訂金!可惜我沒有收到!我知道李先生是大忙人,相信一直未有多餘時間製造,真是可惜!
Nikon Z auto focus is 50 1.2s not 0.95. 0.95 still stand with manual only. I have Z6 v1, I am considering the new 1.2 AF as well..... 🤤
Nikon doesn't have clients that appreciate workmanship like Lieca users. Nikon customers were all angry that the DF cost so much but didn't give them a ton of "features." They totally ignored the fact that building such a body actually requires resources and labour, so hence the higher price. Most of them are not into special additions coz they are all checkbox tickers who want max features and max megapixels and max AF speed and max card slots and for the same price as the last gen.