Best by traditional method, plus these people are the most fit and healthy in the world. It has been proven that villagers are very healthy people. The only time they get sick is when they become urbanized. Sick with high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. Keep the traditional knowledge and share with the next generation.
They're having fun bro just let them do it. Give them knowledge of sustainable and cheap farming practices like no till with a legume cover crop and a nitrogen scavenger and bam they will have better lives.
funny walei to see that again
Best by traditional method, plus these people are the most fit and healthy in the world. It has been proven that villagers are very healthy people. The only time they get sick is when they become urbanized. Sick with high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. Keep the traditional knowledge and share with the next generation.
They're having fun bro just let them do it. Give them knowledge of sustainable and cheap farming practices like no till with a legume cover crop and a nitrogen scavenger and bam they will have better lives.
Of all the small grain I have threshed by hand, sorghum is the most difficult and the most irritating to the skin. Stand upwind while threshing.