Who is Jesus? | Col.
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
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This is Oak Tree Community Church's Sunday service for December 26, 2021.
This Sunday's message is by Pastor Matt Thompson in the book of Colossians 1.
If you consider Oak Tree your church home, we invite you to continue joining with us in faithfully giving back from what God has given us:
Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now?
JESUS IS LORD! His Lordship was MADE - See Acts 2. Who is the Sovereign Lord? He is different from Jesus as mentioned in Acts 4:24, 26, 30
There is no term God of gods or Creator or Maker used for Jesus.Acts 4:24 - who is NOT Jesus and who is called Sovereign Lord - "one accord to God and said: “Sovereign Lord, you are the One who made the heaven and the earth " Who is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from Jesus who is the Anointed and the Sovereign Lord's SERVANT as Acts 4:30 mentioned "through the name of YOUR holy servant Jesus.”" Acts 4:26 - one against Jehovah and against his ANOINTED one.
GOD IS NOT A LITERAL TORTURER. GOD is LOVE. He only gives eternal life to those who exercise faith in him and his Son (John 3:16, John 14:1) and NOT TO WICKED people. The Wicked will VANISH AND WILL BE NO MORE. Psalms 37:20
How many is Jehovah? Trinitarians say there are THREE Jehovah. What does the Bible say? There is ONE JEHOVAH and NOT THREE JEHOVAH. Deut 6:4. - “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah
WHO IS THE STAR IN NUMBERS 24:17? That is Jesus. It is the same Hebrew word used in Job 38:7 for the morning stars. So as Jesus is called THE BRIGHT morning star (REV 22:16) so also are the other morning stars(angels). So Jesus is the CHIEF Angel with the archangel's voice (1 Thes 4:16). Jesus is called Prince of Peace in Isa 9:6 and the original Hebrew word for Prince means PATRON ANGEL which is the same Hebrew Word used for Michael the archangel in Daniel.
Jesus is the High Priest and the High Priest is NOT GOD himself.
GOD DOES NOT WORSHIP HIMSELF : John 4:22 -You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation begins with the Jews.
If the holy Spirit is a PERSON then now you have MANY PERSONS IN ONE GOD. REV 5:6 - seven eyes, and the eyes mean the seven spirits of God.SO NOW YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL SEVEN PERSONS IN GOD.
Who is the cause of Salvation? Both GOD and the lamb are saviors, Rev 7:9-10, even Jesus needed to be saved by the Father from death as the Father is the SOURCE OF LIFE AND SALVATION , Hebrews 5:7 & John 5:26 - THE FATHER GAVE THE SON LIFE.
Does the Bible called Jesus MADE AND BORN? Yes! JESUS is the Messiah and a CREATION BY GOD! He is called “BORN OF/FROM GOD”. (1 JOHN 5:18) Hebrews 1:5 showed that Jesus was MADE/BORN (orig Greek-gennaw). Also it says "he will become my son" Notice, FUTURE TENSE, WILL, so before that the SON DID NOT EXIST. If you are BORN AND MADE then you are a creation. , Hebrews 1:5 mentions I WILL BECOME HIS FATHER, so Jesus relationship with the Father has a BEGINNING, When ? it was TODAY. TODAY implies a beginning.
When did Jesus become SON? Even before Jesus became human he is called SON , Prov 30:4
He is called the firstborn and beginning of the CREATION BY GOD (COL 1, Revelation ) Also john 5:26 mentions that the FATHER GAVE JESUS, THE SON, with LIFE. If Jesus was given LIFE OR EVEN ETERNAL LIFE, then Jesus does not have life or eternal life before those were given to him. Notice, the Father was NOT given life.
JESUS was MADE LORD (ACTS 2:36).JOHN 6:57 - Jesus Said “ I LIVE BEC OF THE FATHER” SO JESUS’ LIFE was dependent on the Father and his SOURCE OF LIFE/Eternal Life IS THE FATHER as John 5:26 states as well. 1john 5:1 - Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God,+ and everyone who loves the one who caused to be born loves him who has been born from that one . who is this that HAS BEEN BORN from that one? That is Jesus! 1 John 5:18 - Jesus is called BORN FROM GOD JESUS IS BORN FROM GOD, 1 JOHN 5:18 - We know that everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin, but the one born from God* watches him, and the wicked one cannot take hold of him . WHO is the ONE BORN FROM GOD that watches us and protects us and who does not sin? JESUS CHRIST!
NO MAN HAS SEEN GOD and if they see GOD's face THEY WILL DIE. Jesus was seen by many and they didn't DIE so Jesus Is Not The Almighty God. Jesus is called SON even before coming to earth as human. Exo 33:20 states "“You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.”" NO MAN CAN SEE ME, notice ME , you think ME IS NOT LITERAL? IT IS LITERAL "ME" WHO IS GOD.
John 1:1 mentions the WORD WAS IN THE BEGINNING, so Jesus was LIMITED "IN THE BEGINNING" Unlike GOD who is FROM FOREVER (Psalms 90:2).
Is "a god" a valid translation in John 1:1? Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1.
The Greek used in the BIble does not have an indefinite article "a" so that's why you don't see the "a" in John 1:1, The Sahidic Coptic translation uses an indefinite article with the word “god” in the final part of John 1:1. again, john 1:1 about theos - Strong's Concordance theos: God, a god , so "a god" is a valid translation. "The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon" defines theos as "a god" as well. so it is a valid translation. Also Thayer's Greek Lexicon also defines theos as "a god" so it is a valid translation
Is Jesus the same as Jehovah? Jesus is the SON. Jehovah is Our FATHER (Isa 63:16). Even the trinity doctrine states the SON IS NOT THE FATHER, so Jesus is NOT JEHOVAH
How many person is GOD? God said " I am God Almighty", The use of I am, means GOD is ONE PERSON. Do you use I am, me, myself, me alone for ONE LITERAL PERSON or THREE PERSONS? You only use those phrases for ONE literal person and NEVER FOR THREE PERSONS.
Is Jesus described as a Morning Star like the Angels? Yes. Rev 22:16 - 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David+ and the bright morning star.’”+ JESUS IS THE BRIGHT MORNING STAR, Angels are also called morning stars in Job 38:7, so Jesus is the BRIGHT OR CHIEF OF THE ANGELS (archangel) as 1 Thessalonians 4:16 mentions.
What does Firsborn means?
So depending on the context the firstborn can be the chief, principal, or first in time or place or rank. Still though, when you use the firstborn with an OF, “firstborn OF”, because of the OF , that means the firstborn BELONGS TO THE GROUP, just like when you say firstborn of the sheep. The firstborn is a sheep. So Jesus belongs to the group of creation, firstborn of all creation.
Does John 8:58 correlate with Exodus 3? In Exodus 3, GOD is called I WILL BECOME (not I am) and does not correlate with John 8:58
Word: DID Pronounce: haw-yaw Use: TWOT-491 Verb 1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
Jehovah is called GOD of gods, who are these gods? if you say that those are all false gods, then you are saying that GOD is like Satan as he is God of all false gods. Those gods exist, just like King of kings, those kings exist.
Is Jehovah, GOD's name? Psalms 83:18.
Strong's No.: H3068 Hebrew: יְהֹוָה Transliteration: Yᵉhôvâh Phonetic: yeh-ho-vaw'" and even the BIBLE mentions the God's followers containing his name. Jehoshaphat, jehu, etc. With all Jehovah, the God of the Bible. Yes. Jehovah is God in the Bible, the Our Father (JEHOVAH) ISA 63 AND WHO IS JAH , JEHOVAH that is WORTHY OF PRAISE AND GLORY! ISA 26:4 - 4 Trust in Jehovah forever,h For Jah* Jehovah is the eternal Rock.
JEHOSHAPHAT(MATTHEW 1 :8) - Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Easton's Bible Dictionary Jehovah-judged. Smith's Bible Dictionary Jehoshaphat - (whom Jehovah judges.) Yup, JEHOVAH is the name of GOD IN THE BIBLE as his followers have the name of Jehovah in their name.
What was Jesus role in creation? He is the Master Worker (Prov 8) and a channel used by GOD in the creation.
Notice the TWO WORDS translated as By/Through in Col 1:16 - 1. En - a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively),.. Notice it says INSTRUMENTALITY 2. Dia - a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act Notice it says CHANNEL OF AN ACT So Colossians 1:16 simply mentions that Jesus is USED BY GOD AS A CHANNEL OF AN ACT, AN INSTRUMENT in the Creation. Compare that to GOD in 1 Cor 8:6 , notice for God the Father he uses the word EK - or ex ex a primary preposition denoting ORIGIN (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):- Notice GOD the Father is the ORIGIN/FROM ,THE SOURCE FROM WHOM ALL THINGS are created. BIG DIFFERENCE. So the FATHER IS the ORIGIN of all things. For JEsus, it didn;t use the word Origin but "THrough" which in the Original Greek word also means "a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act". So God the Father is like the WRITER, he used his Son as a channel of a act to write (like a pen). So the only writer is the Father, the Son was used as a channel and NOT THE ORIGIN of creation. This is confirmed by Jesus in John 5:19 - " Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing of his own initiative, but only what he sees the Father doing.+" JESUS CANNOT DO A SINGLE THING , his FATHER always guide him.