I always watch your content. I've been a subscriber now for at least a year. Before I do any drafting I watch your videos. You really help me with strategy. I appreciate that. Great content by the way keep up the great work
Not only do I subscribe but I listen to your videos every single night to fall asleep. It’s the perfect storm - I know magic well enough to be able to visualise your decisions and actions and I simply love your voice and attitude. Plus the time difference means that in Melbourne there’s usually a video ready for me at bed time. Thanks for the years of fantastic, educational content and the gags. Appreciate you.
This was a great draft to watch, my favorite FDN so far including the ones that have followed. Well-executed beatdown including thoughtful commentary on losses is peak Magic content
I drafted a great RG deck yesterday that had Ashroot Animist in it. I definitely had a case of the "New Format Oopsies" as I didn't realize it also gave trample until my third game. (I thought cards usually say "give +X/+X and trample" but Animist is "give trample and +X/+X) Definitely could have won more but it got me to 5-3 so, hard to complain about that.
Awesome video. Great content overall. Enjoying the return to a simpler Magic set. As you say, we will see how the format evolves over time, but for now its fun. Thanks.
Numot, thank you for the subscriber reminder. Honestly I've already watching at least 10 of your videos since Duskmourn and I really thought I was subscribed; the reminder was enough to make me check and realize I was wrong. Thanks for the content and good times, even if it's sometimes at your expense. Cheers and looking forward to the 100k
If you are up for a 2 for 1 to kill their Archmage of Runes why not guarantee it and get a counter and 6 dmg to face by Giant Growth on Hornbeetle precombat and then Bite it afterwards? 49:58
At 27:35, how could the creature that was blocked deal damage to the player. I thought creatures stay blocked even when the blocking creature is removed. Is it something to do with trample?
Yes, trample deals excess damage to the player, so if the creature is removed after blocks all of the damage becomes excess damage and is dealt to the player.
I managed a great elves deck in draft. Of course I got passed 2 elvish archdruids and a dwynen. Along with 2 lanowar elves and a couple of the elfsworn giants and other random elves. Plus overrun and the 7 mana +10/+10 to the team spell. So basically it took insane luck and opening the nuts to get a good elf deck.
I tried to draft elves with Genesis wave. I had 2 llanowar, 2 grows, decent curve otherwise with some bombs. I had 4 removal spells. It did ok, 4-3. Wouldn't say that I drew well, but it definitely seems like a hard deck to pull off. I had a light blue splash for the epiphany sphinx and arcane. Which felt good, but it never seemed like I had great chances of winning and had to play perfect
Hey Kenji, I've just finished catching up on all your Duskmourn livestreams and I don't think I heard you once score out of 10 what you thought of that format. I know you think it a mile above Bloomburrow, and I know you sticking to Bo1 is a testament to its playability, but in the larger context of Magic and formats you enjoy, what did you think?
the spider that puts counters on things and has death touch and the cackling prowler and that dino that puts 2 counters on things have been insane so far just drafted fiend artisan and sire of seven deaths or whatever with 3 llanowar elves 😅 currently 6-1 only losing bc i drew all lands in game 5 which felt like arena shenanigans smh
I always get smacked in draft. I feel like I try and think in your voice during the selection process, but it never works out. How many 1 drop, 2 drop, and 3 drop rations are best, and how many must have creatures?
Do you only publish the videos where the draft turns out well? I’ve never seen you struggle with finding your lane or just simply having a bad draft. I seem to have some really good and some really bad drafts.
I never cherry-pick what gets uploaded; what I record is what I upload. If you've never seem me struggle or have a bad draft I can only assume you haven't watched many of my recordings :p
Hindsight is a killer, don’t acknowledge it. A lot of games are indeed done. No top deck can save it sometimes, no play can change. Cause there’s always the chance they just see game too
Today i Drafted the Deck to rule them all. Mono white, 10 Angels with 2 giada, Herald of eternal Dawn, 3 dazzling Angel, Angel of Finality and much more. 6 removal cards as well. Cant wait to Play it with my Friends in stream 😂 foundations is dope ❤
@@NumotTheNummyYT so i ended up with 5-3. it was a walk in the park but at the end i got 3 Games with insane manaflood. 16 Lands and 4 turns only mana each damn Game. Next Time mono i Play with 14 or 15. Anyway it was a blast and at the end you can only say: Hey thats magic Baby!
I had two Ashroot Animists in my prerelease pool. They were just splashes in my Simic deck, because I also opened Koma, and Tatyova lol. But I do wonder if I should’ve played a Gruul aggro shell instead.
What does "akin to a core set" mean? From what I understand about core sets, is that they're not particularly themed, and generally relatively lower-powered as to set a power level floor for a new "season". Foundations doesn't feel lowered powered at all, and seems to include generally the high performing cards from previous sets at each rarity, and it seems to feel more like an "all stars" set.
I always watch your content. I've been a subscriber now for at least a year. Before I do any drafting I watch your videos. You really help me with strategy. I appreciate that. Great content by the way keep up the great work
You the real MVP
Not only do I subscribe but I listen to your videos every single night to fall asleep. It’s the perfect storm - I know magic well enough to be able to visualise your decisions and actions and I simply love your voice and attitude. Plus the time difference means that in Melbourne there’s usually a video ready for me at bed time. Thanks for the years of fantastic, educational content and the gags. Appreciate you.
This was a great draft to watch, my favorite FDN so far including the ones that have followed. Well-executed beatdown including thoughtful commentary on losses is peak Magic content
I drafted a great RG deck yesterday that had Ashroot Animist in it. I definitely had a case of the "New Format Oopsies" as I didn't realize it also gave trample until my third game. (I thought cards usually say "give +X/+X and trample" but Animist is "give trample and +X/+X) Definitely could have won more but it got me to 5-3 so, hard to complain about that.
Awesome video. Great content overall. Enjoying the return to a simpler Magic set. As you say, we will see how the format evolves over time, but for now its fun. Thanks.
That last match was a classic core set stompy mirror, love it
All attack. Zero blocks 😂
i love the resignation upon discarding removal!
Numot, thank you for the subscriber reminder. Honestly I've already watching at least 10 of your videos since Duskmourn and I really thought I was subscribed; the reminder was enough to make me check and realize I was wrong. Thanks for the content and good times, even if it's sometimes at your expense. Cheers and looking forward to the 100k
Nummy: We're gonna enjoy Foundations for the next couple weeks.
Foundations: is planned to last FIVE YEARS.
I feel like you’re one collaboration away from 100K. Maybe a video with CGB? You’re both grindy MTGA tubers. Would love a collab with TCC again.
If you are up for a 2 for 1 to kill their Archmage of Runes why not guarantee it and get a counter and 6 dmg to face by Giant Growth on Hornbeetle precombat and then Bite it afterwards? 49:58
What a sequence, cube drafts into new releases! Thanks Kenji
Long time lurker, finally subbing o7
At 27:35, how could the creature that was blocked deal damage to the player. I thought creatures stay blocked even when the blocking creature is removed. Is it something to do with trample?
Yes, trample deals excess damage to the player, so if the creature is removed after blocks all of the damage becomes excess damage and is dealt to the player.
Thank so much for asking this, I was so confused too.
53:29 Would assigning all the damage to the spirit be a better option?
I managed a great elves deck in draft. Of course I got passed 2 elvish archdruids and a dwynen. Along with 2 lanowar elves and a couple of the elfsworn giants and other random elves. Plus overrun and the 7 mana +10/+10 to the team spell. So basically it took insane luck and opening the nuts to get a good elf deck.
I tried to draft elves with Genesis wave. I had 2 llanowar, 2 grows, decent curve otherwise with some bombs. I had 4 removal spells. It did ok, 4-3. Wouldn't say that I drew well, but it definitely seems like a hard deck to pull off. I had a light blue splash for the epiphany sphinx and arcane. Which felt good, but it never seemed like I had great chances of winning and had to play perfect
Hey Kenji, I've just finished catching up on all your Duskmourn livestreams and I don't think I heard you once score out of 10 what you thought of that format. I know you think it a mile above Bloomburrow, and I know you sticking to Bo1 is a testament to its playability, but in the larger context of Magic and formats you enjoy, what did you think?
foundation has been insane for draft...ive been loving golgari...its very very strong
the spider that puts counters on things and has death touch and the cackling prowler and that dino that puts 2 counters on things have been insane so far just drafted fiend artisan and sire of seven deaths or whatever with 3 llanowar elves 😅 currently 6-1 only losing bc i drew all lands in game 5 which felt like arena shenanigans smh
9:32 if you kill a 3/3 creature spending 6 mana, you would killed it and create 3 tokens, not 1. Am I right?
I won the prerelease event with red green, was awesome.
Why no thrill for card draw?
Thrill is a very filler card because it provides no card advantage. His deck definitely had enough better playables to not need it.
I always get smacked in draft. I feel like I try and think in your voice during the selection process, but it never works out. How many 1 drop, 2 drop, and 3 drop rations are best, and how many must have creatures?
First watch from this set!
GGs sick draws!
If it's so easy do more stipulation drafts. Like only pick top left card with the exception of lands. Or Commons only. Let's see it Kenji!
Why not take any of the thrills?
Ok, you got me. Subscribed
Yeah I feel not remembering card names like that too many new sets lol
Do you only publish the videos where the draft turns out well? I’ve never seen you struggle with finding your lane or just simply having a bad draft. I seem to have some really good and some really bad drafts.
I never cherry-pick what gets uploaded; what I record is what I upload. If you've never seem me struggle or have a bad draft I can only assume you haven't watched many of my recordings :p
Who are these opponents in gold who allow attack triggers to go off before playing their removal?
Come on guys! 100k!!
I'm surprised you didn't take the second Regrower P3P4. It gives card advantage which is what you were just saying RG really lacks
I guess he meant it lacks *good* card advantage, like uprising
I dunno, you could combine that +10/+10 to all with overrun and give everyone trample. All you need is like 15 mana!
100k lets go!
Hindsight is a killer, don’t acknowledge it. A lot of games are indeed done. No top deck can save it sometimes, no play can change. Cause there’s always the chance they just see game too
Today i Drafted the Deck to rule them all. Mono white, 10 Angels with 2 giada, Herald of eternal Dawn, 3 dazzling Angel, Angel of Finality and much more. 6 removal cards as well. Cant wait to Play it with my Friends in stream 😂 foundations is dope ❤
damnnnn glgl
My only 7-0 so far has been mono white so wishing you the same!
@@NumotTheNummyYT so i ended up with 5-3. it was a walk in the park but at the end i got 3 Games with insane manaflood. 16 Lands and 4 turns only mana each damn Game. Next Time mono i Play with 14 or 15. Anyway it was a blast and at the end you can only say: Hey thats magic Baby!
Why don’t they play best 2/3 matches on Arena tournaments? As it stands, if you get a bad hand, then you can suck eggs. No chance at redemption? Why?
Lack of respect for Overrun is crazy. Card just wins games on the spot.
Mtg foundations is NUMMY mode 🎉🎉
What does nummy mean?
Idk what's going on but I got 10 rares/ mythics. 6 on color.
Algo boost!! Let's get to 100k
Throw down the subs for the nums y'all
Hey. I am subbed sir.
I want cake
You get the second slice
So far, the hardest draft format i’ve played :/
To unsub people: how dare you?
I had two Ashroot Animists in my prerelease pool. They were just splashes in my Simic deck, because I also opened Koma, and Tatyova lol. But I do wonder if I should’ve played a Gruul aggro shell instead.
I am in the minority
It would help if you actually evaluate the cards rather than talking about general stuff...
What does "akin to a core set" mean? From what I understand about core sets, is that they're not particularly themed, and generally relatively lower-powered as to set a power level floor for a new "season". Foundations doesn't feel lowered powered at all, and seems to include generally the high performing cards from previous sets at each rarity, and it seems to feel more like an "all stars" set.
NGL already kind of bored with this set already game seems just straight up won in draft, some card just a huge leg up over most of the other cards.
Like duskmorne then?