1 Corinthians 4:21 What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline, or shall I come in love and with a gentle spirit? Jeremiah 11:19 I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying, “Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more.”
Hahaha.... I am the 7th one to see this video. Want to hear a joke? It's older than time it's self. What do you feed a snake, knowing a snake eats every thing whole? Also knowing it's better to feed & bless than it is to kill & destroy. Well you start with a story as you feed him his tail. Life it's what's for dinner.
John 3:34
For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit.
1 Corinthians 4:21
What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod of discipline, or shall I come in love and with a gentle spirit?
Jeremiah 11:19
I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying, “Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more.”
Hahaha.... I am the 7th one to see this video. Want to hear a joke? It's older than time it's self. What do you feed a snake, knowing a snake eats every thing whole? Also knowing it's better to feed & bless than it is to kill & destroy. Well you start with a story as you feed him his tail. Life it's what's for dinner.