Боже, зачем вам ватсап на кнопках??? Это тупо звонилка. Я купил такую же, но чисто для звонков и для души. Для всего остального есть полноценный смартфон.
After microsoft aquired Nokias feature phone buissnes in 2014 microsoft abandoned symbian series 40 and made a newn os symbian series 30+. One bad thing about S30+ was that it did not support java applications because The CEO of java Sun sued microsoft in the year 2000 and microsoft made a new programing language C#. Microsoft couldn't use S40 since it was heavily rooted with java support instead they modified series 30 an already nokia entry level operating system that didn't support java applications. Microsoft made it so that s30 had vxp executable file support so that users had a way to run apps and thats how s30+ was created. Important note all nokia feature phones released after 2013 don't support java. The Nokia 515 was the last series 40 phone
good mobile I want now one mobile how much cost
How to Purchase this Mobile??
Nereden ve nasıl alabiliriz
hotspot bhi Ho Jaaye to behtar hai Jyada Se Jyada Sel hoga
Ватсап поддерживают?
Боже, зачем вам ватсап на кнопках??? Это тупо звонилка. Я купил такую же, но чисто для звонков и для души. Для всего остального есть полноценный смартфон.
I need this phone 🇧🇩
Old 230 beter
Because the 2016 230 can run java
After microsoft aquired Nokias feature phone buissnes in 2014 microsoft abandoned symbian series 40 and made a newn os symbian series 30+. One bad thing about S30+ was that it did not support java applications because The CEO of java Sun sued microsoft in the year 2000 and microsoft made a new programing language C#. Microsoft couldn't use S40 since it was heavily rooted with java support instead they modified series 30 an already nokia entry level operating system that didn't support java applications. Microsoft made it so that s30 had vxp executable file support so that users had a way to run apps and thats how s30+ was created. Important note all nokia feature phones released after 2013 don't support java. The Nokia 515 was the last series 40 phone
Noce phone 😮 of Nokia 2024
is mobile mein
Oudar link send me
ബാബു ചിറ്റപ്പൻ ൻ
Does this have 4G?
Did you see the name? 230 4G, it s an upgraded version of the old 230 2G
How I buy it?
No, it is 2G (GPRS) only, you can see it on the box (also I have it, so I know first hand)