Dragon*Con 2012: The Vampire Diaries Panel #2 (Part 1)

  • Опубликовано: 1 сен 2012
  • The Vampire Diaries panel from Sunday September 2, 2012. (This was the second Vampire Diaries panel we went to.) I'm sorry for all the SHAKING, but after all the video recording this weekend my arms were like jello! If the shaking gives you a headache (like it does me), just listen to the audio. The panel was great! (Sunday's panel was great also. Be looking for that video as well!)
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Комментарии • 18

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    Same here! We left about 15 minutes early because I had to get to the photo opp! So glad I did! Ian is just more beautiful than words can express! He is such a sweetheart too!

  • @sarabeth120
    @sarabeth120 12 лет назад

    I am so jealous of you! I wanted so badly to go to this but I only had a badge for Saturday and I didn't want to stand in that registration line again, so I only went to the one on Saturday. Thanks so much for posting this though! This one was just as hilarious, though I will have to say that I think the MC on Saturday was funner! :)

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    Oh I am framing mine too! haha I just haven't had the chance to go pick up a frame yet. And that's so true! I mean he's very, very attractive but the fact that he is such a good person and actually cares about animals and the environment makes him that much hotter!

  • @AnarielAnastil
    @AnarielAnastil 12 лет назад

    Woohoo! I was there. I had to leave half way through to get a picture with Ian.

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    I agree! They were both great! They had me laughing so hard during both panels! Sooooo funny! And I totally understand about having to wait in line! Those lines are ridiculous! We actually ordered this years passes last year right after Dragon*Con. We got the 4 day pass for $60 (normally it's $120).So if you have the extra money and plan on going next year, check for the discount price to be showing up soon! It was definitely worth it! Although the long wait til next year is gonna suck!

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    Yeah, I was the same way last year! It was our first time going so we just got the one day pass for $50. The $60 4 day pass was definitely worth it, even though we only went 3 out of 4 days. It was definitely a blast! So glad the cast of The Vampire Diaries were there this year. They weren't there last year unfortunately, but True Blood was so I was just as happy! haha

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    Linda, I agree! I LOVED that part! I was cracking up! They are all so dang funny! Sebastian and Ian really had me cracking up though! It was a blast!

  • @sarabeth120
    @sarabeth120 12 лет назад

    Yea, a lady told me that you can buy them discounted like that there, but I'm glad that you can do it online too since I forgot to buy them there since I had a cell phone emergency (phone died and I had no way of contacting my friends for awhile). I will definitely be on the look out for it though since that's definitely a better deal than just getting a one day pass ($50). This was my first year going, so it was kind of just a chance for me to get a feel for it and see how it all worked.

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    And yes, THEY WERE GREAT! Sebastian and Ian really had me cracked up in the panel yesterday though. It was one sexual innuendo after the other! I loved it! (probably more than I should have! haha)

  • @littleAliengrl
    @littleAliengrl 12 лет назад

    yeah, i had been thinking it seemed odd for ian to do that without a good reason (which, im sure he did) cuz ian has always seemed like a sweet, down-to-earth guy. :) im sure next time, you'll have better luck.

  • @AnarielAnastil
    @AnarielAnastil 12 лет назад

    I know. I got the impression he was a nice guy from interviews, but actually meeting him confirmed it. He is soooo sweet. Down to earth, genuine guy.
    Of course that makes everyone love him ten times more. *Sigh*
    I am framing my picture, lol.

  • @paulajune87
    @paulajune87  12 лет назад

    When I was online checking out my photo opp time the Celebrity Authentics website had said that he was having to fly out to California either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning for a photo shoot. They said that if you had a photo opp with Ian and Paul you would have to have it taken Saturday rather than Sunday because of his photo shoot. Same kinda thing happened with Katerina Graham, except I think she had to leave because she was filming.

  • @Wrathchild400
    @Wrathchild400 12 лет назад

    Yeah, I'm thinking now that maybe he had a photo op at the Con afterwards or a plane to catch...

  • @Wrathchild400
    @Wrathchild400 12 лет назад

    Joseph Morgan is the real sweetheart! He actually came over to play with my baby; Ian didn't, even though I waited patiently until all autographs were signed. Then he rushed off : (

  • @sarabeth120
    @sarabeth120 12 лет назад

    Did they ever say why Paul Wesley wasn't there? I would have loved to see him and Ian interact again! They're so funny together!

  • @lindamarie1046
    @lindamarie1046 12 лет назад

    best freakin' part was when ian said damon needed to get laid (15.0) and joseph was like what are you talking about you get it all the time and ian said ya well last time was like rebekah in S2 and joseph was like MY SISTER and then sabastian piped in with MY DAUGHTER? and joseph shot back ya i've been meaning to tell you. lmao! hats off to paulajune87 thanks for enduring the arm shakes so that we could see the panel as we couldn't in person!! will look for sunday panel.

  • @littleAliengrl
    @littleAliengrl 12 лет назад

    well, im sure he didn't do it to be rude. it's possible that something came up and he had to dash out quickly to take care of something.

  • @AndieSpeedle
    @AndieSpeedle 12 лет назад

    Funny that the comment about Ian being a bad person because of not playing with the baby isn't there anymore... I'm a mom myself and I wonder why by all means you're taking your baby to a con with screaming people and lots of noise? And why it does make you angry, that Ian did not react the way you've expected. For me it's a sign that you tried to get attention because of your baby. Very sad. I've met Ian in June and all I can say is that he's lovable and super sweet.