U-know / Taemin / Eunhyuk / Donghae / Minho 외 [Spectrum] @ SBS Gayodaejun 20121229

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4 тыс.

  • @빈빈-w2s
    @빈빈-w2s 8 месяцев назад +63

    2024년에도 봅니다 이 때의 스엠이 그립다...

    • @lilipopo77
      @lilipopo77 3 месяца назад +1

      24년 9월 20일 얘네 2집 좀 내주라....ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @au9718
    @au9718 8 месяцев назад +21

    11 years later and I’m still here watching this again and I am so amazed and in awe every freaking time!

  • @kammy45136
    @kammy45136 9 лет назад +1576

    SM's dance line people, that's right..

    • @kammy45136
      @kammy45136 9 лет назад +4

      hey kpop I think Taemin should be there

    • @showluo07300115
      @showluo07300115 8 лет назад +35

      +hey kpop Key may be better, but Minho did great.

    • @MsLepion
      @MsLepion 8 лет назад +8

      So why isn't there any girl ? They can't dance ? -_-

    • @nttthuongs
      @nttthuongs 6 лет назад +20

      @@MsLepion This is male dancers' performance. It won't have any female dancers.

  • @salmazu2910
    @salmazu2910 5 лет назад +1724

    This is the actual avengers of kpop tbh 😂

    • @nicelyeleccion2687
      @nicelyeleccion2687 4 года назад +68

      taemin and kai are still members

    • @Fany-rb8iu
      @Fany-rb8iu 4 года назад +5

      yeeees XD

    • @jordyn0069
      @jordyn0069 4 года назад +65

      Just imagine if they formed this group.... the world would not be ready

    • @pixievincent
      @pixievincent 4 года назад +29

      you forgot the unit and maxstep!!!!!

    • @vichgold384
      @vichgold384 4 года назад +13

      Yeah, this performance was insane for my brain!!
      So powerful and angelical!!

  • @Shoko-rm7ux
    @Shoko-rm7ux 9 лет назад +199

    Yunho and Eunhyuk killed this seriously...fucking kings.

    • @shawnatlast
      @shawnatlast 3 года назад +6

      Yunho with the cap, Eunhyuk with the stick... next level dancing

  • @Ccnejuid824vfd
    @Ccnejuid824vfd Год назад +179

    2023년에 보는사람 없지 ?

  • @anhvi8115
    @anhvi8115 8 лет назад +1017

    Yunho has Red of Cassiopeia while Eunhyuk's hairs have sapphire blue color of E.L.F ^^

    • @jellyknow8993
      @jellyknow8993 5 лет назад +8

      Ha ha ha 😅✨
      You're right. 🔹🎈🔹💙

    • @Aykiyo
      @Aykiyo 5 лет назад +2


    • @이아류나
      @이아류나 5 лет назад

      Ндаа, ребята, я сама ЗИНА. Я САМА ЗИНАИДА, тоже живу в Нерюнгри? С 1981года по2019 год Нерюнгри??? А вы уже ребята поете с 2009года??? Меря они Все подставили??? Меня ЗИНУ.ЗИРАИДУ.ПОДСТААИЛИ??? ЖЕСТОКО, украв мою фотогрыию в САЛОНЕ ФОТОГРФИИ, ИЗ улан-удэ??? Улан-удэнские стервы😈ВЕРНИТП МОЮ ФОТОГРАФИЮ??😈😈😈😈😈😈

    • @이아류나
      @이아류나 5 лет назад


    • @andreikim556
      @andreikim556 4 года назад


  • @angelpagkatipunan9307
    @angelpagkatipunan9307 5 лет назад +1029

    before superm we had this HAHAHAHAH should've definitely added yunho, donghae, eunhyuk, and lay in superm, it would have been a superior group.

    • @pixievincent
      @pixievincent 4 года назад +11

      you forgot abt the unit

    • @antoniosekope6868
      @antoniosekope6868 4 года назад +105

      Let’s be honest the original SuperM around 2012/2013, would’ve had;
      - Henry
      - Yunho
      - Eunhyuk
      - Donghae
      - Taemin
      - Lay or LuHan or Kris
      - Kai

    • @angelpagkatipunan9307
      @angelpagkatipunan9307 4 года назад +8

      I Really Really neon johae Exactly 🤧

    • @kimfloreta
      @kimfloreta 4 года назад +5

      @@antoniosekope6868 I wish. Huhu

    • @najadiary
      @najadiary 4 года назад +15

      Honestly, they should’ve made UNIQUE subunit 😂

  • @karinamiranda81
    @karinamiranda81 8 лет назад +813

    SM needs to bring this back when Yunho, Donghae and Eunhyuk comeback from their enlistment👌

  • @LilyGlitter0268
    @LilyGlitter0268 8 лет назад +685

    Back when the end of year award shows were sick af.

    • @bloodberrybellamy
      @bloodberrybellamy 6 лет назад +3

      They still are, smh.

    • @Mimey1991
      @Mimey1991 6 лет назад +24

      not really

    • @anned628
      @anned628 6 лет назад +9

      안녕하세요, 저는 민현의 아내 황스텦입니다 they’re absolutely not

    • @bloodberrybellamy
      @bloodberrybellamy 6 лет назад +3

      Oh but yeah, they still are, you're just lost on what's up today in kpop that you feel too lazy and detached to even bother to find out, so you get stucked in the past and that happens to a lot of people who refuse to accept that time passes by.

    • @anned628
      @anned628 6 лет назад +33

      안녕하세요, 저는 민현의 아내 황스텦입니다 im up to date with kpop i became a fan only 2 years ago so i know the new groups but when i watch kpop before and after i prefer the end of year show before compared to the one we have now :)

  • @AnnaYork69
    @AnnaYork69 11 лет назад +81

    The names of the songs.
    Taemin: Above & Beyond - Sun & Moon (T-Mass Dubstep remix) and Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me
    Lay and Kay: Knife Party - Centipede and Kill the Noise ft Mercedes - Jump Ya Body
    Eunhyuk: Dank - New York Fuckin City (Dank's Trap Edit)
    U-know and Donghae: Scary monsters and nice sprites by Skrillex.
    And the last song it's called SM The Performance - Spectrum.

  • @fadilahnailachannel1576
    @fadilahnailachannel1576 4 года назад +396

    In generation 3, kai and Taemin is known the best dancer KPOP.. but when i see this video Eunhyuk is the another level.. my eyes can't stop looking for him.. her dance move so amazing and so charismatic.. just woowwwwww

    • @arydira7610
      @arydira7610 3 года назад +7

      Her?? LoL 😂

    • @alanlozano424
      @alanlozano424 3 года назад +36

      Taemin is 2°nd generation...

    • @Ramli746
      @Ramli746 3 года назад

      Jimin, j hope:i am joke to you

    • @alexisbarra4525
      @alexisbarra4525 3 года назад +29

      @@Ramli746 jimin and j hope is meh...

    • @marivic1036
      @marivic1036 3 года назад +17

      2nd Gen (Eunhyuk, Donghae, Yunho, Taemin and Minho)
      3rd Gen (Kai and Lay)

  • @CopperCassie
    @CopperCassie 9 лет назад +184

    Yes! Yunho!!! He is so good! Eunhyuk is also a dance machine!

    @LIVEFORJIMINSVOCAL 10 лет назад +19

    Watch for ... Jung Yunho! TVFXQ!

  • @tengwarsoup8836
    @tengwarsoup8836 5 лет назад +597

    Taemin: graceful yet powerful
    Kai and Lay: teamwork to highlight individual talent
    Minho: he isn't "flaming charisma" for nothing
    Yunho: one of the rising gods of the east
    Donghae: smooth but strong
    Eunhyuk: ... okay so I spent middle and high school on a baton team, so I'm more apt to be critical when somebody shows up on stage using a stick as a prop, but... THERE'S NOTHING THERE TO CRITIQUE, HE ABSOLUTELY KILLED THIS ENTIRE PERFORMANCE, HOLY HELL

  • @andreinapereira552
    @andreinapereira552 3 года назад +214

    Eunhyuk stands out so much. Lee Hyukjae best dancer, best vocal, best rapper, best concert director, best músical director, visual, he is an ace, i love Eunhyuk of Super Junior

  • @heejoonjung8711
    @heejoonjung8711 11 лет назад +14

    OMG Sun!!!!!
    Yunho is the best dancers on the stage
    He's always in middle

  • @heezharmdee5884
    @heezharmdee5884 6 лет назад +104

    Wow. I miss those times. They're so synchronized! I love Eunhyuk's part the most.

  • @SuperJuniorKings
    @SuperJuniorKings 5 лет назад +591

    Lee Hyukjae a.k.a Eunhyuk owned the stage!!!! He was injured but he slayed everyone!!! What a talented man!! Great dancer, director, choreographer, songwriter, drummer.... stan true talent stan EUNHYUK

    • @serenegoro1529
      @serenegoro1529 4 года назад +13

      Wait where was my baby injured?!?! He is so professional

  • @emibeth8956
    @emibeth8956 4 года назад +165

    Now this is what you call ”Avengers of Kpop” an actual even distribution of members from different groups. I like NCT but SuperM should’ve added veterans too.

    • @sorntrash
      @sorntrash Год назад +6

      The problem is they were trying to put out a group to rival BTS in the west. They used the members with the most popularity domestically and globally to hopefully succeed in creating a Super Group. I’m not really sure how it would’ve turned out had they added veterans but I’m sure I’m right in guessing that that was what they were thinking when they created the group.

    • @bebeunwell
      @bebeunwell Год назад +2

      Taemin and Kai are in super M.

    • @dezbk9
      @dezbk9 Год назад +2

      Taemin, Kai and Beakhyun are pretty much considered Veterans at this point in time.

  • @marjensalriv2308
    @marjensalriv2308 9 лет назад +419

    Sm needs to do more of this kind of group thing!

    • @Ms_Insanity
      @Ms_Insanity 8 лет назад +4


    • @tmm12345
      @tmm12345 8 лет назад +4

      couldn't agree more

    • @Vanilla_Baker44
      @Vanilla_Baker44 8 лет назад +4

      or just debut an actual group to specifically do stuff like this!

    • @sabariadh26
      @sabariadh26 7 лет назад

      +Tammy Marie McPherson شو هل الجمال اقصد عل الصورة الشخصية

    • @pikachubread
      @pikachubread 7 лет назад +2

      collabs are the best!!

  • @Kkokkomae
    @Kkokkomae 11 лет назад +12

    YUNHO you're killing me with that half-smile. How many times have I screamed out loud because of your flaming charisma?? Perfect!

  • @SJSJ0404
    @SJSJ0404 4 года назад +62

    한국인 계신가요👋
    아 오랜만에 봐도 진심 좋다
    다 메인댄서들이랑 동선바뀌는거 속도감 오져버림

  • @frannn9326
    @frannn9326 5 лет назад +208

    Eunhyuk's stick dance was so powerful!!! OMG the king!!!!!

  • @potatogirl3840
    @potatogirl3840 8 лет назад +791

    Yunho Eunhyuk Donghae Taemin😍😍😍😍

    • @kawaiimk6274
      @kawaiimk6274 6 лет назад +5

      you named my favourites wow 😍💙

    • @aredaamie2079
      @aredaamie2079 6 лет назад +8

      You must be second generation of kpop. Give me ten girls 😘

  • @raesan2266
    @raesan2266 7 лет назад +238

    Now thay Yunho, Eunhyuk & Donghae come back SM really needs to bring this amazing unit back!!!

  • @mjinxer
    @mjinxer 11 лет назад +15

    disappointed that Minho didn't have a solo stage but so glad that he's part of the team cause he worked so hard to be where he's at

  • @MoonSoon-jk5fe
    @MoonSoon-jk5fe 3 года назад +97

    Can’t deny the power of Eunhyuk !! So captivating and his charisma is something else !!

  • @julis2005
    @julis2005 9 лет назад +1954

    SM may not have the best rappers but they sure as hell have the best dancers.

    • @sothisistrishia
      @sothisistrishia 6 лет назад +257

      dancers who can still sing ;)

    • @aspireone722
      @aspireone722 6 лет назад +145

      sothisistrishia better than the main vocals of the other group. 😉

    • @hersheaygaylabao3578
      @hersheaygaylabao3578 6 лет назад +159

      Dancers who can sing and rappers who can sing and VISUALS is on point❤️🔥

    • @mojojojo4637
      @mojojojo4637 6 лет назад +41

      Hoharu Arisato exactly who can do all threee ....their rapline taeyong mark and lucas yaaas

    • @aileenseokyu1130
      @aileenseokyu1130 6 лет назад +27

      and now we have nct right thereee

  • @lauraoveractive7886
    @lauraoveractive7886 10 лет назад +279

    Eunhyuk killed it. Fucking killed it i'm so proud he's just an amazing dancer and also Donghae I just. I can't even.

  • @nali5826
    @nali5826 3 года назад +55

    Eunhyuk and his charisma 😍🔥🔥🔥 just can't take my eyes off him. Keep slaying oppa💙

  • @geuriwo
    @geuriwo 3 года назад +71

    I wish there was a better version to watch this because their dance is insane BUT THE CAMERA KEEPS MOVING.
    I miss this!!! Hoping they can do something like this again

  • @vikkidavis6004
    @vikkidavis6004 3 года назад +61

    Eunhyuk was amazing like always. watching in 2021 and still amazed at his talent

  • @powerpuffji
    @powerpuffji 3 года назад +13

    Yunho had the loudest cheer AND HE DESERVED IT

  • @KojimChannel
    @KojimChannel 4 года назад +186

    My wife says she just can see Eunhyuk in this video. She adore him so much

  • @Comentaristasincerinha
    @Comentaristasincerinha 4 года назад +34

    My kings of dance
    Perfects men
    Yunho is my king
    Eunhyuk is perfect
    Kai and Taemin kings
    Minho, Donghae and Lay handsomes
    Omg sexy men

  • @aliciapoh1603
    @aliciapoh1603 6 лет назад +58

    wow when Eunhyuk appeared after Kai and Lay's part I had legit goosebumps !!!!!! a true LEGEND

  • @taemojkmt4369
    @taemojkmt4369 7 лет назад +233

    Taemin and Yunho are great singers for main dancers! Also i love how for the popping section Taemin and Eyunhyuk are highlighted, kings of popping. You can deffo tell that Yunho, Taemin, Kai and Eunhyuk are Sm's best male dancers (maybe adding ten now)

    • @reisuke730
      @reisuke730 5 лет назад +18

      What about lay?

    • @ganbattetict7804
      @ganbattetict7804 4 года назад

      And taeyong and jisung

    • @hyacinthkpop5024
      @hyacinthkpop5024 3 года назад

      Not a single one is even remotely mediocre. They all slayed. Yunho though, is still god. And eunhyuk...well, he just exploded on stage. But my donghae still owns my heart. He power of the veteran dancers

  • @MegumiNikooru
    @MegumiNikooru 10 лет назад +325

    You can't mess with Yunho. He is the triple OG in this.

    • @LK-wj6ij
      @LK-wj6ij 10 лет назад +12


    • @MicukoFelton
      @MicukoFelton 10 лет назад

      which one is he?

    • @LK-wj6ij
      @LK-wj6ij 10 лет назад +5

      The one at 2:05 with the red scarf

    • @MicukoFelton
      @MicukoFelton 10 лет назад +2

      Lucia Lucis Thank you. :) Woah, pretty good! Too bad the dances aren't a little longer. ^^

    • @onemillionpercent
      @onemillionpercent 9 лет назад +4

      So very true haha

  • @rinnnakamoto27
    @rinnnakamoto27 2 года назад +25

    This was the epicness of 2nd generation kpop. SM The Performance were the original avengers. I remember being so elated this collaboration happened with SM's best male dancers and it was just a year after TVXQ came back after hiatus

  • @DBSKpancha
    @DBSKpancha 10 лет назад +29

    Uknow is the best forever and ever ♥♥ *Q*

  • @Ravenstar2296
    @Ravenstar2296 11 лет назад +222

    It's like Yunho and his crew of dancing dongsaengs. I would approve of this SM dance subunit.

  • @YanAjhumma
    @YanAjhumma 7 лет назад +77

    Yunho is in a class of his own, Eunhuyk as well. They all have a little something that make us "wow" every second, it's insane. More performances like this would be welcome but that's just impossible :3 anyway that 1 time thing was perfect and from time to time I like to comeback to this vid to treat myself with talented good looking badass dancers.

    • @shawnatlast
      @shawnatlast 3 года назад

      Agree, Yunho with the cap, Eunhyuk with the stick... next level dancing

  • @mintyy_fresh
    @mintyy_fresh 11 месяцев назад +5

    2024 and this is still the best dance group ever created

  • @arllyadona3855
    @arllyadona3855 5 лет назад +47

    This performance never failed to amaze me with their dancing..
    U-Know is a king
    Eunhyuk and Donghae are living legends
    Kai and lay slayed it
    Taemin and Minho are prince
    This are what you called talented. ❤️😻😍🇰🇷👑

  • @laflaca6869
    @laflaca6869 10 лет назад +51

  • @ledn4610
    @ledn4610 10 лет назад +373

    U Know Yunho: King Of Dancer

  • @ambergabel4919
    @ambergabel4919 3 года назад +15

    I was surprised to see that was Donghae who did the back flip/somersault! I had to re-watch it a couple times! This was so fun! They need to do this again.

  • @hitomi2oo710
    @hitomi2oo710 10 лет назад +50

    Yunho's deep & smooth voice still does things to me I can't even describe~! *ear-gasm* And every time I hear Spectrum I can distinguish his voice among others coz seriously it's so characteristic & strong yet soothing

  • @monkiezism
    @monkiezism 6 лет назад +57

    I bias Taemin. But this show Yunho is the king of stage. (Eunhyuk & Donghae are Marvelous too.)
    At the time Taemin still baby. Taemin is getting better everyday. He worked hard.
    I’m very proud of him.

  • @k-dramalover886
    @k-dramalover886 4 года назад +64

    I want to see Eunhyuk's full solo performance. Dude, he's dazzling. My eyes are riveted on him.

  • @user-xd9bx7xq8i
    @user-xd9bx7xq8i 3 месяца назад +2

    스엠은 이 시기에도 넘사벽 실력이였지... 진짜 오랜만에 보는건데 이게 12년도라는게 믿기지가 않네...

  • @janghyunseung292
    @janghyunseung292 9 лет назад +21

    If this was an actual sub-unit I think they would dominate the world! Like you have very powerful/iconic people in one group!

  • @Flustered_Potato
    @Flustered_Potato 10 лет назад +57

    This was awesome. Everyone was on point with their style, dancing, and singing. And I am so pleased with Yunho keeping up with the youngins. I've never seen him really get down like that.

    • @onemillionpercent
      @onemillionpercent 10 лет назад +10

      yes omg the young'uns :D He's the sunbae yet better than ever.

    • @q-noonkade4115
      @q-noonkade4115 2 года назад

      Eunhyuk Donghae are as old as Uknow

  • @andreakpop4life413
    @andreakpop4life413 11 лет назад +13

    YUNHO IS THE KING OF KPOP !! his performace is perfection, wow :D

  • @hotchic23
    @hotchic23 6 лет назад +28

    Talking about swag just wow Eunhyuk

  • @caramelunicorn8023
    @caramelunicorn8023 6 лет назад +25

    WOOOHOOOO! Best dance performance ever! Love Eunhyuk, Yunho, Donghae and Taemin.

  • @abilenetapia2301
    @abilenetapia2301 7 лет назад +35

    Yunho the king and his dongsaengs

  • @carmenc5452
    @carmenc5452 Год назад +14

    El pueblo necesita a este grupo otra vez... Definitivamente el K-pop era ufff

  • @냠-w2l
    @냠-w2l 3 года назад +14

    아 이거 왜 지금 봤냐고 지금 너무 좋아서 말이 안나옴 그냥 하염없이 반복재생 중

    • @AdeOso1190
      @AdeOso1190 3 года назад

      Me pasó lo mismo, en pleno 2021 lo ví por primera vez

  • @linyumi6886
    @linyumi6886 9 лет назад +273


  • @angelaliang50
    @angelaliang50 9 лет назад +415

    Taemin is my bias but Yunho!!!

    • @missdees8826
      @missdees8826 9 лет назад +41

      Trouble Maker Yunho is always the king ;)

    • @doolyking5786
      @doolyking5786 9 лет назад +2

      Trouble Maker who's Yunho? I'm new in the world of Kpop

    • @doolyking5786
      @doolyking5786 9 лет назад

      cassiu-knowxiaELFish † ˜µ˜
      so he's only into sex thing???

    • @irenetu9709
      @irenetu9709 9 лет назад +3

      Laura Dees that's right

    • @angelaliang50
      @angelaliang50 9 лет назад +10

      Dooly King He's a member of TVXQ, a group under SM Ent.

  • @Wintershaped
    @Wintershaped 3 года назад +8

    They're all excellent of course!! But Eunhyuk, wow... I can't look away from him

  • @WulanSari-fh5il
    @WulanSari-fh5il 4 года назад +50

    Donghae & Eunhyuk...👍👍👍

  • @user-lj2og9tu5p
    @user-lj2og9tu5p 8 лет назад +874

    im an exo-l but eunhyuk slayed here. i mean i cant think of anyone else in kpop better than him. everyone in this video have their own style of dancing and that's what makes this perfect. sm's dance line wins at all! fighting!

    • @teardrops2839
      @teardrops2839 8 лет назад +6

      Taekai for me

    • @wein-yd1sp
      @wein-yd1sp 8 лет назад +71

      i know right he has the smartest ways to draw the attention to him ; expression are always on point , and he is not overdoing it

    • @chaimadonghae6938
      @chaimadonghae6938 8 лет назад +66

      yes eunhyuk the best

    • @constanzagonzalez6088
      @constanzagonzalez6088 8 лет назад +113

      The biggest quality of Eunhyuk is the fact that he is incredibly smooth, he moves with the music, like someone said.. he doesn't overdo it.

    • @watchsuperjuniorvideobonam4342
      @watchsuperjuniorvideobonam4342 7 лет назад +64

      He's natural, too natural, he just goes with the music & that's his charm 💙 my anchovy

  • @mthly
    @mthly 6 лет назад +153

    I remember eunhyuk got injured while recording this but he still slayed!

    • @ravenmarie1377
      @ravenmarie1377 4 года назад +2

      Where was he injured?

    • @jukbanganchovy4762
      @jukbanganchovy4762 4 года назад +4

      @@ravenmarie1377 its moths late but as far as i could remember ha had an injury with his ankle at that time

  • @jajasatorashi136
    @jajasatorashi136 3 года назад +20

    I love how Yunho shows effortlessly that he is the real king

  • @kellyyhaha7978
    @kellyyhaha7978 4 года назад +36


  • @anonymousgirl1509
    @anonymousgirl1509 8 лет назад +67

    Yunho is a fucking bomb

    • @sungmi90
      @sungmi90 8 лет назад

      Anonymousgirl150 oh a bias Yunho and Chimchim, like me :)

    • @sungmi90
      @sungmi90 8 лет назад

      Anonymousgirl150 oh a bias Yunho and Chimchim, like me :)

  • @itsmixxty
    @itsmixxty 6 лет назад +39

    So i came here again coz i just saw a Top Ten best kpop dancers vid here in youtube with no Eunhyuk and Yunho. Like WTF. 😑

  • @AnonymousCom-dn5kh
    @AnonymousCom-dn5kh 3 года назад +12

    the blue hair with stick is mine 😜
    i adore him so much 😩
    i dunno.. i'm so obsessed with him these days 😑😌

  • @afeeraadil1930
    @afeeraadil1930 5 лет назад +43

    cant believe what eunhyuk…….. man you just.... idk what to say.... killed it yo just rocked.... surely the GOD OF DANCING IS EUNHYUK

  • @MizuhaYJ
    @MizuhaYJ 10 лет назад +23

    Yunho's voice oh gawdddd ~~~

  • @이단비-l9g
    @이단비-l9g 2 года назад +29

    이거 22년에도 보는 사람 없니...
    듕해 얼굴 미치고 은혁 춤선 도라방스

    • @Tintoreriamoreno
      @Tintoreriamoreno Год назад

      Jajaja stupid

    • @nayou21
      @nayou21 Год назад +1

      슈퍼엠의 프로토타입이 아니었을지...ㅋㅋ

  • @alisondoan648
    @alisondoan648 9 лет назад +31

    Yunho danced very good ^_^

  • @DuyNguyen-mc2tt
    @DuyNguyen-mc2tt 6 лет назад +56

    Wow I like U-know and Eunhyuk's visuals here when they have their fandom's distinctive color! ❤️ 💙
    Personally, I think SM artists are the best at dancing and vocals but not rap. Hope they will have one soon :)

    • @iyarizayn
      @iyarizayn Год назад

      Por eso esta el fandom Pepsi de TVXQ x SUJU

  • @Elyzhajoyce1
    @Elyzhajoyce1 10 лет назад +20

    DEAR SM,

  • @VCassJJMai
    @VCassJJMai 10 лет назад +18

    Yunho is so cool :*

  • @cloudisred
    @cloudisred 10 лет назад +13

    Jung Yungod slays.

  • @bou3388
    @bou3388 3 месяца назад +4


    • @Victoria-xg8yy
      @Victoria-xg8yy 3 месяца назад

      Me too

    • @AQua_yay
      @AQua_yay 6 дней назад


  • @zeez.k
    @zeez.k 9 лет назад +14

    Can't believe that 3 of them are now in the army. Good luck!

  • @nguyentrang1502
    @nguyentrang1502 11 лет назад +14


  • @GloomiTrammie
    @GloomiTrammie 3 года назад +8

    Eunhyuk supremacy👀 My man is forever a dancing king

  • @flagdiva10
    @flagdiva10 2 года назад +5

    Its been 10 years but this group would still smash today.

  • @KayseSalmon
    @KayseSalmon 10 лет назад +18

    My favorite video!!!

    @iTHINKimINLOVEwithCB97s_LAPTOP 8 лет назад +576

    can't take my eyes off of Eunhyuk... he is so graceful in dancing... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @PN-sk3ve
      @PN-sk3ve 6 лет назад +18

      aMusicLoverJustPassingBy Yes, his performance was the one that stood out most ... well to me anyways. =)

    • @xiahnti
      @xiahnti 5 лет назад +11

      the screams for him were off the charts :o

    • @lilia1465
      @lilia1465 5 лет назад +10

      @@PN-sk3ve and the fact that he fucked up his knee during practice and he cry so much😭😭 but look at his amazing dance performance💙💙💙💙💙

    • @PN-sk3ve
      @PN-sk3ve 5 лет назад +1

      @@lilia1465 Yes, girl... but why did you had to remind me about it all over again 😩😢😭😭

    • @ezulee
      @ezulee 5 лет назад

      me too, focus Eunhynk, but 'cause his hair color is blue!! wahahahahaha....

  • @vladiv3617
    @vladiv3617 9 лет назад +431

    It's so obvious who's the leader of this group. As always U-Know is on top of everyone, being introduced first and positioned in the center, as well as having the greatest moves and most difficult solo choreography. That's how it should always be as he is not only the real Dancing King of SM but also true to his name, signifying God! Real Rising God of the East! ♥
    Edit: OK, after watching this video countless of times and paying close attention to the movements of each member separately, I came up with the following order based on how powerful/intense, skillful and flawless their dancing is during the whole time of the performance, as well as the level of difficulty of the solos:
    1. U-Know - closely followed by Eunhyuk but Yunho's competitive spirit shines here a lot, which ultimately sharpens his movements and stage presence even more; don't forget that being tall and not as skinny is actually a disadvantage because it makes the body control even harder and requires more effort to achieve flawless movements
    2. Eunhyuk / Taemin - very close, especially due to the similar body frames but Taemin's solo was lacking
    3. Donghae / Lay - not as powerful and skillful as the above mentioned but great dancers nevertheless
    4. Minho / Kai - good but overshadowed when compared to the rest; compensate with good looks and intense stares
    Overall: Great performance! 10/10

    • @sherriedufrene3530
      @sherriedufrene3530 9 лет назад +13


    • @ananyajain3134
      @ananyajain3134 9 лет назад +8

      +Vladi V Did not mention Yixing! He was great too!

    • @JanelleRudolph
      @JanelleRudolph 9 лет назад +25

      +Ananya Jain ...yixing is lay...

    • @rachela.5357
      @rachela.5357 5 лет назад

      My bias is Taemin and Donghae,,, but I agree. 😂

    • @ajaiy
      @ajaiy 4 года назад

      Vladi V taemins solo was definitely not lacking lol.

  • @123Petka
    @123Petka 9 месяцев назад +6

    Eunhyuk owned the stage💙

  • @kenturner2855
    @kenturner2855 11 лет назад +17


  • @user-rg3vw8jj9z
    @user-rg3vw8jj9z 8 лет назад +200

    I hate SM as an entertainment but you can't deny how talented their artists are and successful the entertainment is

    • @lowhead_bread
      @lowhead_bread 5 лет назад +2

      that's why we stan SMTOWN not SME

  • @iluvspee
    @iluvspee 6 лет назад +12

    Yunho is perfect!!! My first love 😍😍

  • @yosefochoarosales3274
    @yosefochoarosales3274 3 месяца назад +2

    I thought this was a fever dream of mine. So glad the memory of this performance came back to me at 3 am 😂.

  • @subrainamay
    @subrainamay 10 лет назад +25

    U know is the best !!!

  • @catherineannria4524
    @catherineannria4524 6 лет назад +29

    Eunhyuk slayed here....His dance look so effortless nd going with a smooth flow.nd his splits looks so smooth .As heechul said in kb eunhyuk is most laziest dancer in sm bt he really got the flow nd rhythm of dance..Nd he got the most cheers from people ... From scrolling through the comments most comments were for eunhyuk nd yunho...

    • @MsRDee
      @MsRDee 3 года назад +2


  • @MaRcE92QuIlLa
    @MaRcE92QuIlLa 10 лет назад +23


  • @AizaBachiee
    @AizaBachiee 4 года назад +7

    How I wish SM Ent can bring back this sub unit. It will be the BEST of the BEST group ever. SM Ent definitely has the most talented dancers. I really love Donghae's part but all of them give me goosebumps! 💞 Stan talent.

  • @diannaradu9605
    @diannaradu9605 6 лет назад +12

    My bias wreckers Lay and Kai, with my bias wrecker Eunhyuk, with my bias wrecker Taemin, with my bias Yunho, with my bias Donghae, with my bias Minho...

  • @nancymarlenromerovargas4765
    @nancymarlenromerovargas4765 4 года назад +10

    Wwwoooowww que hombres tan guapos todos Donghae y eunkynh son super junior 😍😍😍😍

  • @hue719
    @hue719 4 года назад +96

    If only SM added EUNHYUK and Yunho in Super M.

  • @jopierot
    @jopierot 3 года назад +7

    아니 이게 무슨 일이야 댸니들 몸 괜차는거야...? 떠해 뒷구르기하고 뇨꾸 막 다리 어우... 2021년의 나는 12년도의 댸니도 걱정된댜ㅠㅠ