Lord, Remember Me (Pastor Charles Lawson)

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • Wednesday (Night) Preaching: Feb 3 2021
    One Man Had a Dying Glimpse of the Nature of God and It Resulted in a "Deathbed" Conversion. Jesus Answered Not a One of the Hateful Railers, But to the Pleading Thief on the Cross Beside Him, Jesus Gave Instant Reassurance: "To Day Thou Shalt Be With Me in Paradise."
    Scripture: Luke 23:33-43
    Website: pastorcharlesla...
    Rumble: rumble.com/zio...
    Parler: parler.com/pro...
    RUclips: / zion4131
    Watch Pastor Lawson Live & Previous Full-Length Services at: livestream.com/...
    Live Stream Schedule (Eastern Standard Time):
    Sunday School: 10:00am
    Sunday Morning: 11:00am
    Sunday Evening: 6:00pm
    Wednesday Evening: 7:00pm
    Find a KJV Fundamental Baptist Church in your area: fundamental.org...
    Temple Baptist Church
    email: templebaptist@comcast.net

Комментарии • 510

  • @Jonnyharmon
    @Jonnyharmon 4 года назад +74

    Thank you pastor. Your ministry is a cold glass of water in the wide open desert. 🙌

    • @rhondalandrum7646
      @rhondalandrum7646 4 года назад +5

      JONNY HARMON.....Amen.....another quote....FINDING A CACTUS IN THE DESERT!!!!

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +4

      The prime rib between my bread 🍞 ~ 🤍 😌 💗 ♡

    • @tinadupree4028
      @tinadupree4028 4 года назад +4

      AMEN🙏Standing N Agreement💯.Blessings N JESUS Precious Name💌

    • @libbymurphy4620
      @libbymurphy4620 4 года назад +3

      Well said

    • @GlenMcB
      @GlenMcB 4 года назад +2


  • @JesusSaves4Life
    @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +100

    I remember the first time I watched Pastor Charles I was in my room & then it felt like he was knocking out all the demons inside of me & by the end of the video it was like an exorism was done to me. God bless this man.

    • @Tdizzle7775
      @Tdizzle7775 4 года назад +10

      Amen brother. That’s being cleansed by the Word. No better feeling in the world!!!

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +10

      @AmericanMan 1967 I have stepped away & since then my life has changed when I gave it all to Christ hands.

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +5

      @@MrButtstroker lol this isn't a joke I'm serious. Good sense of humor tho buddy

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +3

      @@Tdizzle7775 Amen brother

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +1

      @AmericanMan 1967 just bcus 2pac is a rapper that doesn't mean he is not a member of Jesus Christ. It's just a God given talent. I'm sure God created 2pac to be a born leader & rap all he wanted & he seen the opportunity & took advantage of it.

  • @saritaalvarado2676
    @saritaalvarado2676 4 года назад +61

    I' Pray Lord Remember Me" Amen Amen .

    • @MA-vd3ln
      @MA-vd3ln 4 года назад

      Amen and amen 🙏🏻

    • @dannysaint1740
      @dannysaint1740 4 года назад

      Do you really believe saying Lord remember me will save you??? That's not the gospel of our salvation! This preacher is a proven miserable false teacher!!! He's lying to you and all of his listeners and you've bought the lie!!!

  • @jamesmagwenzi
    @jamesmagwenzi 4 года назад +13

    The thief on the cross is one of the many reasons why the Gospel is so powerful.

  • @danaugust2756
    @danaugust2756 Год назад +1

    This sermon is a masterpiece! God bless Pastor Lawson! There are millionaire preachers out there who don't have anything close to the following on RUclips that this channel does. Thank God for a humble, compassion filled servant like Pastor Lawson! The holy spirit is upon this preaching! Praise be to God!

  • @theresapeacock2401
    @theresapeacock2401 2 года назад +1

    Lord remember me. Bless this man Lord 🙏

  • @tinawallace2707
    @tinawallace2707 4 года назад +11

    Remember me when thou comest into your kingdom. I love you Lord Jesus.

  • @nobaloneymahoney7940
    @nobaloneymahoney7940 4 года назад +46

    The Lord Jesus Christ grabbed me when I was all alone without a thought about Him and I've stayed close since 1987. Love this Preacher Man 💙

    • @scaleworksRC
      @scaleworksRC 4 года назад +4

      Amen, theres no mistaking it. When you know, you know!

    • @drummerboy737
      @drummerboy737 4 года назад +4

      Amen to this

  • @averagealaskan5009
    @averagealaskan5009 4 года назад +31

    Thank you brother Lawson

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +1

      Yes ~ he is a gifted 🤍 😌 💗
      Person, serving Christ Jesus, AMEN 🙏

    • @kdwarner5
      @kdwarner5 4 года назад

      We are in the great Deception, and even the elect will be Decieved if possible, according to scriptures. What we don't know doesn't get us in trouble, it's what we know for sure that really isn't True, that gets us in trouble. The fact is we live in the backwards world. Everything you were ever taught is a lie. Everyone on this plane existence grows up under Government. Govern = rule Ment= mental or mind. They have been ruling our mind since birth. The only thing we ever learn in life, is what we are taught by our parents, who were raised under Govern- ment. Then you go to a school, A govern- ment school. I mean you really have to, or your parents go to Jail. You have to be programmed. Next you watch public TV, In which they tell you it is programming, we will return to the programming after these messages. Operation mockingbird, a CIA psyop, that started in the late 40s, with subliminal messages and flashes of light, look it up. Scriptures says, All the Information that comes from man is carnal. Most of it comes from the experiences one has had, and that ends up being the knowledge, that He, or she, gathers up in his, or her lifetime. What a person believes has nothing to do with what is fact. Facts are absolute, anything else is false, and from the enemy, and a lie. Even the name Jesus is false.
      Fact: He was born A Hebrew Baby named Yahusha Bar Yoseph. Yahuah the Creator manifest Flesh. Scriptures clearly state, there is one name that you can be saved bye. That name is not Jesus. To deny Yahusha, and call him by a defiled name, when they know his correct name, is Rebellion. 1st Samuel 15:23 for Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry, because thou Hast rejected the word of Yahuah, why he has also rejected the.
      Next Yahusha wasn't hung on an cross, he was hung on a almond tree. A sacrifice is not a sacrifice, unless it's done on an altar. A Roman cross is not a alter. The Mount of Olives is the Eternal altar of YAH. The budding almond Rod from the Ark of the Covenant. Was planted there by King David with the skull of Goliath. Which became the tree, Yahusha was hung on. The cross is a 4000 year old death symbol. It comes from Egypt, and represents the sun god Tammuz. Scripture tells us, Yahuah is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So How could He Have Two sets of Rules, old and new Testaments?( Who Did Away with The Eternal Covenant?
      Isaiah 42:8 I am Yahuah; that is my name. I will not give my glory to another, ( who is Jesus?) neither my praise to graven images ( who is Jesus?)
      1st John 3:4 (kjv) Everyone who sins breaks the law, in fact sin is breaking the law (Hebrew) He who sins transgresses the Torah, for sin is transgression of the Torah
      1st John 2:3-4 kjv And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Isaiah 30:9 This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesie deceit. Are you comfortable in your life? Are you where you need to be Spiritually? Do you know everything you need to know, to walk in Freedom and confidence through the coming events? Because the Rapture is a made up doctrine By John Nelson Darby in 1831 ALL lies. 2nd Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Upon his second coming, the heavens, and the Earth are destroyed. Where do all the left-behind people live, come on think about it.
      Are you Saved? I hear I'm saved, or he's not saved. I hear that all the time. When scripture says those who endure to the end Shall be saved. The end hasn't come yet. Who are you kidding? This Is a process, and this process, is a painful process. You have to start over completely. You have to process all this false information you have been indoctrinated into. Learning things that contradict everything, that you ever been taught. Fighting Cognitive Dissonance the whole time. And most everyone suffers from cognitive dissonance. Please look it up. It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person's core beliefs do not align, with new evidence that contradicts that core belief. It may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another. Cognitive dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in many different ways. Anger is the primary defense. So when you mention, The firmament, or the flat Earth, your instantly A nutcase, when in actuality, they have the disorder of Cognitive Dissonance. They cannot stand to even hear it. Immediately they shut you out. We all know that rejection without investigations is the epitome of ignorance. But it's exercised every day, almost every time it's brought up. It starts early, let's take school, your taught that you evolved from a monkey, and that you live on a roundball flying through space. School, Public television (cartoons), NASA and your parents all, taught you we live on a round ball, flying through space at 666 million miles an hour, while you're flying around the sun at 550,000 miles per hour, while your spinning at 1069 miles per hour, that's a lot of movements for you to not feel one thing. The Bible is a flat earth book. Their are over 400 places in the King James 66 book cannon bible, that states somehow that the Earth is stationary, and does not move. The Sun and moon were made on the fourth day, what did earth revolve around until then!! Come on! You don't believe Genesis!!! If Genesis is wrong, then all Scripture is wrong. Scripture is the only truth, in this plane of existence. We do not believe our own eyes, and our own senses, or the holy scriptures, we believe what somebody tells us. Nobody can prove curvature, because there isn't any!!
      A simple Lighthouse proves there is no curvature, NASA says 66 feet of curvature at 10 miles, 6666 feet of curvature at a hundred miles, how can a 70 foot Lighthouse be seen for 30 or 40 miles, Google it. The stature Liberty is 300 ft tall and it can be seen for 60 to 70 miles at 60 miles it would be under over 2,000 feet of curvature. Water is always level, it doesn't bend. It can't be round guys, no matter how much you want it to be, because you've been taught that. It's a LIE, and if they can make you believe a lie that big, what else do you believe.
      Look around you ladies and gentlemen, how many people are wearing masks for no logical reason. Face it none of them are 5 micron masks, they give absolutely no protection. You cannot keep mosquitoes out with chainlink Fence! They are Decieved into doing respiratory, Heart, and lung Damage, to themselves, Because thier breathing thier own carbon monoxide, and bacteria. Unbelievable!! But 2nd Thessalonians 2:11 For this cause YAH (God) shall send great delusion upon them that they should believe a lie. Most everybody in this world worries about what other people think about them. And they don't even care about what the father thinks. When he's s the only one that matters. He knows your every thought, What makes anyone think they can hide anything from him. They lie, brag, put on thier masks ( not the physical ones everyone is duped into wearing) the image, or the portraital, of who they want people to think they are. People use their mouth, to say, I believe, I love the father. But do they show it? 1st John 2:3-4 kjv And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his Commandments. He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Saying it is one thing, how do they put it into action? Just pay attention to what they do, it doesn't match their words. I call it talking out both sides of their mouth. Scriptures say, For not hears of the law are just before Yahuah, But doers of the law shall be justified. Fear of Yahuah is the beginning of wisdom, proverbs 1:7 . Knowledge has nothing to do with wisdom. Wisdom is putting knowledge into action, and faith is a verb. James 2:18 Yea a man may say, thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Hope this is a wake-up call. Kdwarner5@gmail.com

  • @laborersofchrist3195
    @laborersofchrist3195 4 года назад +33

    Brother Lawson, God bless you and this church. ☺ ⛪

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +4

      Amen ~ 🤍 🤗 💗 ~ 100% agree ♡

  • @2mexpesos
    @2mexpesos 3 года назад +1

    watching from California! God bless you Pastor Lawson and everyone who is seeking true doctrine 🙏🏼💕

  • @robertzabel3702
    @robertzabel3702 3 года назад +1

    One of his best . This message was directly from the Holy Spirit. The genius of simplicity

  • @lifesajourney9575
    @lifesajourney9575 4 года назад +19

    "I pray the Lord remembers me!" 🙏

    • @dannysaint1740
      @dannysaint1740 4 года назад

      That's not how one gets saved today! That's not the gospel of our salvation! Lostsin is lying to his listeners and you've bought his lie!!!

  • @lindam.9282
    @lindam.9282 4 года назад +12

    I appreciated this sermon so much. I've been told my whole life that "someone" had to lead me to the Lord if I claim to be a Christian. No one did. I met the Lord around the age of 2 yrs old. I'll never forget that experience. He made Himself known to me so personally and at a time when I was being abused. I remember the fear I had at the time, I'll never forget it, and then Jesus showed up. It was like a bright beautiful warm loving light surrounding me and telling me He was with me and I was going to go through some hard times in my life, but He would always be here with me to help me through them. As a little child, I didn't know who He was, so I asked Him, "Who are you". He simply said, " You can call me Jesus". Over the years, He has proven to be with me every step of the way. He has saved my life at least 2 times when someone tried to kill me. I'm sure there have been many times He has protected me that I may not have known or remembered. At 69 yrs old this month, I feel His presence all the time. I live alone with all my family estranged, but I'm never lonely. I feel safe. I don't know why I had to go through all I did, but He knows and that's good enough for me. I'm available 24/7 to be of service to Him. Wherever He wants me to go, I'll go. Whatever He wants me to do, I'll do it. He'll make a way for me to accomplish whatever He wants me to say or do. Here am I, send me, Lord.

    • @Forgivenofsins
      @Forgivenofsins 4 года назад +5

      Same here! He my best friend, I don't have any friends, I've lived alone for so many year's but he's always there. I talk with him an walk with him. Most of the time I sing to him. And some day I'll hold him in my arm's an get that hug I've wanted for 38 years now. One treasure I look forward to getting is that hug every single day. Hallelujah
      Thank you for sharing an God bless you

    • @lindam.9282
      @lindam.9282 4 года назад +5

      @@Forgivenofsins I was thrilled to see your comment! I often say I hope my singing sounds better when it reaches Him than it does to my ears. I'll catch myself singing and wonder what got that started. Then I realize it's the Holy Spirit making Himself known to me. He's singing and it's coming out of my very soul. Is it not the greatest feeling ever! Those hugs, He just wraps us up in His arms. I too look forward to having those hugs in person or in spirit or however we're going to be when we meet Him face to face. Or maybe I'll be so overwhelmed I'll just fall at His feet and not be able to say a word! I can only imagine what it will be like. Love you in Christ!! Can't wait to meet you in heaven!

    • @williamgodfrey2534
      @williamgodfrey2534 3 года назад +1

      Linda and Aaron my two sisters. God Bless you both! Yall said the most beautiful words and I want yall to know that I want to be standing there with you both when we meet our Lord Jesus Christ because after yall get your hug I want a big hug from Him too! Love you both and I will see yall soon with our Lord!!!

  • @lewismeeten8741
    @lewismeeten8741 4 года назад +8

    PRAISE GOD thank you pastor Lawson brother your preaching has changed my life. All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, and my holy Father.
    God be with all my brothers and sisters this evening,
    in your precious name

    • @mro4073
      @mro4073 4 года назад

      @Lewis Meeten God be with you and your family too brother 🙏

  • @athena8729
    @athena8729 3 года назад +1

    PERFECT VOLUME!!!! ❤️😁👂🏼

  • @pamela5050
    @pamela5050 Год назад

    Wondrous is the love of Jesus.

  • @Jerryman1158
    @Jerryman1158 4 года назад +31

    Thief on the cross - remember me
    Jesus - I'll never leave you ❤️

  • @owainthomas9715
    @owainthomas9715 4 года назад +14

    Accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior on 18 August 2012, three days before I got married. Jesus has blessed my life ever since. Thank you Lord for going to the cross and staying on it for me. God bless.

    • @chynnadoll3277
      @chynnadoll3277 4 года назад +1

      For me, it was early May 2014🥰🥰🥰🙏. God bless and keep you my brother or sister in Christ (sorry, I couldn’t tell by your name) ❤️❤️

    • @owainthomas9715
      @owainthomas9715 4 года назад

      @@chynnadoll3277 ha, brother! From Wales, UK. God bless and hopefully we’ll meet soon at the feast.

    • @chynnadoll3277
      @chynnadoll3277 4 года назад +1

      @@owainthomas9715 Praise God, and Hallelujah! I’m looking forward to meeting you, my dear brother🥰🥰👏🏻🙏👍

    • @owainthomas9715
      @owainthomas9715 4 года назад

      @@chynnadoll3277 will be awesome. God bless.

    • @chynnadoll3277
      @chynnadoll3277 4 года назад +1

      @@owainthomas9715 Amen 🥰❤️, and the same to you 🙏✝️

  • @JT13974
    @JT13974 3 года назад +1

    Jesus Christ is Lord.

  • @tonyvinesmusic
    @tonyvinesmusic 4 года назад +67

    I was thinking about what person in the Bible I could relate to the most....Paul, Peter,John??.....nope. The thief.

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +6

      Yes ~ be lead along by 😌 the lowly things ~ not the "proud" HAUGHTY things ~ AMEN 🤍

    • @tonyvinesmusic
      @tonyvinesmusic 4 года назад +3

      @@lovealways2609 yes and AMEN. Jesus help me. :-)

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +1

      lol atleast you are honest

    • @evilpixiedance
      @evilpixiedance 4 года назад +3

      @@JesusSaves4Life excellent choice.

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +3

      @@evilpixiedance I wouldn't say people are more like thievs, I would say they are actually more like Judas but yeah it is what it is.

  • @tashaschneider1419
    @tashaschneider1419 4 года назад +3

    A truly beautiful sermon. Love listening to preaching that is scripturally based!

  • @bennyguardian3225
    @bennyguardian3225 3 года назад

    Wow! I started long time ago praying like this to Jesus before i get to sleep.
    Now its a blessing to see a sermon about it!
    Hallelujah. All glory to God Almighty, Jesus Christ.
    Kadosh, Kadosh Elohim,
    Alpha& Omega.❤❤❤

  • @luxetveritas4141
    @luxetveritas4141 4 года назад +5

    Best Pastor in America! God bless all people of the Earth. Love from all of us in England.

  • @starvinmarvin6565
    @starvinmarvin6565 3 года назад

    GOD ALMIGHTY, have mercy on My Soul as I come to My Judgment, JESUS CHRIST I Submit to Your Will and no other. Amen

  • @hangcloud2784
    @hangcloud2784 4 года назад +15

    Thanks Pastor Lawson!!!

  • @normaflores6767
    @normaflores6767 4 года назад +21

    Praise God Amen Glory To God!!

  • @krazykat6898
    @krazykat6898 3 года назад

    Wow? One of the best sermons I have ever heard in my 45 years of walking with the LORD.
    Like asking with a childlike faith. Count me worthy Lord to enter into thy Kingdom. Remember me Lord.
    No man was involved-except Christ and the thief. How much more personal can you get. Grace and mercy kissed each other on that day.

  • @henrygibbs9922
    @henrygibbs9922 Год назад

    One of best. All from his heart. His being.❤

  • @lovealways2609
    @lovealways2609 4 года назад +17

    I love this pastor and congregation.
    Hello 👋 😃 from L.A.🌴 CALIF.
    Love your video sermons.
    T.y. ~ so much, in Jesus Holy name I pray ~ 😌 🤍 💗 ♡

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +3

      O0ooooo GOD ~ 🤍 💗 ♡
      THERE is nothing better than you.
      GOD 🤍 you are the best, I praise you in Jesus glorious name, Amen. 🤍 🤗 💗 ♡

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +1

      *(the above is my prayer 🤍 😌 💗 to : GOD ~ YHWH ~ JHVH ~ ALMIGHTY ~ for this Godly ministry ~ AMEN 🙏 ♡)

  • @edwardmac7542
    @edwardmac7542 3 года назад +1

    Amen Brother! Thank you for preaching the Word.

  • @AJ-oc1gd
    @AJ-oc1gd 3 года назад

    Please pray for me! Have mercy on me a sinner..I'm lost & hellbound. Lord I need you and prayers would be appreciated

  • @josephtomplait8135
    @josephtomplait8135 Год назад

    Lord please remember me also 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jackiefowler6237
    @jackiefowler6237 4 года назад +14

    Fabulous to see approx. 650 people have watched after only posting 30 mins. ago. That is how many people are anxious to hear from the faith inspiring Pastor Lawson. I can't wait to meet him soon, in heaven!

  • @johnnylugo442
    @johnnylugo442 4 года назад +4


  • @egobeatussum600
    @egobeatussum600 4 года назад +9

    That's my prayer today.
    LORD remember me when you come!!

  • @debralayman2384
    @debralayman2384 4 года назад

    God Bless You Pastor Lawson🙏🏻Lord remember me🙌Amen

  • @mmm7m672
    @mmm7m672 4 года назад +23

    Amen thank you brother Lawson your message is right on from the Lord. Not only did I just read this exact same verses but you just knew what I was going through. Only the Holy Ghost can know that. God bless you all

  • @evilpixiedance
    @evilpixiedance 4 года назад +29

    Oh, I needed to hear this tonight.

    • @GlenMcB
      @GlenMcB 4 года назад +2

      Me too! I complicate the bible sometimes, but pastor Lawson spoke very humbled & with so much wisdom. The Lord is using this man to preach his word to save people around the world with many blessings attached. Amen

  • @likeasoldier
    @likeasoldier 4 года назад +5

    So simple and powerful, Thank You LORD for your grace and mercy upon wretched souls.

  • @jeremiahkirby6552
    @jeremiahkirby6552 4 года назад +62

    Lord, thank you for Dinner.
    Lord, thank you for a place to lay my head.
    Lord, thank you for covers.
    Lord, thank you for clothes to wear.
    Lord, thank you for fans.
    Lord, thank you for a shower that works.
    Lord, thank you for a toilet that works.
    Lord, thank you for air conditioning.
    Lord, thank you for sight.
    Lord, thank you for air.
    Lord, thank you hearing.
    Lord, thank you for tasting.
    Lord, thank you for a brain that works.
    Lord, thank you for thought.
    Lord, thank you for memories.
    Lord, thank you for that breeze on a hot Summer day.
    Lord, thank you for family.
    Lord, thank you for friends.
    Lord, thank you for communion.
    Lord, thank you for the gift of forgiveness.
    Lord, thank you for the gift of repenting.
    Lord, thank you for love.
    Lord, thank you for a vehicle that runs.
    Lord, thank you for money in the bank.
    Lord, thank you for shoes without holes.
    Lord, thank you for providing a place to wash my clothes.
    Lord, thank you for friends that bring me clothes.
    I could go ON and ON as my blessings far outnumber anything this world may throw at me. Most of all Thank you Lord for paying the price for me.
    Lord, thank you for making it so easy for me.
    Lord, thank you for loving me before I entered existence.
    Lord thank you for dying for us, big brother I can never pay you back. One day I'll hug you and thank you and
    I'll wait until then.

    • @mro4073
      @mro4073 4 года назад +4

      @Jeremiah Kirby Amen and Amen I thank him everyday when I get up in the mornings for all of that too 🙌

    • @cindyrella7037
      @cindyrella7037 4 года назад +3

      LORD Thankyou for Jeremiah kirby and His poems!!!! God bless Pastor Lawson with strength and joy of the Lord.........

    • @williamjessewalteriv3326
      @williamjessewalteriv3326 4 года назад +2

      Looove it

  • @monazacheis260
    @monazacheis260 4 года назад +2

    Lord remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom

  • @JesusSaves4Life
    @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +19

    The realest preacher I have encountered

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +3

      I feel you.
      Dig this person, as well.
      Nothing fake here
      In Jesus Holy name, I give thanks for these videos, Amen 🤍

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +3

      @@lovealways2609 you ain't never lied

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +3

      🕶 🌴 ~ we serve 😌 the same GOD ~ fa'sho ~ 🤍
      God bless you 💛 ~ bruh ♡

    • @JesusSaves4Life
      @JesusSaves4Life 4 года назад +2

      @@lovealways2609 thank you bro & God bless you too

    • @rhondalandrum7646
      @rhondalandrum7646 4 года назад +1


  • @00726penny
    @00726penny 4 года назад +1

    Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me.🙏⚓ I remember singing that as a little girl with my Grandma ❤️🎶 May God bless you All 🙏

  • @meghang2599
    @meghang2599 4 года назад +30

    Lord, thank you for being merciful to me, a sinner. ❤️

  • @gregorymullinax4026
    @gregorymullinax4026 3 года назад +1

    Pastor charles lawson is a very good preacher

  • @clewis5917
    @clewis5917 Год назад

    Beautiful sermon. Thank you Lord!

  • @priviatedomain278
    @priviatedomain278 4 года назад +8

    Thanks Zion for posting

  • @barbiwomack199
    @barbiwomack199 3 года назад

    Lord, remember me. ❤️

  • @allenb7874
    @allenb7874 3 года назад

    When He filled me with the Holy Spirit, i asked Him why me Lord. He said because of your heart. Its all about whats in your heart people.

  • @robertasims3741
    @robertasims3741 4 года назад +1

    So blessed to know this strong man of God. Who has desire to live for his Lord Jesus and to only teach the TRUTH of the WORD OF GOD!! I'm so blessed to be so blessed. Amen.

  • @cgmmw
    @cgmmw 4 года назад +4

    What a beautiful sermon. Thank you Pastor. 🙏

  • @susanholbrook9288
    @susanholbrook9288 4 года назад +8

    Lord remember me 🙏🙏🙏

  • @teddyperezident
    @teddyperezident 4 года назад +1

    Praise your Holy name Lord Jesus! Lord God oh God Remember Me! ..
    Thank you Pastor for such faithfulness to His Word .. for rightly dividing the Word of Truth.. no flim flam .. Just the Word of the Living God .. plain but powerful.. Amen!

  • @lonnielingerfelt1401
    @lonnielingerfelt1401 Год назад

    Lord Remember me

  • @tammybullock1608
    @tammybullock1608 Год назад

    AMEN hallelujah 🙌

  • @stingerbee8346
    @stingerbee8346 4 года назад +9

    Praise God and bless his holy name! Reminds me of the old song, 'Oh Lord, don't leave me here!'

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 4 года назад +1

      Yes, beautiful song, AMEN. 🤍 😌 💗

  • @kushistoyvideos216
    @kushistoyvideos216 4 года назад +1

    Lord, remember me... 🙏 Amen!

  • @TheHemiphil81
    @TheHemiphil81 4 года назад +1

    When almighty God had mercy on me and saved my soul he shattered me into a million pieces and put me back together the way he wanted me. I have the word of God grafted in my bones. Praise God for brother Lawson and preaching the absolute truth.

  • @tomskeezduzit7500
    @tomskeezduzit7500 4 года назад

    Praise God. Plz pray for the people getting cabin fever. Ty 4 sharing, God bless

  • @briandoster9823
    @briandoster9823 2 года назад

    I been listening to bro Lawson for several months now, thank you Lord for leading me his broadcasts, I too like the thief on the cross have lived a sinful teenage and young adult life and God's message thru him has blessed me this day, for I too asked Him to remember me and take the temptations and worldly way from my heart that I too may have true joy and happiness for the rest of my life. I wished I lived closer to 2100 Woodrow drive in Tennessee, I'd love to be under the leadership of bro Lawson for every time I hear the Lord's message thru bro Lawson it blesses my soul and strengthens my faith, one day soon I will come to Temple Baptist Church to see everyone there and shake bro Lawsons hand and hear the message the Lord lays on his heart.
    God bless you preacher and bless the entire congregation

  • @adrievandervelden9796
    @adrievandervelden9796 4 года назад +2

    Thank you, br. Lawson, remember him, Lord Jesus!!
    Love from Holland!

  • @stephenjohncox3045
    @stephenjohncox3045 2 года назад +1

    Spirit of the LORD spoke to me about hell, at 12 years old, I tried to hide resist, but truth entered my soul that day and I knew I was saved I repented and the fruit of the spirit filled me, im 67 now and alive and ever learning and looking up waiting for my new eternal home. BLESS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY

  • @denisemartinez4566
    @denisemartinez4566 4 года назад +7

    Thank you Pastor ❤️❤️❤️

  • @jshakey3035
    @jshakey3035 4 года назад +3

    Sending this to my Catholic friend!! Thank you ♥️

    • @jshakey3035
      @jshakey3035 4 года назад

      @@MrButtstroker I'm sorry you're so angry. That is your prison. Instead of trolling, maybe you should investigate further.

  • @aw2472
    @aw2472 3 года назад

    my God , so powerfull

  • @paulbennett5549
    @paulbennett5549 4 года назад +2

    Lord remember me!!

  • @WeCanDoIt-ji1tp
    @WeCanDoIt-ji1tp 4 года назад +7

    Lord,remember me

  • @saritaalvarado2676
    @saritaalvarado2676 4 года назад +4

    🕊Praise Your" Holly Name Jesus You"🕊 Are Lord Of Lord's And King Of King's🕊 🕊My" Lord And Savior Jesus Christ🕊 Amen Amen .

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 4 года назад +1

      Amen, merciful, gracious, wonderful, blessed, Holy, mighty, everlasting, loving Lord and Savior, Almighty YHVH in the flesh, our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.🙌🏻✝️👑❤️🕊

  • @waynelewis4466
    @waynelewis4466 4 года назад +9

    I had a dream that me and preacher Lawson was in a car with people in the back seat of the car we were driving through Israel the car went over a cliff and we landed perfectly on the ground and no one was injured or hurt at all then I woke up from the dream and I felt peaceful and I knew it was from the father in heaven it's way so real I thanked the lord and savior went back to sleep it way amazing dream 🙏

  • @christianparfyparry9357
    @christianparfyparry9357 3 года назад

    Lord I thank you for my life IAM 63 now and have little confidence.Please remember me.

  • @kristophstjames4143
    @kristophstjames4143 4 года назад +2

    Beautiful message, just wow! Amen Amen

  • @wildwoman2able
    @wildwoman2able 4 года назад +3

    That's beautiful, thankyou, needed that simple reminder 😇

  • @jeremyn6825
    @jeremyn6825 4 года назад +4

    My God, remember this man. Remember those who put their trust and faith in you my Lord Jesus Christ. Remember me for when I kept sinning you gave me the strength to repent and turn away. Father in Heaven, please remember your creation. Only you know a person's true heart and intentions. I am a sinner but I know in whom I believe and I'm sorry I disappoint you like so many who do not even give you a thought. Thank you for dying for me. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for my family. Thank you for the breath you allow me to breathe. Thank you for this preacher. May God the Father bless you and yours forever Mr. Lawson. May God bless all of you who come unto him and believe on him for he is the ONLY way to the Father.

  • @caerb48
    @caerb48 4 года назад +1

    Thank You for Sharing this message.... Give Our LORD.. Praise and Glory....

  • @godgavemethisnamereem2206
    @godgavemethisnamereem2206 4 года назад

    Pastor. Preach on baptism.

  • @violetmullikin1725
    @violetmullikin1725 4 года назад

    My church gave up on me the pastor's gave up on me, and then the Lord began to speak and here I am his daughter🌹 I praise His holy name! I was the women taken in adultery and he did not condemn me. He didn't even accuse me.

  • @marcystrycula6583
    @marcystrycula6583 4 года назад +1

    Lord Remember me Amen

  • @jenericstewart
    @jenericstewart 4 года назад +1

    amen. you are such a blessing to my soul.

  • @mattrockjm
    @mattrockjm 4 года назад

    Great job pastor Lawson ... Jesus is lord ..
    Thx you ...

  • @marsiasc2280
    @marsiasc2280 2 года назад

    Now , I can approach those who Don't want to turn from sin before they die. If they believe and trust Jesus towards their Salvation at their death bed as a last resort . I'll ask them to pray , " Lord Remember Me ." Let God's will be done.

  • @nesheiwg
    @nesheiwg 4 года назад

    Pastor Lawson, is Once Saved Always Saved Biblical. I would love your input. Thanks and God bless you.

  • @henrystanley1516
    @henrystanley1516 4 года назад +1

    Lord jesus remember me amen

  • @timothy77261
    @timothy77261 4 года назад

    GOD is soooo good AMEN

  • @Lakeslover2
    @Lakeslover2 4 года назад +3

    “God made it simple”. Wonderful,
    thank you Pastor Lawson.

    • @geralkay3012
      @geralkay3012 4 года назад +1

      Yes brother. Simple from the heart.

  • @godgavemethisnamereem2206
    @godgavemethisnamereem2206 4 года назад

    God .told the apostles. That's the way to pray

  • @AdamYoungPreacher
    @AdamYoungPreacher 4 года назад +4

    If someone ever says that the Lord's prayer is "not theologically sound", they ought to be reminded that it was spoken by the very mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ after He said, "After this manner therefore pray ye". We'd better believe the Lord's prayer is as "theologically sound" as it gets.

  • @denisemartinez4566
    @denisemartinez4566 4 года назад +13

    The apostles had to be saved too!

  • @justjackfromsc
    @justjackfromsc 4 года назад +1

    Amen. Thank you for this video and God bless.

  • @richardfrerks8712
    @richardfrerks8712 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor Lawson.. God bless you..

  • @richardjohn5219
    @richardjohn5219 4 года назад

    beautiful message

  • @Hecky4Christ
    @Hecky4Christ 4 года назад +8

    I know U will remember Me .... Lord JESUS 🙏🏽❤️💯❤️🙏🏽

  • @angela-yf5pq
    @angela-yf5pq 4 года назад +1

    Jesus is coming any moment now. Please everyone accept Jesus as your Savior and ask for forgiveness for your sins. Jesus is King forever and ever. God bless everyone.

  • @jasonhenderson1105
    @jasonhenderson1105 4 года назад +4

    The thief was probably the first saved by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blood is just as strong today I pray I am alive when He comes back

    • @Tdizzle7775
      @Tdizzle7775 4 года назад +1

      Pretty amazing is our God right?! The first one to be saved by the blood was until the last hours of his life, a total train wreck

  • @zetbraz269
    @zetbraz269 4 года назад +5

    ☺Thank you Pastor...may we all be in Heaven one day with our Lord. Prayers and blessings from South Africa. 💒

  • @adlaura97
    @adlaura97 4 года назад +1

    Thankyou so much pastor. Keep being a blessing to all of us. God is really using you as His tools. Amen 💕

  • @JesusFirst652
    @JesusFirst652 4 года назад +6

    Lord Remember me! Great Sermon Tonight Pastor Charles!

  • @athena8729
    @athena8729 4 года назад +3

    🛐💯📖📯🕯 This is The Blessed Hope! King Jesus ❤ Hallelujah! How Great is Our God, No Measure!

  • @christinemcnair6795
    @christinemcnair6795 4 года назад +4

    Wonderful, gracious, merciful, loving and long suffering is the LORD towards us.
    All praise to Him.

  • @nathanielbowens3583
    @nathanielbowens3583 4 года назад +5

    Thanks, Pastor Lawson, great message. The Blood.