Dolly Vlog: Ever Have Dolly Seller's Remorse?

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @MissL40
    @MissL40 2 года назад

    Eight years ago, I actually went through a phase where I bought every single Barbie I wanted and every Pullip doll I wanted. Especially, after watching a lot of your doll reviews. Now, downsizing to a smaller house, I simply don’t have the room for them. I have three custom Pullips I won’t sell. But I’m in the process of selling them now. I’ve sold Pullip Harley Quinn and just recently sold my Pullip Aurora, Barbie Day of the Dead 2019 edition and Barbie Athena. My Barbies were still in the box. But all my Pullips were opened and in a glass display case because I thought I would never sell them. When I’ve listed them, I put in my ad, “I just want my dolls to go to a good home.” And thankfully just from communication from buyers, they just want to add to their own collection. Honestly, I’ve really outgrown them and just happy to “pay it forward” with a decent price.

  • @ginarush1227
    @ginarush1227 8 месяцев назад

    Thanks for making this video, the most sellers remorse I have experienced was selling Dal Princess Pinky. I may buy her again one day. I have also experienced buyers remorse too being in this hobby. I enjoy your channel, thanks for everything. ☺️🥰😁🌷

  • @NatalieAuroraS
    @NatalieAuroraS 3 года назад +2

    I have not had seller's remorse, but I've have buyer's remorse. When I got into watching doll collecting videos I fell into that frame of mind where you want to buy every doll you see others buying and you end up with dolls that eventually you realize that you only bought, not because you wanted them, but only because someone else hyped that doll so much you thought you wanted it.
    I have sold my Anne of Green Gables pullip because I out grew her. She was my very first pullip and I did this thing some people may find strange. Before packing her to send her off to the buyer, I actually talked to her and thanked her for being my first pullip. Like I said some people may find it strange but it felt good doing so, showing her my gratitude.

  • @ladyroselie
    @ladyroselie 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for making this video! I wish I had seen this years ago when I sold my dolls. Getting back into it slowly and making sure that I absolutely LOVE every doll I buy. For example, I never had Dal Heiwa and just recently bought her. I'm over the moon excited and I don't plan to ever sell her. I think that inevitably there will be dolls that I buy that I will realize aren't for me when I'm looking at them in person, but I will never do a giant purge again (I hope).

  • @newdivision00
    @newdivision00 3 года назад +1

    Oof I definitely have sellers remorse! I once sold a doll then immediately bought it again when I realized I loved her. I’m in the process of looking for another doll I sold earlier this year. I had some guilt around having a large doll collection, but I can’t deny the obsession!

  • @americangirlfan1970
    @americangirlfan1970 3 года назад +1

    I have experienced both , my sales are mostly emotional and because of depression and circumstances of life , this is currently happening to me . I have sold quite a number recently , I still love the dolls but for reasons that are hard to explain I am letting them go . Also I have let go due to financial concerns which also depresses me . It’s a vicious circle and it keeps happening to me . I’m only keeping a small number of dolls and letting the rest go and I hope later down the road not to have regrets .

  • @whataboutthosetoys2051
    @whataboutthosetoys2051 3 года назад +1

    I have not sold any of my dolls that are custom I love that they each have their own personality, I have sold non custom dolls..

  • @darcydelapp2298
    @darcydelapp2298 3 года назад

    Right now my dolls have been packed for over a year… I was going to sell them because of money issues, losing my job and having to move….but just wasn’t ready to decide who would be sold and who would not. Now I find myself missing them and wishing to see each and everyone of them so I feel grateful that I was able to keep them. I have ordered a couple of new ones just to have someone to look at☺️… my goal is to refurbish a little abandon two room house next-door to my home and turn it into a dolly studio…. Yay 😍.

  • @bethanyhunt2704
    @bethanyhunt2704 3 года назад

    I've had a fair bit of buyer's remorse, usually buying a doll because it was cheap, not because I really wanted it. I've managed to sell most of them on, but I do have about 10 packed away, waiting to be sold or resurrected. I'm fortunate that I've never regretted selling. My dolls have a definite shelf-life, in that I need them for some quality they have, and then time passes and I don't need them any more. I've sold Milk Latte, Classical Alice & Mad Hatter, Nanachan (amongst many more), which I still really like, but don't regret it a bit.

  • @phillux1085
    @phillux1085 3 года назад

    I've had seller's remorse, too! Sold most of my Pullip collection at the end of 2017 and I didn't think much of it until almost a year later. Now, I am slowly collecting them back but some of them I may never get back because they have been long out of stock.

  • @SaraA92
    @SaraA92 3 года назад

    I have never sold one of my dolls because I am very aware when buying especially because I have little space and because I have to really like a doll to buy it. I often have thoughts about selling my entire collection or just a doll .. I think it's normal or maybe dictated by the anxiety that has plagued my life forever .. Thanks anyway for this video. It was useful to me ..💜

  • @hannahdoll3665
    @hannahdoll3665 3 года назад

    i regret selling Taeyang Seiran. When I started collecting Pullip , I wasn't too crazy about Taeyang dolls, so I sold the only one I had, Seiran. I love, love love Taeyang now, and I wish Seiran was still with me. I used to collect vintage Barbie but I stopped as soon as I fell in love with Pullip. My Barbie dolls are still here and I am thinking about selling them but I am afraid to get seller's remorse. I guess, I will just take my time, there's no rush. Great video, Angela. I didn't know you sold so many of your dolls.

  • @LiTtL3T72
    @LiTtL3T72 3 года назад

    I just started collecting so I haven’t experience sellers remorse hehe. I would love to buy your future dolls that don’t make the cut, where would it be listed? :)

    • @bethanyhunt2704
      @bethanyhunt2704 3 года назад +1

      The Facebook group Pullip Sales is the best place to find affordable Pullips

  • @iggyrap1141
    @iggyrap1141 3 года назад

    My dad just banned me from buying dolls with my own money I am heart broken and will never forgive him 💔

    • @iggyrap1141
      @iggyrap1141 3 года назад

      @@Löweundju sorry but what no he knows nothing about it obviously I'm the one who likes it in fact I love it the one thing that I love to do and he banned me just because I asked him to stop getting mad at me for it his reply was fine no dolls at all