Simon's Side of the Story

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • TW: In this video, I address the issues around Meemers, Hawaii, and Narcissism.
    Additionally, I forgot to talk about my deleting of comments and blocking of people in the video, so let me address it here. As I mentioned in the video, I want to maintain my privacy. This means I don’t want matters that I didn’t openly discuss online to be shared by others, or discussed in the comments. Private information was shared without my consent. When this happens I feel invaded and unsafe. So I deleted comments that raised those points, and I blocked commenters who persisted in discussing them in my posts. Yes, I was deleting and banning, before I learned about the Hidden Words tab in Instagram’s Privacy section, where I set up auto-moderation to filter the comments on Instagram. Since Martina continually removed those filters, deleted the word list, and has been discussing my private matters openly on her social media channels, I see that my hope for privacy in this matter is no longer possible, and so I am addressing Hawaii. I’m sorry for those that I hurt in my attempts to maintain some privacy. I can see that I deeply hurt many members of the community, and I am truly saddened by that. Some of the commenters that I knew best felt betrayed, and I’m deeply sorry to have alienated them. I am working on improving where I direct my attention online.
    I want to continue to share online, and maintain some boundaries. I’ve had viewers triangulate my home address in Japan based on the landmarks in pictures I posted online, been followed by fans in taxis, and my cohost has been doxxed. I really only feel comfortable posting pictures about my dogs lately because I feel so anxious on camera and in public as well. I would appreciate my privacy to be respected, and the body shaming and the death threats to stop. The safer everyone feels here, the sooner we can get back to more playful, lighthearted videos. I love it when people relate to the content personally or with curiosity. I like to know where people are from, and have always enjoyed engaging with long term members of the community.
    To the commenters that are upset that I called some of the community toxic, I’m sorry if you thought I was referring to you. For the most part, you’re probably not the toxic commenters I referred to; I’m pretty sure you’ve seen them in the comments though. As I work to improve my perspective and shine light on more of the positive around me, like my puppies, I thank those members of the community who have been most supportive.
    I’m very confused about people who are upset that I still post on my Instagram account. At the start of our divorce, while I was very emotional I did not post online, and I had no issue with Martina posting on our shared Instagram. I’ve never asked her to stop, or in any way have I disinvited her from posting on Eat Your Kimchi. She said she wasn’t going to post there, and continues to do so, and I’ve noticed commenters being confused about this as well. I would just like to move forward and continue sharing the channel as we agreed upon. Minus the harassment. There is space for everyone and their dogs. Cats too. Oh ya, and Turtles 🐢
    0:00 Introduction
    0:29 Online Harassment
    2:26 What You’ve Heard About Meemers
    3:28 Taking Care of Meemers
    4:08 What My Vet Said
    4:56 A Timeline of Meemers
    5:56 Meemers with Fudgy
    7:26 Trying to Share Meemers
    8:59 Facts about Meemers
    11:16 Respecting Each Other’s Privacy
    13:13 What Happened in Hawaii
    15:47 Discussing Narcissism
    18:03 Concerns
    19:05 Requests

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