I am glad MIT is finally posting a short video about this! I follow the topic Space Architecture because of my interest in space as im studying architecture. You guys also did a tour with some students at icon3D which has a contract to 3D print a base on the moon. And I am glad this is a course at a prestigious university but would like the opportunity for other universities to contribute or other students for input. If I am not accepted at MIT for graduate school i will enroll at the school of space architecture at university of Houston! I am glad MIT is assisting in this field and would like to see more of the 3D habitat and maybe some mushroom habitats as we see being experimented at red house architecture in Ohio
My dream since I was a kid was a SpaceHab designer. Since this day, I persue this dream, im now 30yo. Doing interior and architecture design for money, and space scifi design projects in free time. I hope one day, my dream job will came to exist.
I love how many are using starship as a model to see what is possible. The size of the starship lander makes this so much more exciting I can’t wait to see what they come up with.
Somehow publicly funded universities professors etc make all the innovations but the resultant productivity getting sucked up by crony capitalism and dollar printing.. society needs to rethink.. there's enough in the world to accommodate everyone on the planet.. and a more prosperous equitable society will gradually reduce populations and improve life conditions
as indian we have the Indian Institute of Science (IIS which is argubly better than MIT. because we do practical things and intelligence. google CEO is indian, microsoft CEO is indian, we indian rule the world.
@KuriakoseeJoined 3 months ago, definitely a troll account. MIT’s work in academia far surpasses any contributions you (and any of us) have made to society and the world. Just think about it for a moment - while you’re obsessed with race and ethnicity, MIT is obsessed with STEM. Go do something worthwhile for once, because getting upset over geographical variations in genes is beyond ridiculous.
I motivate myself every day with these videos from MIT, to never stop learning. Every day, I am a little bit closer to my dream of going to MIT. Even though I am 14 years old, I will give it my all to get closer to my dream.👍👍
I'd like to see a Ferris wheel design for a space port that uses Starships or other crafts to dock on the ends of long trusses that connect like spokes of a wheel. At the center hub, microgravity conditions could be tested with a hub that has no angular momentum. The trusses could be connected with high tension cables possibly even have telescopic sections to increase or decrease the radius distance. A space port like this could demonstrate a 1G space habitat in cislunar space to serve the developing moon base missions and then be sent to Mars to serve as an orbital life support system. They could have luxury apartments and the most advanced medical bay and 3D printing equipment that has already been proven to work for years of service in cislunar space. This could also double as a base to build space manufacturing and asteroid mining infrastructure. Starships could undock and go on surface missions. This allows for backup starships to be kept parked in 1G in orbit. It's probably a good idea to have different smaller and a lot of backup rockets sent to Mars surface as emergency escape to get back to the Luxury Hilton space port hospital manufacturing hub in orbit
In terms of structural longevity: Have you tried golf-ball Concavities? Should have interesting implications on electron pool pathing and resistance to atmospheric oxidation; like if there is an abundance of sulfites causing metals to become brittle, a golf-ball form factor may slow the rate. Also hydrating membranes for breathable air conversion could help normalize pressure metabolics. Potentially even a unidirectional selectively permeable membrane? Anyways, hope this helps!
I like them making the Starship (Moon version) go horizontal. A lot of site prep would have to be done.... amongst a whole lot of other considerations.
This, is like learning programming when the computers were starting to gain popularity, and becoming wide spread. Its the same now, these will be jobs of the future.
과거에는 로켓을 한번쏘고 1회용으로써서 제작이 오래걸리고 비용이 많이들고, 또 제작할때 문제가 생겨서 폭발하면 사망자도 발생해서 문제가 심각했어. 그런데 지금은, 검증된 로켓이 다시 발사되고, 착륙시켜서 다시 쏘니까, 제작비용이나 기간도 짧고, 심지어 로켓이 폭발해도, 상단부분이 위로 분리되어서 사망자가 안나오게 안전한 설계로 만들어졌어. 그래서 이제는 안전성까지 확보됐잖아. 스페이스x 팔콘 9의 재활용도 벌써 100번이 넘었어. 이 재활용횟수가 1000번이 넘으면 그 로켓 1회당 발사 비용은 기존의 100분의 1수준으로 내려가는거야. 정말 싸지는거야. 그럼 물자 배송의 가격도 엄청 싸지지 1kg당 그 물자 발사 비용도 수십분의 1이하로 싸지는거지. 그럼 이제 경제성도 확보된다. 거기다가 이제 달에서의 인간의 활동은 많은것을 필요도해. 산소부터, 물, 식량, 에너지까지, 그런데 그 문제도, 외부작업을 원격 로봇으로 하면돼. 지금도 보스턴 다이나믹스, 테슬라 로봇들을 보면 인간처럼 작업할수있어. 인간이 원격으로 조정하면 산소도 필요없고, 식량도 필요가 없어. 태양광하고 에너지 저장장치, 통신장치만있으면 돼. 그러면 지구에서 원격으로 외부작업을 도울수있어. 그러니까, 이제 내가볼땐 완벽해. 다 갖췄어. 모든 필요한것들은 내가볼땐 다 완성된거같아.
Imagine the most awful post-apocalyptic polluted hellscape you can conceive of on Earth, and then remember that it will be absolute paradise compared to every other extraterrestrial habitat known to us, including all planets in our solar system.
@@JustinsGarage It's probably a good tool to test rough designs and just get the general idea of what it'll look like. Not everyone knows how to use Blender to make the 3D models
@@rizizum I in no way spoke out against using KSP. It is called a joke, the school is clearly treating these adults as if they are children and not teaching them anything. By the way using CAD is faster then using KSP.
1. Space requires materials that can withstand extreme temperature changes 2. Either the habitat is a space tent that is folded up/ unfolded but made of many layers like a space suit or they are fixed containers dependent on the mission requirements. Until you know the mission parameters there is no way to know how feasible your design is. I would think the first serious habitat would be something fixed and requiring minimal assembly. Things can go wrong in the assembly and that's just additional point of failure. Deploying a large fixed container would require a specialized deployment vehicle. So the entire habitat and spacecraft would all be designed together. The simplest way to deploy a fixed habitat is to simply have it carefully detach from the landing craft and gently lower it to a location a reasonable distance away so that no astronaut has to touch it.
Finding a light weight digger would be very beneficial. Even just digging up dirt to provide radiation shielding to thinly walled buildings would go a long way.
It’s possible that some of these designs could be adapted to be the next generation of FEMA emergency shelter as ever warming global temperatures bring lower global per capita food production, a leading indicator of Ecological Overshoot Unraveling.😢 Extra credit for diagramming that sentence.😅
It looks like water is frozen in deep craters at the poles which are also the places with the lowest exposure to stellar radiation. Habitats could go underground for more safety.😊
I don't need to go to space five times, or be in orbit even once, to immediately see that you have the image of the Earth - sdrawkcab - in your college recruiting video. Who at MIT approved this display of genius?
내가볼때 우주기지 건설에 가장 쉬운 방법은 우주선을 기지로 쓰는거야. 그게 제일 쉬워. 우주선을 스타쉽이 재착륙에 성공한것처럼 우주선을 눕혀서 기지로 쓰는거야. 단단하고, 크고, 온갖 시설이 다 들어가있지. 안에 연료부분, 로켓부분을 안쓸땐 떼어내고, 공간을 확장하면, 스타쉽같은경우, 높이가 50미터나 돼. 건물로 치면 20층이 넘는 건물인거야. 그게 가장 쉽고, 기지건설이 될수있지. 거기다가 스타쉽에서 더 크게 키우는방법으로 텐트처럼 부풀어 오르는거지. 당연히 이제 방탄우산처럼 또는 방탄옷처럼 엄청 강도가 쌔다? 단단하겠지? 그리고 그위에 달의 흙, 화성의 흙을 모아서 시멘트 조합해서 콘크리트 타설을하면 엄청 단단한 기지가 되겠지. 그러면 스타쉽 우주선 1개에, 엄청큰 기지가 건설되겠지. 이 방법이 제일 쉽다. 가격도 쌀꺼야. 지금 당장 스페이스x 에서 팔콘 9인 로켓 쏘고 착륙시키는것처럼 달에 그냥 착륙시키면돼. 이미 기술이 있잖아. 물론 한번에 성공 못할수도있어. 그러나 내가볼땐 몇번안에 성공해. 어쩌면 한번에 성공할수도있고, 이미 100번이상 로켓이 착륙에 성공했잖아. 그럼 바로 기지 건설 최첨단 컴퓨터에 연료와 로켓부분을 나중에 떼어내고, 그부분을 공간활용으로 한다면 엄청 큰 기지가 단숨에 완성된다. 그러면 로켓을 몇개만 보내서 그렇게 쓴다면, 바로 수십명도 생존할수있는 기지가된다. 물자만 보내주면돼.
The moon is not space architecture, it has a substrate, it's still the same 2D thinking we see on earth. The efforts so far in orbit are not habitats for human society, they are fragile labs for a couple scientists and all the designs coming out lack any understanding of substrate. Space architecture first requires the development of a substrate. I have been dwelling on actual space architecture and volumetric substrates for over 10 years. I would love to study and research it, I have asked multiple Australian universities and none of them understand why architects are even required in space. So that's at least a start MIT. I am impressed.
Olá M.I.T eu tenho 11 anos e sou cabo verdiana, meu sonho é estudar na vossa universidade e quem sabe, conseguir uma bolsa. Dou o meu melhor para conseguir. 😊
But on another planets it must be sustainable resistance to heat cold etc.. blah blah, alot of things can be changed like sewing the flexible steel closing it with strong fabric other form of substances known by me only, or use steel sheets alot sun ray glass to melt ice, only thing missing on mars is only water so if there's water than use that to build better buildings that will last for ever
Somehow 1960s science and technology was more advanced that we went to moon and back. But as per NASA, we lost the tech and everything, including the original tapes.. 😂😂
I see nothing more advance then what I was doing 15ish years ago in Jr high just because I was bored. That last shot with one of them scrolling through pinterest really sums up how these are adult age children incapable of original thought. Doubt even one of them has ever welded or built anything before.
We need to figure out how to survive on Earth! Which looks less and less likely. Every rocket makes it less likely, too by depositing more co2 into the upper atmosphere. We need all the ingenuity available just to continue life on Earth.
Together with Advanced Ais assistance we could build habitats that integrate with nature. Advanced Ai " printer machines " will build and create everything we need. Free for all of humanity. Humanity all free 🤖🧠❤🔥
oh my... shapes matter a lot.... feedback loops and beta testing and games and what happens with design thinking and dynamic conditions... the overlay of contracts and real world implications and feedback loops... it's not the end all platform for improvement process on earth... but it has a voice... The work of health, climate and tools can help a lot... and thereby.. will also help authentic community connections and space work... time and space... the infrastructure and dimensions of social and energy.. and helping those to understand connections... it can be a lot at times... Prometheus and lots of kinda... :) #LoveEVICTShate
AVP 👽 One of those .../ But ... be back / .../ / My ahhhh the resler" ones / nice to meet you guys/...I got the tech ) so ask well 😜. get it to you /.../. but that bay .../ Might be on point ☝🏾 /
I studied Construction Management at UTS … had a great life, started by own company and finally bought a 911 at the age of 28 …. THEN I had the “dream”…i was on a boat cruising towards a man made island of the coast of Mumbai “All the Indian billionaires were building luxury houses and my grand child was designing the Burj al Arab hotel in India. The next morning I sold my 911 for 200,000AUD told my wife if you want we can divorce today split our 16.5million realestate portfolio because like Jesus or Mohammad….I seen the future’ my grandchildren are NOT property developers they are AMAZING DESIGNERS like the “house of PRADA” I am going back to UTS to complete my Architectural Qualifications !!!!!!!!!!!
Nice to know Buckminster Fuller and Ron Resch are still with us after 60+ years.
I am glad MIT is finally posting a short video about this! I follow the topic Space Architecture because of my interest in space as im studying architecture. You guys also did a tour with some students at icon3D which has a contract to 3D print a base on the moon. And I am glad this is a course at a prestigious university but would like the opportunity for other universities to contribute or other students for input. If I am not accepted at MIT for graduate school i will enroll at the school of space architecture at university of Houston!
I am glad MIT is assisting in this field and would like to see more of the 3D habitat and maybe some mushroom habitats as we see being experimented at red house architecture in Ohio
My dream since I was a kid was a SpaceHab designer. Since this day, I persue this dream, im now 30yo. Doing interior and architecture design for money, and space scifi design projects in free time. I hope one day, my dream job will came to exist.
I love how many are using starship as a model to see what is possible. The size of the starship lander makes this so much more exciting I can’t wait to see what they come up with.
Somehow publicly funded universities professors etc make all the innovations but the resultant productivity getting sucked up by crony capitalism and dollar printing.. society needs to rethink.. there's enough in the world to accommodate everyone on the planet.. and a more prosperous equitable society will gradually reduce populations and improve life conditions
that's all good but you had me at risk analysis table. engineering students actually figuring out risks and requirements, now that's mind blowing.
as indian we have the Indian Institute of Science (IIS which is argubly better than MIT. because we do practical things and intelligence. google CEO is indian, microsoft CEO is indian, we indian rule the world.
@@rajeshgajwelly9035 good morning saar
@Kuriakoseeand the only thing you can produce is dogshit comments
@KuriakoseeJoined 3 months ago, definitely a troll account. MIT’s work in academia far surpasses any contributions you (and any of us) have made to society and the world. Just think about it for a moment - while you’re obsessed with race and ethnicity, MIT is obsessed with STEM. Go do something worthwhile for once, because getting upset over geographical variations in genes is beyond ridiculous.
@@rajeshgajwelly9035get lost
I motivate myself every day with these videos from MIT, to never stop learning. Every day, I am a little bit closer to my dream of going to MIT. Even though I am 14 years old, I will give it my all to get closer to my dream.👍👍
Don’t ever give up, no matter what anyone says. If you can try it, you can do it
Good luck! At least if you don't reach the stars, you'll still fall among the clouds! Still a great journey and place to be.
Finally, scientific community makes use of Terrence Howard's wave conjugations 3:00
B- trolling
When I saw the design I immediately thought "Terrence Howard's LYNCHPIN!"😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Isn't that what a 12 sided die is shaped like? Nothing new.
@@rayh4975 those drones aren't his lmfao they were made by engineering students in a competition of Terrence's
@@Jorghhhh Who's competition??? Go ahead and say it again? And competition for what? Go ahead...say it! Lol
I'd like to see a Ferris wheel design for a space port that uses Starships or other crafts to dock on the ends of long trusses that connect like spokes of a wheel. At the center hub, microgravity conditions could be tested with a hub that has no angular momentum.
The trusses could be connected with high tension cables possibly even have telescopic sections to increase or decrease the radius distance.
A space port like this could demonstrate a 1G space habitat in cislunar space to serve the developing moon base missions and then be sent to Mars to serve as an orbital life support system. They could have luxury apartments and the most advanced medical bay and 3D printing equipment that has already been proven to work for years of service in cislunar space.
This could also double as a base to build space manufacturing and asteroid mining infrastructure.
Starships could undock and go on surface missions. This allows for backup starships to be kept parked in 1G in orbit.
It's probably a good idea to have different smaller and a lot of backup rockets sent to Mars surface as emergency escape to get back to the Luxury Hilton space port hospital manufacturing hub in orbit
MIT is so amazing
Humanity should go to space. 👍👍
Humanity must learn how to live in space if they want survive.
Is this a mirror universe? Why is the United States backwards at 0:05 ? ;-)
Next level of space exploration is here! 🚀☀️😉
It is amazing.I wish good luck to the whole team 🥇
Go MIT🔥🔥I am very eager to study at least one Course there & I am from South Africa💯🔥
That's why MIT leads the world in knowledge and its application ❤️
This is amazing stuff, I cant wait to see it
that's so cool, I just hope i am able to be a part of it too, Lets try organizing such things in our university too
I wonder if there are any CAD files that space enthusiasts can visualize in Unreal Engine
In terms of structural longevity: Have you tried golf-ball Concavities? Should have interesting implications on electron pool pathing and resistance to atmospheric oxidation; like if there is an abundance of sulfites causing metals to become brittle, a golf-ball form factor may slow the rate. Also hydrating membranes for breathable air conversion could help normalize pressure metabolics. Potentially even a unidirectional selectively permeable membrane? Anyways, hope this helps!
Additionally: A tapered alloy with a greater electronegativity at the bottom of the structure may further improve the design.
That is far to advanced for them, those designs are intro to paper crafts level.
Also I’ve got an update for the design. Snowflake patterning with golfball concavities.
Like spider webs kinda
this kind of video makes me stay optimistic about the future in this world of loneliness
Hang in there, buddy
Loneliness isn't that bad once get use to I've been alone for years. Less stressful and drama free.
Thats a big W from me for MITians , developing something for our future habitats on mars
I like them making the Starship (Moon version) go horizontal. A lot of site prep would have to be done.... amongst a whole lot of other considerations.
This, is like learning programming when the computers were starting to gain popularity, and becoming wide spread. Its the same now, these will be jobs of the future.
Getting MIT is my dream. If MIT rejects me I would create another MIT in India.😊
Let's create it together brother 🤝
@@Anshpatt sure bro😊
@@Anshpatt what are u studying brother
@@Priyadharshan-kg4fs 12th Standard and You?
과거에는 로켓을 한번쏘고 1회용으로써서 제작이 오래걸리고 비용이 많이들고, 또 제작할때 문제가 생겨서 폭발하면 사망자도 발생해서 문제가 심각했어. 그런데 지금은, 검증된 로켓이 다시 발사되고, 착륙시켜서 다시 쏘니까, 제작비용이나 기간도 짧고, 심지어 로켓이 폭발해도, 상단부분이 위로 분리되어서 사망자가 안나오게 안전한 설계로 만들어졌어. 그래서 이제는 안전성까지 확보됐잖아. 스페이스x 팔콘 9의 재활용도 벌써 100번이 넘었어. 이 재활용횟수가 1000번이 넘으면 그 로켓 1회당 발사 비용은 기존의 100분의 1수준으로 내려가는거야. 정말 싸지는거야. 그럼 물자 배송의 가격도 엄청 싸지지 1kg당 그 물자 발사 비용도 수십분의 1이하로 싸지는거지. 그럼 이제 경제성도 확보된다. 거기다가 이제 달에서의 인간의 활동은 많은것을 필요도해. 산소부터, 물, 식량, 에너지까지, 그런데 그 문제도, 외부작업을 원격 로봇으로 하면돼. 지금도 보스턴 다이나믹스, 테슬라 로봇들을 보면 인간처럼 작업할수있어. 인간이 원격으로 조정하면 산소도 필요없고, 식량도 필요가 없어. 태양광하고 에너지 저장장치, 통신장치만있으면 돼. 그러면 지구에서 원격으로 외부작업을 도울수있어. 그러니까, 이제 내가볼땐 완벽해. 다 갖췄어. 모든 필요한것들은 내가볼땐 다 완성된거같아.
This is fantastic and must be so fun to be a part of! Go humans!
Imagine the most awful post-apocalyptic polluted hellscape you can conceive of on Earth, and then remember that it will be absolute paradise compared to every other extraterrestrial habitat known to us, including all planets in our solar system.
Space Architecture before GTA VI???
Mit is locked in
0:55 He's got KSP screenshots on his tablet
No way… that’s awful. So you are saying my 600 hours on KSP makes me as smart as an MIT student?
@@JustinsGarage It's probably a good tool to test rough designs and just get the general idea of what it'll look like. Not everyone knows how to use Blender to make the 3D models
@@rizizum That is why they are at a VERY expansive school to lear.....O wait they don't teach something as basic as CAD?
@@Thorgon-Cross Even then, using CAD takes time, if you just want a rough model, why waste some hours making it in CAD when you can just use KSP?
@@rizizum I in no way spoke out against using KSP. It is called a joke, the school is clearly treating these adults as if they are children and not teaching them anything. By the way using CAD is faster then using KSP.
"🚀 Fascinating exploration of Space Architecture!
Super flimsy looking material is really what you need between your fragile habit and the harsh space environments.
great work of inspiration . Thank yo u all very much
When are you going to start making synths?
1. Space requires materials that can withstand extreme temperature changes 2. Either the habitat is a space tent that is folded up/ unfolded but made of many layers like a space suit or they are fixed containers dependent on the mission requirements. Until you know the mission parameters there is no way to know how feasible your design is.
I would think the first serious habitat would be something fixed and requiring minimal assembly. Things can go wrong in the assembly and that's just additional point of failure. Deploying a large fixed container would require a specialized deployment vehicle. So the entire habitat and spacecraft would all be designed together. The simplest way to deploy a fixed habitat is to simply have it carefully detach from the landing craft and gently lower it to a location a reasonable distance away so that no astronaut has to touch it.
Thank you video brilliant compliment
Why are yall working on this without me there.
Someone rolled a *D12.*
Tunnel into a crater wall and build out the space.
Finding a light weight digger would be very beneficial. Even just digging up dirt to provide radiation shielding to thinly walled buildings would go a long way.
It’s possible that some of these designs could be adapted to be the next generation of FEMA emergency shelter as ever warming global temperatures bring lower global per capita food production, a leading indicator of Ecological Overshoot Unraveling.😢 Extra credit for diagramming that sentence.😅
Good video!
oh no first we got Guardians now we got giant engrams y'all is this the dark timeline
Revolution = Engeneering
Happy to see students worried about their studies, and not engaging in political activism they know nothing about.
Good job MIT.
This is all great but who owns the IP of the designs ? Also, let's try to fix this rock we're on also !
wooooow looks so cool !!!
그러니까 지금 마지막 남은것은 어디에 기지를 건설할껏인가 이것만 남은것같아. 그 위치가, 물이 있는곳이면 최적의 안성맞춤이다. 그걸 찾는것이 이제 시간이 걸리는거같아. 그 마지막 그것만해결되면 다 갖춰져있지 않나?
It looks like water is frozen in deep craters at the poles which are also the places with the lowest exposure to stellar radiation. Habitats could go underground for more safety.😊
They really are going to use Starship as a habitat
I don't need to go to space five times, or be in orbit even once, to immediately see that you have the image of the Earth - sdrawkcab - in your college recruiting video. Who at MIT approved this display of genius?
Name 10 books💀
True, MIT is the school that is coming up with NASA in space exploration you think of.
❤️🌅🌏Thank you very much🙏🙏🙏
I also have an idea which could actually work
Confirm On Project ✅ See The Blueprint NASA 👍🏽🧠
If only the government gave as much money to other colleges in other states we would have much more progress in society as a whole
mit will you accept me when i apply when im older?
So many options to choose from, do we build like an ant would or bee's maybe. Hive no idea! Yet!
Dodecahedrons are *tight.*
Visions Of Blueprint NASA 👍🏼🤔✅🤓
내가볼때 우주기지 건설에 가장 쉬운 방법은 우주선을 기지로 쓰는거야. 그게 제일 쉬워. 우주선을 스타쉽이 재착륙에 성공한것처럼 우주선을 눕혀서 기지로 쓰는거야. 단단하고, 크고, 온갖 시설이 다 들어가있지. 안에 연료부분, 로켓부분을 안쓸땐 떼어내고, 공간을 확장하면, 스타쉽같은경우, 높이가 50미터나 돼. 건물로 치면 20층이 넘는 건물인거야. 그게 가장 쉽고, 기지건설이 될수있지. 거기다가 스타쉽에서 더 크게 키우는방법으로 텐트처럼 부풀어 오르는거지. 당연히 이제 방탄우산처럼 또는 방탄옷처럼 엄청 강도가 쌔다? 단단하겠지? 그리고 그위에 달의 흙, 화성의 흙을 모아서 시멘트 조합해서 콘크리트 타설을하면 엄청 단단한 기지가 되겠지. 그러면 스타쉽 우주선 1개에, 엄청큰 기지가 건설되겠지. 이 방법이 제일 쉽다. 가격도 쌀꺼야. 지금 당장 스페이스x 에서 팔콘 9인 로켓 쏘고 착륙시키는것처럼 달에 그냥 착륙시키면돼. 이미 기술이 있잖아. 물론 한번에 성공 못할수도있어. 그러나 내가볼땐 몇번안에 성공해. 어쩌면 한번에 성공할수도있고, 이미 100번이상 로켓이 착륙에 성공했잖아. 그럼 바로 기지 건설 최첨단 컴퓨터에 연료와 로켓부분을 나중에 떼어내고, 그부분을 공간활용으로 한다면 엄청 큰 기지가 단숨에 완성된다. 그러면 로켓을 몇개만 보내서 그렇게 쓴다면, 바로 수십명도 생존할수있는 기지가된다. 물자만 보내주면돼.
Terence is on to something
This is what I waaaaant
The Roman Fidget Spinner. Doh.
Radiation ends all the fun.
No ,but it must be considered in all plans.😊
The moon is not space architecture, it has a substrate, it's still the same 2D thinking we see on earth. The efforts so far in orbit are not habitats for human society, they are fragile labs for a couple scientists and all the designs coming out lack any understanding of substrate. Space architecture first requires the development of a substrate. I have been dwelling on actual space architecture and volumetric substrates for over 10 years. I would love to study and research it, I have asked multiple Australian universities and none of them understand why architects are even required in space. So that's at least a start MIT. I am impressed.
Olá M.I.T eu tenho 11 anos e sou cabo verdiana, meu sonho é estudar na vossa universidade e quem sabe, conseguir uma bolsa. Dou o meu melhor para conseguir. 😊
But on another planets it must be sustainable resistance to heat cold etc.. blah blah, alot of things can be changed like sewing the flexible steel closing it with strong fabric other form of substances known by me only, or use steel sheets alot sun ray glass to melt ice, only thing missing on mars is only water so if there's water than use that to build better buildings that will last for ever
Somehow 1960s science and technology was more advanced that we went to moon and back. But as per NASA, we lost the tech and everything, including the original tapes.. 😂😂
I see nothing more advance then what I was doing 15ish years ago in Jr high just because I was bored. That last shot with one of them scrolling through pinterest really sums up how these are adult age children incapable of original thought. Doubt even one of them has ever welded or built anything before.
No man went to the moon
oh,.... Mars ville at summer camp...
We need to figure out how to survive on Earth! Which looks less and less likely. Every rocket makes it less likely, too by depositing more co2 into the upper atmosphere. We need all the ingenuity available just to continue life on Earth.
the outer exterior of any architecture needs to be impervious to impact. period.
Ya think?
2words: rammed earth (regolith)
they look like my hawtpawkets 😄
guess who they were inspired by
Together with Advanced Ais assistance we could build habitats that integrate with nature. Advanced Ai " printer machines " will build and create everything we need. Free for all of humanity. Humanity all free 🤖🧠❤🔥
Aluminum foil and duct tape...that's all you need.
oh my... shapes matter a lot.... feedback loops and beta testing and games and what happens with design thinking and dynamic conditions... the overlay of contracts and real world implications and feedback loops... it's not the end all platform for improvement process on earth... but it has a voice... The work of health, climate and tools can help a lot... and thereby.. will also help authentic community connections and space work... time and space... the infrastructure and dimensions of social and energy.. and helping those to understand connections... it can be a lot at times... Prometheus and lots of kinda... :)
One of those .../ But ... be back / .../ / My ahhhh the resler" ones / nice to meet you guys/...I got the tech ) so ask well 😜. get it to you /.../. but that bay .../ Might be on point ☝🏾 /
no ear rings
Great puff pice
I studied Construction Management at UTS … had a great life, started by own company and finally bought a 911 at the age of 28 …. THEN I had the “dream”…i was on a boat cruising towards a man made island of the coast of Mumbai “All the Indian billionaires were building luxury houses and my grand child was designing the Burj al Arab hotel in India. The next morning I sold my 911 for 200,000AUD told my wife if you want we can divorce today split our 16.5million realestate portfolio because like Jesus or Mohammad….I seen the future’ my grandchildren are NOT property developers they are AMAZING DESIGNERS like the “house of PRADA” I am going back to UTS to complete my Architectural Qualifications !!!!!!!!!!!
There is something important you musk know Rakmhsu and Aurak.
👍🏼❤ ..
MIT > IVY league
putting microplastics in space. Let's go!
please, take me as a student in your college ,,
I clicked on video cause I saw a new engram.