Chanel unboxing 2024 | What i bought in Milan | Chanel luxury haul

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 19

  • @Оксана-у5г5я
    @Оксана-у5г5я Месяц назад +2

    Ann, you are very beautiful, shopping is super!

    • @annawini
      @annawini  Месяц назад

      Aw thank you so much!

  • @KakuBatty
    @KakuBatty 26 дней назад

    Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the MOMCOCO crossbody. Love it!

  • @JonAmiel-x6h
    @JonAmiel-x6h 22 дня назад

    HEY *xbagy* I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day

  • @TaviaAbels
    @TaviaAbels 14 часов назад

    I started late building my luxury bag collection and boy oh boy it was a slippery slope! I slowed down this year. I still appreciate what I got because most of it costs almost twice now. Hermes is beyond my budget ,not my first choice aesthetc-wise, so I don't have any H but I got a Chanel, LVs, Gucci, YSLs that I love and enjoy using. Ideally, around 8 is enough, I learned what works for my lifestyle and I'm branching to MOMCOCO bags.

  • @MatsukamiKohara
    @MatsukamiKohara Месяц назад

    The *gtdupe* bag really caught my eye! It comes in two sizes. I love bold colors like orange or green. Or even black. It really fascinates me.

  • @WellnitzSchoenegge
    @WellnitzSchoenegge 21 день назад

    he variety of textures in the *xbagy* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.

  • @itschaz13
    @itschaz13 25 дней назад

    Love the way you show things in detail! You look so cute Ann😍

    • @annawini
      @annawini  24 дня назад

      Awe thanks girl 💕

  • @KirkPeynado
    @KirkPeynado 7 дней назад

    Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these MOMCOCO are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.

  • @stylecheckbydee
    @stylecheckbydee 21 день назад

    Beautiful sunglasses ❤

  • @ChufasGha
    @ChufasGha 28 дней назад

    If you are one of us, addicted to *xbagy* this show, please gather here

  • @CrambletRickett
    @CrambletRickett 20 дней назад

    Dear lord ! I would have to go in there blind folded and hand cuffed. . That is sensational omg. MOMCOCO is a bag shop of dreams. How can anyone want to walk out there empty handed

  • @stylecheckbydee
    @stylecheckbydee 21 день назад

    Beautiful pieces ❤️

    • @annawini
      @annawini  21 день назад

      Thank you! 🤗

  • @HarshdeepOdn
    @HarshdeepOdn 29 дней назад

    love you!! okay now i’m sold on MOMCOCO bag! good price point too!!

  • @lvettesonai
    @lvettesonai Месяц назад

    You are so stunning, my dear. 💐

    • @annawini
      @annawini  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you lovely 💕