السلام عليكم ممكن حل لهذا السؤال Plot a sinusoidal signal using line specifiers in the plot() command with the following specification line Style of dash-dot, Line Color of green and Marker Type of asterisk with x label of sine wave .and title of figure-1
ممكن شرح الكلمات if for else elseif
السلام عليكم ممكن حل لهذا السؤال
Plot a sinusoidal signal using line specifiers in the
plot() command with the following specification
line Style of dash-dot, Line Color of green and
Marker Type of asterisk with x label of sine wave
.and title of figure-1
شنو الفائدة من السطر الثالث for k=1.....
ممكن الايميل خاصتك