super My parents also from macedonian from Üsküp Köprülü ( Tito Veles) we live in ızmir Camdibi and our celebrates are the same with the same mısicians and we danc the same oro... Nice to watch this video I send you my greetings from Izmir TURKEY Samet AKTUNC
super My parents also from macedonian from Üsküp Köprülü ( Tito Veles) we live in ızmir Camdibi and our celebrates are the same with the same mısicians and we danc the same oro... Nice to watch this video I send you my greetings from Izmir TURKEY Samet AKTUNC
Pozdrav Samete.Ferus Mustafov pokoj mu dusi.Najbolji saksofonista.
Ferus Mustafov and Demo Savlev and Denis Savlev and Fazli come often in summer come to our city and make music ...
Krv nije voda.
ovo je sprdnja i skakanje,,nema ovde ni K od kola!!!