Hi !! I got offer from rgu . I want to know is it worth it to get part time job in Aberdeen some people are recommending bot to join rgu because they dont make fees instalments and there is no job in Aberdeen. Kindly let me know
I agree with this fact of jobs. But it is truly dependent on your ability to find a job. People are now leaving Aberdeen, dont know why. so there are jobs but you need to struggle. well it is evident, jobs are far low in number as compared to glassgow and edinbrgh
Good information 👍 thanks
Zuberdust thnx❤❤
Good information ❤❤
Hi !!
I got offer from rgu . I want to know is it worth it to get part time job in Aberdeen some people are recommending bot to join rgu because they dont make fees instalments and there is no job in Aberdeen. Kindly let me know
I agree with this fact of jobs. But it is truly dependent on your ability to find a job. People are now leaving Aberdeen, dont know why. so there are jobs but you need to struggle. well it is evident, jobs are far low in number as compared to glassgow and edinbrgh
Gg good