Champions of Germany - Hardy KRUGER - Top Pigeon Fancier - PART 2/3 Black Line Dynasty
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Hardy Kruger, copilul minune al columbofiliei germane, care a spart tiparele in Campionatul Columbofil al Germaniei, castigand la varsta de 16 ani titlul de Campion al Germaniei. Totul a pornit ca o simpla pasiune pentru porumbei, porumbeii de zboruri, si a dat nastere unei minunate dinastii de porumbei, in frunte cu Carl Lewis, Platini, Naomi, Julia, Black Power, Black Pearl, Bailey, Black Diamond, iar in 2020, New Carl Lewis.
"Champions of Germany" is a web series where we visit the best pigeon fanciers in Germany. We try to discover and share with you their secrets about feeding and breading techniques, how to keep the racing pigeons in excellent health conditions and the racing preparations.
Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to this channel if you want to see more content like this.
For more information, visit: #hardykruger
Hay My friend Narcissus, I am from Morocco and one of the participants in your beautiful channel. I love your videos related to homing pigeons. I welcome you to Morocco at any time.

Hello! It's on my list. Thank you. Leave me a contact. All the best!
Bravo domnul Narcis cele mai tari interviuri👏👏
Frumoasă istorie si super porumbei👍👍👍
Asta e partea a 2-a. Sa te uiti si pe prima parte. Ms!
@@NarcisAfrasinei am urmarit ambele părți astept partea 3
@@bogdanvlad2464 stiu ca ai comm si la prim aparte si ms ca ne urmaresti. Vine si aia.
Vreau un număr de telefon sa vorbesc cu crescatoru
Tnx for sharing, nice interview..
Thank you!
Frumoși porumbei, felicitări!
Vine si partea a 3-a, cu aceiasi porumbei frumosi si valorosi.
Brilliant another great production, really enjoyed it.
Thank you! Every 3 weeks.
Super, felicitari!
A great film Narcis, relaxed, thorough and informative. Hardy seems like a very genuine pigeon man and human being. Best wishes for your future productions, I have clicked subscribe!
Thank you! we will continue our journey.
Hardy Krüger got some nice ass birds 👍
Super taube!!
well done, commendable for being in English
Thank you!
Herr Kruger, tolle Tauben, schade, dass ich mir Ihre Tauben nicht leisten kann. Grüße
Buna dimineata ! Solicit sa ne comunice dl HADRY KRUGER cum pregateste porumbeii pentru o etapa de fond .
Avem si un episod despre asa ceva. O sa vina si momentul lui. Ms!
Felicitari Narcis foarte frumos, stii ce ma gandeam ? Poate era bine sa ceri de la toti la care ai fost in program scris Hranire adapare pregatire etc, sau o schema ceva sa ved si noi .
Ajungem si acolo.
Look at Ron Williams performances over the years And i can tell you know hes so much better. Maybe a few feelings will be hurt here but just take a look at his results
For sure there are a lot of good fanciers, but this is what we have on the table right now. Hardy is a huge fancier, though. Have a good day!
Oare la ce prețuri vinde tardivi ? Ști cumva Narcis ?
Vreau un număr si eu sunt in germania si vreau sa cumpăr cîteva perechi
Puteti sa ma contactati pe +40743573214. Multumesc! Si vorbim mai multe acolo.