Star Wars Piano Medley (All Three Trilogies)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @Slov3n_svk
    @Slov3n_svk 14 дней назад +1

    As a person who has seen the entire trilogy and saga, who has built Lego Star Wars, who has played Star Wars games, who has read Star Wars books, who has collected Star Wars cards, who has listened to Star Wars songs, who has even dressed as a Stormtrooper at a carnival, and who has actually been a Star Wars fan since the beginning, I can now proudly call myself a true Star Wars fan, and as a grown man, your piano playing really touched me, it captured my heart, thank you and keep going, you are talented. Greetings from Slovakia 🇸🇰

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  13 дней назад +1

      This might be the nicest comment I've received on youtube. I truly appreciate the kind words.

  • @AdrianMark
    @AdrianMark 3 года назад +15

    This is just pure genius. I have been searching for a proper medley of all the trilogies, and you nailed it! Thank you for sharing this.

  • @Star-Wars-Geek
    @Star-Wars-Geek 6 дней назад

    Absolutely beautiful. I love all the trilogy music! I am stunned at how talented you are at playing the piano. It sounds just like the actual scores. It's very lovely on the piano. Well done!

  • @RedCaio
    @RedCaio 11 месяцев назад +2

    lovely. Very few have shown such creativity in the transitions between themes like this. I tried my best in my Skywalker Sage medley but it's always fun to hear a new take. bravo :D

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  10 месяцев назад

      I really appreciate the kind words! I checked out your channel as well and really enjoyed what you have going. Cheers to piano covers! 🍻

  • @fincieklein
    @fincieklein 3 года назад +14

    May the fourth be with you! Amazing playing! 💕💕💕💕

  • @kennethjacksack
    @kennethjacksack 3 года назад +4

    All played by ear? Incredible!

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  3 года назад +1

      Thank you so much! Yeah I had been kind of messing around with some of the themes over the last few years and finally decided to throw everything together in a medley. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @RedCaio
    @RedCaio 11 месяцев назад +1

    I'm your 700th subscriber :)

  • @phillipjones611
    @phillipjones611 8 месяцев назад

    Pure BRILLIANCE! Wish I'd kept up and been able to play like this.

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  7 месяцев назад +1

      Really appreciate it! Who knows, maybe you’ll find your way back to piano At some point?? I took about a 6 year brake and then started up again with a renewed interest. Anyways, thanks again!

  • @Poke_Parker5
    @Poke_Parker5 3 года назад +4

    That was amazing man! So cool to know true musicians still exist!

  • @jardindeluchane
    @jardindeluchane 5 месяцев назад

    Just perfect ! Felt like I was a Jedi 😁. Thanks for sharing and Hi from France. 😉

  • @Sebendun
    @Sebendun 3 года назад +3

    wow absoluitely beautiful, love it, youre definetly underrated

  • @davidmaurer4556
    @davidmaurer4556 3 года назад +6

    Woow.. all one became really amazing...especially just by ear. I hope your channel grows big.

  • @maybeme5193
    @maybeme5193 3 года назад +4

    I absolutely love this arrangement! It's also really impressive that you can play a piece this complex just by ear, I could never. But I would really appreciate sheet music for this :)

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  3 года назад +2

      Thank you! It's a lot of going back and forth between the soundtrack and the piano haha. So I've got a couple videos that have sheet music priority right now, so it may take me a little bit before I can get to this one. Also, this one might take a while to write out since it's so long! That said, I'm curious, do you happen to have a specific section of this medley that you would be most interested in if you had to choose?

    • @maybeme5193
      @maybeme5193 3 года назад

      Yes that's perfectly understandable. :) If I had to choose I would probably choose the Main Theme since it looks kind of hard rythmically, but I also really like Across the Stars and Leia's theme. Would you mind if I tried to transcribe some parts by myself? Of course for personal use only :)

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  3 года назад

      Absolutely! Shoot me a message on my Facebook page. I might be able to help.

  • @AmazingAwesomeAlaska
    @AmazingAwesomeAlaska 3 года назад +1

    Can already tell you’re gonna be big

  • @wabblo1059
    @wabblo1059 3 года назад +4

    This is great! Can't wait to see you go places man!

  • @dugishdub8815
    @dugishdub8815 3 года назад +1

    You're channel showing up in my recommended was a surprise, but a welcome one

  • @goldbrickstudios6903
    @goldbrickstudios6903 2 года назад +1

    YOU are a LEGEND. You deserve WAY more subs, likes, and views. I subbed and liked. Keep this up.

  • @JakobMaehlmann
    @JakobMaehlmann 2 года назад +1

    This is just awesome

  • @faithhopelove9567
    @faithhopelove9567 9 месяцев назад

    This is amazing!

  • @davidxing8876
    @davidxing8876 3 года назад +1

    May the 4th be with you

  • @insanedrummer89
    @insanedrummer89 3 года назад

    Love your piano chops bro but damn I need to hear those souf hands

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  3 года назад +1

      Here's me playing some 16th notes back in the day! lolвидео.html
      I will say, I've definitely been incorporating some snare rudiments into these arrangements. Generally speaking, isolating the right hand or the left hand is a good way to practice some difficult piano chunks, but it would be very rhythmically challenging to do that with just about any of my arrangements. I started writing out some of these arrangements, and I'm realizing just how ridiculous some of these rhythms look when I have to split the right and left hand haha.

    • @insanedrummer89
      @insanedrummer89 3 года назад

      @@souflerispiano8526 do you still pad practice?

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  3 года назад

      @@insanedrummer89 not as much as I would like. I used to help out at the local high school and pad with the drumline once a week, but Covid shut that down. I can still get by, but my hands get tired fast, especially my left hand haha.

  • @rebelpilot4611
    @rebelpilot4611 3 года назад +1

    I don't know if you take requests, but could you please do an arrangement of Lando's Palace from The Empire Strikes Back? It's one that most people don't know, but it's a really awesome theme.

  • @dariogreggio7981
    @dariogreggio7981 2 года назад +1

    where is duel of the fates?

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  2 года назад +2

      I messed around with it for a little, but I honestly didn't think I could do it justice on the piano lol. I have yet to see a piano arrangement of duel of the fates that I like. That said, definitely agree that it is one of the most iconic starwars pieces!

  • @zanderallan4373
    @zanderallan4373 3 года назад +1

    Only other song I could think of is darth malls theme mabey

  • @CaptainAhorn
    @CaptainAhorn 2 года назад +1

    There are only two trilogies. The third has yet to be made.

    • @prequeldefender
      @prequeldefender Год назад

      Which one is your favorite?

    • @CaptainAhorn
      @CaptainAhorn Год назад

      @@prequeldefender The OT of course. The prequels sucked, but the non-canon sequels make them look like Citizen Kane.

    • @prequeldefender
      @prequeldefender Год назад +1

      @@CaptainAhorn please don’t trash my taste, but I think the prequels are my favorite and the OT.

    • @prequeldefender
      @prequeldefender Год назад

      How old are you by the way?

    • @CaptainAhorn
      @CaptainAhorn Год назад

      @@prequeldefender Old enough to know quality when I see it.

  • @MartyMcTube
    @MartyMcTube 6 месяцев назад

    At :18 seconds - wrong bass note! B flat goes down to A, not A flat.

  • @imagineimagining912
    @imagineimagining912 3 года назад

    Awesome! Do you have a MIDI of you playing this?

  • @Hega-xs7hd
    @Hega-xs7hd 3 года назад

    Great arrangment. But where you hurried when recording? Haha

  • @cieloemeraviglia2602
    @cieloemeraviglia2602 Год назад

    Quanti anni hai dovuto studiare per arrivare a questo livello?

    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  Год назад

      I took a number of years off of playing, but I would say I have been actively playing for about 16 or 17. I started in 1996 I think?

  • @plep7481
    @plep7481 10 месяцев назад


    • @souflerispiano8526
      @souflerispiano8526  10 месяцев назад

      Video should still be playing! I can’t sell the sheet music anymore due to copyright issues with John Williams music 😞