Каким образом генная инженерия может навредить? Ее уже давно придумали, чтобы увеличит урожай например пшеницы, чтобы она была устойчива к болезням, насекомым. Это касается всего. Тебе больше нравились времена до ГМО? Когда люди от неурожая умирали? Сколько людей нужно кормить, без гмо это не возможно. И какой вред вообще в нём? так и никто не доказал
@@kibutsujimuzan2418 ты,дитя аниме.Пересмотрел мультиков?Я хотя бы слово говорил о генной инженерии?К тому же ,на видео показан процесс выращивания семенного картофеля.Именно такой способ позволяет избежать заражения семенного материала различными болезнями картофеля.Таким образом выращивают супер элиту и элиту.Генная инженерия здесь вообще ни каким боком не присутствует.А чтобы вырастить именно товарный картофель,с хорошими вкусовыми качествами, ничего лучше выращивания в грунте не придумали.
Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like without innovations like this😊, my advice for everyone, both in the agricultural industry and elsewhere, is to evolve with the world in others so as not to to be left behind
Sorry for the inconvenience, I just had to add. Cryptocurrency is the future of money and a very good way to invest and make extra profit, I am grateful to Mr. Larry Kent Nick for introducing me and making me earn so much thanks to this new innovation
Sometimes life is very easy and simple, if you do something good for the general public, it will not go unnoticed, thank you Mr. Larry Kent Nick for making my life easier
It depends on the soil... with enough drainage and small particulate the baby potatoes do look like that. I have grown such in my own garden. As the get bigger their shape changes
Это у вас в рашке клейстер, а ещё у вас творог в ложке горит, а ещё благодаря животворящим санкциям у вас скоро и творога и клейстера не будет прорыв, рывок 🤣😂
@@игорьдемон-т3п то то ж и оно,что даже у нас в России выбили картоху,которую без всяких семян сажали по пять-семь лет не меняя семена,и знать не знали,что она может не вырасти или в земле свартится,росла в бурьянах,лежала в погребе до июня месяца и кроме жука никакая зараза её не цепляла.Теперь покупают какие то репродукции,платят деньги и гадают,вырастет что или х...й по всей морде
Agree, the potatoes are bigger if grow in soil, and the problem is you have to maintain the humidity, measure the to keep nutrient and water balanced, so frustrating. Id stick to traditional way with compost,
Блин. Вы хоть читайте , иногда. В описании к видео написано. Завод по переработке чипсов. Типа купи ребенку лакомство , а потом думай чего это он не такой становится.
@@Пихтогон52Пихтогон52 Это типа следующий этап. На чипсы перерабатывали большие белые картохи, они явно не из этого мешка. Так что , в мешках с бирками был семенной картофель.
When I was in college I did research on hydroponics focusing on root phototropism and hormone production, I've always wondered if there are viable uses in terms of root vegetables as the hydroponic/aeroponic systems seems to cause more thin roots with fewer nutrient stores.
@@SimonWoodburyForget thank you for your comment. I'm quite curious (as a person with little knowledge in machinery) why you think this machine is expensive?
Very interesting. I've been growing with aeroponics for about 10 years now. And I never tried to grow potatoes. All the other vegetables I grow turn out great. And for all the people that say, when vegetables are grown this way that they are tasteless. You are full of it. Almost always the vegetables are way better than what I grow in my outside garden. Because I can control every aspect of the grow. Plus I can cut 2 to 6 weeks off of the grow time. What I would have like to see is what nutrients and micros they may be using. And when and if they increase or decrease any of these. I have spent years experimenting and studying this subject. And through alot of trial and error. I have come up with some excellent formulas for most vegetables. There is one thing I saw with their set up that concerns me. I don't know if it's because they are growing potatoes or what. But their roots should have alot more of the little hair like roots coming off the main roots. These little hair like roots cause a huge uptake in nutrients. Which in turn cause a tremendous surge in growth. In the middle of the video I saw something in the root chamber that might be causing the lack of these little hair like roots. It looked like their droplet size in their sprays are very good. Within the range they should be. But at the end of their spray cycle, once it stopped spraying. You saw all those big drops dropping down on the roots. That will cause all those little hair like roots not to grow or bunch up together and die. So what I see is their on spray cycle is to long and or their off cycle is to short. I was really surprised to see those large drops. Because they are really defeating the purpose of growing with aeroponics. Because the droplet size is one of the main factors when growing with aeroponics. Anyway the video was very interesting. My operation isn't this big. And my technology can't compare. But I do have 3, 200 s/ft rooms. So my operation isn't that small either.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3 Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image. I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people? I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true. Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully. My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change. If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up. You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent. Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side. It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side. Thank you dearly for your time.
Hi, I am interested in aeroponics as well, however, I have run into a few different problems. How do you get your nutes in your water? I'm thinking of using an ultrasonic system but does nutrients get carried into the micro droplets as well? Using a micro nozzle and high PSI pump with nutes seems impossible to me as I can see the nutrients clogging up the nozzleheads. Also, how do you keep your water tank free from bacteria/mold? Hope to hear from you soon!
@@MixalisXM Sorry friend, but I have a huge outdoor garden that I get a wide variety of fresh veggies right here in California. I also have a greenhouse I grow in. And all of this is on top of my indoor grow rooms. You see I can grow anything I want at anytime I want. I don't have to wait for the seasons. I can grow any vegetable all year long. Where I grow at in California is almost all farm land. In fact across the street is a huge farm. The street where I grow is over a mile long and there is only 3 house's on the street. The closest house to me is over a half mile away. Also did you know that California supplies like 40 percent of all fruits and vegetables for the US. So I get plenty of fresh produce.
@@lipasfriends Hi, hows it going ? I'm glad to see someone wanting to give aeroponics a try. Most people won't even try it. Because they have heard people having so many problems growing this way. But to tell you the truth. Aeroponics is the easiest way I have ever grown. Of coarse just like everything else in life. Once you get everything down. It becomes easy. But it only took me about a year. Then it was a piece of cake. I'll try and answer your questions. And any other questions you might have. What I'm going to do is try and answer your questions. But I think it will be easier for me to give you some of my experiences and why I went the way I have. So your first question. I understand but I don't. How do you mix your nutrients in your water. I don't know what nutes you are using. But I'm sure they have directions. Correct ? For example lets say I have 2 bottles of nutrients a part A and a part B that I'm going to use. The directions on the bottles say add 2 teaspoons or it might say 10ml per gallon of water. So the reservoir that I use is 20 gal. But I only put 7 gals. in it at a time. And this will last me 3 to 5 days. Plus it's easier to keep 7 gals at the correct temperature it should be. Around 75 degrees Ok right here I would like to suggest that you never use what the directions say to use. Always start with half, because you can always add more. So to the 7 gals of water in my res I would add only 7 teaspoons. Then I would check the ppms to see if it's where I want it. And usually its close. Now for what you think about the spray heads. And then you said you were thinking about ultrasonic. Do you mean fogponics ? Let me say this 10 years ago when I decided that I was going to grow with aero. I bought everything I needed to build a HPA system. ( High pressure aeroponics). I spent almost $ 800.00. Once I started putting it together, like you, I saw the possibility of to many problems. So I never put it together. And I still have everything. So now, like you. I decided to give fogponics a try. Because. With fogponics you don't use spray heads. You just use a little fan to blow the fog into your grow chambers. But those damn little foggers would get dirty so fast that I would have to clean them 3 to 4 times a day. I tried this for a week and a half and said forget this. Well now I had already been doing research on aero for 2 years. And there just wasn't anything out there. I started checking out cannabis forums. And you would be shocked at how many there are. I spent thousands of hours researching. Well one night I got lucky. I was looking through grow journals on one of the cannabis forums. And usually the journals are a year old or newer. Well for some reason this guys grow journal came up. And it was 10 years old. So at the time I found it. This journal would be from the 1990s. And it was, it started in 1999. I don't know how it came up. But anyway this guy was growing with LPA ( low pressure aeroponics ). This guys journal was like nothing I had ever seen. It is like 500 pages long. And he explains everything he does and why. With hundreds of pictures. After 5 pages I knew this is what I was going to do. I stayed up all night reading. And the next day I started designing my aero systems. And I've never looked back. Everything I needed to build my systems I can get at home Depot. Except the spray heads. And I can get those at the hydro store I go to. And they are very inexpensive. And come to think about it. I've been using the same spray heads for 10 years now. With no problems. This is my systems I built. I have 2, 21 site grow chambers with 1 reservoir. The grow chambers are just those tubs you can get at home Depot. I went through 3 different ones before I found one that wouldn't leak. The black ones with the yellow lids don't leak. And they turned out to be the cheapest ones. The manifolds I built are just half inch pvc with 9 spray heads. And it sits in the grow chambers. Two inches off the bottom. I put a half inch hole in the middle of the bottom. And ran a hose to the res so the solution drains back into it. Then I put another half inch hole 2 inchs from the bottom on one of the ends of the grow chamber. And I have a pvc fitting that is connected to the manifold sticking out that has a half inch hose connected to it that runs to the pump inside the res. The pump is just a mid range pound pump. It's like only 20 to 30 bucks. I have about 15 of these aero systems. That I have been using for 10 years now. With no problems. This is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way I have found to grow indoors. I can't believe everyone isn't doing it. Now there's a lot more to it than what I have said. But if you have any questions later. I'll be more than happy to try and help. Good luck and take care.
@@yadavlalmuni2711 This is mainly done to produce early generation disease free potatoes mini tubers (G 0) that are multiplied in the field as G 1-G4 before they are sold to farmers. Through this method you can produce huge quantity of basic G 0 disease free seed.
@@sunilmamgain4805 This is true. At least they are growing in a manner that does not have to do ulously high capital investment. Personally I would grow plants at a far higher density without loss of productivity, as far as we can tell from this video.
@@carlosodio1062 The way in which it is done is to sequentially harvest the tubers..Decide what size you wish to harvest and pick the tubers of that size. I pick 20 mm diameter usually. The smaller tubers continue growing and the stolons that have had the tubers removed produce axillary tubers to increase your productivity.
Я тоже думал, почему картошка стала на вкус говёной, до нельзя. А это просто будущее стучит в дверь. Просто как покупная, так как будто из вонючей воды слепили, так это называется аэропоника. Будем знать, в кого плевать.
Интересная технология для Марса!👍 Я про выращивание в теплицах без грунта. Для сведения в США если ты не фермер, тебе нельзя выращивать. А для большой компании типа прингз, где нужна большая картошка, с морженальной прибылью 1000% это бизнес! Отлаженный прибыльный бизнес!
What about sustainability since chemical nutrients are a limited resource? What about the electricity costs for the pressure pumps? What about the maintenance cost to keep the nozzles clean (I imagine that nutrient rich water and organic exudates will favor bacteia aufwuchs)? What about the pesticides and fungicides ?
@@ferry6700 Spores are everywhere, it is the environment (presence of nutrients, sugars, presence of competing microorganisms, plant health, percentage of infection...) that makes that a fungus is growing or not. Those living in tropical countries have even fungus growing inside of their camera optics.
There are sustainable ways to get water soluble nutrients, this method is used in Aquaponics where fish manure is used. The electricity needed can be from solar panels or bio gas digesters or even some form of bioethanol generators. The water is further recycled and waste is minimised.
@@belloff4918 анекдот 1970х про как СССР учил китайцев картошку выращивать.. - Вы когда посевные клубни картошки сажаете? - 15 апреля.. - А когда собираете? - 25 апреля.. - А чё так рано-то? - Кушать очень хочется...
@@АндрейБуряченко-н9в Если не ошибаюсь Сначала миниклубни, потом супер- супер элита, суперэлита, элита, 1 репродукция, 2 репродукция и т. д. Дорогое удовольствие, согласна)
@@lvesummer8907 ... с введением ГМО и удобрений, выросло производство продуктов, а вместе с этим выросла продолжительность жизни по планете. Оказалось что есть "химию" полезней, чем не есть. ... Такие вот сказки про "здоровую" еду.
@@АлексейСоколов-ж7ц Бесполезно с Вами спорить .Плохо учили генетику в школе.Тем более ,что все ГМО сейчас направлены не на здоровье человека ,а на прибыль.
Вообще картошку не покупаю, зелёная и горькая в магазине постоянно продаётся. Картошка если лежит на свету то она зеленеет, на какого хрена такая нужна, есть нечего что-ли. Ещё и на химикатах выращивают
Всё правильно картошку вывели, специально для животных, чтобы кормить рабов. Кто ее ест быстро становится вялым, тупым, страдает депрессиями и легко подчиняется.
@@Valentina-ri2ox Химикаты это азот, фосфор и калий? Ну и по капельке железа, цинка, меди, бора... Вы бы хоть поинтересовались сначала. Гидропонный раствор можно даже пить - он по насыщенности слабее минералки(настоящей).
I’m glad the video started with an explanation because I was wondering why bother growing them like this. I can see how it could be very useful for space travel or other applications where’s simply putting them in the ground isn’t an option.
В земле растёт настоящий едовой картофель. Вертикальный картофель - посадочный материал. Видно же, что он зелёный. Прозелененый картофель - прекрасный посадочный материал.
Могу поспорить что ета картошка на вкус как пенопласт. Кто не верит попробуйте помидор выращенные на земле и помидор выращенный с помощью гидропоники. Совсем два разных по вкусу плода.
The whole concept is crazy. Potato chips are so bland and tasteless they are covered with salt and sugar to mask the bad taste. I'd rather eat a potato I grew in the dirt that is roasted over some hot coals. Delicious, without any other additive!
В начале показан процесс выращивания микроклубней из черешка .Там важно отсутствие болезней, а не размер клубня. Это семеноводство. Через четыре года из этого клубня получат семена картофеля ,так называемую "Супер-элиту" для продажи в том числе в Россию и получения роялти.
в гидропонике чётко выверены макро и микроэлементы в питательной среде для достяжения уражайности, при этом не допуская перерасход удобрений. в отличии от всеми привычного деревенского выращивания, где навозом можно получить 600 кратное превышение нитратов (дедуль, привет)
@@geplew5637 Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Ха! Ха! Ха! Сама работала в теплице в прошлом году. Еще и сверху, не дожидаясь ухода рабочих, травят белокрылку. Чуть не СДОХЛА!
@@geplew5637 Нет, не стерильные условия. Речь идет о присутствии зимии в почве.Хороший хозяин знает как удобрить землю:навозом, седератами, минералкой, севооборотом и т. Д. Здесь же НЕВАЖНО как! Главное - МНОГО!!!
Это семенной картофель - урожай первой репродукции. Возможно даже новый сорт. У вас в области врядли функционируют организации занимающиеся подрбной работой)))
It seems to me it still take about the same space as hydroponics. The main advantage is that since the tank isn't filled with water, then it's lighter. Maybe if used on a seastead, the desalination would be done on demand only when the plants need watering.
This system may use very little space, very little water and some nutrients BUT it seems to have a high electricity requirement when pumps, heaters and lighting etc., are all added together.
what about quality? you could live in a box and eat chemical food, not having any quality of life, but hey at least you are alive. blessed? maybe if you are satan.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3 Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image. I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people? I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true. Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully. My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change. If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up. You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent. Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side. It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side. Thank you dearly for your time.
Amazing video! Anyone out there tried high pressure aeroponics (HPA) on potatoes? Research has shown that 50micron droplets provide the most uptake of nutrients through the super fine root hairs (trichoblasts) that develop from the fine mist. The roots end up drinking the humidity right out of the air.
Обычные соли металлов. Синее -- сульфат меди, тёмно-красное -- скорей всего соль марганца. Это то, что должно содержаться в природной влаге. Самое интересное, что эти количества, разведённые в том объёме воды, который они там используют, скорей всего даже вкус воды практически не изменят, хотя тот же сульфат меди на вкус отвратителен, как и большинство других солей.
I am so happy to see your video. Because I worked on microfiber system without soil about forty years ago in Japan. But it is wonderful if you could achieved the whole system in door.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3 Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image. I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people? I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true. Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully. My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change. If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up. You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent. Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side. It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side. Thank you dearly for your time.
Great video, is aeropnic farming also possible in vertical farming? I have heard that it's not yet possible to grow potatos or rice on vertical farming.
Vertical farming is for when the body of the plants take up a lot of space - watermelons grown traditionally spread across the ground but vertical farming makes them go upwards instead of across. This isn't much of a concern for compact plants that grow their "food" in the roots.
It’s impressive. I wonder why the potatoes are so small, maybe because the weight would be too much for the roots to handle. I wonder how the absence of soil bacteria affects the growth.
that's my guess.. they don't let them grow bigger or it tears the roots off......though that seems to be an engineering issue. maybe some sort of treelike structure to "catch" the roots and support them would allow for larger growth......
The soil edaphone system performs the backbone of molecular mining. Hifas grows in the intercellular gap of the root and the macrocomponents are replaced by plant sugars (symbiosis). I have read almost all books and articles and dissertations on this. but the break was not in them for an aeroponic case ....
However, it may be possible to find a solution for the aeroponic application of hypha. If we were to create a secondary fungal powder delivery system that would graft mycorrhizal connections along the plant stem and root. It may be enough to do it only occasionally. But it may also be enough to have a hand-held spore nebulizer here.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3 Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image. I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people? I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true. Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully. My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change. If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up. You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent. Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side. It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side. Thank you dearly for your time.
To survive out of Earth, One must be healthy too. That raises the most important question? What is the gurrantee that the Nurients are natural safe and Non Toxic?
Farming can be very productive both for production and the environment, creating healthy ecosystems without leaving a heavy footprint. There is so much success in the knowledge that already exists. Interesting insight though. Thanks for sharing. ✌
I'd be concerned about how much nutrition is in these potatoes. Hydroponics usually offer little to no phytonutrients as these crops are not grown in actual soil which is unnatural and lacks the association with soil microbes and direct nutrient diffusion.
Если вы едите чипсы, то вы уже едите то, что показано в видео. Так как изначально семена выращены на аэропонике. Сама технология очень интересна, за ней скорее всего будущее. Она будет дешеветь со временем и овощи выращенные в земле скорее всего будут роскошью. Поэтому искренне Вас поддерживаю, если есть возможность питаться с огорода или закупать овощи из проверенного фермерского хозяйства, то так держать! Тоже стараемся доставать качественные продукты по возможности.
Это, видимо, не на еду. Семена "супер элита". Продают килограммами, дорого. Зато когда разведёшь, выхлоп не слабый. Как-то в бытность встречался. Садил размером с ноготь большого пальца ноги, собирал валуны
@@salviaqueen4583 соглашусь с вами отчасти, сегодня острой необходимости в такой технологии нет. Но выращивание в закрытом помещении без грунта, на смесях, может понадобиться в будущем. Это в том числе вопрос экономики.
@@salviaqueen4583 соглашусь с вами отчасти, сегодня острой необходимости в такой технологии нет. Но выращивание в закрытом помещении без грунта, на смесях, может понадобиться в будущем. Это в том числе вопрос экономики.
I hope my African leaders are ready to invest in this and similar technology to address food insecurity. Africa has a unique opportunity to grow sustainably, we just need will power and eal investment.
@Tem Clayton this is so true, when i was in london about 16 years ago, i could not believe the incredible produce on the shelfs from south africa! They export all the best quality produce and sell the leftovers to us here in africa!
Creating more convenient ways to spray chemical concoctions directly into the plant. This is revolutionary, but dangerous. Monsanto will hop on this, if they haven’t already
Don't need to spray as much because it is not outdoors in the open. Don't need herbicide because weeds can't grow, don't need as much pesticide as not as many pests. Besides I don't see what else they would want to spray, or why.
Конечно,это семенной материал выращивается.. А мы уж по старинке вырастили и точно будем знать что ни рожки ни копытца от картофеля у нас не вырастут...🤗😅
@@ЛилитНемова Не, в описании написано НЕ завод для чипсов, а "завод по переработке чипсов". Это - как? Вообще как-то не по-русски. Чипсы можно изготовить, а чего их перерабатывать?
The main benefit I see is the fact that food can be grown where people are so transportation is minimized. Also seasonality is leveled out and food can be just in time delivered rather than stored for long periods.
You also don't need to go through most of the cleaning process or tilling. It could be in a sealed clean environment so you don't need herbicides nor pesticides. You can scale up vertically, but you need to use electricity to power grow lights. Downside would be no heavy machineries to do things in massive scale. Need lots of people or robots to do a lot of the work.
@@georgehill3087 A sealed clean environment? You mean sterile, like in special rooms inside of hospitals? Because that is the only way you won't get any fungus spores in your "closed" system and that will never be economically viable.
@@jamaly77 You do realize I was talking about pests like insects so no pesticides. There are plenty of that kind of greenhouses out there. I don't know what you are even talking about. Spore/bacteria/virus free is unnecessary for food growing.
Ну ничего, скоро пройдет и вновь захочешь когда мимо тебя тип с чипсами пройдет и перед тобой так аппетитно хруснет этой чипсой и оо чудо, да здравствуют вкусовые рецепторы😋😋
@@АлексейКузнецов-ь2з5б ты умница кушай больше и чаще чипсы, жаренную ,печёную,и пюрешечку с хлебушком да побольше уууууууууууммммм обедение...и кока колай запивай....
Для тех кто в танке - это семенной, вероятно селекционный, чистый от болезней картофель, так называемая элита/супер элита. Из которой растят последующие репродукции, которые уже идут как посевной материал для аграриев.
Interesting to watch. The mineral mix seems to be curcial to the process. Not sure if I'd like to have such crops on my dish. But for Mars Missions might be interesting.
Turn the heat up on that steam when you done and harvest em cooked
And kill the plant
this man is living in Venus 2069
Haha, actually it is steam that made from the high pressure of the water, not heat. But your joke is funny though
@@loanhua8598 k. Y. S.
Говорю как житель села.Свободной земли в России много,и картоху можно вырастить и нормальным способом! Главное,чтобы власть не мешала.
Ага, картошку не удобряют и не кропят, и чтобы родила картошка а не мусор не модифицируют. 🤔🤣 , с сельскими привычками, вымерли бы уже с голоду
@@kibutsujimuzan2418 а ты знаешь как модифицируют?
@@kibutsujimuzan2418 а ты знаешь как модифицируют?
Каким образом генная инженерия может навредить? Ее уже давно придумали, чтобы увеличит урожай например пшеницы, чтобы она была устойчива к болезням, насекомым. Это касается всего. Тебе больше нравились времена до ГМО? Когда люди от неурожая умирали? Сколько людей нужно кормить, без гмо это не возможно. И какой вред вообще в нём? так и никто не доказал
@@kibutsujimuzan2418 ты,дитя аниме.Пересмотрел мультиков?Я хотя бы слово говорил о генной инженерии?К тому же ,на видео показан процесс выращивания семенного картофеля.Именно такой способ позволяет избежать заражения семенного материала различными болезнями картофеля.Таким образом выращивают супер элиту и элиту.Генная инженерия здесь вообще ни каким боком не присутствует.А чтобы вырастить именно товарный картофель,с хорошими вкусовыми качествами, ничего лучше выращивания в грунте не придумали.
Sometimes I wonder what the world would have looked like without innovations like this😊, my advice for everyone, both in the agricultural industry and elsewhere, is to evolve with the world in others so as not to to be left behind
Sorry for the inconvenience, I just had to add. Cryptocurrency is the future of money and a very good way to invest and make extra profit, I am grateful to Mr. Larry Kent Nick for introducing me and making me earn so much thanks to this new innovation
I already like this guy, I would like to get involved please how can I contact him?
Sometimes life is very easy and simple, if you do something good for the general public, it will not go unnoticed, thank you Mr. Larry Kent Nick for making my life easier
I like the good recommendations on this guy, I will contact him as soon as possible, thank you all for all the help, it's been an honor 😊
Just look at these bots fishing for a victim 🤣
This is incredible. I wondered how farmers were getting such perfectly round almost all the exact size tiny potatoes. Now I know. 🙂
It depends on the soil... with enough drainage and small particulate the baby potatoes do look like that. I have grown such in my own garden. As the get bigger their shape changes
Yes im pretty sure most small round potatoes aren't grown like this haha
Прекрасно! Теперь понятно,почему получается не пюре,а сразу клейстер...
Это у вас в рашке клейстер, а ещё у вас творог в ложке горит, а ещё благодаря животворящим санкциям у вас скоро и творога и клейстера не будет прорыв, рывок 🤣😂
Мелкий который это Селекционный для семенив !
Вчера: Мытая картошка - это удобно.
Сегодня: На картошке нет земли - это подозрительно.
@@alomlaskar1810 ङञ
Производи свою кароху с землей, чёт подозрительно, похоже у тебя даже лопаты нет!!
@@Diana-bw6se чё вы спорите. картоха выращивается на посадку в землю. ролик до конца смотреть надо было.
@@игорьдемон-т3п то то ж и оно,что даже у нас в России выбили картоху,которую без всяких семян сажали по пять-семь лет не меняя семена,и знать не знали,что она может не вырасти или в земле свартится,росла в бурьянах,лежала в погребе до июня месяца и кроме жука никакая зараза её не цепляла.Теперь покупают какие то репродукции,платят деньги и гадают,вырастет что или х...й по всей морде
Potatoes grown this way lack the 1000's of chemical and nutrients the soil biology offers that infers life giving and healing benefits.
Agree, the potatoes are bigger if grow in soil, and the problem is you have to maintain the humidity, measure the to keep nutrient and water balanced, so frustrating. Id stick to traditional way with compost,
I'm not surprised that vegetables are without taste when they let them grow like that. Traditional agriculture is best.
I agree
Wow India 🇮🇳
It's great initiative by India🇮🇳❤️😌
India just copied it like everything!
Wild! I love exploring the future of technology of all kinds. This is the first I've seen of this. Super super cool system.
Я думаю здесь выращивают элитный семенной материал, а не для еды.
Возможно, ведь размер маленький для еды и клонов выращивают!
Блин. Вы хоть читайте , иногда. В описании к видео написано. Завод по переработке чипсов. Типа купи ребенку лакомство , а потом думай чего это он не такой становится.
@@Пихтогон52Пихтогон52 Это типа следующий этап. На чипсы перерабатывали большие белые картохи, они явно не из этого мешка. Так что , в мешках с бирками был семенной картофель.
When I was in college I did research on hydroponics focusing on root phototropism and hormone production, I've always wondered if there are viable uses in terms of root vegetables as the hydroponic/aeroponic systems seems to cause more thin roots with fewer nutrient stores.
if you have a moment just think of combining aquaponic with aeroponic , thank me later =))
how much nutrients have plants grown in air or aquaponics compare to normal farming?
@@jewpacabra1905 good question ... the same as in hidroponics but widouth the chemical that you'll find in hidroponics
@@jewpacabra1905 Is that really your first name?
They use them as seed potatoes lmao
Pretty cool for large scale production to feed city dwellers, but seeing this makes me want to start my own vegitable garden.
Do it
Well it seems not efficient for cheap and easy to grow vegetables like potatoes. Imagine how big is the cost to plant it here.
@@woodelfdragon8603 Wish I could afford it. Prices just keep rising.
@@SimonWoodburyForget thank you for your comment. I'm quite curious (as a person with little knowledge in machinery) why you think this machine is expensive?
Wow. This channel is informative 👍
realy wow
Спасибо, нет.
Мы в России, слава всевышнему, едим по-старинке , трудом своим с Божьей помощью с землицы кормимся.
Вы гордитесь этим?! Империя с землицы! Люди придумывают как облегчить, а вы лёгких путей не ищете?
Горбатите спину до конца жизни чтобы вырастить еду себе, прям развития и какой у вас средний возраст ? Помогает?
Very interesting.
I've been growing with aeroponics for about 10 years now.
And I never tried to grow potatoes.
All the other vegetables I grow turn out great.
And for all the people that say, when vegetables are grown this way that they are tasteless.
You are full of it.
Almost always the vegetables are way better than what I grow in my outside garden.
Because I can control every aspect of the grow.
Plus I can cut 2 to 6 weeks off of the grow time.
What I would have like to see is what nutrients and micros they may be using.
And when and if they increase or decrease any of these.
I have spent years experimenting and studying this subject.
And through alot of trial and error. I have come up with some excellent formulas for most vegetables.
There is one thing I saw with their set up that concerns me.
I don't know if it's because they are growing potatoes or what.
But their roots should have alot more of the little hair like roots coming off the main roots.
These little hair like roots cause a huge uptake in nutrients.
Which in turn cause a tremendous surge in growth.
In the middle of the video I saw something in the root chamber that might be causing the lack of these little hair like roots.
It looked like their droplet size in their sprays are very good. Within the range they should be.
But at the end of their spray cycle, once it stopped spraying.
You saw all those big drops dropping down on the roots.
That will cause all those little hair like roots not to grow or bunch up together and die.
So what I see is their on spray cycle is to long and or their off cycle is to short.
I was really surprised to see those large drops.
Because they are really defeating the purpose of growing with aeroponics.
Because the droplet size is one of the main factors when growing with aeroponics.
Anyway the video was very interesting.
My operation isn't this big.
And my technology can't compare.
But I do have 3, 200 s/ft rooms. So my operation isn't that small either.
sorry friend you should eat outdoor summer vegies of Greece!
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side.
Thank you dearly for your time.
Hi, I am interested in aeroponics as well, however, I have run into a few different problems. How do you get your nutes in your water? I'm thinking of using an ultrasonic system but does nutrients get carried into the micro droplets as well? Using a micro nozzle and high PSI pump with nutes seems impossible to me as I can see the nutrients clogging up the nozzleheads. Also, how do you keep your water tank free from bacteria/mold? Hope to hear from you soon!
Sorry friend, but I have a huge outdoor garden that I get a wide variety of fresh veggies right here in California.
I also have a greenhouse I grow in.
And all of this is on top of my indoor grow rooms.
You see I can grow anything I want at anytime I want.
I don't have to wait for the seasons.
I can grow any vegetable all year long.
Where I grow at in California is almost all farm land.
In fact across the street is a huge farm.
The street where I grow is over a mile long and there is only 3 house's on the street. The closest house to me is over a half mile away.
Also did you know that California supplies like 40 percent of all fruits and vegetables for the US.
So I get plenty of fresh produce.
Hi, hows it going ?
I'm glad to see someone wanting to give aeroponics a try.
Most people won't even try it. Because they have heard people having so many problems growing this way.
But to tell you the truth.
Aeroponics is the easiest way I have ever grown.
Of coarse just like everything else in life.
Once you get everything down. It becomes easy.
But it only took me about a year. Then it was a piece of cake.
I'll try and answer your questions. And any other questions you might have.
What I'm going to do is try and answer your questions.
But I think it will be easier for me to give you some of my experiences and why I went the way I have.
So your first question.
I understand but I don't.
How do you mix your nutrients in your water.
I don't know what nutes you are using. But I'm sure they have directions. Correct ?
For example lets say I have 2 bottles of nutrients a part A and a part B that I'm going to use.
The directions on the bottles say add 2 teaspoons or it might say 10ml per gallon of water.
So the reservoir that I use is 20 gal. But I only put 7 gals. in it at a time.
And this will last me 3 to 5 days.
Plus it's easier to keep 7 gals at the correct temperature it should be.
Around 75 degrees
Ok right here I would like to suggest that you never use what the directions say to use.
Always start with half, because you can always add more.
So to the 7 gals of water in my res I would add only 7 teaspoons.
Then I would check the ppms to see if it's where I want it. And usually its close.
Now for what you think about the spray heads.
And then you said you were thinking about ultrasonic.
Do you mean fogponics ?
Let me say this 10 years ago when I decided that I was going to grow with aero. I bought everything I needed to build a HPA system. ( High pressure aeroponics).
I spent almost $ 800.00.
Once I started putting it together, like you, I saw the possibility of to many problems.
So I never put it together.
And I still have everything.
So now, like you.
I decided to give fogponics a try.
With fogponics you don't use spray heads.
You just use a little fan to blow the fog into your grow chambers.
But those damn little foggers would get dirty so fast that I would have to clean them 3 to 4 times a day.
I tried this for a week and a half and said forget this.
Well now I had already been doing research on aero for 2 years. And there just wasn't anything out there.
I started checking out cannabis forums.
And you would be shocked at how many there are.
I spent thousands of hours researching.
Well one night I got lucky.
I was looking through grow journals on one of the cannabis forums.
And usually the journals are a year old or newer.
Well for some reason this guys grow journal came up.
And it was 10 years old.
So at the time I found it.
This journal would be from the 1990s. And it was, it started in 1999.
I don't know how it came up.
But anyway this guy was growing with LPA ( low pressure aeroponics ).
This guys journal was like nothing I had ever seen.
It is like 500 pages long.
And he explains everything he does and why.
With hundreds of pictures.
After 5 pages I knew this is what I was going to do.
I stayed up all night reading.
And the next day I started designing my aero systems.
And I've never looked back.
Everything I needed to build my systems I can get at home Depot. Except the spray heads.
And I can get those at the hydro store I go to.
And they are very inexpensive.
And come to think about it.
I've been using the same spray heads for 10 years now. With no problems.
This is my systems I built.
I have 2, 21 site grow chambers with 1 reservoir.
The grow chambers are just those tubs you can get at home Depot.
I went through 3 different ones before I found one that wouldn't leak.
The black ones with the yellow lids don't leak.
And they turned out to be the cheapest ones.
The manifolds I built are just half inch pvc with 9 spray heads. And it sits in the grow chambers. Two inches off the bottom.
I put a half inch hole in the middle of the bottom.
And ran a hose to the res so the solution drains back into it.
Then I put another half inch hole 2 inchs from the bottom on one of the ends of the grow chamber.
And I have a pvc fitting that is connected to the manifold sticking out that has a half inch hose connected to it that runs to the pump inside the res.
The pump is just a mid range pound pump. It's like only 20 to 30 bucks.
I have about 15 of these aero systems. That I have been using for 10 years now. With no problems.
This is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way I have found to grow indoors.
I can't believe everyone isn't doing it.
Now there's a lot more to it than what I have said.
But if you have any questions later.
I'll be more than happy to try and help.
Good luck and take care.
В субтитрах написано, что это ферма по выращиванию семенного картофеля. Эти семена закупают фермеры для высадки в поля.
Я надеюсь Мансанта им не постовляет производные, новые технологии это всегда результат.
Не хотел бы я есть такой картофель!
А приходится, если сам не выращиваешь.
Его и не надо есть. Это семенной материал
So this is what potatoes are doing underground away from prying eyes🧐. AMAZING!
Nice video bhai ❤️❤️ Jia hind guys 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Высший класс получения калиброванного здорового семенного посадочного материала.
Нужно учиться так трудиться!
Crazy how automated that factory is, put potatoes from one end, and boxes full of chip bags come out the other end lol 😂 They took yer job ! 😄
I have worked four years with this technology and can still improve what you are showing here
Is production more in this method than land method and whats the time consumed in this method for prodution
@@yadavlalmuni2711 This is mainly done to produce early generation disease free potatoes mini tubers (G 0) that are multiplied in the field as G 1-G4 before they are sold to farmers. Through this method you can produce huge quantity of basic G 0 disease free seed.
@@sunilmamgain4805 This is true. At least they are growing in a manner that does not have to do ulously high capital investment. Personally I would grow plants at a far higher density without loss of productivity, as far as we can tell from this video.
How many times can one harvest out of each plant with this system?
@@carlosodio1062 The way in which it is done is to sequentially harvest the tubers..Decide what size you wish to harvest and pick the tubers of that size. I pick 20 mm diameter usually. The smaller tubers continue growing and the stolons that have had the tubers removed produce axillary tubers to increase your productivity.
химоза от начала до самого конца производства(просто всё на порошках)... спасибо что показали!
Аэропоника - это гадость
Я тоже думал, почему картошка стала на вкус говёной, до нельзя. А это просто будущее стучит в дверь. Просто как покупная, так как будто из вонючей воды слепили, так это называется аэропоника. Будем знать, в кого плевать.
Интересная технология для Марса!👍 Я про выращивание в теплицах без грунта.
Для сведения в США если ты не фермер, тебе нельзя выращивать. А для большой компании типа прингз, где нужна большая картошка, с морженальной прибылью 1000% это бизнес! Отлаженный прибыльный бизнес!
Поэтому ее и покупать не стоит. А ещё здорово звучит- нельзя выращивать, красноречиво!
всё можно выращивать у себя на бэкьярде, не выдумывайте)) и даже марихуану.
Да конешь нельзя , а то сразу посодют в тюрячку за высаживание картошечки . Пол америки уже сидит за картошку - да что ж такое творится , ужась .
Землю свою беречь надо, чтоб потом не выращивать растения в непонятной субстанции.
Так выращивают картошку из семян, потом эти клубни садят в землю. Это посадочный материал, для сохранения чистых сортов.
Не вкусная нынче картошка
Бункерные банкирные шапокляки чисто для себя
@@olegos8888 голодомор будет поговоришь так
What about sustainability since chemical nutrients are a limited resource? What about the electricity costs for the pressure pumps? What about the maintenance cost to keep the nozzles clean (I imagine that nutrient rich water and organic exudates will favor bacteia aufwuchs)? What about the pesticides and fungicides ?
I don't know about the others but I guess pesticides or fungicides is not needed in this method because its close system farm.
@@ferry6700 Spores are everywhere, it is the environment (presence of nutrients, sugars, presence of competing microorganisms, plant health, percentage of infection...) that makes that a fungus is growing or not. Those living in tropical countries have even fungus growing inside of their camera optics.
@@jweber2954 woow I just know that, thanks
There are sustainable ways to get water soluble nutrients, this method is used in Aquaponics where fish manure is used. The electricity needed can be from solar panels or bio gas digesters or even some form of bioethanol generators. The water is further recycled and waste is minimised.
Everything is about to kill us no to cut the costs
I am a palm oil farmer from Indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩, everything about oil palm is in my place😁
У меня так в погребе растет, остатки старой картошки через мешок пускают метровые побеги, и на них картошка, в прошлом году пол ведра собрал :)
Ну вот, а говорят в России нет новейших технологий, твой погреб ноухау погреб, за ним будущее)
@@belloff4918 анекдот 1970х про как СССР учил китайцев картошку выращивать..
- Вы когда посевные клубни картошки сажаете?
- 15 апреля..
- А когда собираете?
- 25 апреля..
- А чё так рано-то?
- Кушать очень хочется...
это не для еды , это селекция и посадрчный материал 1 репродукции , они стерильны и очень высокоурожайны , слишком дорогое удовольствие её есть
Если не ошибаюсь
Сначала миниклубни, потом супер- супер элита, суперэлита, элита, 1 репродукция, 2 репродукция и
т. д.
Дорогое удовольствие, согласна)
@@ТатьянаХорошенина-з8ю извините но расписывать весь цикл как то не все могут понять
Это не для еды. Это семенной картофель для посадки в грунт. Суперэлита 👍😉
Нужно беречь и ухаживать за землёй,вот тогда не нужно будет выдумывать разные методы.
Извращение ,одна химия.
Первобытные люди не доживали до тридцати лет ... хотя питались исключительно "экологически чистой" пищей.
@@АлексейСоколов-ж7ц Верите сказкам?Рабы не доживали.
@@lvesummer8907 ... с введением ГМО и удобрений, выросло производство продуктов, а вместе с этим выросла продолжительность жизни по планете. Оказалось что есть "химию" полезней, чем не есть.
... Такие вот сказки про "здоровую" еду.
@@АлексейСоколов-ж7ц Бесполезно с Вами спорить .Плохо учили генетику в школе.Тем более ,что все ГМО сейчас направлены не на здоровье человека ,а на прибыль.
Wow amazing videos good luck and good job very beautiful and very happy i'm zaini From INDONESIA
Очень порадовала надпись на контейнере "animal feed only"👍 все для нас, животные
Вообще картошку не покупаю, зелёная и горькая в магазине постоянно продаётся. Картошка если лежит на свету то она зеленеет, на какого хрена такая нужна, есть нечего что-ли. Ещё и на химикатах выращивают
Всё правильно картошку вывели, специально для животных, чтобы кормить рабов. Кто ее ест быстро становится вялым, тупым, страдает депрессиями и легко подчиняется.
@@Valentina-ri2ox .
@@Valentina-ri2ox ты сама химикат. Гордишься безграмотностью.
@@Valentina-ri2ox Химикаты это азот, фосфор и калий? Ну и по капельке железа, цинка, меди, бора... Вы бы хоть поинтересовались сначала. Гидропонный раствор можно даже пить - он по насыщенности слабее минералки(настоящей).
Subahanallah 🤲🏻
Maasha Allah ❤️👌🏻
I’m glad the video started with an explanation because I was wondering why bother growing them like this. I can see how it could be very useful for space travel or other applications where’s simply putting them in the ground isn’t an option.
And it's lighter so even if it takes as much space a hydroponic tank, it can be used for seasteads if we ever end up in a Waterworld scenario.
В земле растёт настоящий едовой картофель. Вертикальный картофель - посадочный материал. Видно же, что он зелёный. Прозелененый картофель - прекрасный посадочный материал.
Могу поспорить что ета картошка на вкус как пенопласт. Кто не верит попробуйте помидор выращенные на земле и помидор выращенный с помощью гидропоники. Совсем два разных по вкусу плода.
Поэтому из неё и делают чипсы
The whole concept is crazy. Potato chips are so bland and tasteless they are covered with salt and sugar to mask the bad taste. I'd rather eat a potato I grew in the dirt that is roasted over some hot coals. Delicious, without any other additive!
Космонавтам на марсе и такая пойдет.
Tapi enak rasanya 😁
Тут столько труда с ней и Оборудования. Я сильно ленивый чтоб три то дня тратить на 10 соток. А тут…. Жесть.
Не были мы ни на каком Таити, нас и земля не плохо кормит.😁 а горох для марсиан.😁👍
В начале показан процесс выращивания микроклубней из черешка .Там важно отсутствие болезней, а не размер клубня. Это семеноводство. Через четыре года из этого клубня получат семена картофеля ,так называемую "Супер-элиту" для продажи в том числе в Россию и получения роялти.
Traditional growing
Now we just need to master "pyroponics" to become The Avatar
Measuring potatoes with screw guage 😱. Rich farmers 😎
As always I enjoyed your video. Appreciate all the hard work you do. I live in the USA so I may never see your products except here.
Картофельным клубням враг - свет. У нас на Урале, таким же способом - без земли, выращивают помидоры и огурцы. Одна ХИМИЯ, а не овощи!
в гидропонике чётко выверены макро и микроэлементы в питательной среде для достяжения уражайности, при этом не допуская перерасход удобрений. в отличии от всеми привычного деревенского выращивания, где навозом можно получить 600 кратное превышение нитратов (дедуль, привет)
@@geplew5637 Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Хи! Ха! Ха! Ха! Сама работала в теплице в прошлом году. Еще и сверху, не дожидаясь ухода рабочих, травят белокрылку. Чуть не СДОХЛА!
@@ЛюдмилаШ-д4й а на грядке в деревне прям стирильные условия)) ни насекомых, ни грибка ни заболеваний
@@geplew5637 Нет, не стерильные условия. Речь идет о присутствии зимии в почве.Хороший хозяин знает как удобрить землю:навозом, седератами, минералкой, севооборотом и т. Д. Здесь же НЕВАЖНО как! Главное - МНОГО!!!
Если у нас в Костромской области собрать урожай из такой картохи - это катастрофа. Мелочь всегда только скотине шла.
Это семенной картофель - урожай первой репродукции. Возможно даже новый сорт. У вас в области врядли функционируют организации занимающиеся подрбной работой)))
Эта мелочь самая вкусная, с маслом и укропчиком
For me a complete no go. In my opinion a plant has to grow in the soil. Only there it can receive mother earths spirit.
There are many plant species that dont grow in the soil, mother nature created them all.
Ножом режет крупный картофель и даже не смотрит,что он черный внутри,бросает на конвейер.Конечно,люди не свиньи, всё сожрут.
Єто семенной картофель )))
Первой репродукции !
А чипсам все равно фітофтора єто гриб )))
Там даже на контейнерах написано "только для кормления животных"
@@RomanKuvaldin Чипсы для животных? Круто.
Интересно,что ошушает растение,думающее,что она растет в земле,когда кто то внизу трогает ее за яички🤔
Трогает то ладно, а вот отрывает ...))))
А потом готовят пищу...
@@МаксимРыбаков-х1л 😀
@@МаксимРыбаков-х1л В земле вредители тоже трогают и откусывают..
Думает---ооой... хорошо... Наконец-то почесали... А то сама то не дотянусь)))
Next carrot.. and We're going to make on line soup 😙
But soil provides everything better
Yes. Don't treat soil like dirt. Lol😜
The Monsanto freak potato show.
Yeah no, certain kinds of soil do it better but not all soils are equal.
It seems to me it still take about the same space as hydroponics. The main advantage is that since the tank isn't filled with water, then it's lighter. Maybe if used on a seastead, the desalination would be done on demand only when the plants need watering.
the roots can ventilate better
@@XiaoMingMCThey can dry out quicker too.
This system may use very little space, very little water and some nutrients BUT it seems to have a high electricity requirement when pumps, heaters and lighting etc., are all added together.
It dose uses a LOT OF ELECTRIC ! Cost more than the fruit your growing! Lighting and temperature control is the biggest cost.
Unless they use solar energy
@@leylaboom2341 Yes, that works particularly well on cloudy days and at night time.
Mmm good old fashioned electricity made from coal and petroleum. It's eco friendly. 👍
@@somethingorother9263Now we are talking!
i love all the people who invented these technologies , amazing
Bless all of you, I hope you have food and someplace to live.
what about quality? you could live in a box and eat chemical food, not having any quality of life, but hey at least you are alive. blessed? maybe if you are satan.
@@Synrgiii Hey, I'm not a genie.
Ty u too
MARS POTATOES! As a Scottish man, this is the single most important discovery that mankind has ever made.
This type of cultivation looks really great.I am a grower of the land.
Мама дорогая! Олигофрены! вырастили соланиновые шарики! Это же отрава! Эта передачка называется "Сельский час олигофрена".
I stay with the natural, chemical-free potatoes I produce for myself.
U will be left behind as the world moves forward...😂
U idiots
Luar biasa pertanian modern,waktu panen semakin mudah,tidak perlu mengali tanah untuk mengali kentang.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side.
Thank you dearly for your time.
Amazing video! Anyone out there tried high pressure aeroponics (HPA) on potatoes? Research has shown that 50micron droplets provide the most uptake of nutrients through the super fine root hairs (trichoblasts) that develop from the fine mist. The roots end up drinking the humidity right out of the air.
Больше всего впечатлили баночки с загадочными цветными порошками...
Обычные соли металлов. Синее -- сульфат меди, тёмно-красное -- скорей всего соль марганца. Это то, что должно содержаться в природной влаге. Самое интересное, что эти количества, разведённые в том объёме воды, который они там используют, скорей всего даже вкус воды практически не изменят, хотя тот же сульфат меди на вкус отвратителен, как и большинство других солей.
Это соли, хелаты. То чем питается растение. Ничего загадочного вообще. Обычная гидропоника. Почитайте, очень интересно.
I am so happy to see your video. Because I worked on microfiber system without soil about forty years ago in Japan. But it is wonderful if you could achieved the whole system in door.
is it cheaper than normal soil and and sun light? I mean, it is a nice tech to watch and be amazed but, it is VIABLE economically?
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side.
Thank you dearly for your time.
I didn’t know that we could grow potatoes like this . So interesting
looks like, its about potato seeds (like in laboratory conditions), otherwise it will be unprofitable.
This makes sense of the massive influx of small potatoes in stores.
I have a good amount of areo. I'm going to try this.
Great video, is aeropnic farming also possible in vertical farming? I have heard that it's not yet possible to grow potatos or rice on vertical farming.
Vertical farming is for when the body of the plants take up a lot of space - watermelons grown traditionally spread across the ground but vertical farming makes them go upwards instead of across. This isn't much of a concern for compact plants that grow their "food" in the roots.
Predivno,, 🥰👏👏👏💪
Of course, growing vegetables on water like this is amazing.
@@emsudakovacevic3959 Может и красиво ,но это есть нельзя !!!!!!!!!!!!!
India's Most popular Cultivation and Best Income Plant.
See This Video.
It’s impressive. I wonder why the potatoes are so small, maybe because the weight would be too much for the roots to handle. I wonder how the absence of soil bacteria affects the growth.
that's my guess.. they don't let them grow bigger or it tears the roots off......though that seems to be an engineering issue. maybe some sort of treelike structure to "catch" the roots and support them would allow for larger growth......
The soil edaphone system performs the backbone of molecular mining. Hifas grows in the intercellular gap of the root and the macrocomponents are replaced by plant sugars (symbiosis). I have read almost all books and articles and dissertations on this. but the break was not in them for an aeroponic case ....
It’s actually price and vanity related. These potatoes sell as “gourmet” for over 20 times the price of large/ fist size potatoes.
However, it may be possible to find a solution for the aeroponic application of hypha. If we were to create a secondary fungal powder delivery system that would graft mycorrhizal connections along the plant stem and root. It may be enough to do it only occasionally. But it may also be enough to have a hand-held spore nebulizer here.
Alat2 nya super canggih.
Вот поэтому картошка не вкусная,без запаха.И есть ее неприятно.
Вы разумный!
Вы пробовали ?
В подполе тоже вырастает без земли.Она никакая безвкусная.Я пробовала это правда.
Мне кажется это они семенную так выращивают,да это семенная без всяких болезней.
А чипсы то готовят из картофеля без калибровки на здоровый и с заболеванием гнилью...
Заметил, что часть картофеля зелёная, а это плохо. А так технологично 👍
Я с Вами согласен.
07:03 а картошка при разрезании - внутри плохая!!! 07:07 - тоже темная в сердцевине
Great 👍 idea so no more dirty, bugs free, produce . Thanks 🙏
Look closer - potatoes are green on the outside. That's bad for health.
@@ttttttttony you are right, I noticed it, but I saw red potatoes.
@@ttttttttony thanks. red potatoes are easy to cut n more nutritious than others.
This can be very useful on Mars, but on Earth, I prefer the natural harvest.
I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father; and having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days; yea, having had a great knowledge of the goodness and the mysteries of God, therefore I make a record of my proceedings in my days. Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians.
And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge". 1 Nephi 1-3
Hello friends, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The verses above are the first three verses in The Book of Mormon. I know this probably isn't the most ideal place to talk about religion but I really do want you to know that God loves you. You may not love Him or care about Him at all, but He still will continue to love you. You are a beloved son or daughter of God. He knows you personally and He truly and deeply desires for your happiness. He loves everyone who has every lived on this earth, with a perfect equal love regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, faith and values and beliefs. The Lord loves you more than you can think or comprehend. "He inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" 2 Nephi. He is our loving, caring Heavenly Father. We are literally His children and creations. When we were in the womb, he knew about us" Jerimiah 4:5. He knitted us and we were created in His image.
I testify to you that you and I are not a mistake. He knows the very moment when we stand and when we sit. He is familiar with all our ways and knows us personally who we are. The hairs on our very head are numbered. God loved us so much, He sent His Only Begotten Son for us, that we may be able to return and dwell in the presence of God again. The Lord has not forgotten about us even when it feels like He has. He will never forsake us. When we are happy, He and His angels rejoice alongside us. When we are sad, He heals us and lifts us up from our trials. He has always been there for us. He has always been our loving, compassionate Heavenly Father and God. Will we always be His children and people?
I testify to you that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ. Both love you exceedingly and rejoice when you are happy. They both love you so much. They love you with a love unfeigned. They will never ever stop doing good unto you. I know that The Book of Mormon is true. "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost". Moroni 10:4 I promise and testify to you, that if you will read The Book of Mormon, ponder on its message and ask God if it is not true, you will come to know of its truthfulness, whether its true or not true.
Remember my friends that God loves you with all his heart, might mind, soul and strength. He wants you to be happy. He knows what you are going through and dealing with right now. He desires for you to return back to Him. Unfortunately, He has been misrepresented and seen as a cruel and angry God who anticipates for us to slip and writes down every mistake we make waiting to punish us by those who do not know or know Him fully.
My friends, God has stored many opportunities and blessings for you. He is incredibly eager and desires with all His heart to bless you abundantly. He wants you to live with Him again. He only wants the best for you and your well being. He wants to experience everlasting joy and indescribable happiness in this life and in the life to come. He wants you to partake of His goodness and come and follow Him. The Lord does not care how early or late you decide to come unto Him. I testify to you that if you have strayed and wondered off the path that there is peace and hope in Jesus Christ, The Savior of the world. The Lord accepts those who come unto Him whether your early, late or just in time who desire to change. The Lord will accept you wholeheartedly and forgive you if you are willing to change. The Lord will welcome you and will always be ready to embrace you with open arms. The Lord will lift us up in our trials and use us to bless the lives of those around us if we are willing to change.
If you desire to learn more, you are always welcome to visit comeuntochrist.org. There you will learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ and our core beliefs and values. If you have taken the time to read The Book of Mormon and this comment, thank you. It takes a huge leap of faith and a lot of courage to muster enough faith to read in the Book of Mormon and to believe in something in a personage that you may never see in this lifetime. Although we may not be able to see God and Jesus Christ in this life, I testify to you that they are real. They do truly exist. I promise you that if you will pray to know of their existence, you will come to know whether they exist or have been made up.
You are my friends. The Lord loves you unconditionally and is aware of you and despite all our weaknesses and shortcomings, he still loves us and will forgive us if we will humble ourselves before Him and diligently seek correction and do whatever is needed to repent.
Remember that The Lord is always available to talk to through prayer 24/7. No question sounds too silly for Him. James wrote, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" James 1:5. If you must know whether or not something is true or evil and deceptive, you can always pray to God. He will help you know what the truth is and what is not the truth. He will never be too busy to talk to. He will give you strength you need to overcome and conquer your temptations and will give you the strength you need to endure through your trials and afflictions. Paul said that The Lord will not give you temptations that you cannot resist, but that in your temptations, He will provide a way for you to resist, overcome and conquer them. He will provide a way. He wants to bless you and reward you abundantly in Spiritual and physical things. The Lord knows you and will not forget you. You are loved. You are utterly amazing. You have incredible potential. You are not forgotten or ever will be forsaken. You are special. You are unique. You are one of a kind. You have been reserved for this time and The Lord needs you on His side.
It simply would not be the same without you. That's just how much the Lord need you on His side.
Thank you dearly for your time.
To survive out of Earth, One must be healthy too. That raises the most important question?
What is the gurrantee that the Nurients are natural safe and Non Toxic?
No people’s control = No guarantee
When the profit is only boss big companies need not healthy and quality.
Farming can be very productive both for production and the environment, creating healthy ecosystems without leaving a heavy footprint. There is so much success in the knowledge that already exists. Interesting insight though. Thanks for sharing. ✌
@Selena 💋 7
А я думаю чего картошка покупная когда очистил даже не темнеет . паралон жрем наверное. )))))
I'd be concerned about how much nutrition is in these potatoes. Hydroponics usually offer little to no phytonutrients as these crops are not grown in actual soil which is unnatural and lacks the association with soil microbes and direct nutrient diffusion.
@@halilzelenka5813 kinda true... They literally spoonfeed those plant
@@halilzelenka5813 common sense
But that’s what you have been eating. Have you seen potatoes with some soil on it in supermarkets shelves lately? Yep!
@@DaBriars source: "trust me bro"
Пусть сами едят а мы уж как то по старинке.
Если вы едите чипсы, то вы уже едите то, что показано в видео. Так как изначально семена выращены на аэропонике.
Сама технология очень интересна, за ней скорее всего будущее. Она будет дешеветь со временем и овощи выращенные в земле скорее всего будут роскошью.
Поэтому искренне Вас поддерживаю, если есть возможность питаться с огорода или закупать овощи из проверенного фермерского хозяйства, то так держать!
Тоже стараемся доставать качественные продукты по возможности.
Это, видимо, не на еду. Семена "супер элита". Продают килограммами, дорого. Зато когда разведёшь, выхлоп не слабый. Как-то в бытность встречался. Садил размером с ноготь большого пальца ноги, собирал валуны
@@Юрий-ш4з9я с чего бы в земле нельзя было выращивать? у нас в стране земли навалом есть где выращивать
@@salviaqueen4583 соглашусь с вами отчасти, сегодня острой необходимости в такой технологии нет. Но выращивание в закрытом помещении без грунта, на смесях, может понадобиться в будущем. Это в том числе вопрос экономики.
@@salviaqueen4583 соглашусь с вами отчасти, сегодня острой необходимости в такой технологии нет. Но выращивание в закрытом помещении без грунта, на смесях, может понадобиться в будущем. Это в том числе вопрос экономики.
Perfect For Seed Production And Reserve Supply; Self-Contained, Independent Of Weather Conditions, And Reasonably Reliable Production.
გოგონა ფანჯარაში თურქული სერიალი იმედზე ქართულად
Nhìn hấp dẫn quá !
Wow, I can't believe this technology exists. 😲
It has been used I seed production for over 20 years
I hope my African leaders are ready to invest in this and similar technology to address food insecurity. Africa has a unique opportunity to grow sustainably, we just need will power and eal investment.
@Tem Clayton this is so true, when i was in london about 16 years ago, i could not believe the incredible produce on the shelfs from south africa! They export all the best quality produce and sell the leftovers to us here in africa!
Create rich soils and healthy food with biodiversity. Don't start with this massproduced plastic food. The soil will be able to keep water for longer.
Please africa has had more investment than any nation on earth and they swindle it.
@Tem Clayton not only the north but also at the equatorial region like gabon or kongo
Creating more convenient ways to spray chemical concoctions directly into the plant. This is revolutionary, but dangerous.
Monsanto will hop on this, if they haven’t already
Don't need to spray as much because it is not outdoors in the open. Don't need herbicide because weeds can't grow, don't need as much pesticide as not as many pests. Besides I don't see what else they would want to spray, or why.
We always tossed any potatoes that were exposed above ground for fear they were poisonous.. That is why we pulled the soil to them when hoeing.
Слава Богу, что в России плодородная земля, и картоху я ем из земли и вкусную!!!!!!❤
Ты заблуждаешься, ты уже давно не но настоящую картошку
Удивлю тебя, но в этом методе выращивания ничего плохого нет, лишь предрассудки прошлого
@@Dead_Zeus14 вы правы, технологии не стоят на месте!😊
Теперь буду покупать только грязный картофель, что земля налипшая была, заряженную силушкой землицы
И подкову коня шо в том огороде срал,- на хрудь повешай гы гы она тож силушку багатырскую дает
@@КусткАлючиЙ а ты прям везде посрать успел
А оно видать само выросло в таком же инкубаторе!
Там тоже химозы до хрена😁😁😁
Ага тоже думал как они такой чистый продают.
Конечно,это семенной материал выращивается..
А мы уж по старинке вырастили и точно будем знать что ни рожки ни копытца от картофеля у нас не вырастут...🤗😅
Лаптеногим терять нечего
Не, тут же в описании написано, что это завод для чипсов. Из этих картофелин, делают чипсы.
По размеру подходит, - почистить, нарезать и обжарить.
@@ЛилитНемова Не, в описании написано НЕ завод для чипсов, а "завод по переработке чипсов". Это - как?
Вообще как-то не по-русски.
Чипсы можно изготовить, а чего их перерабатывать?
@@ЛилитНемова ... я такую чистую картошечку и не чистила бы! домашнюю, бывает, моём щёткой, чтобы сделать чипсы, а тут - чистейшая!
@@galeo4667 Ну это изъяны перевода
this is...INSANE,!!!
video insane
The question is , do they taste as good as those grown in soil ?
They don't. They don't get micro elements that the soil have.
But it's still a good thing anyway.
@@kimjongun6229 +
Это самый главный вопрос. В моем детстве картошка была идеальной. А сейчас намного хуже
@@user-vm3lo8gu7v Ну, картошка разная бывает. Эта на здоровые семена, так как из-за контакта с землёй могут распрастраняються разние болезни картофеля
The main benefit I see is the fact that food can be grown where people are so transportation is minimized. Also seasonality is leveled out and food can be just in time delivered rather than stored for long periods.
You also don't need to go through most of the cleaning process or tilling. It could be in a sealed clean environment so you don't need herbicides nor pesticides.
You can scale up vertically, but you need to use electricity to power grow lights.
Downside would be no heavy machineries to do things in massive scale. Need lots of people or robots to do a lot of the work.
@@georgehill3087 A sealed clean environment? You mean sterile, like in special rooms inside of hospitals? Because that is the only way you won't get any fungus spores in your "closed" system and that will never be economically viable.
@@jamaly77 You do realize I was talking about pests like insects so no pesticides. There are plenty of that kind of greenhouses out there.
I don't know what you are even talking about. Spore/bacteria/virus free is unnecessary for food growing.
Меристемная культура картофеля. С этого начинается семеноводство картофеля.
Best channel I've seen in a while
После этого видео пропало желание покупать и употреблять чипсы из натурального картофеля
Да и картофель в принципе
Ну ничего, скоро пройдет и вновь захочешь когда мимо тебя тип с чипсами пройдет и перед тобой так аппетитно хруснет этой чипсой и оо чудо, да здравствуют вкусовые рецепторы😋😋
@@АлексейКузнецов-ь2з5б ты умница кушай больше и чаще чипсы, жаренную ,печёную,и пюрешечку с хлебушком да побольше уууууууууууммммм обедение...и кока колай запивай....
@@olegos8888 че блядь?
Для тех кто в танке - это семенной, вероятно селекционный, чистый от болезней картофель, так называемая элита/супер элита. Из которой растят последующие репродукции, которые уже идут как посевной материал для аграриев.
Я тоже так считаю это по-любому питомник скрещивания вывод сортов и т,д
as an "ex" Ag scientist, turned to the dark side, hat's amazing!
imagine this in AFRICA. in SAHARA DESERT. Build some block with concrete and make close sisteam for harvesting food in death place.
Теперь покажите как из пальмовой жижи делается коровье молоко.
Уже боюсь этих пачек. Спасибо
На крайнем севере надо внедрять, стабильный урожай, независящий от погоды. И гораздо дешевле чем завозить самолетами
"надо внедрять" кому надо?путену?он скорей тебя в землю внедрит
Who else saw a Facebook ad and came to RUclips to look it up 🤣 Wow! Neat!
А зато продают в сурепмаркетах как деревенский натуральный картошка вот как нас обманывают.
Да кто вас обманывает? Если за дешевизной,да вкушняшками гонитесь.🤣
В красивой упаковке за башенные цены
Это уже не картошка .Картошка должна быть под землёй без всяких таких добавок. быть под землёй достаточно.
это не картошка, это горох какой-то.
@@ВераСюткина-ф7м это семенной так выращивают
@@ВераСюткина-ф7м картофель заболевает от дневного света.
@@ВосточнаяСибирь-д1ф образуется саланин и тд ,это стерильный картофель для размножения
@@ВераСюткина-ф7м это картофель для дальнейшего выращивания это бульба стерильные почитайте
Interesting to watch. The mineral mix seems to be curcial to the process. Not sure if I'd like to have such crops on my dish. But for Mars Missions might be interesting.
Thank You for comment, please share if you like my video
It's a great way to grow the world's tiniest potatoes!