This stage is a nightmare playing on Guan Yu's side. You have to babysit both him and the carriage simultaneously, trying to keep them both on screen at all times. Also, Guan Yu shows up with no bodyguards for some reason so he can be killed off screen in literal seconds if unattended. I can see why you picked the easier side to play on. Lol
This stage is a nightmare playing on Guan Yu's side. You have to babysit both him and the carriage simultaneously, trying to keep them both on screen at all times. Also, Guan Yu shows up with no bodyguards for some reason so he can be killed off screen in literal seconds if unattended. I can see why you picked the easier side to play on. Lol
*Zhou Cang Jumps atop Gate*
Zhou Cang: "Maybe he won't notice me...?" 😥
Zhou Cang: "Oh, damn! He noticed me!" 😰
4:31. Ummm ok?😐
Saya mau request Sengoku Basara 3: Utage - English Subtitles - Tenkai (Akechi Mitsuhide) Story mode | Ch. 1 - Ch. 3