Glimrende interview. Lidt pernittengryn måske, men jeg undrer mig over, hvordan oversættelsen af, hvad jeg hører som “It’s relatively closed to outsiders” bliver til “De tangerer outsiders”…?
Wealth doesn't equal happiness, partly because a lot of wealth is in the hands of looters. Productive achievement is probably a better standard but productivity only translates to wealth in a system of purely voluntary exchange. Unfortunately, much of the wealth in the world is taken by force from peaceful people every day.
Tyler Cowen is like a robot that can produce unlimited amounts of relevant insightful information. I can’t get enough of this guy.
Tyler is just the best
Fantastic interview, Danes apparently have great TV
36:44 Cowen: "Danemark is too conformist." Interviewer: "I agree."
Glimrende interview. Lidt pernittengryn måske, men jeg undrer mig over, hvordan oversættelsen af, hvad jeg hører som “It’s relatively closed to outsiders” bliver til “De tangerer outsiders”…?
Wealth doesn't equal happiness, partly because a lot of wealth is in the hands of looters. Productive achievement is probably a better standard but productivity only translates to wealth in a system of purely voluntary exchange. Unfortunately, much of the wealth in the world is taken by force from peaceful people every day.
Does Elon Musk avoid hiring sycophants? Did Steve Jobs surround himself with sycophants?