Does your computer have bad memory? How To Use Memtest 86 - Step By Step Walk-through

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 245

  • @erickdavid4257
    @erickdavid4257 4 года назад +61

    This guy can even make a memory test exciting.

  • @lildissapointed1062
    @lildissapointed1062 5 лет назад +474

    You explain this so well and clear. I feel like you were or are still a teacher.

    • @Joedex1625
      @Joedex1625 Год назад +1

      Have you seen teachers nowadays ha they stand behind computers and read off PowerPoint slides. This guy is entertaining somehow way better than a teacher hah 😜

  • @klwthe3rd
    @klwthe3rd 5 лет назад +62

    Carey Holzman's Quick tips are my go to place to learn quality material in regards to computers. In less than 10 minutes of viewing you completely understand and feel comfortable on how to execute these tests. No channel is better!!!

  • @rpb4865
    @rpb4865 5 лет назад +181

    Dad jokes and great information. You are full package xD.

  • @ZZstaff
    @ZZstaff 5 лет назад +11

    I have been using Memtest 86 for decades, however, millions of PC and tech users come along every year and have no clue regarding all of the help and resources available to them. Keep up the good work! I forgot to mention, again millions, of people have old non-UEFI [BIOS] and should use the old version of Memtest 86 or 86+

  • @ryanjohnson1180
    @ryanjohnson1180 2 года назад +2

    you have to be a teacher theres no way your this good at talking good job man thank you so much

  • @phtevethepirate3231
    @phtevethepirate3231 3 года назад +6

    Thanks a lot for this video. I've been dealing with multiple BSOD errors on my PC and just with this test I've narrowed it down to either RAM or MOBO. It found 10k errors before ending the test prematurely for too many errors on pass 1

  • @ItsTeeko_
    @ItsTeeko_ 5 лет назад +23

    Yo my friend keep making videos your helping so many people out this program alone took me a while to figure out roughly about 1hr decided to give up look on yt found u and took my maaaybe 5 minutes your awesome thanks again

  • @radudamian4574
    @radudamian4574 4 года назад +7

    Yep. My new 16 GB kit of RAM is deffective apparently. Now I have to see which stick is causing problems.
    Thank you for this video!

  • @DoomWalker42
    @DoomWalker42 5 лет назад +9

    Thanks for this tutorial! Apparently lots of people were using this to test ram stability while overclocking ram. I wanted to overclock my ram from ddr4 to as high as I can possibly 3000 mhz if possible or 3200mhz so I will use this tool to check the overclock is stable. Many thanks.

  • @Trace1kio
    @Trace1kio 4 года назад +1

    Showing support and bought a mug! Most transparent and professional guide I've ever come across. Very informative and entertaining! Subscribed

  • @kylelacroix1023
    @kylelacroix1023 4 года назад +8

    Incredibly descriptive and helpful, thank you!

  • @smukki6346
    @smukki6346 3 года назад +1

    You explain the best I have seen on all of RUclips. If you did tutorials for everything you would be the only guy I watched haha

  • @charleswilliams8368
    @charleswilliams8368 2 года назад +1

    Twelve hours for an I5-8400 with 64G, but it passed. Thanks, Carey.

  • @theawesomegamer_
    @theawesomegamer_ Год назад +1

    Thank you sir, I had a case of the BSODs, and this helped me find the bad stick.

  • @MetoHaydar
    @MetoHaydar 4 года назад +1

    i never saw someone can explain better than u
    man u did a good job there
    pls keep going and posting videos

  • @Zejayt
    @Zejayt 3 года назад

    Windows Memory Diagnostic found no errors on first pass but after running this test I found one of my RAM modules to be defective saving me a lot of headaches for later, thank you for making this video step by step and easy to follow.

  • @jwatson617
    @jwatson617 3 года назад +5

    Got a new pc and i’ve been having stability issues, was advised by the company i bought it from to run this test however their walkthrough of how to run it was very vague. Thank you so much for doing this it made it so much easier.

  • @Mayank14755
    @Mayank14755 3 года назад +1

    Thankyou very much sir. I enjoyed your explanation very much.
    Specially when u said "sherlock holmes will be proud of you"

  • @maybeJace
    @maybeJace 4 года назад +2

    Great video! Few extra tips, for those with an MSI motherboard you gotta spam F11 to get that boot menu, make sure your flash drive is connected directly to your mobo, and make sure you have TIME.

  • @iahRegondola
    @iahRegondola 3 года назад +3

    I was having random BSOD this vid certainly helped me in pinpointing the problem!

  • @hughw.
    @hughw. 4 года назад +2

    Thank you Carey! I am running memtest86 right now. I am having issues with my new system. The 3950x system with Tridentz 3600 ddr4 ram I mentioned in your live chat in the year 2019. It's 2020 now. Shuts down with any heavy load. Anyway, thanks again! Oh, I upvoted you.👍

    • @erinsimon8597
      @erinsimon8597 3 года назад

      i have the same RAM and that's what i'm memtesting rn. maybe their RAM sticks suck??

    • @alexb0607
      @alexb0607 2 года назад

      Amm i just got 16GB of Trident G skill neo 3600mhz and i got about 363 errors..... what should i do

  • @TritonTv69420
    @TritonTv69420 3 года назад +1

    Nice just made a video on this today and decided to look what videos are already there. Great video!

  • @cwales4997
    @cwales4997 5 лет назад

    After much stress and trying to figure out why my computer was on an endless loop boot, this helped a ton! Found out the memory was bad and hopefully new memory will be the fix! Thanks for the video! Very helpful, and good explanation!

    • @billieschultz1352
      @billieschultz1352 5 лет назад

      Just mandy sticks of ram did you have when you test it? Believe me, i have a reason because i tested years ago and it came out good but i still had bsod but when i put one stick in at a time memtest recognize it🤔 install that new stick and it was solved.

  • @josecuervo3351
    @josecuervo3351 Год назад

    Excellent Video. No fluff, just to the point.

    • @CareyHolzman
      @CareyHolzman  Год назад

      How much would you pay for more videos like that?

  • @sidneymendoza3153
    @sidneymendoza3153 5 лет назад +8

    Great video I’m studying to be IT technician so this helps

  • @InfoTubeRO
    @InfoTubeRO 4 года назад +3

    Thank you, I've discovered 24 errors on one of the modules. Great tutorial!!!

  • @shrimp.e36
    @shrimp.e36 4 года назад +2

    This has helped me so much! After a week of pinpointing why my pc keeps on crashing i finally found out that one of my RAM sticks has a problem. 8 errors popped out on test 8 for me. Thank you very much for this tutorial! You've earned a subscriber!

  • @jbpitbbqgaming2170
    @jbpitbbqgaming2170 3 года назад +3

    just wanted to post a comment and say thank you for how descriptive you are in your video! Helps a ton. just built a pc in march and it keeps freezing randomly and wont even let me shut down or restart the pc.... updated my bios again and now testing my ram... new to pc so this is all alien to me!

  • @youdabuddha7468
    @youdabuddha7468 4 года назад +1

    Clear and exactly what was needed. Thanks

  • @SubjektSechzehn
    @SubjektSechzehn 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much! This is one of the best walk-throughs I have ever seen. Really really thank you!

  • @johnchatzidakis3554
    @johnchatzidakis3554 4 года назад

    Hi Carey, thanks very much for taking the time to produce this really helpful video. Greetings from Greece.

  • @keithstarkey5584
    @keithstarkey5584 5 лет назад +2

    Nice video. Thanks much. I just built a brand new system, and I need to be thorough and check the memory, so this video helped greatly.

  • @matthawks961
    @matthawks961 2 года назад +2

    well orchestrated and articulated. thank you for your help!

  • @realaveragejon
    @realaveragejon 3 года назад

    this is the ultimate tutorial for the memtest86

  • @R5OZ
    @R5OZ 4 года назад

    Amazing video, presentation and information, thank you so much, out of 3 videos I found, yours was by far the best on this Memtest86 and then explaining what to do if you get errors etc. Brilliant!

  • @khone9096
    @khone9096 5 лет назад +1

    Started getting BSODs and ended up watching this video, I think the RAM might be the culprit so thanks for the video, this really cleaerd things up for me. Have to do the tests immediately!

    • @hardkore360
      @hardkore360 4 года назад

      @Jaden Dobbs YES! that's one of them!

  • @billieschultz1352
    @billieschultz1352 5 лет назад +28

    Carey H ,I had a bsod years ago and i test my ram with memtest86 well, it came out good. Still bsod and yes i waited 4x for it to i decided to put in one stick at a time and it reported bad ram but not when i had 4 sticks in at the time. So everyone you might want to do a stick at a time unless memtest improved. There was no more bsod..I hope you get back to enlighten me on this subject and thanks for reading.

  • @liugng71
    @liugng71 5 лет назад +1

    Superior guide, very detail and first time into use find bad memory module!!!

  • @TheXCobra11
    @TheXCobra11 5 лет назад +5

    Thanks man this tutorial was very helpful. I wish i had teachers that could explain like you.

  • @yukokano22
    @yukokano22 4 года назад

    So clear explanation. Deserves to be on topsearch

  • @richardburguillos3118
    @richardburguillos3118 4 года назад

    Very nicely done! I’m scanning now.... waiting..... waiting..... waiting.... hmm like watching paint dry..... waiting... ok I’m going for a walk.... Thanks again!

  • @KickAssets
    @KickAssets Год назад +1

    I love your video style. :)

  • @Dankgamer97
    @Dankgamer97 4 года назад +2

    Ty for the guide, Took a 50 min meal break after starting this test, came back and have 877 errors… I guess I’ll need to buy new ram modules…

  • @SqueezeUp74
    @SqueezeUp74 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the tutorial pops ! really appreciate this one

  • @vincenzoaureo6060
    @vincenzoaureo6060 4 года назад +2

    You are a lifesaver, perfect tutorial

  • @kompav5621
    @kompav5621 4 года назад

    Nice analogy at the beginning; practical.

  • @progamer1o5
    @progamer1o5 3 года назад

    Anyone who gets here and his bootable usb doesn't work, check if you have Legacy BIOS or UEFI BIOS. This is important because the current new version of memtest only works with UEFI BIOS and if you try it with Legacy BIOS it won't boot up. Therefore you need to download their older version (4.1 if im not wrong) which you can download on their website (its written also on that page which version will work with Legacy BIOS) and run that.
    It took me forever to understand why it didn't work for me. So I thought I would help others who can't find a fix :)

  • @larrywatson383
    @larrywatson383 4 года назад

    Excellent video. Appreciate you going thru each step in detail.

  • @Reyvius78
    @Reyvius78 4 года назад +1

    pretty happy i found that video, i'm looking forward to OC my ram that is currently at 2133mhz and i hope you've done this on your channel cause me dumb, me need crystal clear explanations like those

  • @reginaldbrewington8971
    @reginaldbrewington8971 5 лет назад +1

    Hi Carey. This gives you more confidence that you are starting with a good product. Thanks for reminding us that there are good tools out there to help us. You are on point as usual!

  • @cris33311
    @cris33311 4 года назад

    liked and subscribed . Im here because im gonna buy better RAM to replace from 1x8 @2666 to 2x8 @3200 and i want to run Memtest86 to get proofs that the RAM stick (which is still under waranty) is working well after almost 1 year of use so i can sell it to someone to recover some money . Thank you, very well explained , worth a Like.
    Edit : run the test and it took only about 25 minutes for pass1/4 with a ryzen 5 2600 .

  • @maythamalmouthen5191
    @maythamalmouthen5191 2 года назад +1

    You are Amazing as usual :)

  • @DragonSlayerz95
    @DragonSlayerz95 4 года назад +2

    You're great my man

  • @bjarkiorleifsson6100
    @bjarkiorleifsson6100 3 года назад

    Superb demonstration

  • @Sillystuuff
    @Sillystuuff 3 года назад

    Love the boiling water analogy 🤣. Thank you for your help!.

  • @rlstone286
    @rlstone286 3 года назад

    Great tutorial! I'll be using this method to check the ram in a pc I bought recently.

  • @christianmccoy254
    @christianmccoy254 3 года назад

    Thank you for making this easy to understand

  • @daveweinstock
    @daveweinstock Год назад

    Thanks for the video! Helpful!

  • @JawidSmart
    @JawidSmart 5 лет назад +3

    Thanks so much. Clear and straightforward! Liked & Subbed!

  • @pierreveri8889
    @pierreveri8889 4 года назад +1

    Sorry for the potential stupid question: in the boot menu, why choosing the USB partition 1? Why not the partition 2 or even the one that shows no partition. To me those 3 choices are the same so could you please explain the difference? Many thanks!

  • @SachaHo
    @SachaHo 5 лет назад

    Very useful information, I had no idea how to test my RAM and it is bad - I no longer live in ignorance!

  • @Alurix_TV
    @Alurix_TV 3 года назад

    thanks for making a video that's very helpful and does not string the watcher along

  • @BeltsandBuckles01
    @BeltsandBuckles01 4 года назад +1

    If you have an old bios it can happen that as the flash drive boots it only shows a prompt and does nothin'. In that case you have to or update your bios or use the older version of memtest86 called V4 then after that it will work. The system used to have windows vista and is a old acer aspire 5630 laptop thanks to Carey method of diagnostic i discovert it thanks Carey

  • @iwrestleabeeonce
    @iwrestleabeeonce 4 года назад +1

    Very good guide i tried using windows memory diagnostics and it seems to give me false negatives because i tried it with all of the sticks on a single dim slot and they all came out clear with no errors as soon as i try again with 4 sticks it gives me errors memtest86 seems more reliable and shows more than windows diagnostics does

  • @merwynmiller5502
    @merwynmiller5502 5 лет назад +5

    Great video, great explanations. But here's the question. Ran memtest86 on my new build. One error on pass #4. Thinking/hoping that it was just an electrical anomaly I ran a second series of the test--no errors, then a 3rd--no errors, then a 4th--no errors, and finally a 5th--no errors but a warning. Assuming that there had been no warning on the 5th series, would I chalk the one error up to just an anomaly or even if I ran it 99 times without an error but with the 1 error on the first series assume it is defective and return it? The warning was that the ram may be "subject to high frequency memory bit flip." That, with the first error caused me to return the ram. But given that I don't put extreme usage on the computer or the ram, should I have?

    • @TheSlowestStart
      @TheSlowestStart 5 лет назад

      Just keep using the ram until u start getting frequent BSOD and other weird stuff like your mouse not moving or things not saving.

    • @merwynmiller5502
      @merwynmiller5502 5 лет назад

      @@TheSlowestStart thanks, but on a new build you want to know what to do with the ram, return or keep, before the vendor's return period is up. So waiting for bsod to start occurring doesn't sound like the rule I want to follow.

    • @merwynmiller5502
      @merwynmiller5502 5 лет назад

      I think the answer is false positive for errors is less likely than false negatives. So if it passes, great, no subsequent test, but if it falls, run another test and see if it passes. And that's only true if there is just one error or so, not a string of them. But I'm not an electrical engineer, so I wish one would chime in.

  • @Luke-zo6nc
    @Luke-zo6nc 4 года назад +1

    Very detailed and helpful thank you.

  • @scottdavenport2967
    @scottdavenport2967 4 года назад

    Thank you for the step by step !

  • @ArtisChronicles
    @ArtisChronicles 4 года назад +7

    Well I passed this with xmp settings before, but this time I went above xmp settings and actually crashed out with something like 400 errors. That was a good laugh.

  • @baksonbloke7221
    @baksonbloke7221 4 года назад +1

    Arturo Roman doing tutorials, awesome!

    • @momostallion
      @momostallion 4 года назад

      as soon as i saw this dude, i hit ctrl+f 'arturo'

  • @amirjubran1845
    @amirjubran1845 5 лет назад +3

    I've had unstable systems that passed Memtest86 indefinitely. Using HCI Memtest I've been able to find Memory faults more reliably (and quickly too, usually in under 30 minutes). A lot of times "bad" ram is down to bad settings. On the Intel X58 platform, XMP profiles on certain kits were certified for 4 core Bloomfield CPUs but not 6 core Gulftown models, forcing you to manually adjust some of the timings. Not fun times.

    • @hightttech
      @hightttech 5 лет назад +1

      I agree. If i suspect ram, and it passes Memtest, I'll follow with Ultra-X, or vice versa. If it passes a long burn with BOTH apps, I'll move on. I've found more bad slots than sticks, and a ram brand called "Buffalo" has highest failure rate in my graveyard -- very glitchy. Cheers

  • @Ryan-pw3fw
    @Ryan-pw3fw 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for this video, is it okay to run this test with XMP enabled

  • @lukehocking5090
    @lukehocking5090 3 года назад

    Great video, easy to follow step by step, subbed and liked.

  • @wysetech2000
    @wysetech2000 5 лет назад +4

    Well done Carey and Linda. Great utility! Have used it myself many times.

  • @aro7975
    @aro7975 5 лет назад +1

    Your explanation is amazing. Never stop making videos, ever. Thanks a lot.

  • @MrAeroHD
    @MrAeroHD 4 года назад

    Thank you! Only commenting to boost in the algorithm.

  • @Ali_Seraj
    @Ali_Seraj 4 года назад +1

    and that is that ,, This video is entertaining and informative 🤣👍🏻

  • @TJWolf
    @TJWolf 5 лет назад +6

    WOW Carey You Make the best videos ever. Thank you for your hard work

  • @danieltorrance1534
    @danieltorrance1534 4 года назад +1

    Thanks... Your a legend

  • @joshdigrigoli5182
    @joshdigrigoli5182 3 года назад +1

    Great job thank you!

  • @zdslmn
    @zdslmn 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you for the very helpful and detailed video.

  • @ourownwar
    @ourownwar 4 года назад

    Thank you. Very informative and helpful!

  • @disismi4463
    @disismi4463 4 года назад

    Very well explained. Thank you!

  • @paulfredfield
    @paulfredfield 2 года назад +1

    Still valid today, 2022. My ram is ok..! Phew

  • @Techuseek
    @Techuseek 5 лет назад +3

    Thanks for the tip Carey.

  • @Screwfxce
    @Screwfxce 4 года назад

    Great video. Thanks very much. Dont get the thumbs down. Couldn't have been any clearer. Thank you.

  • @SaveAmerica-TRUMP2024
    @SaveAmerica-TRUMP2024 5 лет назад +1

    Bought 16GB of used ebay ram. Everything ran fine until I tried fortnite. BattlEye launcher was having none of that and crashed immediately. Followed your video and used momtest 86. Not 10 seconds in memtest stopped because of to many errors. Took a screen shot to show ebay seller. Will be sending this ram back ASAP. THANKS for the help.

  • @ejoshcoron
    @ejoshcoron 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks Carey!

  • @stressedbyamountainofbooks4783
    @stressedbyamountainofbooks4783 4 года назад

    fantastic tutorial. Congratulations, you did great.

  • @bbrennan568
    @bbrennan568 3 года назад

    I would agree excellent video. I appreciates the way you explain things.

  • @SumanYadav-gn6fw
    @SumanYadav-gn6fw 5 лет назад +1

    Jokes and helful info at same time, u are the total package man.

  • @ben6583
    @ben6583 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this guide, great work.

  • @MerabetQuest
    @MerabetQuest 4 года назад

    Great job man, thanks for the tutorial. Awesome work!

  • @zeppl1n
    @zeppl1n 3 года назад

    Awesome video

  • @mattbusstra
    @mattbusstra 3 года назад

    Fantastic tutorial thanks

  • @muchacho19886
    @muchacho19886 4 года назад

    Great guide, thank you!

  • @Silent-1983
    @Silent-1983 4 года назад +1

    Thank you man, you are amazing, short and on subject! much love

  • @patehkhan9119
    @patehkhan9119 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you sir for the information

  • @iamroyalty607
    @iamroyalty607 5 лет назад

    Thank Carey you helped me diagnose a bad stick of 3200 trident z rgb

  • @howardkelly2459
    @howardkelly2459 4 года назад

    Great video