[K-Choreo 8K] 세븐틴 직캠 'My My' (SEVENTEEN Choreography) l @MusicBank 200626

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 656

  • @젠장-d7c
    @젠장-d7c 4 года назад +444

    이번 컨셉은 진짜 역대급이네요 청춘을 잘 표현한 것 같아요 단단하고 강렬하게 난 겁이 없다고 외치다가도 어느 길로 가야할지 방황하기도 하고 여전히 마음 속은 어린아이지만 어른이어야하는 나이라 힘들기도 하고... 그래서 같이 가자는 위로를 건네는 그런 뭐랄까 기승전결이 있는 앨범이라고 느끼네요 청춘의 모든 페이지를 엿보고 있는 것 같아 아름답고 웅장하게 느껴지기도 하고 때로는 가슴 한 켠이 울렁이는 느낌이에요 늘 더 멋있는 앨범을 만들어줘서 고맙습니다 당신들의 청춘을 볼 수 있어서, 또 우리의 청춘을 노래해줘서 감사합니다

    • @carat_gem
      @carat_gem 4 года назад +4

      헐 맞아요ㅜㅜ

  • @arielleelizcubos7803
    @arielleelizcubos7803 4 года назад +700

    2:39 Dk's "music bank" at the bridge part always making me smile
    Edit: it was Seoksoon hihihi

  • @carlcallora9651
    @carlcallora9651 4 года назад +630

    1:19 the moment of S. Coups who forgot the choreography, he is so cute. He even smiles and giggles.

    • @bibix2
      @bibix2 4 года назад +84

      2:52 DK too 😆

    • @graceygrace4783
      @graceygrace4783 4 года назад +6

      so cute aaa

    • @NoehtatLuvsSuju
      @NoehtatLuvsSuju 4 года назад +5

      i thought i was the only one who noticed! 😂

    • @hiendang744
      @hiendang744 4 года назад +51

      And then 1:20 Jeonghan realized that then he just smiled :)))
      Edit: also there was The8 2:53 who realized DK's mistake and then he smiled as well :V

    • @widyy485
      @widyy485 4 года назад +1

      I thougth i just the only one who notice that 😂😂

  • @didipressed
    @didipressed 4 года назад +970

    just crying over how cute they are, nothing out of the ordinary

  • @ainin1944
    @ainin1944 4 года назад +406

    Vernon: *carries seungkwan*
    Me: *smile like a stupid*

  • @mariemarie5086
    @mariemarie5086 4 года назад +412

    No one:
    Seventeen choreo is always the BEST! PERIOD.

  • @meowth-js6vb
    @meowth-js6vb 4 года назад +970


    • @hotaru2020
      @hotaru2020 4 года назад +62

      Fearless enters the chat

    • @maryjoycediaz1185
      @maryjoycediaz1185 4 года назад +51

      All of their b-sides would be nominated as well haha

    • @sebongteen4014
      @sebongteen4014 4 года назад +14


    • @ajunicenationalanthem392
      @ajunicenationalanthem392 4 года назад +24

      kidult: Am i a joke?
      well all of their b-side tracks are good not just by rhythm but also the lyrics

    • @yjhannies
      @yjhannies 4 года назад +14

      together enters the chat

  • @ren-xu7pn
    @ren-xu7pn 4 года назад +272

    This is what youth should sounds and looks like... Sweet, lovely, soothing, healing...

    • @angelfish7837
      @angelfish7837 4 года назад +11

      im sorry but this comment makes you sound old hahah

    • @idkJustCallMeJae
      @idkJustCallMeJae 4 года назад +5

      @@angelfish7837 but I wish that was the reality😭.... innocence is lost way too early. well, at least, for the other 16 year olds...

  • @nda7801
    @nda7801 4 года назад +21

    어떻게 이렇게 잔잔한 노래에 저런 안무를 만들었을까.. 안무도 찰떡이고.... 역시 세븐틴은 대단해.......

  • @뿌됴하니해
    @뿌됴하니해 4 года назад +291

    마이마이는 조굼아껴놔도 좋앗을것을...ㅠㅠ타이틀아닌게 넘 아쉬워ㅠㅠ

  • @bayantami5619
    @bayantami5619 4 года назад +78

    that "music bank" adlib gets me every single time lmao

  • @deenasaini6897
    @deenasaini6897 4 года назад +118

    I have been smilin throughout this whole performance who's with me

  • @mihyunsea
    @mihyunsea 4 года назад +7

    진짜 독특한 안무 많다. 배타고 항해하는 안무, 구름 위에 떠다니는 안무, 다같이 모닥불에 둘러앉아 게임하는 안무 등등 보면 기분 좋고 귀여운 안무들. 노래 만큼 안무도 예쁘다. MYMY도 챌린지 했으면 할 정도로 싸비 안무도 귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 왠지 전체적으로 조각구름들이 수놓은 여름하늘이나 빛에 옅게 반사되서 반짝거리는 푸른바다를 닮은 무대야.

  • @madape5843
    @madape5843 4 года назад +100

    와...감독님 진짜... 각도 완전 콘서트 1열😭😭
    은혜로운 영상 너무 감사합니다ㅜㅜㅜ
    마이마이 진짜 계속 미소지으면서 보게되는 무대🎵
    하이라이트에서 캠프파이어하면서
    아이엠그라운드 공공칠빵 인디언밥 하는거에 치임🤸‍♀️
    나의 여행의 시작은 세븐틴이야😍❤

  • @멍멍-u9p
    @멍멍-u9p 4 года назад +43

    오늘 마이마이 의상도 예쁘고 애들도 예쁘고 그냥 다 너무 최고였어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @taga-ilog
    @taga-ilog 4 года назад +215

    Ngl, this is the type of SVT choreo I fell in love with. Extremely creative, very interpretative, with fascinating formations and always with that SVT trademark synchronization (except we see you Seungcheol hahahaa). Ugh their minds.

    • @hiorins
      @hiorins 4 года назад +6

      And seokmin too at 2:52 😂😂

    • @taga-ilog
      @taga-ilog 4 года назад +1

      @@hiorins Omo! Missed that! Hahahaa cutiess

  • @oui1233
    @oui1233 4 года назад +35

    아니 볼때마다 놀라워.. 세븐틴 무대 왤케 잘함 ?!?!?!!

  • @miss11k
    @miss11k 4 года назад +300

    This angle makes me feel like im in standing barricade agkdhdjd

  • @Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk
    @Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk 4 года назад +31

    역시 청춘하면 세븐틴이다 ㅠㅠㅠ 보고만있어도 시원하다 ㅠㅠ

  • @lawnjeon3280
    @lawnjeon3280 4 года назад +52

    Watching Seventeen from the front without any effects is another type of happiness. Kind of unexplainable. It's just so nice to watch the sync and chemistry that these 13 boys have. They make me so proud.

  • @gwynethyapan1190
    @gwynethyapan1190 4 года назад +87


    • @김수현-w2d7f
      @김수현-w2d7f 4 года назад +3

      the8 is laughing in the back:D they are so adorable

  • @annedano8103
    @annedano8103 4 года назад +82

    How did Jun manage to look soooo dmn cute while showing off his dmn biceps

  • @hotaru2020
    @hotaru2020 4 года назад +130

    I just want to say that Seventeen members look really happy these days and nothing could make me more grateful.

  • @옴프로디테
    @옴프로디테 4 года назад +36

    역세급.....역시 세븐틴은 급이 다릅니다......진짜 전부 갓벽.....☆

  • @iPam4S
    @iPam4S 4 года назад +93

    Top choreo for a b-side track. SEVENTEEN ONLY.

    • @bibikpit3031
      @bibikpit3031 4 года назад +1

      *fearless enters the chat*

  • @ft.13
    @ft.13 4 года назад +68


  • @zero_world1579
    @zero_world1579 4 года назад +12

    와 진짜 mymy는 청량틴의 본모습 그대로 무대를 진짜 즐기는 모습을 볼수 있는거 같아서 넘 좋은거 같아여♥

  • @viriecsc89
    @viriecsc89 4 года назад +48

    I think every b-side track of their albums can be their title. Everything is a bop

  • @monCHERished
    @monCHERished 4 года назад +86

    1:18 spot cheol's little laugh when he made a tiny mistake :(((( THE CUTEST

  • @어제보다좋은사람
    @어제보다좋은사람 4 года назад +63

    내 두번째 청춘과 내 아이의 밝은 청춘을 함께 빛나게 해줘서 너무 고마워요~세븐틴♡♡♡
    계속 함께 가요~~^^
    100만장 축하축하~~👏👏👍👍
    너무 기분좋아~~~😂😂

  • @이윤서-b9o
    @이윤서-b9o 4 года назад +3

    세븐틴의 무대는 세븐틴의 노래와 캐럿들의 힘찬 응원으로 가득찼었는데
    조용하니 적응이되지않는다..

  • @유애나영
    @유애나영 4 года назад +18

    코디 깔끔하니 이쁘다 ㅠㅠㅠ 청량하고 이뻐 애들아

  • @deejung9302
    @deejung9302 4 года назад +91

    5 years has passed since their debut and they're still eating CDs

  • @kyUnadiella
    @kyUnadiella 4 года назад +42

    Me being focus at their choreography, and then realised at ---
    0:38 fallin flower reverse choreographed 😍

    • @NewOldObsession
      @NewOldObsession 4 года назад

      omg ur brilliant for noticing this!!

    • @Coralista_zee
      @Coralista_zee 4 года назад

      I thought i was the only one who noticed

  • @유민-n9b
    @유민-n9b 3 года назад +1

    마이마이때 의상이 전부 다 너무 예뻤어 ㅠㅠ

  • @최애클립
    @최애클립 4 года назад +1

    정하니 반바지 완전 찰떡이지

  • @bulet14ry53
    @bulet14ry53 4 года назад +29

    I love how the whole cheography is so cute😍 not to mention our boys

  • @jinnah6524
    @jinnah6524 4 года назад +17

    Vernon’s little “Brr BAA!” will never not be adorable

  • @somberhoney
    @somberhoney 4 года назад +54

    Jun's arms really are the star of this comeback

  • @안경소녀
    @안경소녀 4 года назад +1

    진짜 단체로 볼때 코디 너무 예쁘다..

  • @lgyji2567
    @lgyji2567 Год назад +1

    안무 너무 귀엽고 특이해ㅠㅠ완전 수학여행 온 남고생들 재질🥺🥺

  • @이유경-j5i
    @이유경-j5i 4 года назад +19

    카메라도 완벽 우래기들 미모도 완벽 안무도 노래도 모든것이 완벽해 감사합니다 ㅠㅠㅠ ❤️

  • @woohb0000
    @woohb0000 4 года назад +7

    화질 무엇 선명하다 ㅠㅠ 청량청량미 오져

  • @Go-df4js
    @Go-df4js 3 года назад +1

    1:19 (최)승철씌 안무 틀리고 웃는거 너무 귀엽자나ㅠㅠ

  • @lululupug
    @lululupug 4 года назад +21

    the details put into visuals and images painted through the choreo is amazingggggg!
    Holding the balloon, rowing the ship, the waves of the sea, the campfire, the "frying pan game" and to add the amazing vocals and adlibs

  • @암냠냐
    @암냠냐 4 года назад +1

    와..마린룩 미쳤어ㅠ

  • @civiam8
    @civiam8 4 года назад +4

    Love how they use their numbers as advantage in their choreography and make cool formations like a boat at sea and a campfire

  • @khlowyee
    @khlowyee 4 года назад

    this face acting with this performance with this synchronisation .... and hoshi's leg muscles... its a perfect 17/17

  • @AsawaNiLeeDokyeom
    @AsawaNiLeeDokyeom 4 года назад +1


  • @julianaseville7620
    @julianaseville7620 4 года назад +5

    effortless cuteness. bec. they are full of charms already. they are not even trying to be cute. they just exude their real youthful vibe andi think that's beautiful.

  • @안명식-c3j
    @안명식-c3j 4 года назад +1

    정안이형 옷 개이쁘다

  • @dianaabdullah5377
    @dianaabdullah5377 4 года назад +24

    i cant stop smiling with this song, feel so happyy, scoups cant u stop wrecking my bias, i cant with ur smile,

  • @_hana_3973
    @_hana_3973 4 года назад +3

    Joshua this comeback is stealing my heart more than the past comebacks♡.

  • @ryouchkob3587
    @ryouchkob3587 4 года назад +7

    0:38 They inverted the hand movements in fallin flower. I can't even do the original one properly.

  • @shessoogone1230
    @shessoogone1230 4 года назад +3

    I dunno but I felt like SEVENTEEN enjoyed their YOUTH and it shows at MYMY. This is refreshing, full of hope and most of all, super happy and light!!! 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @김민지-r2o3x
    @김민지-r2o3x 4 года назад +3

    2:49 석민오빠 무대하다가도 공기먹방ㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀여워ㅠㅠㅠ그리고 조금뒤에 안무 틀린것같은데ㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅜ귀여워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

  • @xiuuputri3472
    @xiuuputri3472 4 года назад +3

    00:24 wonwoo and mingyu smile look each other, awww cuteness

  • @adriana-rk9on
    @adriana-rk9on 4 года назад +19

    the only kpop group that my parents like😃🥺❤️❤️❤️

  • @ssssssssss_167
    @ssssssssss_167 2 года назад

    내가 본 세븐틴 직캠중에서 제일 이쁘고 청량함

  • @케로피-t7n
    @케로피-t7n 3 года назад +1


  • @jinnah6524
    @jinnah6524 4 года назад +10

    Chan’s stage name is spelt as “Dino” and spoken out loud as “Future of Kpop”

  • @s.coverology
    @s.coverology 4 года назад +5

    DK’s little “music bank” SO CUTE

  • @AanyaChauhan-n8n
    @AanyaChauhan-n8n 4 месяца назад +1

    0:28 my junshua ❤❤❤❤

  • @얀쥬-e2h
    @얀쥬-e2h 4 года назад +1

    마이마이 노래 존좋... 의상도 예쁘고 춤도 예쁘고 애들도 예쁘고 다 최고인데 무엇보다 노래의 의미가 너무 좋음... 진짜 너네가 최고야♡

  • @merycote
    @merycote 4 года назад +5

    ahh this song is so good!! when I hear it I think this is the best song of their album....but then I hear L&R and I think the same....argg and there is I WISH...and FEARLESS...and the others song.
    The new mini album is such a masterpiece

  • @davisram8211
    @davisram8211 4 года назад +3

    Their choreo is just so satisfying to watch omg.

  • @stephanie4789
    @stephanie4789 4 года назад +36

    The only artis who mentioned "MUSIC BANK" during their performance.🤣🤣

  • @anisazmi2123
    @anisazmi2123 4 года назад +1

    Cheol looks so happy 🥺

  • @세븐틴하세요
    @세븐틴하세요 4 года назад +3

    이번에 노래랑 안무 진짜 너무 좋다 ㅠㅠ 하 ㅠㅠ 하루에 한번씩은 무조건듣는다 ㅠㅠ ❤❤

  • @kidult2107
    @kidult2107 10 месяцев назад

    "My My"
    Yeh balmatchweo eodironga Run away
    Yeh geonjohan samagirado Okay
    Yeh gureumeun haetbiche usani dwae
    Oh I'm not alone
    Haruharu nuneul tteugo namyeon
    Saeroum tuseongi
    Geoul soge naneun nareul manna
    Saeroun nareul kkotpiweo
    Shiganeun danji geurimyeon dwae (geurimyeon dwae)
    Jeonghaejin geon hana eomneun (Yeh yeh)
    Neutgeona ppareun geon eopseo
    Uri insaengeun Lalalalalala
    Pyeonghaengseoneul neomeo kkume noreul jeoeoboja
    Haengboge shiganeun maeumsok jumeonie gadeuk cha
    Seodureuji ma neul chungbunhanikka
    Geudaero isseodo dwae
    Naye yeohaenge shijageun naya
    Jeo taeyang wiro My my my my my way
    Han georeummada gakkai gakkai
    Naega baradeon goshiya
    Heundeulliji anke mameul jaba
    Naegero Oh oh
    Gakkai My my way
    BRRRR BAA du son gadeukhi jwin modeun geoseul
    BRRRR BAA nal wihae naebeoryeodo gwaenchana
    Hey eodingaro deo gakkai Hey (eodiro ga?)
    Ajigeun Undecided hey hey
    Amudo jeonghaejuji mothae namani Lalalalalala
    Bada wireul nara kkume nalgae pyeolchyeoboja
    Haengboge mugeneun amudo jeonghaji mothanikka
    Seodureuji ma neul chungbunhanikka
    Geudaero isseodo dwae
    Naye yeohaenge shijageun naya
    Jeo taeyang wiro My my my my my way
    Han georeummada gakkai gakkai
    Naega baradeon goshiya
    Heundeulliji anke mameul jaba
    Naegero Oh oh
    Gakkai My my way
    Nae salmeun yeohaeng yeohaeng yeohaeng
    Nae mameul geonne geonne
    I gireun naye Road movie
    Nae gireun oraen norae norae
    Jeo taeyang wiro My my my my my way
    Han georeummada gakkai gakkai
    Naega baradeon goshiya
    Heundeulliji anke mameul jaba
    Naegero Oh oh
    Gakkai My my way
    Yeh 발맞춰 어디론가 Run away
    Yeh 건조한 사막이라도 Okay
    Yeh 구름은 햇빛의 우산이 돼
    Oh I'm not alone
    하루하루 눈을 뜨고 나면
    새로움 투성이
    거울 속에 나는 나를 만나
    새로운 나를 꽃피워
    시간은 단지 그리면 돼 (그리면 돼)
    정해진 건 하나 없는 (Yeh yeh)
    늦거나 빠른 건 없어
    우리 인생은 Lalalalalala
    평행선을 넘어 꿈의 노를 저어보자
    행복의 시간은 마음속 주머니에 가득 차
    서두르지 마 늘 충분하니까
    그대로 있어도 돼
    나의 여행의 시작은 나야
    저 태양 위로 My my my my my way
    한 걸음마다 가까이 가까이
    내가 바라던 곳이야
    흔들리지 않게 맘을 잡아
    나에게로 Oh oh
    가까이 My my way
    BRRRR BAA 두 손 가득히 쥔 모든 것을
    BRRRR BAA 날 위해 내버려도 괜찮아
    Hey 어딘가로 더 가까이 Hey (어디로 가?)
    아직은 Undecided hey hey
    아무도 정해주지 못해 나만이 Lalalalalala
    바다 위를 날아 꿈의 날개 펼쳐보자
    행복의 무게는 아무도 정하지 못하니까
    서두르지 마 늘 충분하니까
    그대로 있어도 돼
    나의 여행의 시작은 나야
    저 태양 위로 My my my my my way
    한 걸음마다 가까이 가까이
    내가 바라던 곳이야
    흔들리지 않게 맘을 잡아
    나에게로 Oh oh
    가까이 My my way
    내 삶은 여행 여행 여행
    내 맘을 걷네 걷네
    이 길은 나의 Road movie
    내 길은 오랜 노래 노래
    저 태양 위로 My my my my my way
    한 걸음마다 가까이 가까이
    내가 바라던 곳이야
    흔들리지 않게 맘을 잡아
    나에게로 Oh oh
    가까이 My my way
    [English translation:]
    Yeh keep in steprun away
    Yeh even if it's a dry desert it's okay
    Yeh clouds become umbrellas for the sunshine
    Oh I'm not alone
    Everyday I open my eyes
    And I always find something new
    I meet myself in the mirror
    And blossom a new me
    Just paint the time (just paint it)
    Nothing's set in stone (Yeh yeh)
    Nothing's too fast or too slow
    Our life is Lalalalalala
    Row your dreams beyond the parallel lines
    Times of happiness fill the pockets of our hearts
    No need to rush, you're doing fine
    Just stay as you are
    My journey starts with me
    Over the sun My my my my my way
    Step by step get closer closer
    This is the place I've dreamed of
    Keep hold of our hearts
    And come to me Oh oh
    Closer My my way
    BRRRR BAA All the things you're grasping
    BRRRR BAA Let it go for me
    Hey getting somewhere closer Hey (Where to go?)
    It's yet to be decided hey hey
    No one can decide for me, only I can Lalalalalala
    Fly over the sea, spread our wings of dreams
    The weight of happiness can't be measured by anyone
    No need to rush, you're doing fine
    Just stay as you are
    My journey starts with me
    Over the sun My my my my my way
    Step by step get closer closer
    This is the place I've dreamed of
    Keep hold of our hearts
    And come to me Oh oh
    Closer My my way
    My life is a journey journey journey
    Walk walk through my heart
    This road is my own road movie
    My road is an old song song
    Over the sun My my my my my way
    Step by step get closer closer
    This is the place I've dreamed of
    Keep hold of our hearts
    And come to me Oh oh
    Closer My my way

  • @feliciasabrina6167
    @feliciasabrina6167 4 года назад +2

    seriously the "music bank" cant get out from my head

  • @anixiaim9604
    @anixiaim9604 4 года назад +6


  • @luna-xn4gr
    @luna-xn4gr 4 года назад

    hoshi and woozi really outdone themselves.. the choreo is one of the best ones i've seen.. and the song..

  • @anime_goddess_1119
    @anime_goddess_1119 4 года назад +1

    I feel like I’m floating on clouds when watching this ☺️- also Seungkwan being carried like a king is a mood and I’m living for it

  • @폭풍댄싱
    @폭풍댄싱 4 года назад +3

    사랑해 열세명의 보석들 ㅠㅠ
    이번 앨범 최애곡 My My
    이렇게 감미롭고 애절하면서도 청량할 수 있다니
    세븐틴만의 건강한 감수성 아주 응원해

  • @스위미
    @스위미 10 месяцев назад

    착장 너무 잘어울리는거 아닙니까...세븐틴 무대 직캠 보는 맛에 빠져버린 1인...🥹

  • @vi2751
    @vi2751 4 года назад +2

    I just feel... happy? carefree? fresh? this comeback most definitely was the official start of summer for me. Seeing seventeen smile and enjoy themselves onstage is more than I could ever want from them. I hope this comeback isn't too taxing on them physically or mentally. In other news, their genius choreo is back and more mesmerizing than ever before. The reason I became a Carat in the first place. Also, seoksoon's "music back". I love those two so much.

  • @아에이오우-m1k
    @아에이오우-m1k 4 года назад

    파도 표현한 안무 진짜 너무 이쁘고 좋다ㅠㅜ 마이마이 할때도 너무 예쁘고 걍 셉 다해ㅠㅜ

  • @TahiLalatSeokmin
    @TahiLalatSeokmin 4 года назад +2

    Am living for dk's and seungkwan's ad libs ~~♡♡

  • @universefactory2821
    @universefactory2821 4 года назад +2

    DK said 'music bank' is everything! OMG they're SO funny

  • @morimiya520
    @morimiya520 4 года назад +8


  • @all_town14
    @all_town14 3 года назад

    My My는 진짜 안무가 너무 이쁨..ㅜㅜ
    전체적으로 봐도 다 하나같이 이쁘고 보기만 해도 행복한 무대이다..ㅜㅜ

  • @notyourtypicalanonymousyea9259
    @notyourtypicalanonymousyea9259 4 года назад +2

    Idk why love soups so much. Its weird that he’s doesn’t get that many part but he always got my attention...

  • @jasminj379
    @jasminj379 4 года назад +1

    the outfits are just so so pretty,, kissies go out to the stylist

  • @박지영-t7h1r
    @박지영-t7h1r 4 года назад +1

    6년차에 이런안무와 코디로 활동하는 세븐틴 파는 내가 일류..

  • @doodoodoodoorudoo13
    @doodoodoodoorudoo13 4 года назад +9

    Everything about this was just so soft and cute. I feel so light! And like really hopeful and just a very calm type of happiness? AAAA IDK MAN I JUST REALLY LOVE THESE BOYS!!! The choreography is really good too. I love the last chorus when they all spread out while facing the center! I also love the playfulness of it and imagery 😭😭😭 idk why but I was thinking of peter pan the whole time lmao maybe it was the flying boat in the actual perf 🤣

  • @전은미-r9n
    @전은미-r9n 4 года назад

    0:50 목소리 톤이 너무 예쁘네요? 세븐틴하면 떠오르는 상큼함~👏👏

  • @yiens666
    @yiens666 4 года назад +1

    the8 is super cute!!!!!

  • @nikkidesu6602
    @nikkidesu6602 4 года назад

    Seventeen the only group who puts playing on to their choreography hahaha
    King of adlibs too

  • @Rihwa17-_-
    @Rihwa17-_- 4 года назад +4

    진짜ㅜㅜ복장 ㅠㅠ찰떡... MyMy 이뻐 죽겠써ㅓㅠㅠㅠ

  • @zldckyu
    @zldckyu 4 года назад +29

    dear lovely junnie, don't ever get bored with those sleeveless shirt. i love it so much

  • @allysonghommie824
    @allysonghommie824 4 года назад +3

    2:52 DK you're so cuteee and I think The8 also noticed it at the back

  • @mnkbb9157
    @mnkbb9157 4 года назад +1

    Their synchronization was super lit. Amazing

  • @JRock77777
    @JRock77777 4 года назад +1


  • @ponybrown13
    @ponybrown13 4 года назад

    째승철 안무틀리고 웃는거마저도 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 사랑스러워

  • @wan_wanana
    @wan_wanana 4 года назад +2

    I just love how this song calms me down but then you'll unconsciously vibe with it. And yes, I just love this song so much

  • @junofthesand
    @junofthesand 4 года назад +6

    jun’s outfit ICONIC

  • @Coralista_zee
    @Coralista_zee 4 года назад +3

    All of my boys are looking fabulous, loving the song, really happy to see Scoups killing it. His comeback is very hot.

  • @doo5916
    @doo5916 4 года назад +1

    역시 세븐틴..우와...노래,안무,비주얼 안되는 게 없구나..👍👍👍👍

  • @gimbidul
    @gimbidul 2 года назад

    와...노래도 너무 좋지만 안무가 진짜 아름다움 극상임,,