The Rise Of Skywalker BUT It's Just Lazy Writing

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Nutsa
    @Nutsa  3 года назад +3229

    Part two out:видео.html

    • @stupidthings360
      @stupidthings360 3 года назад +8

      whoa how is it that i come to watch this video right when u post another

    • @a.v.w
      @a.v.w 3 года назад +4

      I just got this as a recommendation, gonna check p2 out.

    • @can_I_get_a_waffle
      @can_I_get_a_waffle 3 года назад +11

      Just put the whole movie next time

    • @a.v.w
      @a.v.w 3 года назад +8

      @@can_I_get_a_waffle I mean, it would be comedy. The whole movie is a joke afterall.

    • @can_I_get_a_waffle
      @can_I_get_a_waffle 3 года назад +2

      @@a.v.w si

  • @Oli.V
    @Oli.V 3 года назад +19308

    My favorite part of “somehow palpatine returned,” is that Oscar Isaac is trying his best to make that line sound reasonable but he just can’t and we can’t fault him for that

    • @imlivingunderyourbed7845
      @imlivingunderyourbed7845 3 года назад +1750

      Making an actor like him try to make that line sound reasonable is like telling Gordon Ramsay to try to make a piece of turd taste good.

    • @C_Cooke
      @C_Cooke 3 года назад +859

      You can just hear the cringe in his voice.

    • @theAverageJoe25
      @theAverageJoe25 3 года назад +163

      It’s just like Hayden in the prequel trilogy

    • @jw9565
      @jw9565 3 года назад +540

      @@theAverageJoe25 Hayden actually did a phenomenal job.

    • @aakarshasoka6335
      @aakarshasoka6335 3 года назад +411

      Hayden was very good for the material he was given, especially in Rots.

  • @hookedonphoenix3112
    @hookedonphoenix3112 3 года назад +14427

    “Somehow Palpatine returned.” It’s like a note taken during a story boarding meeting, but it’s in the script.

    • @zixiv3144
      @zixiv3144 3 года назад +78

      Lol true

    • @guyfriendly8984
      @guyfriendly8984 3 года назад +527

      "Are we going to flesh that out later in the writing process?" "Yeah, of course we are. We'll just have this book mark in until it's time to start filming."

    • @dragonchannek4843
      @dragonchannek4843 3 года назад +28

      on his context the line makes perfect sense actually

    • @spookwavevevo
      @spookwavevevo 3 года назад +145

      @@dragonchannek4843 no way youre defending "somehow palpatine returned"

    • @dragonchannek4843
      @dragonchannek4843 3 года назад +21

      @@spookwavevevo bruh maybe the line sound stupid (and it is sort of) but taken in the context it makes perfect sense , how Poe dameron is supposed to know how papa palpy returned?

  • @glaucotronchin4153
    @glaucotronchin4153 3 года назад +25058

    "Rey... "
    "Rey who?"
    "Reyd, Shadow Legends"

  • @Rotj6
    @Rotj6 6 месяцев назад +1305

    I love it when I'm in the middle of a barren desert and someone approaches me out of nowhere and asks for my first name and last name

    • @renderproductions1032
      @renderproductions1032 3 месяца назад +79

      She was trying to reach her about her car’s extended warranty

    • @sadpepe7451
      @sadpepe7451 3 месяца назад +16

      I mean she could live near there and just be confused about why there’s a stranger near her land

    • @Gnomelander1400
      @Gnomelander1400 2 месяца назад +5

      @@sadpepe7451ah yes her land in a barren desert

    • @sadpepe7451
      @sadpepe7451 2 месяца назад +4

      @@Gnomelander1400 the Owen’s owned there farm this comment confuses mee

    • @sadpepe7451
      @sadpepe7451 2 месяца назад +1

      @Gatapult that’s not what I said though I’m just explaining that Owen owned his little farm so she could still have land

  • @Imlaor25
    @Imlaor25 3 года назад +6903

    This whole trilogy got that “it’s 7 PM, big project is due tomorrow, I still don’t know what I want to write about, I’ll just wing it because I have to write something” vibe to it.

    • @sladewilson9273
      @sladewilson9273 3 года назад +129

      I'd say the first half hour to hour of force awakens was decent maybe actually good but then fell apart and only got worse and worse from their to the last movie.
      I can't comprehend how someone did not read the last Jedi script or while filming notice the many errors and poorly thought plot points. Ryan couldn't keep his own characters consistent and make sense. It's like every scene/location was written by a different person with no clue.

    • @wingthomaux
      @wingthomaux 3 года назад +51

      Slade Wilson agreed. Kylo seemed like an powerful and interesting villain and Finn was the protagonist. Then they met Rey and yeah....

    • @fynkozari9271
      @fynkozari9271 3 года назад +5

      Imagine making big bucks 1.3 billion ep8 (2bil ep7) and produce a garbage like ep9.

    • @sladewilson9273
      @sladewilson9273 3 года назад +21

      @@fynkozari9271 What kind of dumb statement/point is that? Ya bad movies all were profitable while bringing in less. Also it's almost like garbage like 9 did bad because a lot of fans stopped caring after the garbage of 8 as well. Practically all three were bad scripting, dumb characters, poor plots, and only made to bring in money not tell a good story or bring legit entertainment to everyone.

    • @TeslaKuhn8
      @TeslaKuhn8 3 года назад +12

      The last installation they literally had to rewrite at the last second because people responded so badly to the initial screenings.

  • @swiftplus7398
    @swiftplus7398 3 года назад +2446

    Interviewer - "John, could you describe your character Finn's entire arc in one word?"
    John Boyega -"REYYYYY"

    • @xopowiychelovek674
      @xopowiychelovek674 3 года назад +78

      90% REY
      10% I have a filling

    • @Kryton690-m3e
      @Kryton690-m3e 3 года назад +58

      It's a shame how much potential Finn had as a character only to be ruined and turned into nothing but shouting Rey

    • @VampireNewl
      @VampireNewl 2 года назад +34

      "So my character was esentially a child super soldier who defected from the enemy he's now fighting and is on a quest to find himself" - Finn
      "Ok, so how do you that effects how the character acts?" - Interviewer
      "Not at all, he mostly follows people around, cries out for his friend to do things and spends the whole time as comic relief" - Finn

    • @TFIta369
      @TFIta369 2 года назад +4

      Scratch "arc".

    • @peel1047
      @peel1047 9 дней назад

      Btw what was finn about to tell rey ?

  • @OkayAlright
    @OkayAlright 3 года назад +31490

    I love how the old lady has to ask "Rey who" instead of just saying "hello Rey nice to meet you" like a normal person

    • @goodnight01687
      @goodnight01687 3 года назад +2199

      never in my life have i heard anyone legitimately say "hello (name) nice to meet you"

    • @tiesdijkmans
      @tiesdijkmans 3 года назад +1356

      I mean I don't wanna play the devils advocate but the lady could have asked that because she knew that Luke and the fam lived there. Shes older than like so she might have known them which is why she wants to know who is at their old house

    • @californiansniper2133
      @californiansniper2133 3 года назад +2522

      @@tiesdijkmans you’re telling me that this old lady has lore?

    • @tiesdijkmans
      @tiesdijkmans 3 года назад +394

      @@californiansniper2133 possibly

    • @tiesdijkmans
      @tiesdijkmans 3 года назад +1609

      @@californiansniper2133 plot twist, the lady is one of the stormtroopers that killed lukes aunt and uncle

  • @rgerber
    @rgerber 6 месяцев назад +571

    dont forget the knife that just happens to match up with the Death Star wreckage PERFECTLY if you just happend to stand at the exact perfect location

    • @Handlelesswithme
      @Handlelesswithme 4 месяца назад +20

      Even in the official post story comics they waited a pretty long while before bringing back Palpatine for exactly one arc

    • @archimetropolis
      @archimetropolis 28 дней назад +25

      What's even funnier is that the dagger was made before the death star got destroyed

  • @motivated7203
    @motivated7203 3 года назад +2704

    "So how will Rey kill Palpatine?"
    "Two lightsaber"

    • @scottbecker4367
      @scottbecker4367 3 года назад +202

      "He's the most powerful sith though."
      " liner!"

    • @TheShaneglass05
      @TheShaneglass05 3 года назад +103

      This was one of the worst things I saw in the movie. I’m like wtf just happened. This scene made me wanna leave the movie theatre

    • @abloodynova7625
      @abloodynova7625 3 года назад +56

      @@TheShaneglass05 I watched the cam recorded version with Chinese subtitles permanently embedded behind the digital English sub in my room, and even I felt the urge to leave the room.

    • @TheShaneglass05
      @TheShaneglass05 3 года назад +8

      @@abloodynova7625 lmao that’s rough

    • @cornonthekobi
      @cornonthekobi 3 года назад +64

      @@TheShaneglass05 the lack of enthusiasm in my cinema was hilarious. during the big granddaughter reveal no one batted an eye, and when Rey and Ben kissed some people actually groaned

  • @giovannicolombo351
    @giovannicolombo351 3 года назад +7464

    "Somehow Palpatine returned."

    • @felynecomrade
      @felynecomrade 3 года назад +244

      "A good question- for another time."
      "Oh, so like the next movie?"
      "Oh, the one after, then."
      "No, not then either."

    • @crowdedcrouton
      @crowdedcrouton 3 года назад +23

      Because money $

    • @rasmusolsen441
      @rasmusolsen441 3 года назад +71

      Imagine if Finn happend to be force sensitive too and Rey turned to the dark side and Kylo joined up with his dad in the end after all and trained Finn to fight Rey. That would have been an interesting movie IMO

    • @itshisfault3782
      @itshisfault3782 3 года назад +4

      Lm ao ooooo

    • @illusioNery
      @illusioNery 3 года назад +13

      @@rasmusolsen441 Are you sure you’re not a writer at Lucas Films? Cause that sounds as garbage as TLJ

  • @PorkotylerClips
    @PorkotylerClips 3 года назад +7798

    I loved the “somehow”. At this point the writers were like “screw it we’re not even going to explain this one”.

    • @Rvs_.
      @Rvs_. 3 года назад +174

      Just like Kilo and Rey picking objects from each other without even be in the same planet. They didn't explain that too. And a couple of other things. If someone ask me how I feel watching those movies, I would say: Deception.

    • @arafe.1012
      @arafe.1012 3 года назад +36

      Deception makes more sense, at least they have a reason, not well explained but still makes sense CAUSE DREAM LOGIC. Dreams don't have limits
      The force does

    • @mrgreenboy644
      @mrgreenboy644 2 года назад +28

      Which is even worse since it's one of the most important scenes in this 'movie'

    • @walkupe
      @walkupe 2 года назад

      @@Rvs_. are they supposed to explain that Force power? I don't think so lol

    • @fynkozari9271
      @fynkozari9271 2 года назад +1

      Why is Daisy Ridley looking hot?

  • @sentientcalcium
    @sentientcalcium 6 месяцев назад +244

    General Hux being the spy after personally overseeing the firing of Starkiller base is just ridiculous. What was Abrams smoking

    • @TheSpecialPlumsEveryoneKnows
      @TheSpecialPlumsEveryoneKnows 2 месяца назад +7

      Meth with a little bit of crack in it! 😂

    • @crazyralph6386
      @crazyralph6386 11 дней назад +2

      I forgot about that! What an unmitigated mess of a trilogy. 😂

    • @loam
      @loam 9 дней назад +1

      That's pain stupid

    • @Drkacsabaszk
      @Drkacsabaszk 8 дней назад +1

      Pure, crystalized money.

    • @SomeYouTubeTraveler
      @SomeYouTubeTraveler 5 дней назад

      ikr, that's like revealing that Moff Tarkin was the one who purposefully leaked the Death Star plans. 🤦‍♂

  • @eman7183
    @eman7183 3 года назад +6716

    *Palpatine Returns
    Anakin’s spirt “did my whole 6 movie character arc mean nothing to you????”

  • @najmussaqib7055
    @najmussaqib7055 3 года назад +2685

    One of the major things this movie lacked was a background laughing track.

    • @ekosh6266
      @ekosh6266 3 года назад +39

      Lol right at the spy scene.

    • @jjwang7597
      @jjwang7597 3 года назад +72

      “Rey, you’re a Palpatine”
      *Freeze frame on Rey’s face, cue bigbangtheory_audiencelaugh.mp3 and Seinfeld theme, slow fade to black and roll credits*

    • @Zachary-
      @Zachary- 3 года назад +21

      Unlike the big bang theory, we don't have to be told when to laugh at this embarrassment.

    • @arcadius2569
      @arcadius2569 3 года назад +9

      Never have I needed something in my life more. Although the cinema experience was almost there, audience laughed a few times and not at the "jokes"!

    • @Brianna-ns7iy
      @Brianna-ns7iy 3 года назад +3

      That would have improved it greatly

  • @wesker964
    @wesker964 3 года назад +9502

    "Somehow Palpatine is still alive"
    "okay, but how tho?"

    • @Firelord91021
      @Firelord91021 3 года назад +485

      "OK but how exactly did he he survive"
      "Gotta read the novelization man"

    • @kumarsnehal1008
      @kumarsnehal1008 3 года назад +460

      He managed to survive being electrified from the reactor core
      And managed to survive the death Star expolsion
      So simple why can't people understand

    • @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744
      @bondrewdthelordofdawn3744 3 года назад +244

      "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural"

    • @darkskull1982
      @darkskull1982 3 года назад +211

      "A good question for another time."

    • @seg162
      @seg162 3 года назад +59

      @@Firelord91021 _"What_ novelization? Those aren't canon..."

  • @neptunethemystic5135
    @neptunethemystic5135 9 месяцев назад +2428

    The coalition in 1815: "Somehow Napoleon returned"

    • @CsnvLsRnst
      @CsnvLsRnst 8 месяцев назад +203

      To be fair, that's probably the one time in History when such words and reaction actually fit.

    • @hypothalapotamus5293
      @hypothalapotamus5293 7 месяцев назад +30

      Well, they didn't make the same mistake twice.🤣🤣🤣

    • @pseudohacker
      @pseudohacker 7 месяцев назад +6

      Underrated comment

    • @goldenretrieversarethebest8119
      @goldenretrieversarethebest8119 6 месяцев назад +1

      severely underrated reply

    • @CarsonG-hq3mq
      @CarsonG-hq3mq 6 месяцев назад


  • @canceled6041
    @canceled6041 3 года назад +6072

    “Who are you?”
    “I’m Rey.”
    “Rey who?”

    • @brezzendorf
      @brezzendorf 3 года назад +83

      Ahaha HISHE, good

    • @hobomike6935
      @hobomike6935 3 года назад +47

      MUAH HAHAHAHAHAH! *cuts down everything before her with saberstaff*

    • @tantris2876
      @tantris2876 3 года назад +19

      Reymond Shields

    • @xgamer1486
      @xgamer1486 3 года назад +40

      ReyD Shadow Legends

    • @ejosjek52.87
      @ejosjek52.87 3 года назад +14

      Rey who?

  • 3 года назад +86412

    Imagine being a soldier and you get called into a briefing room and they just go “somehow hitler returned”

  • @Mobius118
    @Mobius118 3 года назад +13539

    “Rise of Skywalker but it’s just lazy writing”
    *does not show entire movie*
    Me: “Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete”

    • @SpyrosKoronis
      @SpyrosKoronis 2 года назад +537

      BeCAuSe SoMeOnE eRaSeD iT fRoM tHe ArChIvE mEmRy

    • @michaelmeijerhof7663
      @michaelmeijerhof7663 2 года назад +131

      Nah bro every Babu Frik scene was incredible

    • @herosshade7887
      @herosshade7887 2 года назад +99

      Yeah I was like bro where’s the whole movie at.

    • @MariaIsabellaZNN
      @MariaIsabellaZNN 2 года назад +54

      Babu Frik: "WOHOOOO!"
      I cry evry tiem

    • @hewhobattles8869
      @hewhobattles8869 2 года назад +89

      No, the archives are complete. I just don't think this person was able to sit through the movie again, much less upload it to YT

  • @FunctioningFunctionX
    @FunctioningFunctionX 6 месяцев назад +150

    I legitimately swear that my inside cried itself out on the “Rey Skywalker” scene.

    • @Zinovad
      @Zinovad Месяц назад +2

      That forced Tatooine shot, trying so hard to make us appreciate that they lazily copy the famous Luke shot. As if the writing and the actress wasn't cringe enough.

    • @lezard2102
      @lezard2102 11 дней назад +1

      Is because she WOHman and she strong. She strong wo-man, therefore she better than Luke and Anankin, so she name is Strong Wooman Skywalker

  • @MrNeonz-fk2ky
    @MrNeonz-fk2ky 2 года назад +4234

    With this plot logic it would’ve made more sense for Jar Jar to have just suddenly been behind it all, the one and only true Sith Lord.

    • @Toasty_93
      @Toasty_93 Год назад +473

      The fact that this would actually make more sense is alarming.

    • @miamor2624
      @miamor2624 Год назад +320

      Honestly, revealing Jar Jar is somehow the clone or reincarnation of Darth Plagueis or Darth Tenebrous and the mastermind behind Snoke would have been a way better narrative and twist.

    • @Kain1805
      @Kain1805 Год назад +111

      I mean there's a reason that theory came up even before the sequels. And many including me are sure that's what Lucas originally had in mind

    • @Howlingburd19
      @Howlingburd19 Год назад +29

      But he already is the one and only true Sith Lord. That theory has been proven true lots of times!!!

    • @rland8459
      @rland8459 Год назад +23

      Misa sith........

  • @aaaacarolina
    @aaaacarolina 3 года назад +6607

    is oscar issac acting while saying "somehow palpatine returned" or is that just his completete disappointment in having to say those lines? we'll never know, but we can guess

    • @Euruzilys
      @Euruzilys 3 года назад +371

      It was very believable, either way.

    • @Enzo012
      @Enzo012 3 года назад +176

      A little of both?

    • @baierogers5096
      @baierogers5096 3 года назад +312

      I mean, If he was genuinely disappointed in those lines... could you really blame him?

    • @Hykje
      @Hykje 3 года назад +216

      "Okay JJ -I said it -can I go home now."

    • @sirprize5191
      @sirprize5191 3 года назад +266

      He was brutal in the interviews, saying he wishes he was killed off, that he didn't know what he was getting into. Very likely he was inserting his disappointment into the scene. He seemed to know the movies and pointed out some inconsistencies too. Before I saw the scene I actually got the feeling it was an out of script, real disappointment, I'd say it's near %99 intentional.

  • @bellaqua4324
    @bellaqua4324 3 года назад +2292

    I didn't watch RoS so i thought "somehow palpatine returns" is a meme
    It's actually line spoken in the movie..

    • @jjwang7597
      @jjwang7597 3 года назад +162

      Yeah don’t watch it, it’s not worth it
      Unless you wanna end up hating the sequels 3x as much as before

    • @traceyjacobsen8544
      @traceyjacobsen8544 3 года назад +36

      @@jjwang7597 I watched the first and second and I just could fucking not... It felt so off...

    • @camilodelfierroacevedo5292
      @camilodelfierroacevedo5292 3 года назад +18

      @@traceyjacobsen8544 Same here, I didn´t bother to watch the third one...

    • @drago5801
      @drago5801 3 года назад +9

      I haven’t watched the second one

    • @grayski3324
      @grayski3324 3 года назад +64

      @@drago5801 You saved a ton of braincells by not watching TLJ, mate. The plot falls apart at the slightest moment of thought and if you gave a shit about Luke's character then that film may/will piss you off.

  • @naterobertson3908
    @naterobertson3908 10 месяцев назад +206

    "Rey who"
    *stares into distance with no answer*
    "i asked a question, stop ignoring me" or "who tf are you"

    • @Lord_Megatron_TFP
      @Lord_Megatron_TFP 5 месяцев назад +3

      i cant imagine the amount of confusion in that lady's mind like bro answer the question 💀

    • @yurikendal4868
      @yurikendal4868 4 месяца назад +1

      "what's she staring at?"​@@Lord_Megatron_TFP

  • @jhollo
    @jhollo 3 года назад +3338

    Sees the length of the video:
    “Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete.”

    • @cringeworthy4755
      @cringeworthy4755 3 года назад +14

      Yeah it should be longer
      Luckily there’s a part 2 🤗

    • @jacksonkeller4333
      @jacksonkeller4333 3 года назад +84

      I was expecting a complete re-upload of the movie, but I guess that would get copyright banned 😂

    • @Ammarnafiz12345
      @Ammarnafiz12345 3 года назад +5

      Gonna cry?

    • @AlchemillaRed
      @AlchemillaRed 3 года назад +13

      @@Ammarnafiz12345 Grow a pair.

    • @jhollo
      @jhollo 3 года назад +19

      @@Ammarnafiz12345 I missed the part where that's my problem

  • @officialmonarchmusic
    @officialmonarchmusic 2 года назад +11424

    "The Rise of Skywalker but it's just lazy writing"
    That would be the whole movie

    • @caleron6945
      @caleron6945 Год назад +237

      Came here for this comment

    • @mist0804
      @mist0804 Год назад +84

      Yeah like why ain't this at least an hour long

    • @theclayishone
      @theclayishone Год назад +102

      The whole latest trilogy.

    • @jaredhammonds8255
      @jaredhammonds8255 Год назад +21

      They fly now

    • @TheGameCapsule
      @TheGameCapsule Год назад +39

      I was going to write that but I was like, "I'm sure somebody already -- yeah here it is."

  • @fullmetalandtheflame438
    @fullmetalandtheflame438 2 года назад +7831

    Poor Oscar Isaac. You could tell he felt so dead inside delivering some of his lines.

    • @B-Man-69
      @B-Man-69 2 года назад +213

      Just watch him in Ex-Machina. His role in that movie was damn well because the movie is good.

    • @fullmetalandtheflame438
      @fullmetalandtheflame438 2 года назад +44

      @@B-Man-69 I’ve seen it. I’ve seen a lot of his movies.

    • @Nopeasaurus
      @Nopeasaurus 2 года назад +73

      He gets paid a hell of a ton of money, I'm sure he'll be okay.

    • @zzskyninjazz1821
      @zzskyninjazz1821 2 года назад +143

      @@B-Man-69 so glad he gave Disney another chance with Moon Knight

    • @inserisciunnome
      @inserisciunnome 2 года назад +71

      @@zzskyninjazz1821 that man Is incredibly skilled at coming across as two different people at the same time. Its honestly Amazing, you don't even realize its the same actor for most of the time, they seem so different

  • @notoriouslemon6634
    @notoriouslemon6634 5 месяцев назад +80

    "They fly now?!" Wait till they hear about a funny little place called Mandalore

    • @jamesbellefeuille2926
      @jamesbellefeuille2926 5 месяцев назад +6

      The fact is this movie completely insulted the fans' intelligence.

    • @yurikendal4868
      @yurikendal4868 4 месяца назад

      Jetpacks where a thing before this

  • @Boss-zo4lw
    @Boss-zo4lw 3 года назад +4126

    “This dagger... has done terrible things...”
    Is currently wielding a lightsaber that has been used to slaughter children

    • @christianriddler5063
      @christianriddler5063 3 года назад +10

      @XenGlaris xD wtf lol

    • @LeeHatake93
      @LeeHatake93 3 года назад +230

      Can’t spell slaughter without laughter

    • @No1dz24
      @No1dz24 3 года назад +48

      @@LeeHatake93 i shouldn't have laughed so hard

    • @aurelia8028
      @aurelia8028 3 года назад +4

      Still a cool lightsaber, though

    • @vividly94
      @vividly94 3 года назад +7

      @@LeeHatake93 literally an early 2000's emo song title lol

  • @AllysaGraceAAmora
    @AllysaGraceAAmora 4 года назад +6380

    the circus music should've just been the whole movie's soundtrack

    • @AllysaGraceAAmora
      @AllysaGraceAAmora 4 года назад +107

      also i just realized this but Finn is literally that side character that just yells after the protagonist but it's gender swapped lol

    • @y2123-l8c
      @y2123-l8c 4 года назад +6

      @@AllysaGraceAAmora yeah lmao

    • @rolorolo8844
      @rolorolo8844 4 года назад +23

      @@AllysaGraceAAmora its the new sakura

    • @georgeofhamilton
      @georgeofhamilton 3 года назад +21

      Sad that this is the last _Star Wars_ movie John Williams will ever compose for.

    • @oscartrevino461
      @oscartrevino461 3 года назад +2

      The new trilogy’s a circus and Rian Johnson and what’s her face are the main event. ( I don’t remember that one lady’s name and I’d like to keep it that way)

  • @J1283-s1k
    @J1283-s1k 3 года назад +6676

    It's astonishing to me how in the space of like 4 years (2015-2019) between the trailer for episode 7 and the release of episode 9, Finn went from looking like he would be a stormtrooper filled with PTSD from the horrors of galactic war, perhaps becoming a Jedi more so out of pragmatism in an attempt to escape his past, as opposed to actual faith and understanding in the religion, to a guy always just kind of around, doing nothing of importance, significance or consequence beyond howling 'REEEEEEEEEEY' as often as he can. Truly astonishing.

    • @Rvs_.
      @Rvs_. 3 года назад +463

      YES MAN, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I THINK HE WOULD BE. But he turn to a bad character. Such a lose of a good character...

    • @J1283-s1k
      @J1283-s1k 3 года назад +287

      @@Rvs_. It's hysterical isn't it, how clearly it all was to make, only for them to utterly mess it up in the most ridiculously left field way possible. And I'm not downplaying how difficult it must be to write a trilogy but the outline was 100% there and they squandered it to make it so that Finn's first combat mission was what broke him, despite having the chance for him to have weight on his soul of years of war and galactic conquest and having him turn out to have worked janitor duty, which gets a confused look by Han. Just atrocious.

    • @abbery9202
      @abbery9202 3 года назад +68

      The sequels are terrible what can I say
      Literally dogshit

    • @J1283-s1k
      @J1283-s1k 3 года назад +86

      @@abbery9202 A perpetual downhill slope of absolute disappointment and bad choices. What a joke of a sequel trilogy.

    • @jaremakarwowski1574
      @jaremakarwowski1574 3 года назад +32

      There is sow much of development to Play with, like he is believeing on a couse, becomes a Jedi but is engulfed by emotions and thus prone to the dark side. He takes initiative and faila beacouse of that, then Luke teaches him the right way and they win.

  • @gurkenfliege2400
    @gurkenfliege2400 5 месяцев назад +30

    Y‘know, the problem isn’t even that Kylo survived that crash, but the fact that he survived that WITHOUT EVEN A SINGLE SCRATCH

  • @expred
    @expred 2 года назад +7134

    There were a thousand things that upset me about this trilogy, but I think the saddest part is that Finn's character actually had potential to be very interesting, being a stormtrooper with PTSD who changes sides. At the very first I thought, "wow this will be cool!" But then they just make him scream "REY!" a hundred times and remove his personality completely. Not even going to start talking about all the other problems.

    • @timkingsemail
      @timkingsemail 2 года назад +151

      Agree Boyega’s better than all of the sequels

    • @zasterheffor
      @zasterheffor 2 года назад +305

      In other words, they tokenized him - along with many other characters. Hard to write exceptional material when the writers themselves are simply out-of-touch, and are only where they are because of their family trust, social credit, etc., rather than because of their merit or skill.

    • @hachi666roku
      @hachi666roku 2 года назад +55

      Imagine an Oscar Award for supporting actor who screams out the protagonist name in an Anxious manner…
      Shia Labeuf (or however its spelled) *Optimaaaauuus*
      And this guy *Reeeeeeeeeyeyeyey*

    • @zasterheffor
      @zasterheffor 2 года назад +25

      @@hachi666roku Imagine not understanding the difference between an actor and a script writer...? Or deriding an actor that himself - among others in the very same film - was VERY unsatisfied with how their characters were written. Talk about living in an alternate universe...

    • @e.m.1766
      @e.m.1766 2 года назад +114

      They did that bc a black character cant be a hero in the Chinese market.

  • @Y-4.
    @Y-4. 3 года назад +1980

    “Somehow, Palpatine returned,”
    “How could he?”
    “Source(s): Dude trust me.”

    • @Blahander
      @Blahander 3 года назад +60

      Something something Dark Side something mysterious ways something.

    • @Necroxion
      @Necroxion 3 года назад +28

      Oh nah there's an explanation of him returning Fortnite...

    • @birdrat2656
      @birdrat2656 3 года назад +1

      Source: ( God works in mysterious ways)

    • @Negol-ele
      @Negol-ele 3 года назад


    • @isaiahdrye218
      @isaiahdrye218 3 года назад


  • @pearliceberg5779
    @pearliceberg5779 4 года назад +4575

    You pointing out that the only way for Rey and Kylo to fit on the throne together is if she’s in his lap made my day!

    • @mori1387
      @mori1387 3 года назад +74

      @Rick haram

    • @HeroC14
      @HeroC14 3 года назад +96

      @Rick Kylo is too thick and Rae is too brittle for that, use your brain.

    • @brayantgnomez6102
      @brayantgnomez6102 3 года назад +48

      @Rick his wide ass wouldn’t make her comfortable

    • @kethamlam123
      @kethamlam123 3 года назад +8

      She is throne

    • @tenryuta
      @tenryuta 3 года назад +20

      50 shades of rey+50 shades of ren=...100 epileptic moments of bad memories

  • @CamRebires
    @CamRebires 11 месяцев назад +65

    I just love how ol' JJ writes the whole subtext INTO THE SCRIPT.
    Like in part 7, where Kylo and Rey read each other's minds to literally read the subtext out loud.
    Or the scene here with Rey, where she realizes Chewy must be alive and Fin replies with a question enabling her to LITERALLY STATE THE IMPLICATIONS.

    • @Heb_N
      @Heb_N 5 месяцев назад +1

      JJ puts cinema (if you can call his work that) into layman's terms making it as simpul N EZ 2 folow for de mases

  • @tux75
    @tux75 2 года назад +7856

    I still can't believe that Disney did not have a basic plan. They literally thought they could wing it like a student that has a paper due tomorrow

    • @0giraffe0
      @0giraffe0 2 года назад +307

      It seems to be a trend as that's exactly how Kenobi and Boba felt. What terrible shows.

    • @riz6875
      @riz6875 2 года назад +475

      The worst part is that George Lucas had so much stuff mapped out for the sequels before he sold it to Disney and they just saw that and were like “nah we can do it better”

    • @DMDadventures
      @DMDadventures 2 года назад +105

      @@riz6875 he did The worst mistake of his life

    • @therealroyhobbs
      @therealroyhobbs 2 года назад

      thats what you get when you're consumed with stupid agendas, Disney was only focusing on their feminazi agenda, and forgot to write a story

    • @therealroyhobbs
      @therealroyhobbs 2 года назад +57

      @Anthony Angelo kenobi was unnecessary as well. All just to make reeva some kind of important character, which she is not. Typical Kennedy doings

  • @BryceEdwardBrown
    @BryceEdwardBrown 3 года назад +6936

    I will never understand, "They fly now" x3 It's like, bruh, they've been flying since the clone wars

    • @postmanpat8166
      @postmanpat8166 3 года назад +346

      I was cringing at that in the trailer

    • @Rvs_.
      @Rvs_. 3 года назад +182

      @@postmanpat8166 I just watched the movie and, its horrible lol. Especially this line

    • @postmanpat8166
      @postmanpat8166 3 года назад +152

      @@Rvs_. I saw it when it came out and it should be below free they should PAY you to watch the shit show

    • @littledrummerofDEATH
      @littledrummerofDEATH 3 года назад +43

      Such a cringe inducing line too

    • @fridaynightnicktoons6885
      @fridaynightnicktoons6885 3 года назад +112

      Since BEFORE then. Attack of the clone had jet packs on droid/clones/the freaking source of all clones!

  • @omega-rattrap
    @omega-rattrap 4 года назад +5100

    Finn: “tHeY fLy nOw!?!”
    Poe: “.....wait seriously, Finn? You were a Storm Trooper. How do you not know this? They’ve had jetpacks for decades!!! Didn’t they teach you about the Clone Wars when they brainwashed you???”

    • @gskyon
      @gskyon 3 года назад +558

      The sad part is that even the actor knew that. Goes to show how little saying anyone ever have in the Disney Corporations. It is like someone said, The Walt Disney Corporation has become much less Disney and much more a Corporation.

    • @waffelo4681
      @waffelo4681 3 года назад +153

      @@gskyon they should've let mandalorian director direct this movie luk

    • @shmavster4209
      @shmavster4209 3 года назад +242

      @@waffelo4681 should of let him direct the whole damn trilogy

    • @waffelo4681
      @waffelo4681 3 года назад +15

      @@shmavster4209 yeppo

    • @applepie1272
      @applepie1272 3 года назад +66

      They're not flying
      There falling with style

  • @ryanbarham8464
    @ryanbarham8464 11 месяцев назад +37

    I half-expected this to just be a sped-up version of the entire movie.

  • @randehmarsh40689
    @randehmarsh40689 2 года назад +6072

    Imagine how excited Oscar must have been to be in this movie. He loved these movies as a kid, and his most memorable line in the entire movie is the equivalent of Disney saying,
    “Yeah Palpatines back, we dont know why, figure it out yourselves lmao”

    • @endoskel9262
      @endoskel9262 2 года назад +494

      I genuinely laughed at the delivery, the guy looked so disappointed when he had to say that

    • @vaeger2947
      @vaeger2947 2 года назад +114

      Legit a fanfic writer

    • @ACE112ACE112
      @ACE112ACE112 2 года назад +73

      THEY FLY NOW!!!!!

    • @martind2520
      @martind2520 2 года назад +5

      If you loved this movie as a kid, then you're still a kid.

    • @SomeoneThatIsHappy
      @SomeoneThatIsHappy 2 года назад +23

      @@martind2520 he said these movies not this movie

  • @Wertsir
    @Wertsir 3 года назад +9703

    I like how Rey doesn’t even care about the people who died on the ship, so long as Chewie wasn’t on it.

    • @darkironyoshi
      @darkironyoshi 2 года назад +278

      I like how Luke killed all those people on the death star and didn't care. And he MEANT to blow it up. Truly a champion of hope.

    • @konradlamm9243
      @konradlamm9243 2 года назад +1043

      @@darkironyoshi bruh what? If he hadnt destroyed it, they would have kept their planet nuking weapon. What was he supposed to do? Wait until the fucking thing rusts?

    • @hyperion3145
      @hyperion3145 2 года назад +865

      @@darkironyoshi There's a pretty big difference between a ship of your own people and a superweapon that's sole purpose is to blow up planets.

    • @jeremycortes6349
      @jeremycortes6349 2 года назад +82

      I mean. I don’t care either so long as chewie wasn’t on it lmaooooo

    • @DrexelPretzel
      @DrexelPretzel 2 года назад +291

      @@darkironyoshi found the sequel fan😂😂

  • @wendymoon3425
    @wendymoon3425 Год назад +4018

    The way professor Snape survived that crash was incredible

  • @BenersantheBread
    @BenersantheBread 7 месяцев назад +11

    I genuinely can't unsee Rey's constant mouthbreathing. It's like Daisy thinks that showing emotion (any emotion, positive or negative) means opening your eyes wide with your mouth slightly open.

    • @ravenger5672
      @ravenger5672 6 месяцев назад +4

      Just like the woman in Twilight, they’ve both earned the nickname fishface.

  • @claritycontrol1530
    @claritycontrol1530 3 года назад +1385

    The worst thing about the characters going "tHeY FlY NoW?" is that they shouldn't be surprised that the dominant military superpower in the galaxy has access to jetpacks, since the galaxy has had jetpacks for at least a few thousand years.

    • @limymage9186
      @limymage9186 3 года назад +109

      Especially when one of them was a storm trooper and should know what storm troopers have, and another one literally fought jetpack troopers in a comic

    • @SchnitzelDude
      @SchnitzelDude 3 года назад +11

      I mean Jetpacks are somewhat part of the Mandalorian Religion. Everyone knows who the Mandalorians were. But that's one thing since the Empire did equip some special units with jetpacks. It seems like "they kinda forgot about the jetpacks". Sounds somewhat awful familiar *coughing in GoT S08* . I mean i can understand stuff like this between Episode 1-3 and 4-6 since the prequels did come out in the 2000s and 4-6 in the 70s-80s where also most of the ideas for the movies were made. So it is understandable that Luke was talking about the Clone Wars and Jedi's as if they are long gone/forgotten (i mean they talk about Jedis as if they are gone for like 300 years even though they are gone since like 20 years but it's understandable since they changed their mind in the time span between 4-6 and 1-3 in terms of all that stuff). Why is 7-9 reproducing these issues? There is no need to. We all know what happened between Episode 1-6... why does no character in Episode 7-9 know? I mean the Empire was like what? Maximum 30 years ago? How can no one know that the troops of an army that nearly conquered the entire galaxy like 30 years ago had some units with Jetpacks that the first order might try to imitate?

    • @dun498
      @dun498 3 года назад +10

      I love how even the actors know that it's such a bs line.

    • @HenkkaArtGames
      @HenkkaArtGames 3 года назад +9

      It's also kinda funny how they look surprised about some jetpack technology while at the same time they have all kinds of spaceships, big and small, that can fly on the surface of a planet and in space and in hyperspace. It's like if we had normal cars, flying cars, trains and metro and then when someone rides a motorcycle, everyone would be like Bill and Ted and be like "NO WAY!?".

    • @skoulikiagamwtanekrasas
      @skoulikiagamwtanekrasas 3 года назад

      in my country we call that humor

  • @Luiz997488
    @Luiz997488 3 года назад +1807

    "Rey who?"
    "Reyse these nuts to your forehead."
    "Got dayum"

  • @zenniththefolf4888
    @zenniththefolf4888 Год назад +3158

    The worst part of the sequels is that they had all the resources to make a good movie, and just said "Nah lets do none of that."

    • @nabi5864
      @nabi5864 Год назад +106

      Yea, imagine if Disney gave this huge Hollywood budget to the top Star Wars Novel writers and the Old Republic Game Trailer folks

    • @finkamain1621
      @finkamain1621 11 месяцев назад +63

      @@nabi5864 They don't even care at this point. The movies made enough money and now they have a new era of Star Wars fans from them that will watch anything they make while defending writing like "somehow, Palpatine returned"

    • @Darkdayzz
      @Darkdayzz 11 месяцев назад +33

      "we didn't have access to comics and books like marvel"
      > Meanwhile the Expanded Universe: "BRUH"

    • @SamaelVR
      @SamaelVR 11 месяцев назад +9

      Dave Filoni could've knocked this shit out of the park and been set for life

    • @robertortiz-wilson1588
      @robertortiz-wilson1588 10 месяцев назад +2

      ​@SamaelVR eh...

  • @auxvii
    @auxvii 5 месяцев назад +25

    Anakin Skywalker destroyed the sith, killing Palpatine and liberating himself from the dark side. “Somehow Palpatine returned” completely dismantled the prophecy..

  • @phillyskyguy9535
    @phillyskyguy9535 4 года назад +22692

    Weird, you didn't upload the whole movie

    • @beckettmaffei
      @beckettmaffei 4 года назад +568

      I wish you said, "This isn't even close to all of the bad writing." and so I could've replied saying, "That would be pirating."

    • @demosxn6722
      @demosxn6722 3 года назад +218

      Or the whole trilogy

    • @ajward9112
      @ajward9112 3 года назад +88

      I’m sure the thought was very tempting, but nobody likes copyright strikes

    • @johnbennett951
      @johnbennett951 3 года назад +10


    • @ethanchua6565
      @ethanchua6565 3 года назад +94

      "impossible. perhaps the archives are incomplete"

  • @GeorgieBonsoir
    @GeorgieBonsoir 3 года назад +1518

    They actually just stuck the line "Somehow, palpatine returned" in there, and then had that be the actual reason.

    • @yerocnevets0m3ga
      @yerocnevets0m3ga 3 года назад +28

      Um cloning..or something

    • @thevoxdeus
      @thevoxdeus 3 года назад +57

      Jedi mind trick on the movie going audience.

    • @AzumarillConGafasBv
      @AzumarillConGafasBv 3 года назад +2

      A Jedi did it

    • @christianrobles4580
      @christianrobles4580 3 года назад

      @@yerocnevets0m3ga yes but meh lol

    • @Alex-uq1el
      @Alex-uq1el 3 года назад +6

      Y'know, secrets only the Sith knew! Yeah, cause the clone wars never existed.

  • @AlterBridgeJericho
    @AlterBridgeJericho 3 года назад +1397

    Imagine being that old woman, strikes up a conversation and Rey goes silent for 10 seconds while staring off into the distance.

    • @gileee
      @gileee 3 года назад +63

      Oh, so you're just gonna ignore me then...

    • @marierita
      @marierita 3 года назад +53

      Yeah and at that point I’d be pretty sure the last name was made up or something

    • @kmmediafactory
      @kmmediafactory 3 года назад +33

      @@marierita "The hell is a sky-walker?"

    • @snookerwither9955
      @snookerwither9955 3 года назад +1

      Well the woman doesn't exactly come off as friendly
      "Who are you?"
      "Rey who?"

    • @G31M1
      @G31M1 3 года назад +12

      She must think that Rey must be on spice or something

  • @Jurian2004
    @Jurian2004 5 месяцев назад +7

    "I am Rayskywalker."
    Girl, let me tell you something. You did not earn the name Skywalker. Name is sacred.

  • @Toon_Lucario
    @Toon_Lucario 3 года назад +2881

    The creator probably put more effort into this video than Disney did the whole sequel trilogy

    • @grahambichage4048
      @grahambichage4048 3 года назад +1


    • @traceyjacobsen8544
      @traceyjacobsen8544 3 года назад +26

      Luca's already had apparently 4 movies planned out which Disney scrapt...
      Like fucking why!?

    • @DadaIorian
      @DadaIorian 3 года назад +24

      @@traceyjacobsen8544 The original scripts probably didn’t check off enough of the woke leadership’s required content. Gotta keep up with the DNC if you’re going to stay in operation in Hollywood.

    • @babygravy7
      @babygravy7 3 года назад +5

      @@DadaIorian Always that one guy that has to bring politics into everything.

    • @DadaIorian
      @DadaIorian 3 года назад +23

      @@babygravy7 Lol if you think politics didn’t play a role in screwing up this franchise, then I have a time share I’d like to sell you.

  • @mmeikol
    @mmeikol 3 года назад +5014

    Fun fact: Oscar Isaac never rehearsed his lines, he was actually in disbelief the whole time

    • @adcppk9884
      @adcppk9884 3 года назад +59

      No way

    • @_predictedscroll_923
      @_predictedscroll_923 3 года назад +26

      If it wisney fur yer wellies where wid ye be

    • @spelareNR14
      @spelareNR14 3 года назад +270

      He lost his new hope....

    • @_predictedscroll_923
      @_predictedscroll_923 3 года назад +6

      A wa doukt da droukt a Kenty winy hiy rooka mera senta herea honcy nae kenty wak n a wa kenty wa and lady gaga touring with Beyonce

    • @charlesostrowski202
      @charlesostrowski202 3 года назад +12


  • @rhyswong8976
    @rhyswong8976 3 года назад +1894

    When he said "I'm the Spy..."
    I can see Poe almost burst out into a full blown laugh. Hahahaha. Even he can't take this crap no more.

    • @MrBerserkinTime
      @MrBerserkinTime 3 года назад +60


    • @alwinvillero9505
      @alwinvillero9505 3 года назад +29

      meet the spy

    • @sviitor
      @sviitor 3 года назад +24

      @@MrBerserkinTime A red base is in the spy?

    • @satoshigamer1483
      @satoshigamer1483 3 года назад +8


    • @prowers2623
      @prowers2623 3 года назад +11

      I personally liked that plot twist. The rest of the movie tho...

  • @johnnylollard7892
    @johnnylollard7892 7 месяцев назад +17

    You don't understand.
    The sequels are the future of filmmaking.
    In the future, we'll be asking an unthinking AI to write and produce incoherent fan fiction, and it'll come up with something just like Disney Star Wars.

  • @floydnimrod1826
    @floydnimrod1826 3 года назад +2687

    With how little things change in the sequels, I'm surprised Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru weren't still smoldering outside when Rey showed up.

    • @darkmatter1721
      @darkmatter1721 3 года назад +315

      This one family of stormtroopers come back every year to light them on fire

    • @floydnimrod1826
      @floydnimrod1826 3 года назад +137

      @@darkmatter1721 kek, it's like Hanukkah.

    • @thetheatreorgan168
      @thetheatreorgan168 3 года назад +61

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Rey started helping herself to the Owen & Beru fine roast

    • @alixon5009
      @alixon5009 3 года назад +9

      "Them Jawas, I tell you!"

    • @tomj4406
      @tomj4406 3 года назад +4

      & what even..Stormtroopers with flame throwers? ..unless they blasted them a ton like the poor, green jedi gal in ep 3..jeepers, she was literally shot idk 30x before the scene cut away!

  • @santividal9387
    @santividal9387 2 года назад +1888

    I love how the "somehow..." quote is acted by Oscar as if Poe is devastated, but can also be interpreted as Oscar being devastated on what the sequels end up being

    • @valentinlageot4101
      @valentinlageot4101 2 года назад +97

      I mean the message that he is sending isn't fear or even dreadfulness about the emperor return. to me atleast it felt as if he regreted every word that come out of his mouth.

    • @GreenLightMe
      @GreenLightMe 2 года назад +24

      that line wasn't in the Script. An extra said, "are you serious" and Oscar improvised.

    • @originalSiiiN
      @originalSiiiN Год назад +2

      it can't tho

  • @viper56tl36
    @viper56tl36 3 года назад +689

    “They fly now?!”
    Frustrated John boyega: “they’ve been doin that since the clone wars”

    • @diogocruz21
      @diogocruz21 3 года назад +42

      Even before the Clone Wars, tho.

    • @cvangemon1307
      @cvangemon1307 2 года назад +13

      The first time I saw it I was convinced it was gonna be a good joke. I thought surely it'll be two characters repeating "they fly now", with a third just saying "shit".

    • @mrgreenboy644
      @mrgreenboy644 2 года назад +17

      Plus, the dude is literally a former stormtrooper. He of all people should know that, he probably worked with a few of them in his past

    • @Photo0021
      @Photo0021 2 года назад

      I mean did the *First Order* Storm Troopers fly until then.
      No I'm not defending the squeals, I'm just saying.

  • @oscar_jjuarez5266
    @oscar_jjuarez5266 8 месяцев назад +13

    @1:42 once the effects started i completely lost it 😂 man i needed a good laugh! Subbed

  • @snookerwither9955
    @snookerwither9955 3 года назад +522

    Writer: "We came up with such a cool way to reveal that Hux was the spy!"
    Hux: "I'm the spy"

    • @JC-ph3ku
      @JC-ph3ku 3 года назад +71

      They did that to emphasize that he was the spy mentioned in the previous scene. They could have done this more effectively by making the entire line "I'm the spy mentioned in the previous scene."

    • @nerevarchthn6860
      @nerevarchthn6860 3 года назад +13

      And he is literally the person with the highest kill count in star wars

    • @mjkalasky2775
      @mjkalasky2775 3 года назад +1

      @@nerevarchthn6860 Albiet indirectly, I think that would ACTUALLY go to Palpatine. He was ultimately responsible for just about EVERYTHING since the era of Phantom Menace, including the events of the sequels.

    • @brianfrost303
      @brianfrost303 3 года назад +7

      It took me 3 seconds to come up with a villainous grin and "I spy with my little eye. Something you'd never expect"
      It sucks, but it's still 4663225635x better than "I'm the spy!"

    • @flashcraft7412
      @flashcraft7412 3 года назад +1

      @@brianfrost303 Hey wait, that would be REEEEEEYYY-, sorry force of habit. I meant *waaay* too complex for our brainless/underaged audience. 😵

  • @Kolateak_
    @Kolateak_ 3 года назад +517

    "I am all the sith"
    "And I am all the jedi"
    Actually some of the worst writing I have ever seen in my entire life in a blockbuster Hollywood film

    • @nlevel8045
      @nlevel8045 3 года назад +72

      So corny. I went to the cinema to watch this when it came out and as soon as Palpatine said 'I'm all the sith' I was like oh hell no don't say it Rey. You could literally predict those cringe lines moments before they were happening. Same thing with the kiss scene between Rey and Kylo, when they looked at each other and everyone was like 'please don't' ...

    • @notaverypopularchannel4878
      @notaverypopularchannel4878 3 года назад +21

      That dialogue exchange had strong children one upping each other on the playground vibes

    • @gaiusjuliuscaesar9296
      @gaiusjuliuscaesar9296 3 года назад +32

      @@nlevel8045 I actually had a bet against my brother that Rey and Kylo would kiss because the movie would be awful, so I was both happy and disgusted

    • @calebsankey6945
      @calebsankey6945 3 года назад +14

      "Can we get Endgame for dinner, mum?"
      "Why? We have Endgame at home!"
      Endgame at home:

    • @brentkeller3826
      @brentkeller3826 3 года назад +6

      It was written in playground imagination battle style.
      Impressive for writers struggling to achieve first grade.

  • @5thHouse
    @5thHouse 3 года назад +5217

    I feel like realistically, when she tells the old woman, "I'm Rey", the old lady would've just been all, "Hi Ray, my name is Ethel." Instead of all, "Ray WHO!?"

    • @Lorfo11
      @Lorfo11 3 года назад +541

      Especially when surnames don't seem to be that common in Star Wars.

    • @datwhiteboi6256
      @datwhiteboi6256 3 года назад +195

      Honestly could have worked if they had more dialogue explained, the old lady should have been a friend of Luke's aunt and uncle/adoptive parents. A lot could have been done to make that scene actually work.

    • @SKyrim190
      @SKyrim190 3 года назад +14

      It's supposedly set up when that alien kid in Hippie Festival Planet talks to her a little bit and she doesn't have a full name

    • @gwp4eva
      @gwp4eva 3 года назад +133

      @@user-wi5vd2ud7z Finn, Qi’Ra, Rex, Lobot, Phasma
      Yoda, Chewbacca, Greedo, Jabba, Snoke

    • @steviedmrbk5179
      @steviedmrbk5179 3 года назад +31

      Fuckin' Ethel lmao, of all the names you could have used lol, thx 🤣😂😆🤪

  • @mbing7453
    @mbing7453 5 месяцев назад +6

    "Somehow Palpatine returned"
    For box office of course

  • @5quepasa
    @5quepasa 3 года назад +1238

    Rey who?
    “Just Rey.”
    There, line fixed.

    • @scrotymcboogerballs6756
      @scrotymcboogerballs6756 3 года назад +142

      Wow, that would actually have been much better thematically

    • @Alex-lt9hl
      @Alex-lt9hl 3 года назад +27

      Had the same thought. What a missed opportunity to put that in

    • @a.a.m4700
      @a.a.m4700 3 года назад

      How lame would doctor who if they answered. That's why it's so successful there is still secrets

    • @osquiromero4261
      @osquiromero4261 3 года назад +4

      Honestly that would have been sooooo much better

    • @booktales1687
      @booktales1687 3 года назад +5

      This simple dialogue change would’ve brought her arc full circle. I’m so upset we did t get it

  • @strainthehealer2184
    @strainthehealer2184 3 года назад +698

    "Somehow Palpatine returned"
    "An interesting story for another time"

    • @The_Twero
      @The_Twero 3 года назад +6

      Dang, Maz Kanata!

    • @z3r0n07
      @z3r0n07 3 года назад +8

      It's not a story the Disney would tell you.

    • @TristanLNeal
      @TristanLNeal 2 года назад

      @@z3r0n07 It’s a “legends” legend

  • @thepillowhead2453
    @thepillowhead2453 3 года назад +2557

    The most underhated line is the “I am all the jedi” line. Like seriously Rey? That’s what you could come up with?

    • @eliaspeter7689
      @eliaspeter7689 3 года назад +318

      She doesn't even know what were the Jedi.

    • @kilroy987
      @kilroy987 3 года назад +7

      It all comes down to this.

    • @larry5272
      @larry5272 3 года назад +141

      Seriously Palps? You haven't learned from getting baked by Mace Windu?

    • @MrChromeblue24
      @MrChromeblue24 3 года назад +3

      Play the sad violin music because everyone died upon hearing those words.

    • @traceyjacobsen8544
      @traceyjacobsen8544 3 года назад +3

      Im sorry but please tell me that line didn't mean so literally...?

  • @datojoseph9924
    @datojoseph9924 25 дней назад +2

    "I'm Rey."
    "Rey who?"
    "Reycon, the sponsor of this video"

  • @KneelB4Bacon
    @KneelB4Bacon 3 года назад +1939

    Zori Bliss: _"They win when they make us feel alone"_
    No, I'm pretty sure they win because of their giant, planet-destroying lasers.

    • @saragolightly
      @saragolightly 3 года назад +36

      "No longer sure that one ever does win a war, I am"

    • @u.v.s.5583
      @u.v.s.5583 3 года назад +16

      @@saragolightly Luke: I am searching for a great warrior! Not for a little green senile guy.

    • @MariOmor1
      @MariOmor1 3 года назад +2

      Which can be destroyed by a couple ships

    • @tekamek4209
      @tekamek4209 2 года назад +8

      Soon every handgun is a planet destroyer

    • @rickblaine9670
      @rickblaine9670 2 года назад +2

      You sir are a practical thinker.

  • @HDitzzDH
    @HDitzzDH 3 года назад +1950

    So Vaders death in VI was literally in vain, he was supposed to sacrifice himself to save Luke and make sure the emperor is dead but "somehow" they just decided to bring him back, cool.

    • @brychaus
      @brychaus 3 года назад +281

      Yep. That's probably the worst thing they did: trivialising the previous films by taking away the single act of redemption that completed the 6-film character arc of the most prominent character.

    • @sebsandwich1162
      @sebsandwich1162 3 года назад +12

      @@FluffyBunniesOnFire Not really, the emporer could have escaped on said Death Star

    • @ryanbrown4053
      @ryanbrown4053 3 года назад +13

      @@FluffyBunniesOnFire with as long as their conversation took, if Luke hadn't been there to confront them, he almost certainly would've had time to escape. Plus this way it's a confirmed kill and not just a "yeah I'm pretty sure we killed him" thing

    • @thedarklordofall6792
      @thedarklordofall6792 3 года назад +103

      Vader was the hero of the whole fricken star wars saga. He brought balance, he defeated palpatine. The fact that the new movies just shurgged it off really pees me off. Vader was disrespected. And i cant believe they tried to make Kylo the "new vader" of sorts. This movie doesnt even deserve to be slandered. It isnt that important. It is *simply* disrespectful, and deserves no further titles. I agree with you and hate these new movies

    • @xraystudios3693
      @xraystudios3693 3 года назад +65

      @@thedarklordofall6792 Vader was disrespected? The entire original cast was disrespected. They tried to replace them one by one with the most 1 dimensional, uninteresting puke they call characters. I knew from the moment they killed off Han they would try to pull this BS. Vader was replaced with the most virgin looking pathetic loser ever, Han was replaced with... some guy I forgot the name (it's Paul, isn't it?) That Disney just forgot about thought the new films. And don't even get me started with "almight Rey".

  • @creativeusername7366
    @creativeusername7366 3 года назад +1638

    “Who are you?”
    “I’m Rey.”
    “Rey who?”
    *Invincible title card plays*

  • @HakThoop
    @HakThoop Год назад +6

    Watched this and now consider myself to have watched an, accurate abridged version of the movie - and now don't need to have to watch the actual movie. Thank you for providing this.

  • @mar10ssj1
    @mar10ssj1 3 года назад +3213

    Oscar Isaac and John Boyega both joke on their "they fly now" saying how they have been flying since the prequels. It's sad when the actors know more about the story than the writers.

    • @RubenAAG
      @RubenAAG 3 года назад +336

      C3-P0 was literally alive during the empire (when the aerial stormtroopers were a thing) so it makes 0 fucking sense that he would say that. Also Finn was a 1st Order Stormtrooper, wouldn’t he also know about the aerial units??

    • @Nintendoggy
      @Nintendoggy 3 года назад +192

      @@RubenAAG 3P0 was online during the freakin' Clone Wars. There were flying Clones, Droids, and Bounty Hunters.

    • @blakemcmillan5680
      @blakemcmillan5680 3 года назад +119

      @@Nintendoggy not to Defend the sequels, 3PO’s memory was wiped after the clone wars

    • @mar10ssj1
      @mar10ssj1 3 года назад +75

      @@RubenAAG more proof that Lucas Film hired activists instead of writers. This is how you get a Mary Sue character, plot holes the size of black holes, and cringe worthy dialog.

    • @iamsick5204
      @iamsick5204 3 года назад +2

      Just because the actor knows something doesnt mean the character would. None of the characters have seen a flying stormtrooper before... How is that such a hard concept?

  • @benfletcher8100
    @benfletcher8100 2 года назад +4683

    Imagine Luke finds out Palpatine is back and he’s like “So my dad died for absolutely nothing?”

    • @hobomike6935
      @hobomike6935 2 года назад +621

      Luke: "where are the Lucas trilogies? are they safe? are they alright?"
      Rey: *"gone, reduced to atoms."*

    • @trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317
      @trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 2 года назад +6

      Bruh it wasn't for nothing

    • @benfletcher8100
      @benfletcher8100 2 года назад +163

      @@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 Explain. Vader sacrificed himself and died only for Palpatine to be like “Lmao sike”

    • @trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317
      @trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 2 года назад +13

      @@benfletcher8100 He saved Luke's life, which was the main reason he did it. He put the galaxy in peace for 30 years. He put Palpatine in a weakened state so that Rey could defeat him. Also it wasn't really her, it was all the Jedi. Including him. And he couldn't have helped her if he hadn't made that sacrifice. And Palpatine would have found her, so she couldn't have defeated him.

    • @RahulGupta-pf4yt
      @RahulGupta-pf4yt 2 года назад +86

      @@trickshotsmoviesandcubing2317 All the Jedi is a Marvel copy of I am Iron Man.

  • @markusphenix8343
    @markusphenix8343 3 года назад +5600

    This trilogy was a kick on the nuts for the fanbase.

    • @kennethsatria6607
      @kennethsatria6607 3 года назад +189

      All things considered its fun as hell to bully though

    • @letsBrn
      @letsBrn 3 года назад +83

      Tbh I loved the first 3, kinda lukewarm on the prequels and absoltely hated the disney trilogy

    • @SonicXtreme99akaCreeperMario
      @SonicXtreme99akaCreeperMario 3 года назад +21

      I mean you aren’t wrong, like, at all
      God I wish this trilogy never existed cuz it only divided the trilogy even more

    • @primis9770
      @primis9770 3 года назад +75

      @@brownie43212 you good dude 😂 who hurt you

    • @ebonknight630
      @ebonknight630 3 года назад +1

      And we are still rolling from it

  • @LordJuniorNYC
    @LordJuniorNYC 4 месяца назад +5

    Anyone who truly cared for the IP has transited the five stages of grief, including the last holdouts. The memes have been a healing balm to the SW community.

  • @CheekiTiki
    @CheekiTiki 2 года назад +7810

    Crazy how a lot of these actors went to other projects and they're absolutely phenomenal. This script was just that hard to work with.

    • @PriyankaSingh-jw9ug
      @PriyankaSingh-jw9ug 2 года назад +498

      yeah Oscar Isaac in dune as Duke Leto was phenomenal

    • @IdiotSavant12345
      @IdiotSavant12345 2 года назад +395

      Not to mention how fantastic he was as Steven Grant and Marc Spector in “Moon Knight”

    • @wholethedogsout880
      @wholethedogsout880 2 года назад +1

      Daisy Ridley isn’t getting any roles bc her ass sucks at acting sorry not sorry. She’s wooden in everything she’s in. She only got her roles bc 1) white and British 2) her family has money but for some reason she denies having an upper hand over other actresses and denies these reasons I listed being why.

    • @ArniesTech
      @ArniesTech 2 года назад +222

      poor hayden christensen got a taste of it too...

    • @quakethedoombringer
      @quakethedoombringer 2 года назад +107

      Haven't seen Ridley or Boyega in any big project after Star Wars though

  • @helloere7660
    @helloere7660 3 года назад +583

    palpatine: literally vaporized
    rise of skywalker: yeah he's back

    • @xorising
      @xorising 3 года назад +43

      He exploded when he fell into the reactor, then soon after the whole death star exploded. He only got exploded once in ROS, so look forward to Episode 10: Palpo's Back

    • @hephaistos166
      @hephaistos166 3 года назад +4

      Rise of the Skywalker?
      More like Rise of the Palpatine to me!!
      (If that joke was made before, I'm truly sorry)

    • @frisby7143
      @frisby7143 3 года назад +4

      Yes but the force is a path to many abilities some would deem unnatural 😂

    • @gzsta213
      @gzsta213 3 года назад +4

      It's more funny when he says: "somehow" 🤦‍♂️😂

    • @theaveragecrusader9590
      @theaveragecrusader9590 3 года назад

      @@frisby7143 the dark side of the force

  • @GreggyAck
    @GreggyAck 3 года назад +9641

    The fact that Oscar Isaac is still respected after this mess is a real testament to his talent.

    • @OsKarMike1306
      @OsKarMike1306 2 года назад +1110

      Oscar Isaac is the Ewan McGregor of the sequels

    • @officerccarpetcare9117
      @officerccarpetcare9117 2 года назад +71

      Apocalypse, nuff said

    • @dbalto14
      @dbalto14 2 года назад +336

      @@officerccarpetcare9117 Moon Knight

    • @coleward4208
      @coleward4208 2 года назад +145

      And Adam driver!

    • @eshryo
      @eshryo 2 года назад +271

      I feel bad for every single actor who was introduced in this trilogy. Daisy, John, Oscar, and Adam are all great actors and could have been great together in a competent series of films

  • @zynthio
    @zynthio 6 месяцев назад +9

    when I saw the video wasn't 2h22m I knew the title was a lie

  • @hannahkillian689
    @hannahkillian689 2 года назад +1767

    Honestly Hux being the spy would've been interesting had they actually set it up in the first two movies...

    • @redace4821
      @redace4821 2 года назад +90

      Also also: In the earlier part of the film, it was already pretty much spoil Hux is the spy because that other General just stare at Hux after Kylo said there's a spy among them.

    • @Gootsthegoots
      @Gootsthegoots 2 года назад +39

      They already did that story with Kallus in rebels

    • @BlackOmegaEnt
      @BlackOmegaEnt 2 года назад +7

      Blame Rian Johnson

    • @KorKhan89
      @KorKhan89 2 года назад +59

      @RoyalHellfire I remember the whole cinema bursting into laughter when he said that line. I’m still not sure whether or not it was meant to be a joke.

    • @spectorcsm
      @spectorcsm 2 года назад +5

      Honestly, agreed

  • @glitch3818
    @glitch3818 3 года назад +1796

    This movie was literally 60% awful writing and 40% *"REEEEEEEYYYYYY!!!"*

    • @gaffalstudios3617
      @gaffalstudios3617 3 года назад +25

      Yeah like the entire movie should be in this video

    • @yeet12937
      @yeet12937 3 года назад +9

      Also where was evil Rey with an actual cool lightsaber

    • @RamkrishanYT
      @RamkrishanYT 3 года назад +1

      Rey who? 🤑

    • @glitch3818
      @glitch3818 3 года назад +14

      @@RamkrishanYT Rey Diculous Movie.

    • @jfyne03
      @jfyne03 3 года назад +2

      That's a good compliment you got there. I'd say 20% writing, 40% awful and 60% SHITE

  • @spacemanju7
    @spacemanju7 3 года назад +5289

    When you realize bb8 is the most developed and best character in the sequel trilogy the droid doesn't even speak but has more personality than every character introduced in the sequel trilogy

    • @Stryker98
      @Stryker98 3 года назад +184

      I'd say even Jar Jar is has more personality and is better written.

    • @spacemanju7
      @spacemanju7 3 года назад +20

      @@Stryker98 jar jar is the prequel trilogy Lucas made him bb8 is Disney

    • @MariOmor1
      @MariOmor1 3 года назад +53

      He's also the cutest character

    • @iinvalues8480
      @iinvalues8480 3 года назад


    • @iinvalues8480
      @iinvalues8480 3 года назад +11

      Kylo Ren

  • @bearimpaler101
    @bearimpaler101 6 месяцев назад +4

    0:25 not only is he alive he can walk and is not bearing a single scratch.

    • @Korben-c5x
      @Korben-c5x 4 месяца назад


  • @zboy9600
    @zboy9600 3 года назад +1787

    An ending that would have saved the trilogy:
    “Who are you?”
    “Bond. James Bond”

    • @roryslaine7896
      @roryslaine7896 3 года назад +18

      I can tell you studied at Oxford.

    • @brunor.2895
      @brunor.2895 3 года назад +4

      this video is sponsored by RAID LEAGUE OF LEGENDS

    • @aditomasik5933
      @aditomasik5933 3 года назад +10

      Would explain why rey was so skilled at fighting at least

    • @anandasusanto7017
      @anandasusanto7017 3 года назад +11

      James Bond. More like Bond Bond Binks

    • @firefightszz
      @firefightszz 3 года назад

      Da da dada

  • @kahjidovej2211
    @kahjidovej2211 3 года назад +1219

    "They fly now?!"
    Yes. Troopers have had jetpacks in Star Wars for thousands of years, Finn. Someone from budget Empire should know this with their glorious propaganda and selective history.

    • @pandagames3193
      @pandagames3193 3 года назад +161

      What makes me sad about this is the fact that Boyega (Finn‘s actor) pointed this massive plothole out in an interview, he literally said „They‘ve been using them since the Clone Wars“

    • @saragolightly
      @saragolightly 3 года назад +74

      @@pandagames3193 love how John Boyega is such a loyal fan. I didn't like the ST but I would watch a series about Finn

    • @LegacyComics100
      @LegacyComics100 3 года назад +35

      Jango Fett: Wow, real original.
      Boba Fett: You said it dad.

    • @gustavogutierrez6568
      @gustavogutierrez6568 3 года назад +15

      Even in the old Republic

    • @picitishere7812
      @picitishere7812 2 года назад +3

      True, even me who is not a (no offense) a star wars nerd knew about that years ago

  • @realsanmer
    @realsanmer 2 года назад +4364

    Being 100% honest, as an aspiring writer, the sequel trilogy as a whole is a beautiful case.
    A beautiful case on how to not write, granted, but beautiful nonetheless.

    • @HJWNat
      @HJWNat 2 года назад +63

      it gives me confidence

    • @SkeweredGlaive
      @SkeweredGlaive 2 года назад +16

      @Mr7Reality How about write a story first before creating a hodgepodge of a fanart of a story.

    • @werh227
      @werh227 2 года назад +5

      It's like a modern day My Immortal

    • @newdivide9882
      @newdivide9882 2 года назад +23

      I’m starting to realize that’s the value of awful media. Learning what NOT to do is just as important as learning what TO do

    • @GoodOnAccident
      @GoodOnAccident 2 года назад +8

      Same, I actually like to watch and read things with bad writing because sometimes it helps just as much as something with good writing

    @CMBGAMER2018TV 5 месяцев назад +2

    0:51 When the old lady who appears in one scene is more entertaining than any of the other characters, you know you did something wrong.

  • @NatTBK
    @NatTBK 3 года назад +2482

    “Who are you?”
    “I’m Rey”
    “Rey who?”
    “Rey-venge of the Sith!”
    Then the entirety of Revenge of the Sith plays after

    • @sebastiaankrul2403
      @sebastiaankrul2403 3 года назад +46

      A man of culture i see

    • @randomguy-kv7fx
      @randomguy-kv7fx 3 года назад +16

      As it should

    • @cillianwatters5619
      @cillianwatters5619 3 года назад +61

      Would have made the film 10 times better

    • @ComicAcolyte
      @ComicAcolyte 3 года назад +39

      Would have been a better film. I fucking fell asleep during this film. Woke up to a million ships and started laughing really loud I was high af but still lol.

    • @pedroordonez2a362
      @pedroordonez2a362 3 года назад +6

      Now that's a movie I'd watch!

  • @cutler_beckett
    @cutler_beckett 3 года назад +2077

    If Kylo Ren could survive his devastating ship wreck, then doesn’t that mean Plo Koon may very well be alive too?

    • @sirweebs2914
      @sirweebs2914 3 года назад +106

      Kinda funny the cast of The Mandalorian was told that it would be Plo Koon that saves them in the end of Season 2 and takes in Grogu. While I was happy that they chose who they chose in the end it really wouldve made sense for Plo Koon to take in Grogu as he once took Ahsoka Tano to the jedi tempel when he foudn her as a child.
      Spoilers for The Mandalorian:
      So while everyone including myself really jumped up from their seat when Luke suddenly showed up I still dont know how this will work with continuinity because does that means Grogu was killed by Kylo Ren? Tho Grogu mustve been still very young when this happened so I think its more likely Luke trained Grogu in private and not with others but I guess maybe some day we will learn.
      One thing is for sure and that is I dont believe Mando would leave Grogu for so long. Afterall by the time Kylo attacked the younglings Grogu was already schooled for 25 years so maybe Mando took him again.

    • @LucyWest370
      @LucyWest370 3 года назад +70

      @@sirweebs2914 it makes sense they didnt use Plo Koon. People who didnt watch clone wars would have absolutely no idea who the hell this guy is. (I know Ahsoka is also a clone wars character but just like rex shes kind of popular enough that people will have heard of her)

    • @FrozenJedi38
      @FrozenJedi38 3 года назад +68

      @@LucyWest370 Technically Plo is a prequel trilogy character... Yeah, I know. Plo wasn't really relevant till CW, but still.

    • @LucyWest370
      @LucyWest370 3 года назад +10

      @@FrozenJedi38 he was the guy who stands in the background and does nothing, i dont think that counts

    • @sirweebs2914
      @sirweebs2914 3 года назад +12

      @@LucyWest370 yea I can see that. That wouldnt have had the same "wow" effect for sure.
      I'm glad they chose Luke. Mark Hamilton must've been so happy to see Luke in his prime I can't even imagine how proud that must made him feel especially after the new episodes..

  • @isaiahmarquez9582
    @isaiahmarquez9582 3 года назад +991

    “What are you afraid of?”
    Disney: “Success”

    • @guillaumem9953
      @guillaumem9953 3 года назад


    • @Spartan11117777
      @Spartan11117777 3 года назад +9

      Scarlet Johansson suing them was a Godsend. 😂

    • @jesalt8230
      @jesalt8230 3 года назад

      @@Spartan11117777 she did?

    • @Spartan11117777
      @Spartan11117777 3 года назад +6

      Yeah, she only got $20 Million for Black Widow when it was released on both the Big Screen and also on the Disney Plus Streaming service. Now Disney and Scarlet Johansson reached a Settlement before this became an even bigger thing in the News.

    • @jesalt8230
      @jesalt8230 3 года назад +1

      @@Spartan11117777 I mean, 20 million dollars is a lot of money, but I don't know how the industry's works so good for her I guess

  • @zakarichapman3426
    @zakarichapman3426 8 месяцев назад +4

    How Disney handled the Star Wars saga is a war crime, they’d do well on removing the movies from all streaming services, absolutely ruined my favourite childhood movies and a brilliant story for the sake of making money, just piggy backed on a already brilliant story and left it in the shitter

    • @ninjanate5018
      @ninjanate5018 6 месяцев назад +1

      It’s like if Mario were to leave Yoshi to rot in a pit in Super Mario Land, with Disney as Mario and Star Wars as Yoshi.

  • @ngvot
    @ngvot 3 года назад +793

    Lmao Oscar's face when he says "somehow palpatine returned"

    • @traceyjacobsen8544
      @traceyjacobsen8544 3 года назад +92

      He genuinely seemed to hate saying it
      And I can't stand to fucking hear it...

    • @hammurabitheawesome674
      @hammurabitheawesome674 3 года назад +29

      He was like dang this is sad but hey I'm getting paid for it gotta do what you gotta do.

    • @beegchung2490
      @beegchung2490 3 года назад +22

      I swear he looks like he died inside

    • @ProxyDoug
      @ProxyDoug 3 года назад +5

      @@beegchung2490 He probably wished Poe had died offscreen

    • @PatrickMenesesYTOfficial4945
      @PatrickMenesesYTOfficial4945 3 года назад +2

      Poor Oscar, this role has probably butchered his acting career.

  • @anorasolo
    @anorasolo 4 года назад +1723

    “Mom come pick me up I’m scared”
    Literally so accurate for Kylo/Ben throughout the entirety of this movie

    • @creativename3707
      @creativename3707 3 года назад +21

      When fighting a Mary Sue, all hope is lost

    • @jom_and_terry
      @jom_and_terry 3 года назад +1

      Kylo Ben succs

    • @rtxsfm4626
      @rtxsfm4626 3 года назад +2

      @@jom_and_terry yet he’s the only decent character in the sequels

  • @rozasupreme
    @rozasupreme 3 года назад +454

    "Bro, we should write Palpatine back into the story!"
    "OK, but how?"
    "I dunno... Somehow. Just make it work..."

    • @HairySeagull
      @HairySeagull 3 года назад +5

      Well they didn't xD

    • @pcrassen4975
      @pcrassen4975 3 года назад +8

      They did it in the books/comics too I think but honestly it’ll always be stupid. Same with Darth Maul in clone wars. Dude was cut in HALF. And bloody survived.
      Ya know what. Eff it. I’ll accept Palpatine living long before I’ll accept Maul. Palpatine was thrown down the shaft, but he was alive as he fell. Pull whatever force shenanigans and I’ll take it. But Maul had his entire lower body cut off. Even if a lightsaber cauterizes wounds dur to its heat… man probably should’ve lost most of his internal organs during the fall no? And then he still survive LONG ENOUGH FOR SOMEONE TO FIND HIM MOVE HIM AND PERFORM SURGERY ON HIM TO GIVE HIM A MECHANICAL HALF.
      Writing was never the strongest point of this franchise. Including the og trilogy and I know I’ll be hung for this but youtube doesn’t do notifications smartly so I’ll never see it. So. I said what I said.

    • @buzzthebuzzer6230
      @buzzthebuzzer6230 3 года назад

      @@pcrassen4975 could you give examples from the og trilogy I’m genuinely curious

    • @oskargunnarsson6504
      @oskargunnarsson6504 3 года назад +2

      @@pcrassen4975 Palpatine was on the deathstar which exploded tho, and he exploded once before that too so it makes less sense than Maul. Maul doesn't make sense either but atleast he is a good character in the clone wars

    • @Aaron_Hayman
      @Aaron_Hayman 3 года назад

      @@pcrassen4975 palpatine exploded twice. Maul was the more believable one. (I wish they kept his drider body a bit longer.)

  • @SevnWithADot.
    @SevnWithADot. 26 дней назад +1

    "Rey Skywalker"
    *old lady pulls up the lightsaber*
    "Which arm will it be then?"

  • @ultraforce7958
    @ultraforce7958 3 года назад +1201

    “This dagger has done terrible things”
    *literally has the underage undertaker*

    • @ajjpg-km3us
      @ajjpg-km3us 3 года назад +11


    • @fluff6811
      @fluff6811 3 года назад +36

      She can’t really understand how weapons with constantly visible blades can possibly have less baggage than ones that primarily look like a flashlight.

    • @brunor.2895
      @brunor.2895 3 года назад +47

      "this dagger has done terrible things"
      currently wielding vader lightsaber aka youngling slayer 9000

    • @yancarlos5377
      @yancarlos5377 3 года назад

      The first film literally shows her a vision of the saber lmao im glad this is all canon

  • @kingmarsden
    @kingmarsden 3 года назад +595

    They shoulda paid our boy John millions for everytime he yelled "Rey"

    • @IsaiahINRI
      @IsaiahINRI 3 года назад +27

      I bet every time he shouted her name, he died a little inside

    • @dun498
      @dun498 3 года назад +38

      @@IsaiahINRI I feel like he died inside a lot. He's a serious Star Wars fan, and imagine his excitement when he's picked to star in the new movies, then slowly reading the script...

    • @fsociety6905
      @fsociety6905 3 года назад +8

      @@dun498 what script? they kept changing it on him every week it seems

    • @dun498
      @dun498 3 года назад +6

      @@fsociety6905 Seriously? Ugh, that man deserves the millions he suffered for...

    • @PerfectAim
      @PerfectAim 3 года назад

      i mean he starred in 3 star wars movies, he WAS paid millions…

  • @navanater123
    @navanater123 2 года назад +3893

    The sequel trilogy was about taking everything from Luke.
    His struggle, his legacy, his friends, even his name 😂

    • @citizenvulpes4562
      @citizenvulpes4562 2 года назад +120


    • @olekcholewa8171
      @olekcholewa8171 2 года назад +187

      Mark Hamil to Disney :
      *You took everything from me*

    • @HugeESmalls
      @HugeESmalls 2 года назад +75

      Disney: "look at these shiny new cardboard cutouts that we'll push to be better than those silly characters you've loved and respected and have been built up for 40yrs!"

    • @LukiKruki
      @LukiKruki 2 года назад +45

      [Luke] I don't even know who you are.
      [Rey] REY-
      [Luke] Rey-venge of the Sith!

    • @USAbLaSt
      @USAbLaSt Год назад +3

      @@citizenvulpes4562 …she took his jerb?