Well, small town living. I don't so much affect people as Ali scare and confuse them. Animals, however, I have a strong effect on. And young children love me and my energy. A few unknowing HSP individuals have absolutely freaked out in my presence. Either from my seeing through them. Or they get an amplification, they aren't ready for.
Great question. Particularly when I first meet people, I notice that they seem somewhat discombobulated after a while and act a bit over-excited, like they've been let out of a cage. A bit sort of "anything goes". I've never tried to put it into words before. I'm an INFJ/ENFP ambivert, but that doesn't mean I'm shy. I tend to be extroverted in company and an introvert when I'm alone. I like company and love my solitude, in balance. I think people find me amusing, especially when I'm serious.
I've observed another effect I have on people - I scare the hell out of them. They think I'm not paying attention; I go and prove I am. They've forgotten a specific detail; I bring it up. They think I'm a pushover only to wind up being the ones who got shoved, and very hard. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Those closest to me think I'm passive, a push-over and silly for being such a day dreamer. But I have had complete strangers that I met come and hunt me down again just to tell me "Thank you" for the positive impact my advice had on their life.
Yes, random strangers often blurt out their deepest secrets, it’s like being a truth serum to them. They just do. When I’ve had time, I’ve hung out with a total stranger for anywhere from just maybe a half hour, up to maybe 5 or more hours, most likely in the wee hours of the night, when I’ve been out driving, and found them outside somewhere, stumbling in the street, sitting on a rock in a darkened parking lot, dumpster diving, whatever, if they’ve been in some crisis with no one else to listen, or even in danger with no self-defense skills, or ways to deter, or to confront their situation with skill and confidence. These situations are always an adventure. It’s supremely important to listen to that safety check in the gut, in the spirit, whether to help this person, or do NOT help this person. I always make sure to get the confirmation first, that it’s not just my natural inclination to jump in that’s telling me to get involved, but it’s guided by God, and this person can be safely dealt with, even though I can take most people if they were to be problematic, no need to endanger oneself. One time, I had the intense drive to go driving at about 1:30 am, and followed where I felt led to go, ended up 7 miles away, and saw a figure in silhouette on a landscape boulder in a parking lot, hunched over. To most people, he may have blended in, looked like part of the boulder. I was to pull in around the corner and ask him if he needed anything. There was also a 24-hour restaurant with a drive up right across the street, one of the very rare ones in the city. So I rolled up and asked him if he needed anything. He said “No, I’m not homeless…yet”. (I had made no such assumption or implication, btw). And then he said “I’m thinking about taking a leap”, to which I asked in a playful, friendly voice “what kind of leap?”, and he said “a leap of faith, if I should trust God”. I said “You’re the guy!” He asked “what guy?” And I said “you’re the guy I’m supposed to help. I just got out of bed, drove here from 7 miles away, until I got to this corner, turned to see you sitting in shadow, barely visible in a parking lot with the lights out, (big lot, all but one or two were out), and was told to come check on you. I was supposed to drive until I found someone who needed help, and you’re the guy, God sent me to talk to you”. He was under serious, serious demonic oppression, he would even tell me the demons were talking to him as we spoke, which I already could perceive. We both talked openly about the whole deal, and the issues going on, until it was all talked out and the sun came up, and he walked home, just across the street and down a few buildings. Another guy was just stranded with a car that wouldn’t start, out in sub-freezing weather, his phone was dead. Also randomly found him freezing in an empty, dark parking lot, in the wee hours, and just gave him a lift. He’d been walking from his car, which was in another parking lot. It’s amazing the situations that happen in the wee hours. Sometimes a guy will ask why I’m not afraid of helping him, being a woman. I tell them I’m sure I could take them if I needed to, (I’m driving anyway, you don’t want to test me on that one), but I didn’t think I’d need to, and that I don’t help just anyone. Only the ones I’m told to help. I’ve also been told NOT to stop and help people. I always listen. Don’t let your heart rule decisions on whom to help, whether in safe situations or less safe and secure situations. No, no, no. That’s how people get hurt, or your gifts are wasted, “casting pearls before swine, where they’ll be trampled”. While there are times in life where it has occurred more often than others, or it lets off for awhile, it would be boring to live a life without these little adventures. One trait I don’t hear discussed much is that ***while INFJ’s can adjust to any situation easily, they do best with one-on-one interactions***, where the other person can receive 100% of their undivided attention, and can speak more freely than he or she otherwise could. It builds a safety bubble, though again, total strangers have begun to spill it all standing in line where others can hear, still, people are most comfortable doing so with less of an audience. We shine in those situations where we have lots of time, and a comfortable, private space for another person to fully open up, and root out some of their truly difficult issues. That’s a major downside of traditional therapy. They give someone 50 minutes of their time, and some may go “90 minutes”” which would be 80 actual minutes, but it takes more than that for someone to relax, open up, and really let things flow, be given the needed insight, and let it process, sink in and stick, so that the person can feel confident going out the door, with a plan of action they feel they can achieve, not feeling uncertain, and cut off. Being cut off right when they’ve opened up is not good for their whole mental state. Not good at all. It can make it all worse, really. More anxious. More rejected. More a mess. Just when the person is finally to a critical point, it’s “we’ll pick this up next time”, a reminder it’s all about the money, not real care. It would be far more beneficial, if one is going to do such therapy at all, to have a therapist with longer appointments, only 1-3 appointments scheduled for an entire day (shorter or long work day). Be willing to book long appointments of 3-5 hours, even more if necessary, and if the “patient” (I detest that word, it sounds degrading to me) feels it’s time to wrap it up, then he or she can make the choice to do so. That is more empowering, and yes, it should be pro-rated and yes, therapists charge enough as it is, so take the hit once in awhile, and give people the time they really need. I think INFJ’s are sorely needed in this arena, but not necessarily as a psychologist or counselor (and it’s too bad this is too controlled, as a “formal education” can twist and ruin the otherwise gifted, intuitive mind of someone who was born with the ability, and given the life experience to be a natural counselor), or be willing to give that kind of time randomly when the proper situation arises. We get rewarded in other ways when we do this. I’m sure lots of INFJ’s give time randomly when it is fitting to do so, and this casual, impromptu style can even build far more confidence, and leave more of a lasting impression than weeks, months, or even years of therapy. The person isn’t paying someone to care, we just do, because that person is a human being, is suffering, and needs our time and care (not foolish care, but firm guiding care), and that itself goes a long way. We are supposed to give to those who can do nothing to repay us, cheerfully, joyously, just because we are blessed to be able to do so. It’s terrible how society has become so insensitive to other human life. If it were puppies or kittens, many would do more for them than their fellow man, all fellow mankind, and all the more so the defenseless. I’ve had people tell me they’d just been praying that someone, ANYONE would be nice to them today, to have one single kind word. How hard is it to be that person to everyone we see, find something kind (not nice, but kind) to say, something to encourage someone. And even a simple, but very sincere “thank you” wouldn’t be amiss, either. How many say they don’t even hear THAT anymore? One guy said he had just asked in his heart for someone, anyone who wasn’t homeless as he was, to just be kind to him, see him as a human being, acknowledge him, that he just needed that from someone who had a regular life. It was 2am, and I was out and about, and was told to go back around to that street, and saw him. He was digging in a dumpster, and he not the only one I’ve seen. It’s not hard to at least greet people, say good morning/afternoon/evening, even if one doesn’t have time or cash to hand out. A smile and acknowledgement of another’s humanity wouldn’t hurt. It’s being treated as inferior, or as invisible that despairs people the most. He was happy I’d go get him any available food, sadly the fast food he wanted had just closed a bit early, as he wanted a salad, not a burger, it’s hard for the homeless, because often people offer the cheapest food, not so much the healthiest option, (which can be all THEY can afford, either, so no judgment there). So I was able to round up some food and treats for him, and just meeting random people is a lot of fun for me. When they can have anything they want from a grocery or fast food, they’ll often ask for the cheapest thing, and that’s when I’ll say no. No, you are worth more than the cheapest thing, the cheapest cheeseburger, or the 99¢ hotdogs (I won’t buy those disgusting things, but I will buy anything better than that. No one should have those as any kind of treat, or as a baseline offering. I’ve had $6/week for groceries in my lifetime, too, it pretty much bought tortillas and lettuce, and maybe some cheese slices, if I could drag it out, so I get it, but not when we are giving an offering to them.). It’s nice to have the ability to meet a need now and then. If I had a billion dollars, it would be fun to make daily trips, or near daily trips, and just be guided to the next adventure. Might be fun to have someone to come along now and then, though as I said before, they open up the most when it’s one-on-one, or when one treats as equals a few people who are feeling they are inferior; or are not necessarily feeling inferior, but they feel they are being *seen* and *treated* as inferior.
I once worked with a very toxic person who seemed to have it out for me. I think just by being myself I subconsciously triggered her shame and she saw me as an obstacle to what she thought she deserved.
@@cc1k435 Yes, me too. Three female bosses loathed me and I was their hardest working, responsible, quiet employee. Would have never caused any trouble, just wanted to come to work, be quietly brilliant and go home. I never knew why these bossy rude women had it in for me. I attracted narcissist bosses, friends, and husbands. Then something changed in me about three years ago and I stopped 'people-pleasing'...starting quietly observing, stopped being nervous. I now seem to repel narcissists. Not sure what changed me, but I'm happier now.
Some people seem to automatically feel threatened by me quickly - not physically & not that I'm going to DO anything to them. Almost llike, they know I can see who they really are instead of whatever facade they have up. They do not like me, I guess, because they don't know if/when I might expose them, even if I have no reason or even thoughts about doing anything like that.
They all think Im wild dreamer. They think that the things I do will never actually accomplish anything in the end. But they obviously don't know anything about me.
You may relate to this.... everyone agrees we are misunderstood, but the definitions get warped along the way. They view misunderstood as lost& crazy. We know the truth,misunderstood means they lack in vital knowledge we possess.
INFJs, even if they’re mostly silent, are just particularly impactful “inspire you and your whole company/organization to step your whole game up” type individuals. That’s just kind of how we roll.
Older INFJ here, got a compliment the other day from one of our vendors. She phoned and said that she knows she can be a hard-ass on her employees but when I enter the room they all settle right down. My bubble person thought, well I guess I’m a natural sedative.
I'm 69, have always been different. Along with discovering I'm INFJ (sigma now, empathic before). Last year I was diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD at 68. Lots of discoveries recently that would have been wonderful to know sooner, explained so much to me, but at least I know now. Very happy to finally have a reason I'm different.
Unfortunately, there are people who do not understand the positive offered, instead avoid interaction to avoid internal analysis because of insecure and unnecessary comparison. The sense of misunderstanding externally appears arrayed at times. The video's information is truth, as I've witnessed throughout my life. Gratitude to the creator--you've managed to naturally offer inviting comfort, gratefully accepted.
I've heard many of these compliments before, also the one about other seeing me as a soul-mate is very accurate. Yet, I've also been perceived as a know-it-all by two past friends. Sometimes I just have such a hard time watching people close to me make bad choices and suffering for it, but when I warn them it's not always appreciated. But then again, most of my close friends do appreciate my advice and understand that it comes from a good place and are also upfront with me about the given advice. I also highly appreciate it when friends give me well tought out advice, it makes me feel supported and cared for.
Geez, I had an incident today. A group of women( which you all knows almost never happens) have been visiting lately. I was struggling with it because you know. Well one of them ended up in hospital. I let everyone know as soon as I knew, making sure nobody was left out. This morning I spoke to one of the ladies and low and behold a few of them went to visit at the hospital. 2 times and didn’t even think to ask me. I found out because she was casually telling me about their visits. It was like I was hit with a cast iron skillet. I just sat stunned. Finally asking and nobody thought to ask me? She looked shocked and very easily said no! i did not! . I suppose the look on my face said it all. She asked that I forgive them for their ignorance, she never thought about it. See that’s what I’m having trouble with. That they never even thought of me. That made realize my place in this group and I made it very clear that if this is my place in this group I’m done. . We talked a bit more with her as asking for me to not do that. The thing is when one of the other ladies came she went straight in the building without even acknowledging me. I’m screaming inside!
A group holiday with strangers can often be a nightmare for INFJ for this reason. Seeing clearly, the attention seekers will hate them. And the INFJ find it hard to suffer fools gladly (though they may try to be polite to avoid open hostilities).
group holiday with attention seekers! They just cant stand the fact that you dont need nor want any attention from the others. They will come to push your buttons just to get a reaction from you. Doing this costs extra energy form the INFJ just to make others feel better. If i dont do it they dont like me. I understand that INFJs have to put out some energy too but there just isnt that much and people cant understand it. Explaining it to them also takes another cup of energy, thats why i only explain myself to the people i value the most.
most people just find me confusing, im not confused, i just struggle to give information in an order most people can follow as i see it all at once. i had a friend who keeps getting involved with walking red flags, the most recent one was the last straw, i said she was following the usall pattern, she said get lost
Don’t worry if you are an INFJ, your friend will be back. Once I bond with my friends they are committed. Even those with issues and cut me off; ALWAYS COME BACK. I am good to them. Problem is they see our support as mundane and some folks want magic until their world is shattered, after this they just want someone to comfort them. Many people don’t realize the most comfortable they will ever be is when they are allowed to be themselves and that is the arena I welcome them to. Who they are belongs to them, just need reminding; that’s where we (INFJ) come in. That is the essence of our power. You don’t have to do anything for your friend let her find out. You have done what a good friend would do. Sounds like she has to find out the hard way .😢❤
Yep. When I was young I hated it when people laughed at me. I wanted to be taken seriously. Now I'm older, I see it as a gift. Perhaps it's because I see the funny side of most things. Or maybe I'm just ridiculous! Lol
Thanks for this one. It helps me feel better as I approach my day. I have managed to change people's mind's about their beliefs without really trying - It's interesting to see it mentioned here.
Hello everyone, infj male 43 & i am almost nowhere, together with know one i am nobody... Pretty accurate... Unapologetic... (is a super power) know matter what dark/light i do i Unapologetically own it & will not apologize for being myself or myself● Sending love to aLL¡¡¡❤❤
I find it to be to much how after one conversation I’m being asked to get married or be in a relationship people come on strong and are very upset I’m not going along with that lol
I find that so many people both people I know for a long time or even people I have just met often tell me their life story and/or things about themselves or their family that I am shocked to hear.
People think INFJ as manipulators though INFJ has nothing but good intentions to help others . Poor INFJS always misunderstood. May be INFJ shouldn't lose themselves in helping others.
That last part makes sense. It took a very hard experience to learn to take care of oneself before quickly putting on a cape for others. Most people "get it" in their own time, not on ours or vice versa.
I’m definitely an INFJ however coupled with chronic ADHD and acute anxiety spiked with a bad memory due to a prenatal birth complication which has resulted in severe depression that only Maria Sabina can cure
I seriously don't know any effects I give to people. I mean i go to work after about a week off and co workers are like hey where have you been? And by name too. I'm looking at them, thinking I didn't know anyone would notice I wasn't around or even knew my name. Well at least I know my body won't be rotten for long at home, cause someone would send a wellness check. That's good to know.
Gosh.. how infj suppose to know that ? Infj only being em self what inside come out side , its about TBH TBH TBH agree or disagree, like it or not, care or ignore, act n react, is that so hard to understand ? I thought its all common character like everyone else , infj also got that all feeling efect from others, is it uncommon ?
Why do you people always ask people to like And subscribe to a video they haven't seen yet? Only a fool would like something before they have seen it and know whether or not they like it (just saying)
That might be the prompt someone needs to like or subscribe before they go to another video or put the phones down as a lot of people don’t watch til the very end of most videos.
Wherever I work People always open up to me and i become their confident and advisor. Also after getting into some deep conversations about conspiracies people come up to me years later and say I was right😂 The older I get the comfortable I become in my own skin and less of a people pleaser.👍🏽
Hey PSYCH-Os!👋
*So, have you noticed that you have an effect on people as an INFJ?*
Comment down below 👇
I so experience this wherever I go or where I work! As I age, thank goodness that I understand this better. I used to blame myself a lot.
Well, small town living. I don't so much affect people as Ali scare and confuse them.
Animals, however, I have a strong effect on. And young children love me and my energy.
A few unknowing HSP individuals have absolutely freaked out in my presence. Either from my seeing through them. Or they get an amplification, they aren't ready for.
I find that people are intimidated by my silence when they are all freaking out about something that don't matter
ive noticed i make people want to bring a reaction out in me. like they want to see me triggered.
Great question. Particularly when I first meet people, I notice that they seem somewhat discombobulated after a while and act a bit over-excited, like they've been let out of a cage. A bit sort of "anything goes". I've never tried to put it into words before. I'm an INFJ/ENFP ambivert, but that doesn't mean I'm shy. I tend to be extroverted in company and an introvert when I'm alone. I like company and love my solitude, in balance. I think people find me amusing, especially when I'm serious.
I've observed another effect I have on people - I scare the hell out of them. They think I'm not paying attention; I go and prove I am. They've forgotten a specific detail; I bring it up. They think I'm a pushover only to wind up being the ones who got shoved, and very hard. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Except for me bc I'm an INFJ. You don't frightened me even if you're evil. I'd just look at the evil one as spiritually immature.
It’s bc God is driving us for the purpose to help others!!
Those closest to me think I'm passive, a push-over and silly for being such a day dreamer. But I have had complete strangers that I met come and hunt me down again just to tell me "Thank you" for the positive impact my advice had on their life.
Same here!
Yes, random strangers often blurt out their deepest secrets, it’s like being a truth serum to them. They just do. When I’ve had time, I’ve hung out with a total stranger for anywhere from just maybe a half hour, up to maybe 5 or more hours, most likely in the wee hours of the night, when I’ve been out driving, and found them outside somewhere, stumbling in the street, sitting on a rock in a darkened parking lot, dumpster diving, whatever, if they’ve been in some crisis with no one else to listen, or even in danger with no self-defense skills, or ways to deter, or to confront their situation with skill and confidence. These situations are always an adventure.
It’s supremely important to listen to that safety check in the gut, in the spirit, whether to help this person, or do NOT help this person. I always make sure to get the confirmation first, that it’s not just my natural inclination to jump in that’s telling me to get involved, but it’s guided by God, and this person can be safely dealt with, even though I can take most people if they were to be problematic, no need to endanger oneself.
One time, I had the intense drive to go driving at about 1:30 am, and followed where I felt led to go, ended up 7 miles away, and saw a figure in silhouette on a landscape boulder in a parking lot, hunched over. To most people, he may have blended in, looked like part of the boulder. I was to pull in around the corner and ask him if he needed anything. There was also a 24-hour restaurant with a drive up right across the street, one of the very rare ones in the city.
So I rolled up and asked him if he needed anything. He said “No, I’m not homeless…yet”. (I had made no such assumption or implication, btw). And then he said “I’m thinking about taking a leap”, to which I asked in a playful, friendly voice “what kind of leap?”, and he said “a leap of faith, if I should trust God”. I said “You’re the guy!” He asked “what guy?” And I said “you’re the guy I’m supposed to help. I just got out of bed, drove here from 7 miles away, until I got to this corner, turned to see you sitting in shadow, barely visible in a parking lot with the lights out, (big lot, all but one or two were out), and was told to come check on you. I was supposed to drive until I found someone who needed help, and you’re the guy, God sent me to talk to you”.
He was under serious, serious demonic oppression, he would even tell me the demons were talking to him as we spoke, which I already could perceive. We both talked openly about the whole deal, and the issues going on, until it was all talked out and the sun came up, and he walked home, just across the street and down a few buildings.
Another guy was just stranded with a car that wouldn’t start, out in sub-freezing weather, his phone was dead. Also randomly found him freezing in an empty, dark parking lot, in the wee hours, and just gave him a lift. He’d been walking from his car, which was in another parking lot. It’s amazing the situations that happen in the wee hours.
Sometimes a guy will ask why I’m not afraid of helping him, being a woman. I tell them I’m sure I could take them if I needed to, (I’m driving anyway, you don’t want to test me on that one), but I didn’t think I’d need to, and that I don’t help just anyone. Only the ones I’m told to help.
I’ve also been told NOT to stop and help people. I always listen. Don’t let your heart rule decisions on whom to help, whether in safe situations or less safe and secure situations. No, no, no. That’s how people get hurt, or your gifts are wasted, “casting pearls before swine, where they’ll be trampled”.
While there are times in life where it has occurred more often than others, or it lets off for awhile, it would be boring to live a life without these little adventures.
One trait I don’t hear discussed much is that ***while INFJ’s can adjust to any situation easily, they do best with one-on-one interactions***, where the other person can receive 100% of their undivided attention, and can speak more freely than he or she otherwise could. It builds a safety bubble, though again, total strangers have begun to spill it all standing in line where others can hear, still, people are most comfortable doing so with less of an audience.
We shine in those situations where we have lots of time, and a comfortable, private space for another person to fully open up, and root out some of their truly difficult issues.
That’s a major downside of traditional therapy. They give someone 50 minutes of their time, and some may go “90 minutes”” which would be 80 actual minutes, but it takes more than that for someone to relax, open up, and really let things flow, be given the needed insight, and let it process, sink in and stick, so that the person can feel confident going out the door, with a plan of action they feel they can achieve, not feeling uncertain, and cut off. Being cut off right when they’ve opened up is not good for their whole mental state. Not good at all. It can make it all worse, really. More anxious. More rejected. More a mess.
Just when the person is finally to a critical point, it’s “we’ll pick this up next time”, a reminder it’s all about the money, not real care. It would be far more beneficial, if one is going to do such therapy at all, to have a therapist with longer appointments, only 1-3 appointments scheduled for an entire day (shorter or long work day). Be willing to book long appointments of 3-5 hours, even more if necessary, and if the “patient” (I detest that word, it sounds degrading to me) feels it’s time to wrap it up, then he or she can make the choice to do so. That is more empowering, and yes, it should be pro-rated and yes, therapists charge enough as it is, so take the hit once in awhile, and give people the time they really need.
I think INFJ’s are sorely needed in this arena, but not necessarily as a psychologist or counselor (and it’s too bad this is too controlled, as a “formal education” can twist and ruin the otherwise gifted, intuitive mind of someone who was born with the ability, and given the life experience to be a natural counselor), or be willing to give that kind of time randomly when the proper situation arises. We get rewarded in other ways when we do this.
I’m sure lots of INFJ’s give time randomly when it is fitting to do so, and this casual, impromptu style can even build far more confidence, and leave more of a lasting impression than weeks, months, or even years of therapy. The person isn’t paying someone to care, we just do, because that person is a human being, is suffering, and needs our time and care (not foolish care, but firm guiding care), and that itself goes a long way. We are supposed to give to those who can do nothing to repay us, cheerfully, joyously, just because we are blessed to be able to do so.
It’s terrible how society has become so insensitive to other human life. If it were puppies or kittens, many would do more for them than their fellow man, all fellow mankind, and all the more so the defenseless.
I’ve had people tell me they’d just been praying that someone, ANYONE would be nice to them today, to have one single kind word. How hard is it to be that person to everyone we see, find something kind (not nice, but kind) to say, something to encourage someone. And even a simple, but very sincere “thank you” wouldn’t be amiss, either. How many say they don’t even hear THAT anymore?
One guy said he had just asked in his heart for someone, anyone who wasn’t homeless as he was, to just be kind to him, see him as a human being, acknowledge him, that he just needed that from someone who had a regular life. It was 2am, and I was out and about, and was told to go back around to that street, and saw him. He was digging in a dumpster, and he not the only one I’ve seen.
It’s not hard to at least greet people, say good morning/afternoon/evening, even if one doesn’t have time or cash to hand out. A smile and acknowledgement of another’s humanity wouldn’t hurt. It’s being treated as inferior, or as invisible that despairs people the most. He was happy I’d go get him any available food, sadly the fast food he wanted had just closed a bit early, as he wanted a salad, not a burger, it’s hard for the homeless, because often people offer the cheapest food, not so much the healthiest option, (which can be all THEY can afford, either, so no judgment there). So I was able to round up some food and treats for him, and just meeting random people is a lot of fun for me.
When they can have anything they want from a grocery or fast food, they’ll often ask for the cheapest thing, and that’s when I’ll say no. No, you are worth more than the cheapest thing, the cheapest cheeseburger, or the 99¢ hotdogs (I won’t buy those disgusting things, but I will buy anything better than that. No one should have those as any kind of treat, or as a baseline offering. I’ve had $6/week for groceries in my lifetime, too, it pretty much bought tortillas and lettuce, and maybe some cheese slices, if I could drag it out, so I get it, but not when we are giving an offering to them.). It’s nice to have the ability to meet a need now and then.
If I had a billion dollars, it would be fun to make daily trips, or near daily trips, and just be guided to the next adventure. Might be fun to have someone to come along now and then, though as I said before, they open up the most when it’s one-on-one, or when one treats as equals a few people who are feeling they are inferior; or are not necessarily feeling inferior, but they feel they are being *seen* and *treated* as inferior.
I once worked with a very toxic person who seemed to have it out for me. I think just by being myself I subconsciously triggered her shame and she saw me as an obstacle to what she thought she deserved.
Oh how you nailed this on the head.. Thank you for making me think on this perspective 🙏
Only once? I seem to draw these people to me like a magnet. 😢
@@cc1k435 me too
@@cc1k435 Yes, me too. Three female bosses loathed me and I was their hardest working, responsible, quiet employee. Would have never caused any trouble, just wanted to come to work, be quietly brilliant and go home. I never knew why these bossy rude women had it in for me. I attracted narcissist bosses, friends, and husbands. Then something changed in me about three years ago and I stopped 'people-pleasing'...starting quietly observing, stopped being nervous. I now seem to repel narcissists. Not sure what changed me, but I'm happier now.
Some people seem to automatically feel threatened by me quickly - not physically & not that I'm going to DO anything to them. Almost llike, they know I can see who they really are instead of whatever facade they have up. They do not like me, I guess, because they don't know if/when I might expose them, even if I have no reason or even thoughts about doing anything like that.
They all think Im wild dreamer. They think that the things I do will never actually accomplish anything in the end. But they obviously don't know anything about me.
You may relate to this.... everyone agrees we are misunderstood, but the definitions get warped along the way. They view misunderstood as lost& crazy. We know the truth,misunderstood means they lack in vital knowledge we possess.
They lack the scope for the way our minds work. I do everything I set out to do, sooner or later.
Both insightful and on track. Thank you. ❤
I felt this way
Well Said!
INFJs, even if they’re mostly silent, are just particularly impactful “inspire you and your whole company/organization to step your whole game up” type individuals. That’s just kind of how we roll.
I have interacted with these rare people most moments in my life and found that they're indeed the coolest to be close with in so many ways. ❤❤❤
Aw. Thank you❤ that was sweet.
Older INFJ here, got a compliment the other day from one of our vendors. She phoned and said that she knows she can be a hard-ass on her employees but when I enter the room they all settle right down. My bubble person thought, well I guess I’m a natural sedative.
I've been told I have a calming effect on people also.
I'm a natural laxative
0:45. 1) comforting ego-boost
2:03. 2) self-reflection
3:16. 3) humbling
4:38. 4) soulmate
5:59. 5) dreamer
7:16. 6) truth-seeking
8:33. 7) self-improvement
As an older INFJ (I am 67), I find that this video is spot on, at least in my experience. Thanks for the thoughtful video.
Thank you for the confirmation!🙏
I"m 63 and agree totally with you and the bideo. Kind Regards Jayne.
I am 52 INFJ :) the video is spot on
I'm 69, have always been different. Along with discovering I'm INFJ (sigma now, empathic before). Last year I was diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD at 68. Lots of discoveries recently that would have been wonderful to know sooner, explained so much to me, but at least I know now. Very happy to finally have a reason I'm different.
63 🦉waiting for ASD diagnosis.already ADHD. Learning how to fly 🦅
Unfortunately, there are people who do not understand the positive offered, instead avoid interaction to avoid internal analysis because of insecure and unnecessary comparison. The sense of misunderstanding externally appears arrayed at times. The video's information is truth, as I've witnessed throughout my life. Gratitude to the creator--you've managed to naturally offer inviting comfort, gratefully accepted.
I've heard many of these compliments before, also the one about other seeing me as a soul-mate is very accurate. Yet, I've also been perceived as a know-it-all by two past friends. Sometimes I just have such a hard time watching people close to me make bad choices and suffering for it, but when I warn them it's not always appreciated. But then again, most of my close friends do appreciate my advice and understand that it comes from a good place and are also upfront with me about the given advice. I also highly appreciate it when friends give me well tought out advice, it makes me feel supported and cared for.
We're also very good at clearing a room
Insanely good at that with a nuance that people don't even see
@@nickahlmeyer7780what do you mean by that...clearing a room? Ty
Geez, I had an incident today. A group of women( which you all knows almost never happens) have been visiting lately. I was struggling with it because you know. Well one of them ended up in hospital. I let everyone know as soon as I knew, making sure nobody was left out. This morning I spoke to one of the ladies and low and behold a few of them went to visit at the hospital. 2 times and didn’t even think to ask me. I found out because she was casually telling me about their visits. It was like I was hit with a cast iron skillet. I just sat stunned. Finally asking and nobody thought to ask me? She looked shocked and very easily said no! i did not! . I suppose the look on my face said it all. She asked that I forgive them for their ignorance, she never thought about it. See that’s what I’m having trouble with. That they never even thought of me. That made realize my place in this group and I made it very clear that if this is my place in this group I’m done. . We talked a bit more with her as asking for me to not do that. The thing is when one of the other ladies came she went straight in the building without even acknowledging me. I’m screaming inside!
I know that feeling well. 😢
@@cc1k435 it sooo sucks dont it?
Probably a good idea to find other, better friends who can really appreciate you.
@@valeriezaitzieff1462 done…
I get left out all the time...
As a 32 year old INFJ woman, i can completely agree with this
A group holiday with strangers can often be a nightmare for INFJ for this reason. Seeing clearly, the attention seekers will hate them. And the INFJ find it hard to suffer fools gladly (though they may try to be polite to avoid open hostilities).
My experience - group holiday with strangers - gah!
group holiday with attention seekers! They just cant stand the fact that you dont need nor want any attention from the others. They will come to push your buttons just to get a reaction from you. Doing this costs extra energy form the INFJ just to make others feel better. If i dont do it they dont like me. I understand that INFJs have to put out some energy too but there just isnt that much and people cant understand it. Explaining it to them also takes another cup of energy, thats why i only explain myself to the people i value the most.
most people just find me confusing, im not confused, i just struggle to give information in an order most people can follow as i see it all at once.
i had a friend who keeps getting involved with walking red flags, the most recent one was the last straw, i said she was following the usall pattern, she said get lost
Don’t worry if you are an INFJ, your friend will be back. Once I bond with my friends they are committed. Even those with issues and cut me off; ALWAYS COME BACK. I am good to them. Problem is they see our support as mundane and some folks want magic until their world is shattered, after this they just want someone to comfort them. Many people don’t realize the most comfortable they will ever be is when they are allowed to be themselves and that is the arena I welcome them to. Who they are belongs to them, just need reminding; that’s where we (INFJ) come in. That is the essence of our power. You don’t have to do anything for your friend let her find out. You have done what a good friend would do. Sounds like she has to find out the hard way .😢❤
Try my hardest to have a positive effect for certain!
Absolutely 😌
I can walk into a room, feel everyone's emotions/moods and change the vibe to whatever I want.
my dry Humor is putting everybody to laugh like crazy :D
Yep. When I was young I hated it when people laughed at me. I wanted to be taken seriously. Now I'm older, I see it as a gift. Perhaps it's because I see the funny side of most things. Or maybe I'm just ridiculous! Lol
Nailed it!!! Love how validating your videos are. Thank you😊
Thanks for this one. It helps me feel better as I approach my day. I have managed to change people's mind's about their beliefs without really trying - It's interesting to see it mentioned here.
Hello everyone,
infj male 43 & i am almost nowhere, together with know one i am nobody...
Pretty accurate...
Unapologetic... (is a super power) know matter what dark/light i do i Unapologetically own it & will not apologize for being myself or myself● Sending love to aLL¡¡¡❤❤
I have never in my life watched a video I relate to more. 😮 This is both why I i love myself and why I ha all the problems I do...
This couldn’t describe me any better. Everything you said is me 100%!
My brother has accused me of Pontificating. I thought thia was unfair but in light of this video, I can see his point.
I find it to be to much how after one conversation I’m being asked to get married or be in a relationship people come on strong and are very upset I’m not going along with that lol
I find that so many people both people I know for a long time or even people I have just met often tell me their life story and/or things about themselves or their family that I am shocked to hear.
Accuracy narrated and truth ... thanks.
Wow. Best one I've come across.
People think INFJ as manipulators though INFJ has nothing but good intentions to help others . Poor INFJS always misunderstood. May be INFJ shouldn't lose themselves in helping others.
I guess I am unable to change and will continue to help people even while walking on eggshells.
That last part makes sense. It took a very hard experience to learn to take care of oneself before quickly putting on a cape for others. Most people "get it" in their own time, not on ours or vice versa.
Sniff....😢 So true.
This is spot on.
Best INFJ description vid 'of me' to date. A bit scary..😉
I used my INFG skills while working as a nonprofit manager. Setting myself aside to build up clients
I’m definitely an INFJ however coupled with chronic ADHD and acute anxiety spiked with a bad memory due to a prenatal birth complication which has resulted in severe depression that only Maria Sabina can cure
I know I do,I don't want to waste my time on some people. That's so contradictory, because I really am a caring person.
All of the above ❤
#4 yeah.
People reject us because they don’t believe we can be real?
nahh, you believe your ego its on check, and its all the contrary
I seriously don't know any effects I give to people. I mean i go to work after about a week off and co workers are like hey where have you been? And by name too. I'm looking at them, thinking I didn't know anyone would notice I wasn't around or even knew my name. Well at least I know my body won't be rotten for long at home, cause someone would send a wellness check. That's good to know.
I trip people out.
What happened to number 8?
Number 1 for me
Number 1 ❤
This is scary Af.
An INFJ serves as a mirror to the other. Think about that for a moment.
We really do!
8:33 44%
We are the good old souls. But the world has many more bad souls ❤
Gosh.. how infj suppose to know that ? Infj only being em self what inside come out side , its about TBH TBH TBH agree or disagree, like it or not, care or ignore, act n react, is that so hard to understand ? I thought its all common character like everyone else , infj also got that all feeling efect from others, is it uncommon ?
You said ' 8 ' and only gave 7.
I am INFJ and I like to walk naked, I also comfort people around me to compliment my peanut
Why do you people always ask people to like And subscribe to a video they haven't seen yet?
Only a fool would like something before they have seen it and know whether or not they like it (just saying)
That might be the prompt someone needs to like or subscribe before they go to another video or put the phones down as a lot of people don’t watch til the very end of most videos.
That's such an INFJ thing to say 😂
Wherever I work People always open up to me and i become their confident and advisor. Also after getting into some deep conversations about conspiracies people come up to me years later and say I was right😂 The older I get the comfortable I become in my own skin and less of a people pleaser.👍🏽