Clear For Takeoff (Aviation Movie)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 143

  • @TheEurofighter
    @TheEurofighter  6 лет назад +93

    It’s time to step up the game soon... I'm about to become a pilot. 😈

    • @yashkhanchandani4520
      @yashkhanchandani4520 5 лет назад +3

      CONGRATULATIONS MAN, hats off to you for the movie and spirit!

    • @pritamlaskar7265
      @pritamlaskar7265 5 лет назад +1

      Congratulations man ! Just wishing you a great life ahead !

    • @031films8
      @031films8 5 лет назад +1

      Powodzenia ! Będzie dużo nauki - ale warto ;)

    • @Seba-ch3yq
      @Seba-ch3yq 5 лет назад

      Congrats man! Me too, shortly😍

    • @luna8327
      @luna8327 4 года назад +1

      I hope one day.. I can write this sentence too..

  • @vegarduhre
    @vegarduhre Год назад +7

    My father was a captain and pilot for SAS. He retired early last year. He started flying training planes in the US, then Lockheed P-3 Orion for the army, he became a commercial pilot, then was promoted to Captain. He flew Boeing 737 for majority of his life until he was retired. My biggest childhood memory was that he would always take the time bringing me and my siblings to sport practise regardless of how tired he was when coming home. He spent many days away working. He always provided for his family, always being there as a father. One day I hope to make him as proud as I am of him. Thanks for the beautiful video :)

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  Год назад +2

      Thank you so much for sharing this remarkable story! All the best to you!

  • @benjipilot2006
    @benjipilot2006 Год назад +1

    Beautiful video…. Thank you for motivating us 🙏

  • @Bojan911S
    @Bojan911S Месяц назад +1

    Thank you for the video you brought us closer to airplanes, to us who didn't make our dream come true😞 ❤

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  Месяц назад +1

      There is always time to follow your dream as long as you believe in it!

  • @AntoniaAtaide
    @AntoniaAtaide 5 лет назад +30

    "Thank you for rocking the wings..." I'm watching this video for .... how many times? Oh, again... a tear in my eye... oh, man...

  • @diegogarcia2515
    @diegogarcia2515 3 года назад +4

    AVIATION is our reason. ✈️🥇

  • @caryljovellanos6869
    @caryljovellanos6869 2 года назад +2

    I want to become a cabin crew, I love watching films like this, it actually makes me cry bc this is my ultimate dream. I cant wait to achieve it 😭❤️ thank you for this ✈️

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  2 года назад +1

      Follow your dreams! No matter what, go for it and the satisfaction later on will pay off all the difficult and tough moments. All the best on the way to fulfillment!

  • @adamvigoczki7858
    @adamvigoczki7858 5 лет назад +15


  • @Ryanairman
    @Ryanairman 9 месяцев назад

    What a great video wish there were more like this, the part with the a380 gave me chills.

  • @danmcguire7728
    @danmcguire7728 3 года назад +1

    This must be the absolutely TOP video on RUclips! I had my speakers up so high, your video literally rocked my house, windows and the best part, my soul!

  • @AbdulazizAlmawash
    @AbdulazizAlmawash 3 года назад +5

    0:43 the way he intentionally (clearly) matched the strobe/beacon lights with the beats... SUPERB editing idea there!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  3 года назад +3

      I'm so glad you noticed it! Those are the things I'm aware of when editing, while most viewers won't even notice those small details! Thank you!

  • @Uncommon_Sense01
    @Uncommon_Sense01 4 года назад +1

    Man those 8380's are beautiful! Had the pleasure of being in one on the way to London a few years ago, i'll never forget it!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад +1

      I'm glad for you! I didn't have the pleasure yet. Hope to make it before they will be all retired!

    • @Uncommon_Sense01
      @Uncommon_Sense01 4 года назад +1

      @@TheEurofighter Thanks! Good luck mate, i hope you make it 👍

  • @antonik2674
    @antonik2674 5 лет назад +30

    I'm so amazed dude. Actually words cant Express how amazing this is, especially the ending, so touching honestly. From the bottom of my heart this is by far the best thing I've ever watched on RUclips. Pure genius and beauty and it really reminded me why I love aviation so much. Truly truly beautiful.

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад +2

      Wow, thank you so much for this honest comment! Really made me smile! Thank you! :)

    • @antonik2674
      @antonik2674 5 лет назад +1

      @@TheEurofighter Thank you for the video!!

    • @scentedify
      @scentedify 4 года назад +2

      my heart is pumping @ 1000000000 bpm while watching

    • @mountains_beaches98
      @mountains_beaches98 2 года назад

      @@scentedify same feeling here.

  • @michaelhoffmann2891
    @michaelhoffmann2891 4 года назад +3

    Utterly stunning imagery and soundtrack, not ashamed to say I had tears in my eyes. Gods, I miss flying. Curse genetics and my decaying eyes. All the best to you and your flying!

  • @AntoniaAtaide
    @AntoniaAtaide 4 года назад +2

    Hello, Eurofighter! I'm here once again... and watching this video over and over again. Where are your videos? Hope you're piloting and flying high!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад

      Would you believe me if I told you I'm working on a new one at this exact moment? ;)

  • @TamTam-pu7ed
    @TamTam-pu7ed 2 года назад +1

    This is a beautiful gorgeous video thank you so much 4 sharing and it’s a reminder for all pilots that are no longer flying to go back to the sky it’s not 2 late an it’s a reminder to all pilots that are flying that flying it’s like choosing a job that you really love an now you don’t have to work a single day
    Flying is simply beautiful it’s simply gorgeous flying is simply the best.
    Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."
    Leonardo da Vinci

  • @Salmomaniak
    @Salmomaniak 5 лет назад +4

    Jak zawsze kapitalny film. Gratuluję !

  • @aviationrecruitmentassessm4
    @aviationrecruitmentassessm4 5 лет назад +2

    Genialne momenty uchwycone, niecodzienne maszyny, super klimat. Gratulujemy cierpliwości ;-) Znakomity jak zwykle filmik!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад

      Dziękuję, bardzo mi miło słyszeć te słowa, szczególnie od Was! ;)

  • @dibellaslandscaping
    @dibellaslandscaping 4 года назад +1

    wow breath taking great video

  • @PlanesWeekly
    @PlanesWeekly 6 лет назад +14

    Great job with this video! Beautiful send off for the MD-11, one of our personal favorites! Thanks for your work!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  6 лет назад +2

      I must admit, it was very touching to see the MD-11 depart for the last time with such a nice farewell from the ATC!

  • @slukas1375
    @slukas1375 4 года назад +1

    Exceptional video. Well done. Greetings from Canada.

  • @AntoniaAtaide
    @AntoniaAtaide 5 лет назад

    Wow... oh... my... God... WOW!!!! Yes, I put my headphones on... and I'm writing this with tears in my eyes... what an astonishing video!!! The music! The... EVERYTHING!!! oH, How I love planes... more than anything... Amazing!!! please, more, more, MORE!!!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you so much for this emotional comment! More to come!

  • @BernardoVadell
    @BernardoVadell 4 года назад +2

    Just one word, awesome

  • @LuBiBochum
    @LuBiBochum 4 года назад +2

    Hello, this is awesome footage. All my thumbs for you. The movie is a rocker 👍👍👍 Cheers LuBi

  • @jellyeater9000
    @jellyeater9000 5 лет назад +5

    this is the most underrated thing i've ever seen. more people need to watch your videos! they're amazing!

  • @akishmangaram5350
    @akishmangaram5350 2 года назад +1

    My dream is to, one day , grab a microphone and say "...your captain speaking..."

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  2 года назад

      Go for it buddy, always follow your dreams!

  • @sandyy.8244
    @sandyy.8244 5 лет назад +1

    Splendid and glorious! Just wow !!!!

  • @unlockingworld7269
    @unlockingworld7269 4 года назад +1

    Nice work man keep it up 👍

  • @pilotstas8574
    @pilotstas8574 5 лет назад +2

    Genialna praca! Więcejjjjj!!!

  • @mikoajczyczyn9784
    @mikoajczyczyn9784 4 года назад +1

    WOW! Great job!

  • @guinea-pigonglideslope1529
    @guinea-pigonglideslope1529 4 года назад +1

    G... G... Greeeeat Channel ... Especially I love the music

    @KIKIESSAM 3 года назад +1

    Great job

  • @maciejwieczorek2076
    @maciejwieczorek2076 6 лет назад +3

    Bardzo ładne, gratulacje!

  • @aviationenthusiast3071
    @aviationenthusiast3071 4 года назад +1

    Loved it I hope to make videos like these one day

  • @AlonsoTrjll
    @AlonsoTrjll 5 лет назад +6

    Very impressive Jacob, wonderful cinematography and editing! Best of luck with your pilot career, as a pilot myself, I can tell that you will truly love it!

  • @gonzalosangroniz2719
    @gonzalosangroniz2719 5 лет назад +2

    Luchare por este sueño!😸😃

  • @mylosairplanefan
    @mylosairplanefan 6 лет назад +1

    That was truly breathtaking. Well done!

  • @pritamlaskar7265
    @pritamlaskar7265 5 лет назад +1

    It's very decent and pleasing. Very pleasing music and cinematography. Keep it up ! I really loved how you've brought some life into that ending, sending off that MD-11 and those kind words of the ATC. Good day !

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you so much! A special farewell for a special plane!

  • @michaelhoffmann2891
    @michaelhoffmann2891 2 года назад +1

    I come back to watch this video ever so often and thought I'd ask how are you going with your training? Hope all is going well even in these times! All the best!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  2 года назад +1

      Thank you for asking! I'm currently at the very end of my ATPL exams, hoping to pass the whole thing next month. After the exams looking forward to the most pleasurable thing left. Flying. I'm really hoping to have some more time in the near future top create some new videos from my hours building flying.

    • @michaelhoffmann2891
      @michaelhoffmann2891 2 года назад

      @@TheEurofighter Fantastic news! Any job prospects on the horizon?

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  2 года назад +1

      ​@@michaelhoffmann2891 Some major low cost carriers came to our aviation collage for some assessments already at fall past year. Since then I'm a little bit less nervous about the current pilot job situation.

    • @michaelhoffmann2891
      @michaelhoffmann2891 2 года назад

      @@TheEurofighter What's the hour requirements right now?

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  2 года назад

      ​@@michaelhoffmann2891 Depends from the airline. Around 250 I'd say.

  • @eL-mr__Mario
    @eL-mr__Mario 5 лет назад +1

    WOW ! !
    Thank You for Sharing ! ! Job (VERY) Well Done ! !

  • @VirtuosoAviation
    @VirtuosoAviation 5 лет назад +1

    Fantastic video! Love the editing

  • 6 лет назад +2

    Nice one 🤙🏼
    This is really impressive!

  • @karolciesluk8119
    @karolciesluk8119 6 лет назад +1

    Absolutely amazing!

  • @przychodzkipl
    @przychodzkipl 6 лет назад +1

    Genialny film. Brawo.

  • @luz.francolima
    @luz.francolima 5 лет назад +1

    Belíssimo vídeo e belíssima fotografia... o melhor momento a decolagem.💖⭐💖⭐💖⭐💖

  • @PlaneSpottingBerlin
    @PlaneSpottingBerlin 6 лет назад +1

    very beautiful video!
    It feelt like a full movie even though it is only 5 minutes long - great job!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  6 лет назад

      Danke, bald gibts mehr von mir, aber als pilot ;)

  • @iKeFPS
    @iKeFPS 6 лет назад +1

    Nice work again Jacob ❤️

  • @dmloopez_26
    @dmloopez_26 6 лет назад +3

    YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Amazing video, it made my hair stand on end, it even made me drop some tears

  • @rayeesmohammed7656
    @rayeesmohammed7656 2 года назад +1

    The only thing you missed was : the sound of revving up of engines.
    Nothing compensates it.

  • @AileronAviationFilms
    @AileronAviationFilms 6 лет назад +24

    Wow, you absolutely nailed this one mate! In my eyes the best film you've ever produced, absolutely stunning! I really loved the combination of different music, soundeffects, engine sound and ATC, you welded it into a masterpiece. The A380 waterspray departure and the UPS MD-11 was my absolute favourite! I think I have to go spotting at WAW, I love how close you are to the aircraft and the fantastic runway view! Many thanks for this stunning production and happy new year 2019 :) Thumbs up!

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  6 лет назад +2

      Thank you so much for this fantastic summary! To be honest, there are less and less places where you can have a good shot, since the expansion of the cargo terminal. Soon the passenger terminal is going to expand as well, which will unfortunatly cause even more spotting places to dissapear. Some places from where I've filmed in my "Four Aviation Seasons" are already gone most likely forever. Actually that's the reason why this one is so short and probably the last one from EPWA for now (and beacause of my pilot education). By the way, I wish you all the best for 2019 as well!

    • @AileronAviationFilms
      @AileronAviationFilms 6 лет назад +2

      @@TheEurofighter Thank you :) Wishing you blue skies and fair winds :)

  • @MaxAviationVideos
    @MaxAviationVideos 5 лет назад +1

    Very nice video! :) Epic feeling

  • @robertlachomes7697
    @robertlachomes7697 5 лет назад +2

    Popłakałem się.Serio. Rób to dalej bo ci to wychodzi. 🙂

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад

      Ogromnie mi miło, wkrótce będzie więcej :)

  • @rafaelamoraes1940
    @rafaelamoraes1940 6 лет назад +2

    This is perfectttt😦😦😍😍😍😍👏👏👏

  • @boeutkano3035
    @boeutkano3035 5 лет назад

    Fantastyczna impresja, piękna muza. I do tego usłyszałem swój głos w tle (APP). Chylę czoła.

  • @Keyemel
    @Keyemel 6 лет назад +3

    Piękne! Szacun!

  • @diegogarcia2515
    @diegogarcia2515 3 года назад

    2:50 There is no FL100, they start in FL180 unless it's a CLD or something similar.

  • @aqibsindhu8317
    @aqibsindhu8317 3 года назад

    Ohhhh love it

  • @henrikvonbahr7430
    @henrikvonbahr7430 5 лет назад +2

    Hey, its Intrepid from the Bf community if you remember me xD I love this! I showed it to my dad as well, who is a captain at TUI Nordic and he loved it as well! Can't imagine how much work goes into this, huge respect

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад +1

      Hey man! Good to hear from you! I'm glad you and your dad have enjoyed it! Truly makes me feel happy! :D

  • @rann_28
    @rann_28 5 лет назад

    More upload plz. I miss your amazing video

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  5 лет назад +1

      There will be more soon, don't worry! ;)

  • @prestonbryant4257
    @prestonbryant4257 3 года назад +2

    i will be a pilot, i just know it

  • @samaviation6399
    @samaviation6399 4 года назад +2

    I'm a 14 year old and I've already saved up 15% of my 65k Euro training
    Wmgl fellow future pilots

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад

      Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hope to see you soon in the sky :)

    • @samaviation6399
      @samaviation6399 4 года назад +1

      @@TheEurofighter thanks man

  • @Jan.mp3
    @Jan.mp3 5 лет назад +1

    Nice Video but the best part is from 3:00-5:20 with the clips,music and Atc voice.. Realy good👌👍My highlight of the Video is the UPS MD11 part and the hand of at the end of the video❤

  • @RegHunterWL
    @RegHunterWL 4 года назад +1

    Nice :)

  • @daviation4408
    @daviation4408 5 лет назад +1

    WOW 😍👌🏻

  • @cockpitlife737
    @cockpitlife737 4 года назад +1

    Cool it is the dreams

  • @ŁukaszKorybo
    @ŁukaszKorybo 4 года назад

    Zakochałem się w Twoich produkcjach... Od dawna mi chodzi taki pomysł z Wrocławskim lotniskiem, ale ze skupieniem tego co na płycie. Problemem też jest to, że większość samolotów to 737, A320, E190 i dachówki. 777 był raz, 747 kilka, zdarzył się też Antek, ale ogólnie ciężko o różnorodność.

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад +1

      Wymówki... ;) Gorąco polecam jednego z moich ulubionych polskich twórców: Gryfny Fliger i jego film z EPKK. Nie ma w nim ani jednego szerokokadłubowego samolotu, a jednak jego film ma niesamowity klimat. Dla chcącego nie ma nic niemożliwego :)

    • @ŁukaszKorybo
      @ŁukaszKorybo 4 года назад

      @@TheEurofighter Rozumiem, aczkolwiek borykam się z większą ilością problemów :D Na EPWR ciężko znaleźć ładne miejsca do filmowania. Mam możliwość z płyty, ale na płycie są też obowiązki no i do takiego filmowania trzeba uzyskać zgodę dyżurnego portu, o którą obecnie nie jest łatwe.

  • @harinideepak3542
    @harinideepak3542 4 года назад +1


  • @aviationazzurraita1486
    @aviationazzurraita1486 4 года назад +2

    RIP ELAL B747

  • @naoidentificado9352
    @naoidentificado9352 2 года назад +1

    Um avião que vai viagem com os passageiros e também juntos com as Eram moça pra orientar os passageiros pra ficar em seus lugares pra em contra com sua família que já estou esperando no Aeroporto E cada pilotos sempre vai estar nó até levando os passageiros que Eles são guerreiros em tudo que faz

  • @dennisgraham3087
    @dennisgraham3087 4 года назад

    This is similar to Aierilion Aviation Videos. Which are Very Cool.

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад +1

      I know them! They create awesome content indeed!

  • @infoandmotivationaltv5636
    @infoandmotivationaltv5636 6 лет назад +2

    InshAllah I will take off my pane somewhat and my daughter will become pilot....InshAllah

  • @ericgu9036
    @ericgu9036 4 года назад +1

    80 knots..... v1...... rotate.... positive rate, gear up

  • @flywvincent
    @flywvincent 6 лет назад +1

    incredible scene!!!😍 What’s the soundtrack?

  • @oussamasmihrou274
    @oussamasmihrou274 4 года назад

    am sorry to use the part 'use your headphones 'part n my music video
    i dd know how to directly contact you

    • @TheEurofighter
      @TheEurofighter  4 года назад

      Sorry, I don’t give permission to that.

  • @joshuagroenewald6198
    @joshuagroenewald6198 5 лет назад +1

    woahhhh hold on. I didn't know Qatar had a 747-8i?? Thought they only had the freighter? Unless that's a converted freighter?

  • @thomas73c85
    @thomas73c85 6 лет назад +1

    Air austral❤️

  • @AaronShenghao
    @AaronShenghao 6 лет назад

    You need a Epilepsy warning at 1:30...

  • @RetalityEU
    @RetalityEU 6 лет назад

    Shit the brick man

  • @DiroversChannel
    @DiroversChannel 5 лет назад

    L B L B ❤👍

  • @infoandmotivationaltv5636
    @infoandmotivationaltv5636 6 лет назад +1

    I wanna become domestic pilot

  • @pba6608
    @pba6608 5 лет назад

    One of the best aviation emotional videos I've watched. (except for this sh** Isreal flag on the B747. It badly disfigured her beauty!)

  • @chetank552
    @chetank552 Год назад

    If I die in this battle... I would love everybody to remember me as a FALLEN STUDENT...... 🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾👌👌👌👌👌
    The Lost Student