查到5篇有關「冥想能降低眼壓(IOP),增加眼底血流量(ocular blood flow)」的paper,都有非常正向的結果。 「每天冥想1小時,持續3週」,統計結果顯示大約2/3的人能「降低大約4-5mmHg的眼壓,增加2-3%視網膜神經纖維層血管密度(RNFL vessel density),增加3-4%的視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)」,效果算是非常顯著! 另外,也有查到「自律神經失調(autonomic dysfunction)是正常眼壓型青光眼(normal-tension glaucoma, NTG)的主要原因」,因為「交感神經過於活躍(Low HRV (heart rate variability))」,造成視神經周圍的血管收縮(vasoconstriction),因此視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)變差,造成視神經萎縮。 有興趣想「從根本改善青光眼的人」,可以看看下面的paper,至少看看「實驗結果」,真的會增加很多信心! 目的: (1) 讓我們「對於冥想的效果有信心」。 (2) 了解到「恢復自律神經穩定的重要性」。 ===== 冥想對於改善青光眼的正面影響 ===== - Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Glaucoma Patients: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6710928/ Conclusion: Meditation can positively modulate cellular pathways (Flowchart 1) involved in glaucoma pathogenesis leading to a "significant reduction in IOP" and improve the quality of life of glaucoma patients. - Beneficial effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on optic disc perfusion in primary open angle glaucoma: A randomized controlled trial: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S222541102100081X Results: In the intervention group, 23 (38%) eyes had less than 10% reduction in IOP, 33 (55%) eyes had a 10-15% reduction in IOP, and 4 (7%) eyes had more than 15% reduction in IOP; while the control group had only 4% reduction in IOP. In our study, the mean percentage reduction in IOP after 6 weeks of MBSR was "10-25% in about two-thirds of the participants." - Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial: journals.lww.com/glaucomajournal/Abstract/2018/12000/Mindfulness_Meditation_Reduces_Intraocular.5.aspx Results: Between-group comparisons revealed significantly lowered IOP in meditators (OD: 18.8 to "12.7", OS 19.0 to "13.1" mm Hg). - Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Intraocular Pressure and Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression: A Randomized Controlled Trial: www.ajo.com/article/S0002-9394(20)30580-8/fulltext Results: At 3 weeks, a significant decrease in IOP was seen in Group 1 (20.16 ± 3.3 to "15.05 ± 2.4mm Hg"; P = .001), compared to Group 2 (21.2 ± 5.6 to 20.0 ± 5.8mm Hg; P = .38). - Mindfulness Meditation May Help Fight Glaucoma: www.aao.org/eye-health/news/mindfulness-meditation-may-help-fight-glaucoma Result: The study found 75 percent of the patients who practiced meditation had a "more-than 25 percent (about 4-5mmHg) drop in eye pressure." ===== 自律神經失調與青光眼的關係 ===== - The Effect of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction on the Progression of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9075998/ Conclusion: POAG patients with lower HRV, which reflects ANS dysfunction with sympathetic predominance, presented faster glaucoma progression than patients with higher HRV. The more rapid progression of POAG with lower HRV may be explained by IOP and vascular risk factors. - Autonomic Dysfunction and Blood Pressure in Glaucoma Patients: The Lifelines Cohort Study: iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2770802 Conclusion: Low HRV, high SBP, high PP, and hypertension were associated with glaucoma. - Heart rate variability in normal tension glaucoma: journals.lww.com/md-journal/Fulltext/2018/02020/Heart_rate_variability_in_normal_tension_glaucoma_.19.aspx Discussion: According to the results of the present study, the significant reduction in ocular blood flow in the major vessels supplying the optic nerve has been revealed in the NTG patients, and this reduction has correlated to HRV.
那你很有可能是自律神經失調,性格比較容易焦慮、緊張、急躁,A型人格、完美主義,造成「交感神經過於活躍(即Low HRV)」,尤其「頸部交感神經系統(cervical sympathetic system)」是控制眼底血管收縮(vasoconstriction )。長期交感神經活躍,造成眼底血管收縮起來,視網膜神經纖維血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)狀況不好,就造成視神經萎縮了。 所以你一定要放鬆壓力,讓自律神經恢復平衡,多做冥想或是學佛,擁有身心健康,大概狀況就會差很多,甚至停止惡化了,這才是治本的解決方法啊! ------------------ 查到5篇有關「冥想能降低眼壓(IOP),增加眼底血流量(ocular blood flow)」的paper,都有非常正向的結果。 「每天冥想1小時,持續3週」,統計結果顯示大約2/3的人能「降低大約4-5mmHg的眼壓,增加2-3%視網膜神經纖維層血管密度(RNFL vessel density),增加3-4%的視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)」,效果算是非常顯著! 另外,也有查到「自律神經失調(autonomic dysfunction)是正常眼壓型青光眼(normal-tension glaucoma, NTG)的主要原因」,因為「交感神經過於活躍(Low HRV (heart rate variability))」,造成視神經周圍的血管收縮(vasoconstriction),因此視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)變差,造成視神經萎縮。 有興趣想「從根本改善青光眼的人」,可以看看下面的paper,至少看看「實驗結果」,真的會增加很多信心! 目的: (1) 讓我們「對於冥想的效果有信心」。 (2) 了解到「恢復自律神經穩定的重要性」。 ===== 冥想對於改善青光眼的正面影響 ===== - Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Glaucoma Patients: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6710928/ Conclusion: Meditation can positively modulate cellular pathways (Flowchart 1) involved in glaucoma pathogenesis leading to a "significant reduction in IOP" and improve the quality of life of glaucoma patients. - Beneficial effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on optic disc perfusion in primary open angle glaucoma: A randomized controlled trial: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S222541102100081X Results: In the intervention group, 23 (38%) eyes had less than 10% reduction in IOP, 33 (55%) eyes had a 10-15% reduction in IOP, and 4 (7%) eyes had more than 15% reduction in IOP; while the control group had only 4% reduction in IOP. In our study, the mean percentage reduction in IOP after 6 weeks of MBSR was "10-25% in about two-thirds of the participants." - Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial: journals.lww.com/glaucomajournal/Abstract/2018/12000/Mindfulness_Meditation_Reduces_Intraocular.5.aspx Results: Between-group comparisons revealed significantly lowered IOP in meditators (OD: 18.8 to "12.7", OS 19.0 to "13.1" mm Hg). - Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Intraocular Pressure and Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression: A Randomized Controlled Trial: www.ajo.com/article/S0002-9394(20)30580-8/fulltext Results: At 3 weeks, a significant decrease in IOP was seen in Group 1 (20.16 ± 3.3 to "15.05 ± 2.4mm Hg"; P = .001), compared to Group 2 (21.2 ± 5.6 to 20.0 ± 5.8mm Hg; P = .38). - Mindfulness Meditation May Help Fight Glaucoma: www.aao.org/eye-health/news/mindfulness-meditation-may-help-fight-glaucoma Result: The study found 75 percent of the patients who practiced meditation had a "more-than 25 percent (about 4-5mmHg) drop in eye pressure." ===== 自律神經失調與青光眼的關係 ===== - The Effect of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction on the Progression of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9075998/ Conclusion: POAG patients with lower HRV, which reflects ANS dysfunction with sympathetic predominance, presented faster glaucoma progression than patients with higher HRV. The more rapid progression of POAG with lower HRV may be explained by IOP and vascular risk factors. - Autonomic Dysfunction and Blood Pressure in Glaucoma Patients: The Lifelines Cohort Study: iovs.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2770802 Conclusion: Low HRV, high SBP, high PP, and hypertension were associated with glaucoma. - Heart rate variability in normal tension glaucoma: journals.lww.com/md-journal/Fulltext/2018/02020/Heart_rate_variability_in_normal_tension_glaucoma_.19.aspx Discussion: According to the results of the present study, the significant reduction in ocular blood flow in the major vessels supplying the optic nerve has been revealed in the NTG patients, and this reduction has correlated to HRV.
萬分感謝 醫生 分享了那麼重要的知識。真的比我們美國許多醫生都要專業。很多細節,他們都沒說,比如點藥時間就算一小時 都很重要,還有點完藥要閉眼捏住鼻子 才會有效 才會沒有副作用。
如果你是 open-angle glaucoma (abnormal IOP), 可以與我聯絡, 西醫無法有效治療
open-angle glaucoma.
如果你是 open-angle glaucoma (abnormal IOP), 可以與我聯絡, 西醫無法有效治療
open-angle glaucoma.
医生您好,我 19 岁的女儿在 12 岁时患上了白内障和开角型青光眼,今天进行了这项手术,她的视力好很多,达到了十分之八,出色的近视力使青光眼给他的视力留下了严重的后遗症。设备和她的夜视力受到影响 她不能开车或骑自行车 我目前住在欧洲,特别是在法国 法国医生告诉我,我的女儿再也无法恢复视力了,我的问题是有没有希望给我的女儿。中国提高生活质量
请问上海哪家医院可以做这种手术 ? 谢谢
查到5篇有關「冥想能降低眼壓(IOP),增加眼底血流量(ocular blood flow)」的paper,都有非常正向的結果。
「每天冥想1小時,持續3週」,統計結果顯示大約2/3的人能「降低大約4-5mmHg的眼壓,增加2-3%視網膜神經纖維層血管密度(RNFL vessel density),增加3-4%的視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)」,效果算是非常顯著!
另外,也有查到「自律神經失調(autonomic dysfunction)是正常眼壓型青光眼(normal-tension glaucoma, NTG)的主要原因」,因為「交感神經過於活躍(Low HRV (heart rate variability))」,造成視神經周圍的血管收縮(vasoconstriction),因此視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)變差,造成視神經萎縮。
(1) 讓我們「對於冥想的效果有信心」。
(2) 了解到「恢復自律神經穩定的重要性」。
===== 冥想對於改善青光眼的正面影響 =====
- Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Glaucoma Patients:
Meditation can positively modulate cellular pathways (Flowchart 1) involved in glaucoma pathogenesis leading to a "significant reduction in IOP" and improve the quality of life of glaucoma patients.
- Beneficial effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on optic disc perfusion in primary open angle glaucoma: A randomized controlled trial:
In the intervention group, 23 (38%) eyes had less than 10% reduction in IOP, 33 (55%) eyes had a 10-15% reduction in IOP, and 4 (7%) eyes had more than 15% reduction in IOP; while the control group had only 4% reduction in IOP.
In our study, the mean percentage reduction in IOP after 6 weeks of MBSR was "10-25% in about two-thirds of the participants."
- Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial:
Between-group comparisons revealed significantly lowered IOP in meditators (OD: 18.8 to "12.7", OS 19.0 to "13.1" mm Hg).
- Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Intraocular Pressure and Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression: A Randomized Controlled Trial:
At 3 weeks, a significant decrease in IOP was seen in Group 1 (20.16 ± 3.3 to "15.05 ± 2.4mm Hg"; P = .001), compared to Group 2 (21.2 ± 5.6 to 20.0 ± 5.8mm Hg; P = .38).
- Mindfulness Meditation May Help Fight Glaucoma:
The study found 75 percent of the patients who practiced meditation had a "more-than 25 percent (about 4-5mmHg) drop in eye pressure."
===== 自律神經失調與青光眼的關係 =====
- The Effect of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction on the Progression of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma:
POAG patients with lower HRV, which reflects ANS dysfunction with sympathetic predominance, presented faster glaucoma progression than patients with higher HRV. The more rapid progression of POAG with lower HRV may be explained by IOP and vascular risk factors.
- Autonomic Dysfunction and Blood Pressure in Glaucoma Patients: The Lifelines Cohort Study:
Low HRV, high SBP, high PP, and hypertension were associated with glaucoma.
- Heart rate variability in normal tension glaucoma:
According to the results of the present study, the significant reduction in ocular blood flow in the major vessels supplying the optic nerve has been revealed in the NTG patients, and this reduction has correlated to HRV.
非常棒, I will try .
那你很有可能是自律神經失調,性格比較容易焦慮、緊張、急躁,A型人格、完美主義,造成「交感神經過於活躍(即Low HRV)」,尤其「頸部交感神經系統(cervical sympathetic system)」是控制眼底血管收縮(vasoconstriction )。長期交感神經活躍,造成眼底血管收縮起來,視網膜神經纖維血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)狀況不好,就造成視神經萎縮了。
查到5篇有關「冥想能降低眼壓(IOP),增加眼底血流量(ocular blood flow)」的paper,都有非常正向的結果。
「每天冥想1小時,持續3週」,統計結果顯示大約2/3的人能「降低大約4-5mmHg的眼壓,增加2-3%視網膜神經纖維層血管密度(RNFL vessel density),增加3-4%的視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)」,效果算是非常顯著!
另外,也有查到「自律神經失調(autonomic dysfunction)是正常眼壓型青光眼(normal-tension glaucoma, NTG)的主要原因」,因為「交感神經過於活躍(Low HRV (heart rate variability))」,造成視神經周圍的血管收縮(vasoconstriction),因此視網膜神經纖維層血管灌流(RNFL vessel perfusion)變差,造成視神經萎縮。
(1) 讓我們「對於冥想的效果有信心」。
(2) 了解到「恢復自律神經穩定的重要性」。
===== 冥想對於改善青光眼的正面影響 =====
- Mindfulness Meditation Can Benefit Glaucoma Patients:
Meditation can positively modulate cellular pathways (Flowchart 1) involved in glaucoma pathogenesis leading to a "significant reduction in IOP" and improve the quality of life of glaucoma patients.
- Beneficial effect of mindfulness based stress reduction on optic disc perfusion in primary open angle glaucoma: A randomized controlled trial:
In the intervention group, 23 (38%) eyes had less than 10% reduction in IOP, 33 (55%) eyes had a 10-15% reduction in IOP, and 4 (7%) eyes had more than 15% reduction in IOP; while the control group had only 4% reduction in IOP.
In our study, the mean percentage reduction in IOP after 6 weeks of MBSR was "10-25% in about two-thirds of the participants."
- Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial:
Between-group comparisons revealed significantly lowered IOP in meditators (OD: 18.8 to "12.7", OS 19.0 to "13.1" mm Hg).
- Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Intraocular Pressure and Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression: A Randomized Controlled Trial:
At 3 weeks, a significant decrease in IOP was seen in Group 1 (20.16 ± 3.3 to "15.05 ± 2.4mm Hg"; P = .001), compared to Group 2 (21.2 ± 5.6 to 20.0 ± 5.8mm Hg; P = .38).
- Mindfulness Meditation May Help Fight Glaucoma:
The study found 75 percent of the patients who practiced meditation had a "more-than 25 percent (about 4-5mmHg) drop in eye pressure."
===== 自律神經失調與青光眼的關係 =====
- The Effect of Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction on the Progression of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma:
POAG patients with lower HRV, which reflects ANS dysfunction with sympathetic predominance, presented faster glaucoma progression than patients with higher HRV. The more rapid progression of POAG with lower HRV may be explained by IOP and vascular risk factors.
- Autonomic Dysfunction and Blood Pressure in Glaucoma Patients: The Lifelines Cohort Study:
Low HRV, high SBP, high PP, and hypertension were associated with glaucoma.
- Heart rate variability in normal tension glaucoma:
According to the results of the present study, the significant reduction in ocular blood flow in the major vessels supplying the optic nerve has been revealed in the NTG patients, and this reduction has correlated to HRV.
@@ChenBillChenBill 你在鬼扯? 要真正幹細胞療法, 舉世我突破.
與我聯絡, 全世界只有我突破. 真正幹細胞療法.
Muller glia 可以視為視網膜的幹細胞.
@@davidlo168888 can you convince anyone to trust you??? I doubt
你去問問翁啟惠, 為何如此怕我? Feb. 2007 想與我合作, Mar. 6, 2007,
邀我參觀中央研究院. 台巴子就是不知天高與地厚.
美國青光眼病患, 視覺神經靠 上帝恩典, 再生 . 我懶得將一堆感謝函
公開. 太多了.
台灣眼科醫學教授, 我根本不想多看一眼. 去問問北榮總眼科部主任
劉瑞玲教授, 或是三總呂大文教授, 我名氣夠不夠大?
曾小易 我也是,我剛針灸眼睛回來⋯
可以與我聯絡, 大家來探討. 不要如此悲觀因為西醫根本對眾多眼睛疾病,