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  • @fredpena643
    @fredpena643 9 месяцев назад +51

    Seems to me that the salvation of the thief on the cross should settle the matter once and for all

    • @satdm9721
      @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, brother, peace and blessings to you from God our Father. Why do you examine the thief on the cross story carnally? The main things that happened on the cross are following, the saved thief had genuine repentance towards his wrong actions when he corrected the other thief who was giving Jesus an ultimatum to save them because he said that they have earned their punishment, meanwhile Jesus is not guilty. Also, he believed in Jesus to be the Lord when he asked him to remember him when he goes to the kingdom... This thief was never given a chance to backslide or fall away because he was destined to earthly death on the cross, it is like a genuine death bed conversion... If they had let this thief down from the cross and he continued to live in his old lifestyle, he would have not been saved upon his death no more...

    • @Romans-nk4wt
      @Romans-nk4wt 8 месяцев назад

      ​@user-it4ws1bi4yRepent or perish dude. That's from the mouth of Jesus.

    • @mlsmith49
      @mlsmith49 2 месяца назад


    • @ValerieCox-t7d
      @ValerieCox-t7d 16 дней назад

      Say it louder for the people in the back!!!😂

    • @gotech25
      @gotech25 21 час назад

      What would cause backsliding or fallen away? Sin? How many?how many sins did it take for you to be lost? Answer 1. How many if you can lose it? Answer 1. But those who preach this won't say that. Because that would include them. And willful sin would include them and you as well. So we see if sin can cause u to lose salvation,then everyone will eventually lose it. And hewbrews 6 and chp 10 says you can never be brought back to repentance. So we see, you and me and pastor and Isaiah will all lose salvation if sin causes it. We have no hope. But thank God the word says he that hears my words, and believes on him that sent me HATH ETERNAL LiFE, and SHALL NOT come into Condemnation, BUT HAS PASSED Pfrom DEATH Unto LIFE. @@satdm9721

  • @JenniLeeann
    @JenniLeeann 6 месяцев назад +7

    I used to be petrified of this verse. Thinking I was a false convert. It scared me so much. It was weird. I thought of Isaiah one day (I used to follow him seatbelted) for the most part I couldn’t understand why I had issues with him. I had that verse pop into my head Matthew 7:21-23 about him. And then I got worried for him and his salvation. And then weirdly enough he posted that video a few days later. Please pray for these people and him. I do not believe a saved believer wkrj the Holy Spirit can lose their salvation. Once a sheep. Always a sheep. The Lord promised He would lose NONE. Not one. And you can book mark that and take it to the bank. We cannot unsheep ourselves. He is our Shepherd. We are the sheep, now and forever more.

  • @teraquewel
    @teraquewel 9 месяцев назад +18

    What blows my mind is these people actually believe they are good enough to get into heaven by their works. And they believe they don't sin🤦‍♀️

    • @ReesNova
      @ReesNova 5 месяцев назад +1

      Hey! I am going to be getting engaged to Isaiah Saldivar's (adopted) little sister. I can first hand testify that Isaiah is a strong believer in Grace alone through faith alone through Christ alone. He believes that works are only evidence of salvation.
      This video that he made was meant to tell Christians to test their faiths as the apostle Paul commanded us to. The video was made to show that even if we call Jesus Lord, it doesnt mean that we actually have repented of our sin and trusted Him ALONE for salvation.

    • @danstone8783
      @danstone8783 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@ReesNova Repenting of sin is what a sinner does so by definition if one repents of sins, that is do something,in order to be saved, you have not trusted on Christ alone, on HIs work He did on behalf of sinners. Beyond that Salivator is all about telling people that they must do works of various sorts in order to be saved. If it is to show evidence of salvation, it is still a requirement. Salvation of something God owes the sinner under the cursed gospe of Iasaih Saldivar. And further, Isaiah preaches his incorrect and cursed gospel for money.

  • @AppalachianHistoryDetectives
    @AppalachianHistoryDetectives 6 месяцев назад +7

    It was a miracle of God he delivered me out of this Pentecostalism. I’m so sad for my family who is held captive by this faith+works cult. That is what it is - a cult. Jesus revealed himself to me and opened my eyes. His sacrifice finished the work. He sat down and God approved his work. His obedience bought my salvation. He paid for it. Hallelujah

    • @ReesNova
      @ReesNova 5 месяцев назад

      Hey! I am going to be getting engaged to Isaiah Saldivar's (adopted) little sister. I can first hand testify that Isaiah is a strong believer in Grace alone through faith alone through Christ alone. He believes that works are only evidence of salvation.
      This video that he made was meant to tell Christians to test their faiths as the apostle Paul commanded us to. The video was made to show that even if we call Jesus Lord, it doesnt mean that we actually have repented of our sin and trusted Him ALONE for salvation.

  • @cblue7384
    @cblue7384 9 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you pastor for reviewing this video in complete context, it is deceiving so many young and potential believers.

  • @ecardy23
    @ecardy23 9 месяцев назад +16

    This is the will of the Father... John 6:40 -
    "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day."
    If we have done this, then we have done the will of the Father.

  • @trotterstips96
    @trotterstips96 9 месяцев назад +8

    Wow that Saldivar guy is dangerous. Great video pastor Martinez

  • @soc5830
    @soc5830 9 месяцев назад +9

    Amen!! John 6:28-29 28¶Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
    29¶Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

    • @soc5830
      @soc5830 9 месяцев назад +2

      @MANYONMISSION Hey Sister I like this Channel!! Good to see you on here as well!

  • @relie6476
    @relie6476 9 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you for speaking on this matter with love and truth. People like Isaiah need this open rebuke and hopefully it leads to repentance.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад

      Thank you!
      - Trent

  • @dfxdarrell6734
    @dfxdarrell6734 9 месяцев назад +5

    I just found your channel recently and absolutely LOVE it! Thank you for your stance on calling out false Gospels, it is much needed. Please do a video on Ray Comfort and Living Waters Ministry and their Lordship Salvation "repent of your sins" false gospel. I was stuck in their trap for years and hundreds of dollars in books and tracts. Thanks!

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much! We will get to some Ray Comfort stuff! We usually hinge off recommendations, so if you have a specific video, email it to us:
      We often miss 90% of the comments due to the amount, but we will see the email.
      - Trent

  • @LifeClipsPodcast
    @LifeClipsPodcast 9 месяцев назад +3

    Pastor Jesse, I attended this church when I first moved to Clearwater under Yankee. However, hadn't been back BUT I feel like I need to return. I am so thankful you tell it 100% and properly dissect the word of God!!

    • @LifeClipsPodcast
      @LifeClipsPodcast 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +2

      Feel free to come on back!!
      - Trent

    • @LifeClipsPodcast
      @LifeClipsPodcast 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@BibleLine came back on Christmas Eve!! Got to also connect with Pastor Jesse!!

  • @sharonlouise9759
    @sharonlouise9759 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @E_M_FEN
    @E_M_FEN 4 месяца назад +1

    Magnificent rebuttal. Biblically right on point.

  • @skokenos
    @skokenos 9 месяцев назад +5

    It drives me crazy that most of my immediate family believes the same as saldivar. That "works without faith is dead" and if you don't have works and "turn from your sins" you aren't saved. It's like speaking to rocks. They just plug their ears and refuse to listen or get violently upset "defending their so-called gospel" and telling me I'm deceived for trusting Christ alone.

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад +2

      Hang in there; continue in prayer for them it's the same over here. Hope this comes out like how I mean it but when observing people who believe their works plays apart in their salvation tend to be careless when it comes to their believe
      They seem not to be committed as if it's not that important yet people who believe they can't loose their salvation no matter what, tend to be more committed
      Dare to show them that what they doing is sin according to the scriptures
      They will let you know how self righteous and judgmental you're
      You end up with only prayers for them

    • @ezequiasquezada5238
      @ezequiasquezada5238 9 месяцев назад

      Trust in Christ alone and no need to turn from sin sounds like what your saying?
      If you trust the Messiah alone than you would listen and obey his teachings like his disciples were commanded to go teach the world. That happens to involve turning from sin just a part of it. Trusting in Christ alone involves that. It’s just part of being a Christian literally means Christ follower. Some professing Christians can be so stupid it amazes me.

    • @skokenos
      @skokenos 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@ezequiasquezada5238 is turning from our sins a work?

    • @mikequick45
      @mikequick45 9 месяцев назад +4

      We really need to take caution and be aware of what we say before we say it. Make sure we’re understanding the meaning of a disciple. A disciple is defined as a learner/a student of Christ, which a believer becomes through their own volition God implanted in mankind at the beginning of creation week.
      So the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, then they bowed low and worshiped.
      - Exodus 4:31
      Also read Mark 4:35-41
      Repentance needs to be correctly understood as well. One of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted words in the Bible. Repentance is simply a change of mind, not a change of action. The Old Testament indicates That God relented (repented) several times towards Israel (2 Samuel 24:16; Psalm 106:45; Jeremiah 18:8…….. if repentance means to turn from your sins then we have a problem, since God cannot sin. I can choose (volition) to turn from my sin as a believer in Christ, but never does God’s Word ever anywhere in scripture indicate that a non-believer is to turn from their sins to be justified. How many sins do we need to turn from to be justified before the Father?…….All of them. If you think you or anyone can do that then you’ll be working for your salvation the rest of your life and still never come close. We take our focus off of Christ and focus on ourselves when we think we need to work for our salvation (to be justified) But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness,
      - Romans 4:5
      The Apostle Paul speaks to the brethren/Christian believers in Philippi;
      So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling;
      - Philippians 2:12
      When we sin as believers we are to simply confess our sins (to be in agreement with/one mind with God that we have sinned before Him). If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
      - 1 John 1:9
      We have to be diligent to understand and proclaim the gospel message accurately and consistently.
      I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.
      - Galatians 1:6-10
      By grace alone, in Christ alone, through faith (trust/believe/place confidence in) alone.
      For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
      - Ephesians 2:8-10

    • @mikequick45
      @mikequick45 9 месяцев назад

      Correction…….. Philippians 2:12 the apostle Paul speaks in reference to our sanctification as believers in Christ.

  • @belvederebaileycambodia
    @belvederebaileycambodia 9 месяцев назад +1

    Outstanding, Pastor. Thank you

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 8 месяцев назад

      Thank you!
      - Trent

  • @magicalmike3629
    @magicalmike3629 9 месяцев назад +3

    Hey Trent. Hey Jesse. Hope you guys have a great Christmas.

  • @nicholaswills1574
    @nicholaswills1574 9 месяцев назад +6

    i have had dreams but it doesn't contradict scripture every dream I received matched scripture, the true gospel by grace through faith and not of works of righteousness but his righteousness and it was for me to heal hank for teaching the word of God and exposing false teachers God bless you

  • @americantopgunner5102
    @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад +3

    I was an evil person 20 months ago. I asked God for help one night alone in my home. Woke up the next day I was healed. Visions, dreams, hearing Gods voice and the enemy’s voice. Seeing in the spirit realm. This all started. I never went to church or read the Bible in my life. All i did was ask for help from God. As someone who was never religious to be king healed by God and now spoken to by God I can say yes the Lord speaks today individual messages for people and to people. Maybe u haven’t had that supernatural encounter. Are you not having visions and drems? Not hearing His voice. Why me and not u? I was a heathen 20 months ago and one prayer changed my life!!! Why me and not u preacher? Am I to be here and tell u God speaks today what do I have to gain? Why lie? I’m 20 months into this new life.

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад +2

      That was totally not God
      Am sorry for breaking that to you.
      If it was God,he would have pointed you to Christ for the saving of your soul.
      Lovely telling you, that new life you claim to have outside of Christ is fake. You didn't mention Him at all in your comment. Look I do understand I was in those things and they use to come true so I put my confidence in that thinking am right with God not knowing that it was a stumblingblock put by the devil to prevent me from seeing the truth and come to Christ and get saved.
      What it does it makes you think you don't need the bible that much since you communicate with God without it. So it's okay which is very dangerous because chances of finding truth when reading the bible and studying is 100%.
      New life without Christ is old life.
      Please if you haven't received Jesus Christ as your savior please do so today and be sure of heaven
      And get the real new life which is in Christ Jesus.
      Christ died for your sins was buried and rose again
      Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.
      Read and study your bible to know how to live a new given life by Christ after receiving HIM
      Don't be deceived by visions,dreams,miracles,wonders and such things; Satan does that too
      Read Exodus,Acts,2thessalonians and Revelation.
      If you want to be 100% sure that
      It's God speaking go in the bible.
      Okay. Please

    • @americantopgunner5102
      @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад

      @@hisholiness4urfaith what are you taking about it’s was God and Jesus who saved me. I’ve seen Jesus He revealed himself to me. Have you ever experienced and encounter with the Lord Jesus or God. No encounters? You have no clue wat I’m saying. I was healed and transformed born again by the power of God and Jesus. I’ve seen Jesus in a vision. It’s all God Jesus and Holy Spirit. Understand I went from non religious to all this overnight to be a winged of Gods power. Of course it’s Jesus He is the only reason we have access to father God. Just because I didn’t mention Him doesn’t mean my new life is fake 😂 use common sense if I speak of God Jesus is there also. I have discernment in the spirit realm. Not sure wat u were into but I’m not into any of wat u were into.

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@americantopgunner5102 yes I have ever seen that Jesus and the picture is so clear even now and the conversation
      But sadly that's not the Jesus of the bible. I use to dream and it could have happen the next day with every detail and experience some staff before they could happen in the name of the Holy Spirit but I was on my way to hell.
      So I know what you're talking about and the danger in those things because now I know the truth
      Please next don't fail to mention Jesus Christ; common sense is not common to people like me we need a little assistance to understand something.
      You said it was God and Jesus who saved, if I may ask;
      What did they save you from?
      What did they save you to?
      How did they save you ?
      I will appreciate the another please

    • @americantopgunner5102
      @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад

      @@dough3821 Do u not believe in supernatural encounters

    • @petrasizer2966
      @petrasizer2966 9 месяцев назад +1

      I called out to God to help me with an eating disorder and self harm when I was a teenager. God did heal me but it wasn’t until about 10 mths later that I became a believer and placed my faith in Jesus and what he did for me. God was working in my life prior and bringing other believers into my life.

  • @danielsegres2411
    @danielsegres2411 9 месяцев назад +4

    he did not notice that the sheep said when did we do this like they did no work for salvation. like the gospel says it is not of works

  • @DNYS8N
    @DNYS8N 9 месяцев назад +2

    Spot on!

  • @ianthomasyoung1134
    @ianthomasyoung1134 9 месяцев назад +9

    How many people are suicidal or have committed suicide because of Isaiah et al's teaching?

    • @Gasowsj8383
      @Gasowsj8383 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@MANYONMISSIONI was constantly suicidal under that kind of teaching.

    • @Kingjosiah003
      @Kingjosiah003 3 месяца назад +1

      I became an alcoholic and did drugs and definitely had thoughts of suicide because of these teachings, I did not want to think of God or my afterlife so I did anything I could to take my mind away from God because these people made me feel like I wasn't good enough and God didn't love me .

    • @shieldoffaith3574
      @shieldoffaith3574 3 месяца назад

      @@Kingjosiah003glad you’re still here bro and believing that truth. Glory to God

  • @KevlarShrek
    @KevlarShrek 9 месяцев назад +3

    great video and break down of his false teaching. I praise Yah I saw threw his false teaching by the power of the Holy Spirit.
    Some of those comments on his video wow so sad that so many are so lost and confused .. It never stops boggling my mind how people can't seem to get how simple the Gospel is. Everyone is always trying to make it so complex and adding our filthy rags to Jesus perfect Gift.
    Blessings on you and your Family and the work of your Ministry keep up the videos and teaching and preaching the world needs more Truth speaking of Gods Word.

    • @gem934
      @gem934 9 месяцев назад

      You use English, why on earth would you you use the name Yah?
      Is it to sound scholarly?
      The Jews would usually skip over the unpronounceable name of God, but modern forms of Christianity have added vowels to make it pronounceable. A made up name, many Christian’s have latched onto this.
      Would be good if Bibleline did a video on these made up names.
      Why not yahwah or Yehweh or Yehwah. No where is this name Yah/yahweh found in the English translation.

    • @gem934
      @gem934 9 месяцев назад


  • @Sing4Jesus2
    @Sing4Jesus2 10 дней назад +1

    if you pause this video at 0:03, you can clearly see the fear and turmoil on Isaiah's face, but you have the total peace of God on your face :)

  • @troywalstra9300
    @troywalstra9300 9 месяцев назад +4

    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:8, KJV)

  • @fredpena643
    @fredpena643 9 месяцев назад +3

    The road to HELL is paved with good works God will not make an exception because his name is. Isaiah

  • @danstone8783
    @danstone8783 5 месяцев назад +1

    I had the same reaction as Jesse at the beginning of this video when Salivator said he didn;t mean to make anyone doubyt their salvation.

  • @danielnewton1402
    @danielnewton1402 2 месяца назад

    Amen brother. Keep up the great work. I am a mormon that has put my trust in Jesus Christ and not the LDS church and the false Apostles to save me. It sadenes me that my mother did not share this conversion.

    • @KingdomHarvestCinema
      @KingdomHarvestCinema 2 месяца назад

      Glad you got out. First red flag of LDS is “new revelation” started by a random guy by a random angel. Paul preached against this in Galatians

  • @Paul-js6iw
    @Paul-js6iw 9 месяцев назад +3

    Great doctrine Jesse! Keep up the great work brother!

  • @ReesNova
    @ReesNova 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hey! I am going to be getting engaged to Isaiah Saldivar's (adopted) little sister. I can first hand testify that Isaiah is a strong believer in Grace alone through faith alone through Christ alone. He believes that works are only evidence of salvation.
    This video that he made was meant to tell Christians to test their faiths as the apostle Paul commanded us to. The video was made to show that even if we call Jesus Lord, it doesnt mean that we actually have repented of our sin and trusted Him ALONE for salvation.

    • @michaelparker6763
      @michaelparker6763 25 дней назад

      Repenting of sins is an attempt to follow Gods law, which doesn’t save. Only trusting Christ (who perfectly fulfilled God’s law) will save through his death burial and resurrection.

  • @barryseal4853
    @barryseal4853 3 месяца назад

    John 6:27-29 " Labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed. Then said they unto him, what shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on hihm whom he hath sent."

  • @harvestworkers626
    @harvestworkers626 2 месяца назад +1

    Jesse, please answer this question to the best of your ability.
    It’s commonly taught that only unbelievers will appear at the GWTJ. But my question for you is this:
    Where will all of those who lived during the 1000 year millennial kingdom age be judged, assuming that there will be both believers and unbelievers?
    God bless

  • @Josedrivadeneira
    @Josedrivadeneira 9 месяцев назад +6

    This charasmatic deliverance garbage is nothing new. In the 2nd century there was a group called Montanists who spread a similar message regarding private revelation where “God told them” things and they babbled like their speaking in “tongues”.
    And he [Montanus] became beside himself, and being suddenly in a sort of frenzy and ecstasy, he raved, and began to babble and utter strange things, prophesying in a manner contrary to the constant custom of the Church handed down by tradition from the beginning.
    - Eusebius of Caesarea
    ”…: and there is no new thing under the sun.“
    ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1‬:‭9‬ ‭
    Mark and avoid, Isaiah is a wolf.

  • @graftme3168
    @graftme3168 9 месяцев назад +1

    It cracks me up when I hear people say that Christians will go to hell. Not biblical. Do they not know what a Christian is? Apparently not. Or, they say the Church is going to hell. Does that mean those who are not the church are going to heaven?

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 8 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, they tag along a lot of "false convert" talk as well. The only "false convert" is one who was never converted ie: they never believed lol. John 3:18. Problem is, we do not look to their lifestyle to determine this. Only God knows whether they believed or not (unless they tell us haha!)
      - Trent

  • @BenMartins1864
    @BenMartins1864 9 месяцев назад +3

    I was new to the faith of Christ about 3years ago. MR Isaiah caused me to stumble bad. I watched his video on if you are born with a disease or multiple ilnesses it's because we sinned too much in our lives, and we are probably demon possessed!
    Thank the Lord for the forgivness of all sins for all who have faith!
    God bless!

    • @richardcaraballo1185
      @richardcaraballo1185 9 месяцев назад +3

      As a lifelong Type 1 diabetic, I can't tell you how frustrated I get at people who, with good intentions I'm sure, say It's because of a lack of faith on my end, or that God will cure me if I just pray harder. It's low key offensive, as you're saying I have anything less than 100% faith in Jesus, or that I don't pray hard, or don't Believe He can heal. I have yet to be healed, so therefore he's allowing this thorn to be in my flesh for a purpose. Why can't that be what's preached? Oh, because that doesn't get clicks and views and likes...

  • @ezequiasquezada5238
    @ezequiasquezada5238 9 месяцев назад +1

    True believers need to start living what the Lord teaches in the ancient context, to profess belief encompassed embracing the profound truths of life, death, and resurrection of the Master. This conviction inherently compelled individuals to adhere to the teachings, echoing Jesus' imperative that true discipleship involves a willingness to prioritize the teachings over one's own life. In the 1st century, confessing someone as lord and believing was a formidable declaration, symbolizing an unwavering commitment to submit to the entirety of the Master's teachings, regardless of personal cost.
    The divergence into modernized gospel teaching has, at times, led to a concealment of sins within the church, as a departure from the uncompromising commitment seen in the early era. This contrast underscores the importance of returning to the core principles that shaped the initial confessions of belief and lordship.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +2

      I think you’re equating salvation (which is free) with discipleship (which costs everything).
      Conviction, belief, and a strong motive does not necessarily translate to any actions. The translation SHOULD be a form of discipleship, but we know discipleship is not what saves a man.
      Salvation is free to any individual who solely believes in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for the full payment of their sins. John 3:15-18
      - Trent

    @GRACE4LYFE 9 месяцев назад +2

    Luke 8:47-48 (KJV 1900): And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. 48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.
    Luke 7:48-50 (KJV 1900): 48 And he said unto her, Thy sins are forgiven. 49 And they that sat at meat with him began to say within themselves, Who is this that forgiveth sins also? 50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace. Here two times just luke were christ said specificly there faith alone saved these people but people still wann refute it the thief on cross third time
    Luke 8:50 (KJV 1900): But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole. Once again christ said believe only how do they not get it

  • @kaioken654
    @kaioken654 9 месяцев назад +1

    God told me led to the Mormons

  • @markdiblasi3061
    @markdiblasi3061 24 дня назад

    But now it is no longer I who do it but sin that lives in me. For in my flesh there dwells no good thing. Rom 7:17,18.

  • @AmandainChrist88
    @AmandainChrist88 9 месяцев назад +1

    Pastor Jessie or Brother Trent I hope you can help me .. someone posted and I think they totally they twisted like 21 . I started to think if we are struggling with sin do we get left behind when Jesus catches believers up?
    I’m struggling and some believers say taking medicine for mental health stuff is sorcery. So my sin would be struggling with ptsd and taking medicine and we are all sinners I don’t see how anyone can be perfect enough to be raptured we are nothing without Christ .
    I don’t know how they can say we will be left behind if we are saved by the blood of Jesus .
    Also are mental health medications sin? I tired going off and I actually was in more sin because ptsd symptoms worsening. I’m not giving up on healing though I pray all the time and I’m hoping the more word of God I read my mind will transform and healing will happen from the word of God . But if I don’t get healed I still love Jesus . I only started to consider treating ptsd when I realized the damage of not treating it did .
    Thank you so much this channel has helped me so much . I know what Jesus meant when the pharisees shut the door to heaven .. it’s wicked thing to trust in oneself.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +1

      Hey there!
      I’m no doctor, but I would say medications for legitimate prescribed conditions are not sinful… I know there are many conspiratorial individuals concerning medicine (and some claims are valid), but to call taking medicine a sin is ridiculous. This is especially true concerning a legit condition or mental health issue one may have. Drugs like cocaine, meth, marijuana and etc… are obviously different because they are greatly misused.
      Even to the final point above - your salvation or rapture status does not hinge on any drug use or prescription pill usage. Obviously misuse and coming under the power of drugs could become sinful, but even in such cases - the believer is still saved. The believer will still be raptured. Why? All your sin is paid. Christ died for your sins. You believed? You have eternal life. It’s finished.
      If the doctor justifiably recommends medicine, I say follow his professional advice. If one is misusing drugs, then obviously he needs help. But the form of help is NOT to tell lies concerning their salvation - as though it can be lost due to sinning…
      I hope this helps. Remember the clear scriptures - John 5:24, John 3:15-18, 1 John 5:10-13.
      You are saved eternally.
      - Trent

    • @AmandainChrist88
      @AmandainChrist88 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@BibleLine thank you Brother Trent your answer was awesome it resonated with me . I’m grateful God led me out the stuff I was in I can now see how it made me a lot worse . I’m grateful to finally have my eyes opened and to see the Bible in the way it was meant to been seen and to read it in the context it was meant to be read .

    • @AmandainChrist88
      @AmandainChrist88 9 месяцев назад

      Brother Trent .. what do we say to the Christian that’s taken the scripture out of context and tells us it’s the words of Jesus your problem isn’t with me it’s with God .. and what do we say to the person who tells us we defend faith alone to sin ?
      This person is now free from their habitual sin and is telling others if they died in the sin they would of gone to hell . So they see Luke 21 as Jesus saying people will be left behind if they are lukewarm but this person is also saying they are saved by grace ..
      If a person believes like that are they even saved ? They believe grace but than say no if you die in sin than grace isn’t enough ..sounds like they trusted in themselves. Is this a reason to divide from those believers .

  • @shaytanisislam5056
    @shaytanisislam5056 День назад

    2 Thessalonians 2:11 KJV - And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

  • @HarryAllison-bh2gf
    @HarryAllison-bh2gf 3 месяца назад

    How do i know im eternally saved while i am in my sin now?

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 3 месяца назад

      Christ died for all your sins. Do you believe in Him? Do you understand he died, was buried and rose again for you?
      You’re saved. There’s no condemnation to you because you are eternally secure in Christ.
      - Trent

  • @JohnDavidTorres-th4ou
    @JohnDavidTorres-th4ou 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have a question on this matter. Jesus Christ said that by their fruits you will know them. I would like to know if a Christian could be known by Jesus whether there is no change from his old man to new man? I mean, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation right? I'd like to know more about this coz it can be a scapegoat for people to claim they're Christians and yet have license to sin. Thank you.

    • @JohnDavidTorres-th4ou
      @JohnDavidTorres-th4ou 5 месяцев назад +1

      ok I saw your comment referencing Titus. Thanks! LOL

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 5 месяцев назад

      Did you get the answer? Haha!
      - Trent

  • @geighsects2519
    @geighsects2519 9 месяцев назад +1

    Please turn off the ads. This video was interrupted 5-6 times by pointless ads.

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад +1

      Because of the ads the video goes where it wouldn't have gone without them. And they want to reach as many as they can even if it means to allow some annoying ads
      It's okay

    • @dough3821
      @dough3821 9 месяцев назад +1

      I recommend upgrading to premium. Once you do that, you will never want to go back.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад

      RUclips usually puts ads on videos regardless. Nonetheless, RUclips promotes our content because it makes them money. We have the ads to reach more people.
      - Trent

  • @pandaonparole7487
    @pandaonparole7487 9 месяцев назад

    You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
    Matthew 5:48

    • @metatouta
      @metatouta 9 месяцев назад +5

      And you can’t be perfect unless you are “in Christ”… covered by His blood. He makes you perfect by His work on the cross.

    • @satdm9721
      @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад

      While you are correct to say that the blood of Christ is what washes us clean, you are wrong to think that is the only thing that this verse implies. A true child of God strives to be like their Father, always looking for ways to improve and become holy and perfect. Which means walking on the narrow path and crucifying their flesh daily. Grace is not a license to sin. When we stumble, we confess and ask for forgiveness. I know that the day I got filled with the Holy Ghost, I no longer could enjoy sinful actions. The convictions or guilt you feel after it, is close to unbearable. When somebody is trying to overcome sin with just their flesh, they cannot do it, but when you have the Spirit to aid you, that's a different ball game. Anybody who is still enjoying the pleasures or benefits they get from sin without any conviction has never surrendered to Christ or understood his teachings. It's nearly impossible to live wickedly when you are filled with His Spirit...@@metatouta

    • @satdm9721
      @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад

      1 John 2:3 We know Jesus if we keep his commandments. 1 John 2:4 Anybody who says they know Jesus and does not keep his commandments is a liar. Luke 6:46 Jesus is asking why do you call him Lord,Lord and do not the things which he says... The blood of the Lamb could wash anybody clean, when they surrender and choose to follow Him... if you don't surrender and keep serving sin, there is no sacrifice and that's outlined in Hebrews chapter 10 verses 26 through 29@MANYONMISSION

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +1

      Satdm, I mean, is this how you think a real father - son relationship even goes?
      How can you put such standards (a yoke of bondage) upon sinners as a requirement to be or stay saved??
      Salvation is F R E E.
      Young children can understand and believe such. All who believe in Christ ALONE plus nothing are saved because the power is in Christ to save; not you.
      - Trent

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 9 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@satdm9721Your interpretation of Hebrews is distorted. If the Gospel is not THE foundation you are building on, you will get a distorted gospel. You are building backwards. You must lay the proper foundation first, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that foundation.

  • @Bentoto97
    @Bentoto97 5 месяцев назад

    Did you say that Matthew 25:35-46 KJV is referring to people who are gonna be in 7 year tribulation where the Antichrist is gonna force everyone during the 7 year tribulation period to worship the beast and his image and force everyone during the 7 year tribulation period to receive the mark of the beast in people's foreheads or in people's hand?

  • @Greg-z2h
    @Greg-z2h 3 месяца назад

    If not signing is what gets us then Nobody going ❤

    • @Greg-z2h
      @Greg-z2h 3 месяца назад

      If not siining got us in to Heaven then Nobody is (Going And I can't wait to get this flesh off me ❤

  • @paulgross3067
    @paulgross3067 2 месяца назад

    Why do you hate regular people who preach the gospel I mean Greg Jackson is the one that brought your name up. Please respond cause I’m confused.

  • @monicadhaliwal1791
    @monicadhaliwal1791 9 месяцев назад +1

    Please Help me I Believe Jesus Is The Son of God and God The Son of The Holy Trinity I Believe Jesus Shed His Blood and Died in my place to Pay for All my Sins He Was Buried Then 3 Days Later Jesus Arose From The Dead!!! But I am struggling with some Sins that I honestly don’t know how to quit I hate my Sins But I genuinely don’t know how to stop them Am I still Saved because of my faith in Jesus or am I Not Saved because of my Sins? Thank you for All your Help and Time God Bless you

    • @craigwatson8160
      @craigwatson8160 9 месяцев назад +1

      Psalms 19:12-13
      Read it and memorize it. Meditate on and and pray it

    • @craigwatson8160
      @craigwatson8160 9 месяцев назад +1

      0 seconds ago
      If you accept Jesus as Lord you will be sealed until the end. His blood washes away all sins past present and future. Continue to seek him . He knows your heart and your struggles. Rest in him. YOU ARE SAVED

    • @josephinemorgan6582
      @josephinemorgan6582 9 месяцев назад

      God Bless ,,exsplain to our Christian sister in need...Free gift of the Gospel,Shalom..Prayers continue for Isreal n all in Jesus Name..​@@MANYONMISSION

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +2

      You have believed. God states that you possess eternal life. God himself is witness of the event. See 1 John 5:10-13. Believe = receive. You HAVE right now eternal life.
      - Trent

  • @marclaclear6628
    @marclaclear6628 2 месяца назад

    I don't agree with your stance about "if it is not in the scripture then it is not of God". God can speak to us things that are not in the scriptures. God isn't going to contradict the scriptures however which is what Isaiah is saying happened.
    However, I totally agree with you on assurance of salvation.

  • @danielnewton1402
    @danielnewton1402 2 месяца назад

    P.s. the LDS church takes your time and money and leaves you unjustified

  • @ValerieCox-t7d
    @ValerieCox-t7d 16 дней назад

    Sola scriptura!! That's it! If it doesn't align with scripture it is NOT of God.

  • @charlotteroath9904
    @charlotteroath9904 Месяц назад

    So I believe God can still speak to his sheep however he wants. I'm not saying it is common. I'm not supporting Isaiah Saldovars theology either. Remember the man God spoke to and said to go to Straight St. and heal Saul's eyes? Nothing said in the prophetic can change or override scripture.

  • @evanwildermann7034
    @evanwildermann7034 9 месяцев назад +1

    Pretty sure Isiah is part of the charismatic movement theyre all calvanist or armenian idk they all believe faith plus works....😢I use to believe like him so I know you only understand when you've been there never going back jesus is better

  • @danielnewton1402
    @danielnewton1402 2 месяца назад +1

    Poisoned the grace message

  • @billyd7887
    @billyd7887 Месяц назад

    I just dont understand how preachers like you can be so solid about how to get to heaven but on other topics, your unbelief conquers your bible acumen.
    1 Cor 14 is crystal clear. Sometimes God has a specific word for you (Ex: Telling Abraham to go) and then something specifically for a church. It is asinine that God would speak to someone in China and then me say "Well that word He gave you should be for me too" as if God could only deliver 1 message for all and nothing specific to a person's situation. HOW CAN YOU GET THIS SO WRONG WITH ZERO SCRIPTURE SUPPORT? YET BE SOLID IN SOTERIOLOGY??? If you would only embrace ALL of what God provided in the Gospel and repent of your unbelief in other benefits, you'd be well rounded!

  • @helloanthonyjennings
    @helloanthonyjennings 5 месяцев назад

    THE ZOOM IN ON 26:13 HAD ME LAUGHING SO HARD! Not that this whole conversation is funny but the edit... good job!

  • @Mbarela45
    @Mbarela45 9 месяцев назад +1

    It annoys me how fast he talks…

  • @mitchellcooley2904
    @mitchellcooley2904 15 дней назад

    Galatians 3:1-6😂 Oh foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you ....having begun in the Spirit are ye now made perfect in the flesh .

  • @satdm9721
    @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад +2

    To me it sounds by far easier to understand, when Isaiah says some Christians are going to hell, he implies those Christians who profess to know God with their lips but in works they deny him, it is also a verse in Titus 1:16. Because many do not love God with all their hearts, they simply believe that saying Jesus is my Lord seals their salvation, meanwhile that's not what it is based on the teachings that Jesus himself gave us... Salvation being a gift implies that we cannot claim to earn our salvation from our good deeds, not that good deeds are not part of the equation, our good works are the evidence of faith, therefore if you have no evidence of faith, you have no faith... We do not do good works to be saved, but because we have faith. The Parable of Talents is a very good passage because it clearly says how the `kingdom of God` is this way, and then it talks about one of the servants not multiplying, keyword SERVANT... However, I also like Matthew 7:22-23, people often try to brush it off as "these people trusted in their works" which is true, but they also accepted Jesus as their Lord because they called him that and did works in his name, by the logic of just confessing Jesus as your Lord and Savior, they should have been saved, and yet, Jesus, is telling them to depart... so what didn't they do? We have been given hints in these two keywords `never knew you` and `ye that work iniquity`... 1 John 2:3 tells us that we know Jesus if we keep his commandments, which means these people didn't do it. Workers of iniquity runs through many different Old Testament books, mentioned over a dozen times in the book of Psalms, but also others, which implies living lawlessly or wickedly, circling back to commandments... 1 John 2:4 also tells that anyone who claims to know Jesus but does not keep his commandments is a liar... so clearly not everybody who calls themselves a Christian is actually saved... it shouldn't be a controversial take at all when you read all of the Bible in the Spirit... God bless everybody who is still walking in the darkness with eyes to see. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, works, and keeping the commandments are all ONE when you have true faith.

    • @dough3821
      @dough3821 9 месяцев назад +1

      1 John is a book on fellowship that is written to believers (as evidenced by the Apostle John's repeated usage of the term "my little children"). The "knowing" in 1 John 2:3 is in an experiential sense. If a woman has been married to a man for two decades but does not enjoy any intimacy or close fellowship with him, she may say "We've been married for twenty years, but I barely even know my own husband." Of course, she is still married, but she is not able to enjoy close fellowship with her husband. Likewise, once a person trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, they have eternal life and are guaranteed they won't go to hell. Their behavior has no impact on this relationship whatsoever, but it does have a major impact on the degree of fellowship that the believer will enjoy in this life. Moreover, it will have a tremendous effect on the degree of reward that they receive in heaven (1 Cor. 3:9-15).
      There are a plethora of examples in Scripture of individuals who clearly were born again but did not show any evidence in their lives. Lot, King Saul, King Solomon, Demas, the Corinthians, etc. all come to mind. 1 Kings 11:4 even states, " For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father." There is no record in Scripture of Solomon repenting of his idolatry before he died. The same is true of many in the Corinthian Church.
      Believers who persist in sin will be disciplined by God (Heb. 12:8). They may even be chastened to the point of physical death. Again, they will also forfeit eternal rewards when they stand to give an account of their lives at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10). However, since the believer in Jesus Christ has already passed from death unto life and currently possesses eternal life (John 5:24), there is no possible way for them to end up in hell. It is only those who believe in Jesus Christ that receive everlasting life, not those who "behave" in Him. Besides, if keeping commandments had anything to do with where we spend eternity, we would all be doomed. James 2:10 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."

    • @Donasavedbygrace
      @Donasavedbygrace 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@dough3821 Amen

    • @satdm9721
      @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад

      I am sorry to say this but you have been deceived if you honestly believe what you just wrote. All of the Holy Bible is inspired by God through the Holy Ghost, and everything it says is true and to be taken as authoratitve, we do not get to cherry pick the verses we want and reinterpret them for our convenience. Do you understand that Jesus himself told you not to sin? He specifically said a man cannot have two masters. Jesus also says in Luke 6:46 "And why call ye mee Lord, Lord, and doe not the things which I say?". Right after he talks about good tree bringing forth good fruit and an evil tree bringing forth corrupt fruit. When a woman was about to get stoned for her adultery, the last words Jesus told her were "Go and sin NO MORE". Repentance implies turning from how you used to live, if you don't then there is no change of mind. Open your eyes before it's too late and course correct onto a narrow road. The Parable of Talents talks about servants of the kingdom of God, and the last servant is being thrown into the lake of fire... Stop serving the devil, you actually just spit on the spirit of grace with what you just wrote, there is only one punishment after death and that's eternal damnation, not that you get punished in heaven. As a matter of fact, the day that I got filled with the Holy Ghost, I no longer could enjoy most of the things I did before.. secular music, cursing, movies, drugs... I was literally addicted to weed for 12 years, and quit it overnight thanks to Jesus and the Holy Ghost... I started hating sin, the conviction after sin is nearly unbearable, that feeling alone helps me fight the temptations, and the Holy Ghost strengthens me daily. If somebody does not feel conviction and advocates for sin, then they have never surrender or gotten filled with the Holy Spirit...@@dough3821

    • @Donasavedbygrace
      @Donasavedbygrace 9 месяцев назад

      @@satdm9721 Repentance is a change of mind from unbelief to belief in Jesus. Taking verses out of context as you have been doing is very dangerous. You keep on sinning, don't lie, even a small lie is a sin. it is impossible to be SINLESS why we are still here on earth in our earthy bodies. have to wait until death or the rapture to be sinless. We are not sinless but SINNING LESS.

    • @satdm9721
      @satdm9721 9 месяцев назад

      That's the problem with most of the people who are deceived by hypergrace... You just said that I am taking verses out of context, meanwhile, you are projecting on me what you are doing by saying that repentance implies a change of mind from disbelief to belief in Jesus. Didn't Jesus tell you in Luke 6:46 why do you call him Lord, Lord, and do not the things which he says? That immediately invalidates what you are arguing for... Do you know that one of the first things Jesus preached in Galilee after he came out of the wilderness was "Repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand" How could it imply a change of mind in who he is when he had not even moved on yet or made a single claim to be God or sent by the Father? Jesus also says in Matthew 3:8 to bring forth fruits meet for repentance... I pray that God opens your eyes before it's too late... You are not gambling with my salvation but yours and I do not want you to end up in the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth... Grace is not a license to sin, if somebody stumbles, they have been told to confess it and ask for forgiveness, however, if somebody lives in habitual sin, then that's not stumbling, that's never getting up from the ground.@@Donasavedbygrace

  • @sozo78
    @sozo78 6 месяцев назад

    I like to get your opinion on this issue I have with all of this. Not only Paul Washer, but I have also seen John McArthur, Robert Morris and also this Isaiah Saldivar I like you video on his message.
    Doesn’t seem like to you that all of these guys are talking DOWN to people. They seen to act as if they have the magic key to salvation that nobody else has. How can they know that. I would think if they really believed this stuff they would end up in a mental hospital with fear.
    I’m not sure if you have ever seen Paul Washers video on youtube “Paul Washer - Shocking Message (full length)”
    It’s still there. I believe this was done in front of young people. At that age this would have destroyed my faith in my salvation.
    But at 63 I know manipulation when I see it now.
    There’s so many things in that video. At one point the says a man can be deceived into believing he’s saved when he’s not. How can that happen? But I noticed that he doesn’t include himself. And it looks like he’s omitting parts of Matt chapter 7. In context it looks like the people saying Lord lord were false prophets. So that might not have been just talking about anybody.
    But at the end he has all of these kids coming up to the platform in fear to him to save them. It’s not clear to me why they are going up to the platform.
    When I was a teen a scary missionary came to our church and did the same thing. I didn’t why people were going up there.
    It was discovered later that it was all about committing to giving him money and it was also late discovered that this missionary ministry may have been a money making scam. The minister found out these stories of them being shot at and head hunters were not true. Long story how he found this out.
    One final thought I ask myself did any of the apostles in the bible preach the scary stuff Paul Washer preaches? I’ve never seen it in there.

  • @ebt777
    @ebt777 Месяц назад

    Notice how he flips from sinners won't enter to "if you don't give to the poor" no talk of sin here. Just that you didn't do good to the poor.

  • @funbjohny
    @funbjohny 9 месяцев назад

    OK I’m only a few minutes in and already I can see the error of this guy and the blindness he has it’s not deliverance ministry it’s regular Christianity. Remember the Bible says they deny the power of.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад

      That quotation of scripture is quite out of context. The power is in God and the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Faith in Him alone is what saves a man and keeps Him saved. Eph. 1:12-14, 2:8-9
      - Trent

  • @brittanylivingston1662
    @brittanylivingston1662 2 месяца назад

    I just finished watching this series! God bless you Jesse for enduring through the modern-day Pharisee Isaiah’s satanic message. His voice is so irritating and annoying to me haha. He’s such a self-righteous, double-minded, forked tongue man and is so arrogant, prideful, and blind to the fact that the same verses that he quotes actually condemn him. He doesn’t realize that Satan is using him like a satanic puppet to spew out Satan’s demonic lies to lead more and more people astray and, eventually, into Hell (if they’ve never been saved to begin with). I hope and pray that Isaiah, his followers, and others who may watch any of his demonic videos get saved! I used to be very deceived by a deliverance ministry (called Revelations of Jesus Christ ministries) that tells the similar demonic filth as Isaiah does, including that “Christians can have demons” and that people can “lose their salvation”. I thank God that He opened my eyes and ears, softened my heart to the ONLY True Gospel, I believed on Jesus Christ as my Savior and got saved and born-again! I believe that God has been using my past experiences of heavy deception to give me a lot of discernment, understanding, love, and empathy for others who are lost or saved people who are deceived by any type of false doctrine and gospels. God bless you Jesse and keep being encouraged to spread the Truth in love!

  • @GoddessofChaos79
    @GoddessofChaos79 9 месяцев назад

    Pretty sure it does say that the path is narrow we all need to be very vigilant trusting in Jesus but still vigilant

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад +4

      You don't add anything to Christ's sacrifice. "Trusting in Jesus but"
      Is stating that it's Christ and you
      Which leads to boasting which leads to hell
      For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
      It's only Christ and you
      When He is the SAVIOUR and you are the saved
      When He is the Believed and you're the believer
      When He is the Giver of the gift and you're the receiver of the gift .
      Maybe it's narrow because Jesus Christ is the only Way to heaven and so many distractions into hell

    • @zayacrow8869
      @zayacrow8869 9 месяцев назад +2

      It's narrow because jesus is the only way

    • @GoddessofChaos79
      @GoddessofChaos79 9 месяцев назад

      @@hisholiness4urfaith so I can just have faith in Jesus Christ that he saves and that he is my salvation and continue to be a shitty person? I can go on sinning? We need to also be born again and repent and turn from our sin. That what I meant by being vigilant. Satan is always trying to temp us to hurt us and thereby hurt God/Jesus even if we are saved He still doesn’t want us to live in sin and harm ourselves by doing so.

    • @hisholiness4urfaith
      @hisholiness4urfaith 9 месяцев назад

      @@GoddessofChaos79 if you read John 3:14-17, you can clearly see that BELIEVE = ETERNAL LIFE.
      So yes, only Faith in Christ Jesus's payment is the pass to heaven.
      So after making sure that heaven is a done deal then with the help of the Holy Spirit and the bible you can live a sanctified life. If you know sin is hurtful why continue in it? The bible never says continue in sin after getting saved. Sadly some of us do, but that doesn't mean that we can loose our salvation because it's a gift already received. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
      If you continue in sin after salvation and others don't
      There's a judgment seat of Christ. That will sort everything.
      Our works on the judgment seat of Christ. For those who did not continue in sin is gold, silver, precious stones.
      Those who continued in is wood, hay stubble.
      Does that make?

  • @americantopgunner5102
    @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад

    Of course doing works is for one’s who already received Christ. I don’t think saldivar had ti make that clear 🤦🏻🤦🏻 we are to rely on Jesus but some do willfully sin instead strive to be holy. Physical acts of staying away from sin is a physical act. Not drinking alcohol is a physical act of not sining. Ultimately we rely on Jesus but physical acts of not sining is our own works and when your tempted call upon Jesus for help to fight temptation. Works and relying on Jesus it’s both. Wat don’t U people understand?

    • @americantopgunner5102
      @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад

      @@dough3821 the scripture says to do something physically. If u disobey something Jesus said that was physical, do u think you’ll still enter heaven?? Physical disobedience is disobedience. We are covered by the blood, but in willful sin there is no more sacrifice. Hebrews 10:26. It’s very much 2 sided but if u strive to obey He is understanding and forgives. We know we can’t stay away from sin but as long as we try we are still covered by the blood of Jesus. Thai message is a message of encouragement to stop sining if possible if not Holy Spirit can help.

    • @americantopgunner5102
      @americantopgunner5102 9 месяцев назад

      @@dough3821 it clearly says no more sacrifice for sins, can’t get much more clear. Doesn’t sound like chastise to me. Maybe reread it. Also a physical homosexual can’t enter. Physically stop being homosexual or don’t enter how can u see we still do physical act to not sin? Saved by Grace and faith yes but if I continue to physically sin u will not enter. If u don’t believe that then u choose to do u. I will not respond any further.

  • @Corinthians--nx4oz
    @Corinthians--nx4oz 3 месяца назад

    I love your videos dude…..that Isiah guy is the worst. Hes so cocky and of himself and everything he says is false.

  • @Jax_904
    @Jax_904 9 месяцев назад

    Doubting your salvation and wanting to make sure you walk right with God is different. Your theology is not right man.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine 9 месяцев назад +2

      I actually agree with that statement. There is a difference between salvation and our fellowship/walk with the Lord. Salvation is free to all who believe, and the individual who believes is saved forever. Our walk with God can change daily or even hourly. We do not base our salvation on our walk.
      - Trent

  • @RickZolaBuckeyeBeliever
    @RickZolaBuckeyeBeliever 9 месяцев назад

    Do you believe this guy believes what he says, or is he just in this for fame and money?

    • @evanwildermann7034
      @evanwildermann7034 9 месяцев назад

      I think he believes it's just culture tbh I don't think hus intentions are bad I think he thinks he's doing what's right but thinking and doing are a different story

    • @TheShadow.1
      @TheShadow.1 9 месяцев назад +1

      What he believes is unfortunately what the majority of the churches teach which is "salvation is free if you work hard enough for it." If you're waiting for that to make sense, you're going to be disappointed.

    • @evanwildermann7034
      @evanwildermann7034 9 месяцев назад

      @@TheShadow.1 indeed has deceived just like the masses are alot of us new there was something wrong I know I did that's why I backsliding super hard long time ago cause there was no foundation I emphasize with him cause we had similar upbringings

    • @evanwildermann7034
      @evanwildermann7034 9 месяцев назад

      Accept I used to be mormon before that devil always appears as an angel of light

  • @shaund7725
    @shaund7725 9 месяцев назад +1

    Faith without works is dead, did not jesus speak the parable of the good samaritan. And jesus said Go and do likewise. He who endures till the end shall obtain his crown of eternal life. You will be known by your fruit. If you sin you do not produce good fruit. It's great to belive osas. You can be lazy and not do anything, no good works good deeds, call it what you will, completely and utterly disagree with you.

    • @TheShadow.1
      @TheShadow.1 9 месяцев назад +2

      You only mentioned a few things Jesus said. Obviously this is an important list if your eternal destination depends on it. As I'm sure you would want me to have the salvation you enjoy, could you give me the rest of the list?

    • @antonkoivisto2999
      @antonkoivisto2999 9 месяцев назад +2

      So much misunderstood scripture.
      Faith without works is dead. Read in context means that if you don't work, your faith is useless for others.
      Fruits are for teachers, not for believers. Atheists and muslims can have good "fruits"

    • @petrasizer2966
      @petrasizer2966 9 месяцев назад +1

      Faith without works is not profitable to your fellow man. You are justified by faith in Jesus for Salvation. You are Justified by man when they see your faith and works together, that glorifies God (in front of man). If you don’t do good works your faith doesn’t help others (it’s dead… not profitable to anyone). Faith in Jesus finished work on the cross is what saves.

  • @ericyoung6236
    @ericyoung6236 9 месяцев назад +1

    Backsliders who dont repent, sinners who dont repent, hell will recieve all kinds of pèople. Faith alone isnt enough. Must produce fruit that last. You are spreading false doctrine. Be careful.

    • @Donasavedbygrace
      @Donasavedbygrace 9 месяцев назад +2

      Have you repented of your sins? You may look at your own life before judging others.You are spreading another Gospel and according to Galatians 1:8-9, you are accused.

    • @LifeClipsPodcast
      @LifeClipsPodcast 9 месяцев назад +1

      A backslider IS already going to heaven though. They are still saved!

    • @LifeClipsPodcast
      @LifeClipsPodcast 9 месяцев назад +1

      Faith alone IS enough! WOW!!

  • @funbjohny
    @funbjohny 9 месяцев назад +1

    Work out your salvation with fear and trembling
    One saved always saved, is not right

    • @mikequick45
      @mikequick45 9 месяцев назад +3

      Read and interpret the scriptures correctly and not out of context…….Philippians 2:12 the Apostle Paul is writing to the Christian believers in regard to their position of sanctification. The Bible says we are justified by faith and that good works were prepared in advance for us so that we should/ would walk in them (volitional - ability to choose). Read Ephesians 2:8-10

    • @dough3821
      @dough3821 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@mikequick45 Great response :)

    • @dough3821
      @dough3821 9 месяцев назад +1

      Jesus only promises one kind of life to those who believe in Him, and it's called ETERNAL LIFE. By its very nature, eternal life cannot be lost. If you could give it back for any reason whatsoever, then it wouldn't be eternal. Jesus would also be a liar if that were the case.
      Anyone who believes eternal life can be lost also believes in works for salvation. If there is any sin whatsoever that you could commit in the future that would condemn you to hell, then you don't believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ paid your sin debt in full. Instead, you believe that "Jesus did His part, and now I must do mine." That won't get you to heaven, because salvation is not some kind of cooperative effort. It's a FREE GIFT that is received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" (Rom. 4:5).

    • @michaelparker6763
      @michaelparker6763 5 месяцев назад

      You are trusting in yourself and will end up in hell.

  • @charityboyd7709
    @charityboyd7709 29 дней назад

    Great..another Luke Warm Christian rebuking a fairy truth minister. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @Corinthians--nx4oz
    @Corinthians--nx4oz 3 месяца назад

    I love your videos dude…..that Isiah guy is the worst. Hes so cocky and of himself and everything he says is false.