A family/church family that praise together stays together. For a divided church shall fall. We are of one Body with many members. For God isn’t an Aurthor of confusion. Thanks Pastor for the inspirational words 🙏🏽
Unity is extremely important for many reasons. Our unity is a prime example of how Christ is. Churches that’s unified shows others the unity of Christ. Awesome lesson Pastor AD!
Amos 3:3 "Do two walk together unless they agree to do so?. Without friendship, there is no fellowship, and without Concord, there is no communion Great Bible Study! Without a doubt me must have unity.
True Vine unity Hallelujah.
A family/church family that praise together stays together. For a divided church shall fall. We are of one Body with many members. For God isn’t an Aurthor of confusion. Thanks Pastor for the inspirational words 🙏🏽
Great Bible Study Pastor A.D Unity ! Where there is unity there is strength
Unity is extremely important for many reasons. Our unity is a prime example of how Christ is. Churches that’s unified shows others the unity of Christ. Awesome lesson Pastor AD!
Amos 3:3 "Do two walk together unless they agree to do so?. Without friendship, there is no fellowship, and without Concord, there is no communion Great Bible Study! Without a doubt me must have unity.