The idea of using different colors to distinguish between the groups is a very clever one. Well done. That helped me remember the groups. Thanks a lot.
Dear prof. I was wandering IF I might ask you a question. Ett parti ending in I so I have to put an N. Partin! Is it correct. I pay my respect to You. H
The idea of using different colors to distinguish between the groups is a very clever one. Well done. That helped me remember the groups. Thanks a lot.
Du är bäst, fortsatt snälla. ❤
Tack så mycket .
tack så mycket / bara "ett hjärta"/
tack så mycket du är mycket hjälpa för oss
Tack så mycket för din hjälp kära lärare!
Tack så mycket lärare 💐
Tack för information
Man säger ett hjärta inte ett hjärtan
Dear prof.
I was wandering IF I might ask you a question. Ett parti ending in I so I have to put an N. Partin! Is it correct. I pay my respect to You. H
It has been jus a question! Thank you anyway. Andrea MD, Ph.D
Man säger "ett hjärta", inte "ett hjärtan": ett hjärta, hjärtat, hjärtan, hjärtana.