This EU needs to decompose. It has become a place for politicians to retire after they have been voted out of office in the Countries they once served and a place for them to continue their corruption practices.. We are SO OVER-Governed..
My views were shaped by what I read - that he was some nasty far-right politician. Then I watched him in an interview and he seemed like a nice guy who spoke common sense. The more I listen to what he actually says, the more I agree with him. Europe needs more leaders like him.
I am so pleased to see you write these words. Indeed he is a great leader, however much maligned. The EU leaders have a philosophy ... "My way or the highway". They are not interested in debate, they are not interested in democracy, they have no respect for the opinions of the citizens of each nation, they have no desire to bring benefit to anything or anyone other than their own agenda, their own personal interests and their own survival. They are parasites sucking the blood out of European taxpayers. They are threatening the freedoms we have all wanted and expected. Victor Orban genuinely has the interest of Hungarians at heart and I wish people understood that we Hungarians had a referendum on immigration. We don't want it. Victor Orban is simply exercising the wishes of the people when it comes to immigration. I hope to see him lead Hungary for many more years.
@@sunshine_girl182 ce sont les leaders actuels- Van der Lyen , Macron et ses semblables qui nous mènent vers la guerre ! Orban parle avec tout le monde, la Hongrie est dans l'Otan mais il discute avec les Chinois, les Russes et les Occidentaux ! Donc non, lui ne veut pas la guerre !
In the USA and even in the EU, there are views against normalcy. Which causes irreversible damage, especially in today's western part. Germany, France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden fall after 10 years. These will all be Islamic republics! We leave Hungary out of this. You have to leave if there is no other way, because what the EU leadership is doing today is not democracy! Banning the speech of politicians is what Hitler did! Viktor Orbán as the leader of the EU!
And where do you live? Look around you and find out how many things were done under his leadership - I will ask my friend to send me a list that shows how many things were done in Hungary during the period when he was running the state - are you so biased that you don't see anything like that? I don't have time or space here to calculate it for you!
@@defiletia8838 There should be more and better things! New roads, great health care system, not Netanjau unfluence, not 50% of inflamation , same salaries like in west Eu. Ok u write 5 things what u like abput his leadership!
@@kamillaerdos7636 Have you ever thought, used your brain for what it is? "There should be more and better things!" you say. Everyone knows that, it's easy to say! Shouldn't everything be better in the "west" as well? Didn't you think of that? Do you want to have Muslims in Hungary, like "the West"? Do you want lunatics who want a world war? Yes you want to have salaries like in the "west"? So return Hungary to the time before the Ottoman invasion, give away the 150 years they ruled here, when they murdered half of the Hungarians, when they demolished the Gothic cities, cathedrals, do what the "Western" countries did: occupy America, India, Australia, New Zealand, African countries etc. and loot them as the "west" did. Abolish Trianon and take back the stolen Hungarian territories and the salaries will be like in the "west"! You write about 50% ?infalamation" and not about 5% inflation - look at what you write!
The peace demonstration was oppressed in Hungary! We can apply his advice about system change in Hungary . The health care system is horrible they want only private health care!
@@kamillaerdos7636 People like you make life in Hungary (and elsewhere) not what it could be. You don't understand the context, because you are not educated enough - you probably didn't live under socialism, and you probably didn't even live in some western country that looted colonies and murdered natives. They robbed them of everything and made a good living stealing the colonies - apparently these are your role models.
It is possible that there will be just a normal EU - or no EU at all. "The West" cannot be "western EU" because it will already be an Islamic caliphate....
Nyugat europa éhen halna😂😂😂😂gazdagabb nyugateuropai államok a szegényebb keleti államokon élőskődik.ha nincs szegényebb ország akkor vége a gazdag országnak. Tanulj gazdaságot mielőtt hülyeségeket irsz
Much as I disagree with how the EU is run I cannot listen to a man who thinks Putin should be given Ukraine then criticize any other government, especially one that has lined his coffers since Hungary joined the EU. Orban is a leach and represents much of what I dislike about the EU.
Buta vagy 😂😂😂😂 putyinnak nem kell ukrajna. Oroszorszag nak az kell hogy az amerikaiak takarodjan ki az ukrán területről es az ukran politikaból!ukrajna nem lehet NATO tagallam mert akkor az USA telerakja rakétaval fegyverekkel ami már az oroszorszag nem engedheti meg!!!USA UGYAN EZT CSINALTA MIKOR OROSZORSZAG TELEPITET CUBÁBA RAKÉTAKAT😂😂😂😂
To those who root for him: he already brought 110-120k "guest workers" to Hungary which is far over 1% of the whole population... Just because he is unable to raise wages in his own country. Now he is telling you what you should think about migration. :D Do you understand the irony of this? This man is the sickest politician Europe currently has. A talented but in the same time a very sick politician.
Guest workers have a Visa and a work contract.. not a citizenship or any general permission to stay. They Are not uncontrolled masses of a certain fairh, but needed workers under full control. The average vage is between 200 and 300 percent of the average vage of the previous Time period when liberals ruled. Yes, Orbán delivers his promises on migration, economic issues .. even the ammount spent on the infraštruktúre and doctors wages Was absolutely unseen under liberals, who actually wanted to privatise the public healthcare. He get reelected for the sole reason ťhat he delivers. And yes this makes our korrupt opposition very very sick.
Cet homme a été réélu il y a un an, une grande majorité de Hongrois a voté pour lui et son parti. Ils sont donc satisfaits de leur président. Rien à voir avec une dictature. L'opposition à perdu les élections.
The west and their people had always been seen USSR/RUSSIA from propaganda way of life but never see their government or self from hegemony and domineering of others who are non west as bad attitudes .
1.Orban care about Hungary and Hungarians all over the world,not matter where they live! 2 Ukrian not was free,not even before 2014 and now too becouse when a country depending from others from taht moment they are not independent!!
Stii tu cum e in Ungaria??? Cate beneficii au tinerii si familiile mari??? Cate investitii au facut si fac fara banii UE??? Ungaria nu permite presiunea politica din afara tarii?? Romania nu este condus de liderii din Romania si i se ordona cum sa conduca.Nici un referendum nu a fost facuta sa intrebe populatia despre viitorul tarii,Ungaria a facut TREI referendum! Romania in fiecare an se imprumuta sa-si poate plati pensiile fara a mai avea bani de investitii si sa indatorat cel putin pe 100 de ani de acum inainte pe langa ca si-a primit toti banii de la UE!! Romania nu paote ajuta tinerii cu nimic si tinerii nu au nici o garantie de viitor decat din propriile puteri! Deci pana cand nu stii diferentele nu comenta aiurea!!!
@@lorycotiga4231 Eu nu stiu ce vorbesc??? Tu stii ca scolarii au abonamente gratuite ? Familiile cu 3 copii unul dintre parinti nu plateste impozit toata viata..? Sau ca au imprumuturi ori ne rambursabile ori cu 0 dobanda?? Tinerii care incep munca la 18 ani nu platesc impozit pana la varsta de 20 de ani?? Etc...
What are you talking about ? millions of Ukrainian refugees stay in Hungary and receive food and the opportunity to live and work...Hungarians limit and ban illegal fake refugees from the Middle East
@@delldell191 Europe has nothing to do with Ukraine!! Why are European taxpayers' money given to a notoriously corrupt mafia state..Ukraine! zelenski betrayed the ukrainian people in exchange for many, many the usa..after all, the most ukrainian agricultural land is owned by american businessmen...the union only supports ukraine because of the usa's see the palestinians don't supported by the Eu they think that ordinary Palestinian people are equal to an animal?? This is hypocrisy! This proves that Ukraine is a good business...Palestine is not...this is not about human life...Ukraine's American-owned agricultural lands...
Hajrá Orbán úr csak Orbán hozhatja el a Békét jol beszél ilyen vezetök lennének nem lenne háború nem lenne Migráns áradat Europába hajra béke párti Orbán hajrá!!!!
I just watched an interview with the Russian, sorry, Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto...I must say that I am shocked on a high level.I did not know that Hungary was a suburb of Russia. He was condemning the war in Ukraine, but not Putin. Hungary is boycotting help to Ukraine, just like they obstructed Sweden's Nato membership. And he said that the EU owes Hungary 30 billion euros (EU not releasing the money because of corruption and violation of human rights)... We are here for the money, so pay up! With "friends" like that...Maybe the EU and Nato should revoke "someone's" membership.
1. Magyarorszag önnalo ország 2 magyar orszag kereskedik oroszországgal 3 magyarország minden (!)szankciot megszavazott 4 ukrajna segely 30 % ellopjak az ukranok 70% az unioban marad a fegyvergyárak zsebében! 4 Magyarorszag minden ukran menekültet beenged az országában 5 De magyar orszag nem hajlando semmilyen katonai beavatkozást támogatni. 7 EZ NEM A MI HABORUNK SEGITÜNK DE A SEGITSÉG NEM MEHET MAGYARORSZAG BIZTONSÁGÁRA
This EU needs to decompose. It has become a place for politicians to retire after they have been voted out of office in the Countries they once served and a place for them to continue their corruption practices.. We are SO OVER-Governed..
You are completely right.Eu leadership should change.
Von der Leyen does everything the US says even when it is bad for the EU.
Exactly, she is a puppet.
Bc she is a wef-soros puppet.
De VS doet alles wat de satanisten zeggen. Het is in de V S net zo erg als hier in EU.
This is a real man, a real leader. Countries need leaders like him. Glory to Hungary
you have zero idea what a corrupt , criminal grade politician he is in Hungary. He earned his place in prison.
@@mickadatwist1620 The problem is that you perhaps watching too much mainstream news, aren't you..
He is the biggest corrupt person in Hi Gary, him and his friends got grip on that country .
He doesnt aswer the questions of indepent press in Hungary.. Great Leader😂😂
@@gojdartamas34Don't lie, Tomikám! Just don't lie.
Go Orban!!!! 🙂
to hell yeah
@@sunshine_girl182 you and your family
@@sunshine_girl182 orvos látott?
@@utalomAlibbantakat szerintem sose látta...pedig kéne
@@kovacsinger5672 elmegyek ma 🤡🤓
indeed a new leadership of the EU is needed
Hungary need New Magyar Péter ❤❤❤❤❤
@@evaolah7621 no way! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Poloska Peti is megy majd a levesbe mami!
@@evaolah7621 pofaraeset mar begyakoroltad?
@@evaolah7621no, you need him
@@evaolah7621 And you need a new psychiatrist.
Viktor Orbán is 100% right . at least he has the common sense to protect his country and his people. 👌❤️🇭🇺
we don't need it thanks
@@sunshine_girl182 it is not our fault that you are angry at life. try to find a job or go back to school 🤣😂
@@DZX5000 🤡🫶🏻
@@sunshine_girl182 a szörös pinádat be tömöm a szörös kolbàszomal 🤣❤️
Absolutely right!
My views were shaped by what I read - that he was some nasty far-right politician. Then I watched him in an interview and he seemed like a nice guy who spoke common sense. The more I listen to what he actually says, the more I agree with him. Europe needs more leaders like him.
Never read interpretations, especially interpreters, basic rule
I am so pleased to see you write these words.
Indeed he is a great leader, however much maligned. The EU leaders have a philosophy ... "My way or the highway".
They are not interested in debate, they are not interested in democracy, they have no respect for the opinions of the citizens of each nation, they have no desire to bring benefit to anything or anyone other than their own agenda, their own personal interests and their own survival. They are parasites sucking the blood out of European taxpayers. They are threatening the freedoms we have all wanted and expected.
Victor Orban genuinely has the interest of Hungarians at heart and I wish people understood that we Hungarians had a referendum on immigration. We don't want it. Victor Orban is simply exercising the wishes of the people when it comes to immigration.
I hope to see him lead Hungary for many more years.
More leaders like Orban and Putin 👍👍👍👍👍
in hell for sure 🤡
yeah and we can all sleep peacefully in our beds knowing they would never start a war.🙄
Imagine if Vladimir Putin ran the EU. The whole of Europe would be transformed and united.
@@josephmurphy1509 ...into one oppressed people led by a murderous, poison dwarf.
The EU could be great with the right leadership. If men like Viktor Orban ruled all of Europe it would be great.
ww3? no thanks
@@sunshine_girl182 ce sont les leaders actuels- Van der Lyen , Macron et ses semblables qui nous mènent vers la guerre ! Orban parle avec tout le monde, la Hongrie est dans l'Otan mais il discute avec les Chinois, les Russes et les Occidentaux ! Donc non, lui ne veut pas la guerre !
Von der Leyen and the others? No, thanks...
A great guy
Taked 😂😂😂😂😂😂Russian propaganda náci
@@evaolah7621èva bàcsi, csak lejàratod magad. Nektek liberósoknak befellegzett. Eleget rontottatok Európàn. Ülj le szèpen.
@@evaolah7621How about Gyurcsány sitting in the lap of Putyin? You have seen the scene, right? 🤣
@@HHSTT Is there a video like this? I've only seen one where they danced together Czardas ...not with each other, but with women :))
@@8lifeisamovie8 I saw the "lap-dance" on some Facebook page. It exists.
Bra sagt Herr Orban 👍👍👍👍👍
Couldn’t agree more 🤝👏
No EU anymore! We do not want that monster! Sovreignity to nations!
we prefer to ask him leave asap
In the USA and even in the EU, there are views against normalcy. Which causes irreversible damage, especially in today's western part. Germany, France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden fall after 10 years. These will all be Islamic republics! We leave Hungary out of this. You have to leave if there is no other way, because what the EU leadership is doing today is not democracy! Banning the speech of politicians is what Hitler did! Viktor Orbán as the leader of the EU!
The cracks are starting to show !
He's right the EU has gone mad people are sick of all the stupid rules.
I wish Poland had balls like Orban.
Victor Orban is speaking for all the 'right' minded people of Europe.
No doubt about that . Only sane politican .Thank you Orban.
The sane President ...bravo god bless Orban !
No the EU need disbanding
Top man
Orban 👍👍👍
Orban is 100% right! I agree and we are blessed to have a leader like Orban! Thanks to God!
Agree absolutely with every word!
Orban Victor ... a great man, a great leader!
Yes Orban should be the new leader, he and only he nobody else. Why not leader of the world? Oh no, putin is watching.
a new system..... if
I wish he could be the leader of the free world.
Totally right..
Bravo mr Orban!
Молодец! Нечего принуждать других, причинять добро! Своими делами занимайтесь.
So True
Yes , change him ,.!
👉👼👉💯💯💯🪃🪃🪃👉 работать надо на людей а не на свой карман тогда и люди за тобой бегать будет
Last Mohican of jewish-christian European heritage.
I love you
Acts are important not words.
He's acting and doing. 😀
And where do you live? Look around you and find out how many things were done under his leadership - I will ask my friend to send me a list that shows how many things were done in Hungary during the period when he was running the state - are you so biased that you don't see anything like that?
I don't have time or space here to calculate it for you!
@@defiletia8838 There should be more and better things! New roads, great health care system, not Netanjau unfluence, not 50% of inflamation , same salaries like in west Eu. Ok u write 5 things what u like abput his leadership!
Have you ever thought, used your brain for what it is?
"There should be more and better things!" you say. Everyone knows that, it's easy to say! Shouldn't everything be better in the "west" as well? Didn't you think of that? Do you want to have Muslims in Hungary, like "the West"? Do you want lunatics who want a world war?
Yes you want to have salaries like in the "west"? So return Hungary to the time before the Ottoman invasion, give away the 150 years they ruled here, when they murdered half of the Hungarians, when they demolished the Gothic cities, cathedrals, do what the "Western" countries did: occupy America, India, Australia, New Zealand, African countries etc. and loot them as the "west" did. Abolish Trianon and take back the stolen Hungarian territories and the salaries will be like in the "west"! You write about 50% ?infalamation" and not about 5% inflation - look at what you write!
It’s HUXIT. You are welcome
Only after you will give back ALL the money you've taken from developed Western European countries.
@@oliver5976 That's the fast UK method; for Hungary I expect the slow version 50 years later!😄
Yes, please and fast. We don’t need traitors and Russian spies between us.
@@CRemS08 I see: if somebody talk about reality, he or she or whatever is a traitor...
The peace demonstration was oppressed in Hungary! We can apply his advice about system change in Hungary . The health care system is horrible they want only private health care!
What demonstration was oppressed lier? Anybody Can protest in Hungary.. ťhat is actually the hobby of the opposition..having fiestas on te Streets.
@@Mrac-zz8vh u dont know well! The peace demonstratione agaist the Gaza genocide! So it shows where Hungary directed from!
People like you make life in Hungary (and elsewhere) not what it could be. You don't understand the context, because you are not educated enough - you probably didn't live under socialism, and you probably didn't even live in some western country that looted colonies and murdered natives.
They robbed them of everything and made a good living stealing the colonies - apparently these are your role models.
We support Russia to rule the Eastern Europe and North Europe.
The West Europe is Africa now, let it be.
No. We want Europe to rule Europe. The right way
Ruck Fussia , we dont need red plague
Go to Mara Lago and have a secret meeting about this😅
There should be Western EU and Eastern EU.
What are you talking about? It' s already like this. 😏
It is possible that there will be just a normal EU - or no EU at all.
"The West" cannot be "western EU" because it will already be an Islamic caliphate....
Nyugat europa éhen halna😂😂😂😂gazdagabb nyugateuropai államok a szegényebb keleti államokon élőskődik.ha nincs szegényebb ország akkor vége a gazdag országnak. Tanulj gazdaságot mielőtt hülyeségeket irsz
Much as I disagree with how the EU is run I cannot listen to a man who thinks Putin should be given Ukraine then criticize any other government, especially one that has lined his coffers since Hungary joined the EU. Orban is a leach and represents much of what I dislike about the EU.
Buta vagy 😂😂😂😂 putyinnak nem kell ukrajna. Oroszorszag nak az kell hogy az amerikaiak takarodjan ki az ukrán területről es az ukran politikaból!ukrajna nem lehet NATO tagallam mert akkor az USA telerakja rakétaval fegyverekkel ami már az oroszorszag nem engedheti meg!!!USA UGYAN EZT CSINALTA MIKOR OROSZORSZAG TELEPITET CUBÁBA RAKÉTAKAT😂😂😂😂
I agree what the duck does vonerlay on your back know about world politics vote someone who knows what they are talking about 😂
Russian propaganda náci
@@evaolah7621agymosott kommunista vagy😂😂😂
@@evaolah7621Putyin-petting Gyurcsány? 🙄😁
You're biggest troublemaker
EU needs the Huxit
Akkor europa végleg elveszne😂😂😂😂😂
orban - who is in power 14 years for now - wants a new leadership.hahaha
new leadership by election.
30 éve politizál sokat tapasztalt. Sokat látott es sokat tud a nemzetközi politikáról.
To those who root for him: he already brought 110-120k "guest workers" to Hungary which is far over 1% of the whole population... Just because he is unable to raise wages in his own country. Now he is telling you what you should think about migration. :D Do you understand the irony of this?
This man is the sickest politician Europe currently has. A talented but in the same time a very sick politician.
Guest workers have a Visa and a work contract.. not a citizenship or any general permission to stay. They Are not uncontrolled masses of a certain fairh, but needed workers under full control.
The average vage is between 200 and 300 percent of the average vage of the previous Time period when liberals ruled.
Yes, Orbán delivers his promises on migration, economic issues .. even the ammount spent on the infraštruktúre and doctors wages Was absolutely unseen under liberals, who actually wanted to privatise the public healthcare.
He get reelected for the sole reason ťhat he delivers. And yes this makes our korrupt opposition very very sick.
A vendeg munkás jobb mint a migráns !a vendég munkast haza lehet küldeni a büncselekményt kővet el!a vendég munkás dolgozik adot fizet stb ❤❤❤
All the comments are full of russian bots
Russian propaganda $$$$$
🤦🤦🤦. Just because we agree with the very correct thing O. Is saying?! Go to the doctor' s ..🤕🤕🤕
What is your opinion about Eric Zemmur?
Who states this is an idiot.
Do you think what the EU is doing right now is good?
We need freedom in Hungary without you for sure, please leave.
It is something like your comment: comment without brain...
Who should leave? You are typing, not writing, right?
@@HHSTT Orban should leave
Buta vagy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Funny he should say that We all think Hungary needs different leadership. Maybe a change to a 'non dictatorship'😂😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 Dictator in what sense? More details, please. (You silly commie. 😁)
Cet homme a été réélu il y a un an, une grande majorité de Hongrois a voté pour lui et son parti. Ils sont donc satisfaits de leur président. Rien à voir avec une dictature. L'opposition à perdu les élections.
Az nem diktatura ha béna az ellenzék😅😅😅
And hungary needs New leadership too.
You must be the smart one.
Very urgent!!!! We need Europe and Brussel
Hungarian people in danger with Russian and Kina propaganda everywhere!!!
And whom? 🤣
We not need nothing! We have nice country! ❤🇭🇺❤
The good-old limousine socialist...🤣🤣🤣🤣
14 után magyarok is kívánják a szabadságot nélküled 😂
Senki sem kìvàncsi ràd.
Akkór most szopsz drága rüheteg😂😂😂😂
Orbán Viktor marad!
Ti meg mentek a levesbe😂😂😂😂
Istenfia, máshol nyomd a vigyorgásodat!Úgylátom fáj a valóság!Szép napot.😂😂😂
Én már évtizedek óta a "haldokló" nyugatról röhögök raktatok! Nem érint meg a "Magyar" gazdaság halála!@@kalmanszabo6425
@@kalmanszabo6425A komcsiknak minden fáj. Leginkább az igazság.
Eu needs to kick you out !
It would be great. Better than this agony.
We decide it when and how. Not you, commies. Relax.
yes please, hell is a great place 🤡
Unio megszünne akkor
Nyugi legközelebb 4/5 lesz❤😂
Szornyu nézni szégyen. Russian propaganda
The west and their people had always been seen USSR/RUSSIA from propaganda way of life but never see their government or self from hegemony and domineering of others who are non west as bad attitudes .
Akkor ne nèzd te nyomi komcsi!
Akkor ne nézd! Nézd magad a tükörben!
Orban, what about freedom in Ukraine?
Why should he care about Ukraine??
1.Orban care about Hungary and Hungarians all over the world,not matter where they live! 2 Ukrian not was free,not even before 2014 and now too becouse when a country depending from others from taht moment they are not independent!!
@@misirosso7536 yep
Why dont you ask zelensky about that? Orban is the leader of Hungary, not Ukraine
@@lucasworktv Does he and Hungary want the new style Soviet Union in Budapest again?
Și Ungaria are nevoie de altă clasă politucă..... Cu asa presedinte și prim-ministru.. vai de capul vostru!
Stii tu cum e in Ungaria??? Cate beneficii au tinerii si familiile mari??? Cate investitii au facut si fac fara banii UE??? Ungaria nu permite presiunea politica din afara tarii?? Romania nu este condus de liderii din Romania si i se ordona cum sa conduca.Nici un referendum nu a fost facuta sa intrebe populatia despre viitorul tarii,Ungaria a facut TREI referendum! Romania in fiecare an se imprumuta sa-si poate plati pensiile fara a mai avea bani de investitii si sa indatorat cel putin pe 100 de ani de acum inainte pe langa ca si-a primit toti banii de la UE!! Romania nu paote ajuta tinerii cu nimic si tinerii nu au nici o garantie de viitor decat din propriile puteri! Deci pana cand nu stii diferentele nu comenta aiurea!!!
What did you drink ? i-di-o-ta
In primul rând, vai de capul tău...lasă tastiera, numai butona, că spui numai bazaconii...
Románia már amerikai és francia gyarmat.
@@lorycotiga4231 Eu nu stiu ce vorbesc??? Tu stii ca scolarii au abonamente gratuite ? Familiile cu 3 copii unul dintre parinti nu plateste impozit toata viata..? Sau ca au imprumuturi ori ne rambursabile ori cu 0 dobanda?? Tinerii care incep munca la 18 ani nu platesc impozit pana la varsta de 20 de ani?? Etc...
Se ama a liberdade por que quer restringir a liberdade dos Ucranianos.?
What are you talking about ? millions of Ukrainian refugees stay in Hungary and receive food and the opportunity to live and work...Hungarians limit and ban illegal fake refugees from the Middle East
Does he?
@@lucasworktv sim. Vetou a ajuda na Ucrânia, mesmo em guerra com a Rússia. Como chama isso
@@delldell191 nope
@@delldell191 Europe has nothing to do with Ukraine!! Why are European taxpayers' money given to a notoriously corrupt mafia state..Ukraine! zelenski betrayed the ukrainian people in exchange for many, many the usa..after all, the most ukrainian agricultural land is owned by american businessmen...the union only supports ukraine because of the usa's see the palestinians don't supported by the Eu they think that ordinary Palestinian people are equal to an animal?? This is hypocrisy! This proves that Ukraine is a good business...Palestine is not...this is not about human life...Ukraine's American-owned agricultural lands...
EU needs to get rid of Hungary, Orban needs to go away.
Hungary needs to get rid of damned EU! And not only Hungary - but all normal thinking people!
@@defiletia8838 please leave nobody is holding you, just go.
I don't need advice from non-thinkers
You want immigration, war and lgbt propaganda?
Just transfer our money, Bart. Okay? 😁 Tell your idiot comrades in the EU Parliament.
Hajrá Orbán úr csak Orbán hozhatja el a Békét jol beszél ilyen vezetök lennének nem lenne háború nem lenne Migráns áradat Europába hajra béke párti Orbán hajrá!!!!
I just watched an interview with the Russian, sorry, Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto...I must say that I am shocked on a high level.I did not know that Hungary was a suburb of Russia. He was condemning the war in Ukraine, but not Putin. Hungary is boycotting help to Ukraine, just like they obstructed Sweden's Nato membership. And he said that the EU owes Hungary 30 billion euros (EU not releasing the money because of corruption and violation of human rights)... We are here for the money, so pay up!
With "friends" like that...Maybe the EU and Nato should revoke "someone's" membership.
1. Magyarorszag önnalo ország
2 magyar orszag kereskedik oroszországgal
3 magyarország minden (!)szankciot megszavazott
4 ukrajna segely 30 % ellopjak az ukranok 70% az unioban marad a fegyvergyárak zsebében!
Magyarorszag minden ukran menekültet beenged az országában
De magyar orszag nem hajlando semmilyen katonai beavatkozást támogatni.