Pascal’s Wager Final Boss + Alternate Ending (Altar LVL 1)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @greggately5782
    @greggately5782 3 года назад +51

    I love how everyone thinks that just because they are sad endings that makes them ‘bad’. You’re probably the same people that always want there to be happy endings in movies. The dark themes of this game fit the endings well.

    • @smartstudyingdoggo9031
      @smartstudyingdoggo9031 3 года назад +2

      I like happy endings but only the ones that fit the story. A sad ending fits better here

    • @nerosta4641
      @nerosta4641 2 года назад +1

      The best ending needs more payment to unlock😔😔

  • @wl4525
    @wl4525 3 года назад +7

    This is the good Ending because he doesnt turn into tree, even If he died but it still good ending.

  • @jacobgarcia5219
    @jacobgarcia5219 4 года назад +5

    Bro, can you make a guide with the side quests?

  • @denisroadmen9715
    @denisroadmen9715 Год назад +4

    How you got that ending? For me there's no second option "refuse". Terrence and Teresa both turned into sendrils in last scene

    • @Grimm0sen
      @Grimm0sen Год назад +1

      I think its either DLC or you need to beat every boss on insane and without switching to casual mode once

    • @PajakDua-fg7lf
      @PajakDua-fg7lf 21 день назад

      Need to fill melos bottle till it says the truth finally revealed

  • @almostclose7910
    @almostclose7910 3 года назад +4

    Good attack...but u got wrong in 7:51 u should attack shadow with crows not any one......

  • @alejandrogarcia-qq4qj
    @alejandrogarcia-qq4qj 4 года назад +6

    can you do a video on how to get all the trophies you use in the battle ?
    Also your a god i can't even beat her on casual xD

    • @agungdimas5026
      @agungdimas5026 4 года назад +1

      I need this

    • @xtra758
      @xtra758 4 года назад +1

      Yo la derroté en Normal y era jodidísima, aunque no usé nada más que pociones normales para la salud xD

    • @niko22878
      @niko22878 4 года назад

      i was about to buy this game and cancelled after reading your comment... I'm a casual player thats is hate being competitive

  • @balanced_barrister
    @balanced_barrister 3 года назад +1

    my ending had them all trees

  • @Ikarofelip
    @Ikarofelip Год назад +3

    Is there any problem raising the level of the altar? Or did you just challenge yourself to finish the game with the lvl 1 altar?

    • @minineji5496
      @minineji5496 Год назад +1

      There is a achievement which requires u to finish the game at altar lvl 1 if u don't want it then u can lvl it up

    • @cristianariza3914
      @cristianariza3914 Год назад

      ​@@minineji5496but then can I get it on casual, or it has to be on normal?

    • @minineji5496
      @minineji5496 Год назад

      @@cristianariza3914 I think so it's only for normal but u can check it in the achivement section

    • @cristianariza3914
      @cristianariza3914 Год назад

      @@minineji5496 how so?

    • @minineji5496
      @minineji5496 Год назад

      @@cristianariza3914 go to the loading screen and there will be the option of achievements but I just checked and it dosent specify which mode it have to be u just need to complete the game at lvl1 Altar

  • @nitsuga5277
    @nitsuga5277 4 года назад +2

    Hi did you know what the metter with the Brazalet (Bracer) the item that the Woman in the floor gives to you near the final boss?

    • @zcc89
      @zcc89 4 года назад

      Animus She is viola’s mother.

    • @The-Lemmy
      @The-Lemmy 3 года назад


    • @HassanHassan-hf7sb
      @HassanHassan-hf7sb 11 месяцев назад

      Did you find it

    • @Kenshiwow
      @Kenshiwow 10 месяцев назад

      Você entrega a Viola

    • @Kenshiwow
      @Kenshiwow 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@HassanHassan-hf7sbvocê entrega a Viola

  • @marialuisagonzalezgracia6238
    @marialuisagonzalezgracia6238 4 года назад +11

    Hi, I loved the video. hey i saw you a question how did you get that alternate ending?

    • @oof6593
      @oof6593 4 года назад

      @Mr. Anonymous How do you get condensation honey?

    • @arielzarate6053
      @arielzarate6053 4 года назад

      @@oof6593 🤣

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 4 года назад

      @@oof6593 repeat thr game , killing first boss would give u plus some npcs sell it

  • @Luis-jg6vf
    @Luis-jg6vf 2 года назад +2

    Does anyone know how to make the potion that gives unlimited energy for a certain time?

    • @boonessoul7186
      @boonessoul7186 6 месяцев назад

      2 years late reply...
      You can get the recipe if you obtain some then bless them with Benita in the carriage. I got mine that way

  • @yoongyeongsik
    @yoongyeongsik 4 года назад +6

    well, i finish this game. choose drink in last select. so i wonder how was it other way? watching this video, think wow it's not special. in the result, Terrence did not come back friends. so sad ending. what ever u chooing last moment, result it's same.

    • @arielzarate6053
      @arielzarate6053 4 года назад +1

      There are 3 endings, but all are bads

    • @The-Lemmy
      @The-Lemmy 3 года назад

      Ariel zarate isn't the ending where u fill up the melos bottle a good ending ?

    • @wl4525
      @wl4525 3 года назад

      This is good ending.

  • @theMitra018
    @theMitra018 3 года назад

    How do you make special attack with “light” one? I only can get one strike with “heavy” button. I tried to hold light button long but only do one thrust. What do I do wrong?

    • @Lucivius27
      @Lucivius27 3 года назад +4

      Rage needs to be full to do that multiple stab.

  • @RinTohsaka-dn3lp
    @RinTohsaka-dn3lp 15 дней назад

    The developer of the final boss is $Adist

  • @bratt4833
    @bratt4833 2 года назад

    people please tell me how to get carne asada, I don't know how to get it and I want to buy something but I need it, I'm speaking through a translator because I don't know English

  • @SubzZer0
    @SubzZer0 4 года назад +1

    My ending was different how ,or it was due to the update ? In my ending after drinking the water terresa came from Terrence back side When he keep the glass and then both of them hug each other!! Nd the end!!

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 4 года назад

      Then both turn trees , dude you have got the bad ending 😂 you should have filled the belos bottle with greed 😁

    • @homina1632
      @homina1632 4 года назад +3

      @@restinginpeace--8876 Not really. The ending you mentioned is also a bad ending. After killing Teresa, it is likely that he doesn't intend to leave the Colossal Grave. Terrence just doesn't have the will to live anymore.

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 4 года назад +3

      @@homina1632 yea i noticed but still its better than getting consumed

    • @Zzaidd100
      @Zzaidd100 Год назад +1

      ​@@restinginpeace--8876 its not
      If u lose ur true love ,,then no will
      Well atleast fr me

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 Год назад

      @@Zzaidd100 yea that'd be devastating

  • @cristianariza3914
    @cristianariza3914 Год назад

    Does any one know if you can't get the achievement the truth on casual? I completed the game with altar lv 1 on casual but did not get the achievement

    • @kyouya7645
      @kyouya7645 7 месяцев назад

      You have to be in normal mode to get it.

  • @ni_yuka6535
    @ni_yuka6535 3 года назад

    How to get concentration rune item?.

  • @amadmaul492
    @amadmaul492 2 года назад

    why i can't refuse the drink?

  • @JJMRA
    @JJMRA 4 года назад +1

    Question how do you get Basilisks Epiphany

    • @jairhernandez4623
      @jairhernandez4623 4 года назад

      I want to know it too

    • @rafaelinacio4264
      @rafaelinacio4264 4 года назад

      First you have to open all of the pillar doors at the blessed lands, them you have to put the sword fragments in the statue( do not pull the sword, If you pull it everything Will Go wrong) them beat the Boss and talk to the pope. After that you can pull the sword and talk to the nun npc, chose the option( use basilisk) and them mission will be completed

    • @jairhernandez4623
      @jairhernandez4623 4 года назад

      @@rafaelinacio4264 Ty bro, all steps in that order?? after talk nun she will drop the basilisk? 🙏🏼

  • @shadowsrage3021
    @shadowsrage3021 2 года назад +1

    How dix you refuse I didn't had the option ?

    • @klubni4nayapodu6ka51
      @klubni4nayapodu6ka51 2 года назад

      Бутыль милоса нужно улучшить до 5 уровня, а для этого нужно долго фармить

  • @sephshhh900
    @sephshhh900 4 года назад +4

    Is this new game+? Coz ur talent already all max + your artifacts + is incredibly high.

    • @JJMRA
      @JJMRA 4 года назад

      You can only max out one character on each Playthrough

    • @Overton_Windows
      @Overton_Windows 4 года назад

      Nizar yep, farm the shit out of everything. The side effect is you get good at the gameplay as well. Not that I’ve beat this boss yet. I’ve killed it with everything else though.

  • @arik2216
    @arik2216 3 года назад +2

    Hollyshit. Better than Nasandra.

  • @Hellesis
    @Hellesis 4 года назад +1

    Where did you get "The First Seed" trophy?

  • @Hagyview
    @Hagyview 4 года назад

    Im in the Blessedland. I have downloaded the DLC, and beat the Interior Mist. Now i cant go further, because my Lamp isnt bright enough. I need a Thickened Whale oil and 200 shrooms. I have checked the OWL shop, but the T.W.O. isnt there. Where can i find that item?

    • @서누-f7r
      @서누-f7r 4 года назад

      NPC owl in the cart

    • @Hagyview
      @Hagyview 4 года назад

      @@서누-f7r Yeah. You need to beat the boss in the Blessedland, then the item will be at the shop.

  • @GothamProtector25
    @GothamProtector25 4 года назад

    Did you play with touch controlls ?

  • @khoisuong2409
    @khoisuong2409 4 года назад

    How yo Refill Bottle? Crit rate 11% ??

  • @xelkova3179
    @xelkova3179 3 года назад +1

    Is putting yekub seal also bad ending?

    • @oxideking3011
      @oxideking3011 2 года назад

      Well, if the facts of this ending are that we have awakened an ancient god by reuniting the three seals of yekub, the only real question remains : "What are the intentions of this forgotten (or unknown) god ?" A question that seems quite logical to me, since it can be part of the question of the true Pascal's philosophical wager.
      To answer your question, we can say that this "alternative ending" is nothing but "neutral" since we don't know what will happened next... in theory.

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 2 года назад +1

      @@oxideking3011 actually i think awakening the God brings back a new age of light so i think its the best one , btw i filled my melos bottle but i still got no choice of getting this ending do u have any tips ? I can only eitger drink or not so i choose not and got a so so ending where i kill tarresa to end the cycle and i live

    • @oxideking3011
      @oxideking3011 2 года назад +1

      @@restinginpeace--8876 In fact, to unlock the end of the end of "new century of light" (as you quote it well), you just have to finish the DLC "Tides Of Oblivion", that is to say kill "Hande"l (the last boss of the dlc), open the "grave" of Ebbinghaus (Jerold's master) to take another fragment of meteorite to form another seal of yekub and go back to the boat.
      To unlock the end in question, I think that you should not forget to talk to Jerold when you have finished to face the second last boss "the usurper" and that you are about to enter the colossus grave.

    • @restinginpeace--8876
      @restinginpeace--8876 2 года назад

      @@oxideking3011 ah yea i finally got it , ill check the dlc and see tysm ♥️♥️

  • @arielzarate6053
    @arielzarate6053 4 года назад +1

    There are 3 endings

    • @hamil8
      @hamil8 4 года назад

      which is third ending?

    • @arielzarate6053
      @arielzarate6053 4 года назад +2


  • @disidentedescontrolado1
    @disidentedescontrolado1 3 года назад

    Bruh, now is more difficult... here looks easy

  • @KudaGaming83
    @KudaGaming83 8 месяцев назад

    I quit this game in this boss, ridiculous hard.

  • @TheAmok666
    @TheAmok666 9 месяцев назад

    Великолепная игра 👍

  • @opnevertheless4097
    @opnevertheless4097 3 года назад +2

    No way I can do this

  • @suryanshsingh6498
    @suryanshsingh6498 4 года назад

    Is that owl gleen on the table 😶😶

  • @yantoahmadkurniawan5013
    @yantoahmadkurniawan5013 3 года назад

    easy, jenny and Holly father more hard lol

    • @nightmare5387
      @nightmare5387 2 года назад +1

      No jenny and holy father so ez, teresa is normal, not hard