  • Опубликовано: 10 дек 2024
  • Quercus robur, is native to mixed woodland areas from the British Isles to the Caucasus. It has been widely planted in North America since the 1600s. It is a large, majestic, deciduous oak of the white oak group. Trunks are typically short, with ridged and furrowed dark gray to black bark. Insignificant monoecious yellowish-green flowers in separate male and female catkins appear in spring as the leaves emerge. Acorn caps extend approxmately 1/3 the acorn length. Acorns are an important source of food for wildlife. Small auriculate lobes at the leaf bases distinguish this species from the similar American species of white oak (Quercus alba). Leaves are variable in shape. Quercus robur can eventually reach a height of 25 - 30 (40) metres, depending on the site and climate conditions. Quercus robur blooms in May. The variable leaves are obovate to elongated oval, 5 - 14 cm long and 4 - 8 cm wide, with 3 to 5 pairs of blunt lobes. Oak species also have an important ecological role, as they support insects and their acorns provide a valuable food source for many birds and mammals. The canopy of oaks allows a fair amount of light to pass through, permitting a diverse and enriched understory.
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