66 facts Messiah, Antichrist, Jesus 2nd coming, Gog Magog (Islamic view)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @Rick081808
    @Rick081808 2 года назад

    This should scare the crap out of Christian. I pray we all are saved. I just don’t see this way. God does nothing without telling his prophets why was there never anything about a Islamic religion by Jesus or Abraham or Paul or YHwY ?

  • @yvonnegordon1952
    @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

    gog=mountain who is magog = of the mountain: The mountain shall be laid low because the mountain is the WHOLE EGO of mankind that comes against God in the end and God will BRING that MOUNTAIN LOW and he will exalt the valley (of the shadow of death) the dead bones of the house of Israel: HOW? through Prophecy: How do you get the spirit of prophecy? your soul must separate from the mountain (ego) so God can make the crooked strait through the spirit of Elijah (the DESIRE FOR GOD) and this desire leads to the REVELATION OF MOSHIACH within you, rising to light your neshama again: Moshiach is the GOOD ROOT of Adam's soul (tree of knowledge) that he did NOT chose but must do teshuvah (repent) to choose so it can overcome the evil root (Yetzer hora, lashon hora): Its all very simple, but the heart of mankind doesn't want to know the truth because he doesn't want to return to the good root and bring that light into the world:
    I experienced the Messiah while I was awake and not ill but I did leave my body in 1992 and remained above it for almost 3 years like I had grown six inches taller: For me, the Messiah was revealed first as a beautiful loving, merciful, compassionate light that took away every other desire but for itself and this last for two years: Within two years around the Jewish feast days (I was a Christian at the time) I started experiencing a constriction, a narrowing of consciousness that got very tight: Aug 28th, 1992, I begged God to take me to his HIGH MOUNTAIN (I didn't know he had a high mountain) and suddenly, instantly, I FELL in the opposite direction: NOT UP, but down down down to a deep darkness that was so dark and so thick that I lost all my senses: I could not hear or see as I did before but I was OK: It was just not like before: I could see but everything outside was very cloudy even on the most bright day in Arizona: Inside, it was thick and horrifying because I had a rich VAIN IMAGINATION that suddenly was GONE: I could not think anything: No thoughts could be formed and nothing within could be seen: For months, from the end of August till Oct 14, I cried for help from God and no help came: I just felt like my insides were not only dark, thick, but my SPACE became very narrow: So narrow that I finally screamed out, who are you? SHOW YOURSELF: At midnight, I felt a hand on my back (nobody was there) and it led me to the "living" room, where I stood terrified because I felt like my head was in a vice and my two temples were being CRUSHED: I held them and cried out, I'm dying, I'm dying, help me Jesus, help me: I was a Christian. SUDDENLY about six inches in and three inches down in my head, I saw A TINY GOLDEN DOT and it began zooooming towards my forehead internally and splattered against my forehead and in an instant, I SAW THE SIGN OF JESUS DEAD on the cross (the serpent lifted up): I cried oh no, oh no, you are dead: I had the vision of Zechariah 12: I didn't know anything about the Bible for the most part, just parts of the New Testament that were mostly about Jesus words: I didn't really like reading Paul because I didn't relate to him till after I had my VISITATION, my appointed time (mo'ed choq) the heart circumcision, the CUTTING and SEPARATING OF EVIL FROM GOOD, life from death, darkness from light: Deuteronomy 32, 33, SONG OF MOSES: I had the witness of the Lamb and was about to grasp the TORAH, beginning with Jonah and the SONG OF MOSES and 30 years of writing writing writing about all my JUDGEMENT (GEVURAH) that chesed/mercy and grace TRIUMPHED OVER because of the MESSIAH who was revealed. For two days (2000 years in two days for me) I saw everyone as DEAD (zombie Apololypse): Everyone was walking around dead like they didn't know they were dead, but just doing life as usual, without the understanding that they were dead: At the end of the second night of this nightmare, I begged to die with Jesus on the cross: I said I would rather be dead with YOU than alive without you in this terrible cruel world: JUST that quick, I saw him sitting by a big stone (I later realized the stone of my heart was rolled away): He held a cup and something to eat and said, "WILL YOU FOLLOW ME"? I said OH YES, OH YES, anywhere; First I clung to his feet: He was alive, he was alive: I ate and drank so quick (Melchizedek came with the bread and wine like in Abraham's covenant) which I was ready to KEEP: He said this way and pointed me to the darkness, the unknown: I said LORD, its this way, wanting to go back to the EGO, to Egypt: He sadly said, I thought you said you would follow me? I was so ASHAMED (bread of shame): I quickly said I am sorry and clung to him and suddenly we were ROLLING TOGETHER LIKE ONE BIG BRAID, a CORD, like a challah loaf, the three fold cord that is not easily broken: We went through a TINY PLACE (like a root but I understood later as the EYE OF THE NEEDLE): He took me to a HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS and the EGO could not follow me there: It remained on this side, part of the world with my body: I was now SPEPARATED unto the GOSPEL (GOOD NEWS) and experienced my rapture (Feast of Tabernacles which is only big enough for us and the LORD: ) I then saw a big gray field with lots of white on the ground: Later I realized it was the MANNA of the wilderness, where my heart (the woman) was taken for correction: At the lowest level, the TAIL (carnal mind) also had to go through correction and this is why Paul said THREE TIMES I ASKED GOD to remove the messengers of Satan but he said MY GRACE is sufficient and my strength is made perfect IN YOUR WEAKNESS (HOD): There is more (30 years more) but whatever I saw after this, all was understood as the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST in me: I understood NOW How God comes through David/Judah to FORM MAN (VOV) by YaH (chockmah and bina) from KETER (THE HOLY OIL REVEALED when the good root became the CROWN OF LIFE): Finally I grasped that Malchut the tabernacle of DAVID, the FEET was the correction of the seed of the serpent, the carnal mind as well: NONE of this will help anyone else: It only helps those who have the EXPERIENCE and I don't know who will have their TRUE JEWISH FEAST DAYS this season, but hopefully a lot of people, a lot of the house of Israel:

    • @yvonnegordon1952
      @yvonnegordon1952 2 года назад

      Moses is buried in NT NEBO (means PROPHET): He is the VOICE that is resurrected during the time Messiah rises within us: The spirit of prophecy builds the dead men's bones in the valley of BONES in Ezekiel and bring them to LIFE: So below is my experience of all that:
      2000 years ago a guy from the tribe of Judah, and house of David, brought the GOOD ROOT, the Messiah of Adam to the world and showed us HOW ADAM is resurrected from the dead, EVERY MAN in his own order (I Cor 15): Adam became "many" (LEGION) and Christ, Messiah, the GOOD ROOT of Adam, gathers Adam from the four corners of the earth back to ONE MAN, the Last Adam: What purpose is the Jew then? The Jew is Adam's heart, his Eve, his woman that must birth the Messiah which circumcises the heart during this TRAVAIL of the heart/woman and she, the heart is saved in child bearing: Adam then is saved from his CORRUPTED CARNAL MIND by this NEW BEGOTTEN SON (YECHIDA, the Keter, the crown of life) from which the ANOINTING, the HOLY OIL flows to the whole soul (ten sefirot of the tree of knowledge, making it a TREE OF LIFE, or Torah to those who GRASP IT): The serpent is LIFTED UP (through Aaron, the priesthood) which is the SPIRIT OF ELIJAH (his God is YAH) and beheads the ego (evil inclination): Once we get the NEW HEAD (Messiah) who is God in the world, the heart/woman is taken to the wilderness to be corrected and the tail of Satan, the CARNAL MIND or Adam's fallen mind that brings nothing but thorns and thistle's from that ENMITY he gained from choosing the evil root (Serpent). The first person to repent (DO THESHUVAH) was Abraham who saw the day of Messiah and was glad: His children experienced Messiah till they went into Egypt through Joseph who was taken there by God who meant it for good, but then Israel lost their connection to God, to the COVENANT made with Abraham. So God took them out of Egypt and wrote the law on their STONY heart but that heart has to become the WORD MADE FLESH when they comprehend the TORAH SPIRITUALLY: In time, God "CHOSE" David to bring Messiah by repenting all the way back to the EVIL ROOT to bring the GOOD root to the whole world of Malchut, the lowest level of Asiyah: When David did what Abraham did, JUDAH WILL HAVE KEPT THE VOW he took to FIX, correct the EVIL ROOT OF THE TREE and make it GOOD, a tree of life planted by living waters: Nahum 1:15: THROUGH JUDAH, the WHOLE HOUSE OF DAVID (not just one person but all of that house) the work would be "FINISHED" hence Jesus words, IT IS FINISHED: What is finished? THE good root Adam did NOT CHOOSE< would be CHOSEN and everyone will have repented back to that good root, redeemed the time for the days are evil. Those who repent will see the DAYS OF MESSIAH and those who don't, will not see them, but only experience the affects of them which happens to everyone: The VESSEL OF VANITY (the ego) is destroyed: If you are ready, then you have a SOUL WHO COMES UP and out of the ego like a chick out of an egg: Jerusalem Jerusalem how many times I wanted to gather you as a mother hen gathers her chicks but YOU WOULD NOT: (be gathered): If God is doing a NEW THING, a woman (heart) will compass a MAN (VOV, Jesus in GREEK but YHVH in Hebrew) then that MAN WILL be the FULL STATURE OF THE INNER MAN of the heart: YaH is within the VOV which is within Malchut or the second HEI): GOD WITHIN HIS PEOPLE: If the SOUL (chick does not come out of the egg (EGO) then there is NOTHING but an egg: No chick: When the body dies, there is nothing to move on and up and continue and Israel as well as the world that it hasn't brought the light to, remain in exile for another round of harvests: God works in 7000 year harvests of souls and we are in the 6th day and Messiah is finished making MAN on the sixth day, his number is SIX (VOV): The 7th day, Sabbath, MAN enters his REST (God does all the work in him from that point on): IF God is NOT IN HIM, how will the SOUL REST? DO NOT FORSAKE ENTERING YOUR Rest: If you don't keep the Sabbath day HOLY, you die:
      but the sower will sow the seed (who knows what will happen the next 6000 years: THIS EARTH however will be inherited by the MEEK , who will be PEACMAKERS and the world and everything in it will PASS away and be passed away by the end of the Sabbath day: Yet they shall call his name "JESUS" on the 8th day: Everyone will understand JESUS after the Sabbath is over:
      So in summary, Judah will give birth to Messiah through the house of David who will become the MESSIAH OF ISRAEL by raising Adam from the dead because according to Luke's genealogy, Adam is the son of God: Adam became Israel when the heart turns to God and when Judah gives birth to God through that heart's good ground (Mark 4, John 16) then the NEW COVENANT begins to be in affect (Jeremiah 31:31) to fulfill all things, one man at a time (I COR 15): ONE LIVING STONE of the temple at a time, built upon the corner stone the ego rejected, but this house, this TEMPLE is built by God or nobody: God has been building it for 2000 years: