ASMR - unboxing Paldean Fates TCG Tin! Soft spoken/ unboxing/ card sounds

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 28

  • @Reign_Of_Terror76
    @Reign_Of_Terror76 Час назад +1

    6:30 you pulled a shiny Pawmi and set it down with the rest of the bulk.

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  29 минут назад

      I didn’t even realize this was a wanted card 😮

  • @johnbrannigan02
    @johnbrannigan02 День назад

    Another day another incredible Brandy upload. Watching Brandy's content always puts a smile on my face. Wishing you nothing but the best and I hope all is well. Keep up the amazing work

  • @krenvan5724
    @krenvan5724 День назад

    Brandy, wishing you luck! You must have SO MANY extra cards!

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  18 часов назад +1

      I have SOOOOOO many. . idk what to do with them

  • @darthbooks2005
    @darthbooks2005 День назад +3

    Great unboxing. Adding prices could be good to show if you plan to sell the cards. Sort of like showing if you made your money back from buying the box. But that's just my opinion

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  18 часов назад +1

      thankyou! ill start adding the prices to the videos !
      I do think eventually ill start selling them, esp my bulk

  • @Arturo_Aj
    @Arturo_Aj День назад

    Nice cards, i love your content ❤

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  18 часов назад

      thankyou! it will slowly grow. Unboxing and cards is a new audience. but im really happy to see It grow :)

  • @SylverPfeil
    @SylverPfeil День назад

    No shot you tossed that Shiny Pawmi in the commons pile, just as impossible to spot as in the game ahahahah.

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  18 часов назад

      ahhhhh dont worry, they were all sorted properly after. I was trying to hurry for the video ☠️

  • @bennimuc
    @bennimuc День назад

    1:32 looks like a beautiful person from another dimension is speaking to us 😊

  • @kunaphela4018
    @kunaphela4018 День назад

    caught one earlie for once 😊

  • @CarlosP_11
    @CarlosP_11 День назад

    Hi from Mexico😊

  • @Reign_Of_Terror76
    @Reign_Of_Terror76 2 часа назад +1

    Bring the mic closer

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  31 минуту назад

      @@Reign_Of_Terror76 this is asmr. Best heard with headphones

  • @Akute343
    @Akute343 4 часа назад

    When I was a kid I used to get so many packs, but like an idiot I threw out every energy I just wanted the pokemon

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  31 минуту назад

      @@Akute343 SAME but i only wanted the cute ones. I’d toss anything else

  • @josed.l
    @josed.l День назад

    One question Brandy, can I send you my Switch username to be friends online on Nintendo?

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  18 часов назад +1

      ah im sorry, I dont add people on my switch or any games

  • @monkeyBLOCKS
    @monkeyBLOCKS 12 часов назад

    You'd be the most beautiful woman in the world in the 1950's

    • @BrandysASMRGarage
      @BrandysASMRGarage  30 минут назад

      @@monkeyBLOCKS in the 50s but not now ?

    • @monkeyBLOCKS
      @monkeyBLOCKS 21 минуту назад

      @BrandysASMRGarage don't push your luck love 😘