Hello you savages. Get a free list of my 100 favourite books - chriswillx.com/books/ Here’s the timestamps: 00:00 Just How Optimised is Tim Ferriss? 06:29 Should You Focus on Long-Term Goals? 13:12 A Typical Day for Tim 35:54 What People Misunderstand About Fame 47:31 How to Choose the Right Partner 58:48 A Prophylactic Against Low Moods 1:15:37 Are Deep Thinkers More Lonely? 1:21:14 Having a Fear-Based View of the World 1:30:36 Tim’s Most Recommended Books 1:40:39 Things Worth Spending a Lot of Money On 1:45:11 Tim’s Most Heavily-Used Apps 1:58:01 Why The 4-Hour Body is Back in the Charts 2:05:14 If Tim Could Only Keep 10 Exercises 2:10:51 How to Avoid Burnout 2:23:30 The Most Impressive Individuals Tim Has Met 2:33:56 The Current State of Podcasting 2:38:49 Where Tim Goes For His Content 2:46:13 How Tim Avoids Audience Capture 2:56:32 Advice to People Wanting to Dream Bigger 3:04:30 What Tim is Focusing on Next 3:10:27 Ending
RE; Tim Ferris im stealing that "well id like to bounce that question back to you" and Chris when you were "forced" to respond to your own question I think your responses are an indication of how well you are doing as a podcaster. For example each time you were asked to answer your own question you revealed the depth of interest you had behind the question in other words it showed you truly had an interest in the discussion and that you weren't just " filling a role" which I think is the reason your podcasts have always stuck out for me. Incredible listen! Ive been waiting for this one!
Hey Chris! Would you pretty please let your friend Timothy know that I am trying to ask him on a date 🫶 not sure if he gave me the wrong number or if I got trolled but I’ve been on survivor twice and so I thrive in a challenge 😄 if you want to come to a midsummers fest in Stockholm you both would be more than welcome 🌼
It’s a good point, probably very true too. But I wonder how he would respond for an extremely high demand role. Where securing time like this is highly unlikely. Explains why we as an organisation are very unproductive tho
Hi @timferriss i have a cabin in the Norwegian mountains, no electricity just the presence of nature. If you’d be interested in a 10min zoom date and we click, we could go on a hike and ski date when you feel like traveling.
Tim Ferris im stealing that "well id like to bounce that question back to you" and Chris when you were "forced" to respond to your own question I think your responses are an indication of how well you are doing as a podcaster. For example each time you were asked to answer your own question you revealed the depth of interest you had behind the question in other words it showed you truly had an interest in the discussion and that you weren't just " filling a role" which I think is the reason your podcasts have always stuck out for me. Incredible listen! Ive been waiting for this one!
I think a lot of people relate to this or nearly this (maybe not first but one of the first and maybe not #1 but too 5-10/etc). Epic meeting of minds❤️
I haven’t listened to Tim much lately so this has been a reminder of how much insight he always brings. And it feels like catching up with an old friend.
Tim's recommended books: - Non-fiction - Awareness by Anthony de Mello Gold by Rumi (collection) How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker - Fiction - Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem Dune by Frank Herbert Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card - Bookshelves, etc. - Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez Little, Big by John Crowley The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss Short Stories by Ted Chiang
I went to put one of the books on my Amazon list and it recommended the rest of the books in the list 🤣Looks like this episode is changing the algorithm!
The 4-hour body and workweek when they were released changed the course of my life to a healthy, entrepreneurial, and adventurous journey .... forever grateful to Tim and will always be a big fan!
It must feel incredible to have Tim Ferriss tell you that he's inspired watching You execute at such a high level. Just take that clip and play it back next time you're feeling a spell of melancholy.
This man’s book changed my life. The 4-hour work week inspired me to travel and live outside of my home in Canada and 4 years later I’m still living that life
@@BorisBidjanSaberi11 be making at least $1000 USD / month online before starting to live the nomadic life. The book itself and websites/practical advice i would say is a little outdated but the principles inside still apply. If I would do it again, maybe I would have gone to Thailand or Vietnam, somewhere cheaper than Colombia/Ecuador which is where I started this journey
As a 25yo with 4 children and the oldest is 5. The only answer for "but they're jumping on my solar plexus at 6am!" Is simply wake up earlier... He's right! Its the most annoying thing! But it's MUCH EASIER to change yourself and your habits than ANYONE ELSES - Even your kids. ❤️
Chris every time you ask a guest "what would you say to someone who......" I find that this directly ties to myself. You know your audience, don't stop asking these things. Cheers mate.
"It makes me sad to think that somebody can have the capacity to do great things, and then not do the interpersonal thing to pay that forward" Chris Williamson. For some of us, (myself included) interpersonal work wasn't taught and we think we have the everything under control, but it's what we don't know, that we don't know, that often does the most damage. Thank you to both Chris and Tim for doing what you do and encouraging more people to truly look inward.
4:48 not many podcasters would allow 5 seconds of silence. It’s clear Tim has a thought he’s working on, but too many interviewers feel the need to fill space with words, especially with the low barrier to entry in this medium. Good interviewers allow the conversation to breathe. This was an excellent interview.
I started to reread the 4 hour work week several months ago and I couldn't believe how much that book impacted my life. I was living the majority of it. Tim is one of the all time great infkuencers at what he does. I'm on country 40 now and am grateful for whatever level of freedom I have
This is immediately up there with the best of your podcasts Chris. There was felt respect between both of you that allowed for what presented as a real open and honest conversation.
Tim is honestly one of the best dudes out there you can learn from. And if you do, your life will likely improve from the same day. Not for everyone. Thanks Tim for all you do.
I have been a fan of Tim Ferriss since 2012. This episode was just so informative, fun and generally wholesome. Your production value and your continuous personal improvement as a podcaster, really shows. Well done, Chris. From a random stranger on the internet, well done. Your content matters.
Crazy to watch the guy I grew up listening to in Tim Ferris and learning incredible amounts to now being a bit older and loving Chris's new content. These podcasts make me so much happier and more successful. I attribute becoming an entrepreneur to Tim and being a better human because of Chris. So much gratitude for these guys. 🙏💪
The podcasting game is evolving but we often forget that communication is the ultimate technology. Chris combines both (not easy). Happy to see Chris & Tim sharing a table.
@@brianmeen2158 good question. And who knows? But certainly, humanity needs more conversations like this. Is podcasting the best format? Dunno but it is now. Perhaps it will mold in a slightly different format in the future.
I'm 16 currently watching this episode, I have big dreams of being on the Modern Wisdom podcast one day even if its just one episode. Chris's conversations with his guess are so inspirational and extremely interesting to listen to. Without a doubt Modern Wisdom is my favorite podcast. Thank you so much to your team and your guests for providing so much value in a world dominated by shortform content and low attention spans, I hope you keep producing them for a long time to come.
Tim's insights on effectiveness versus efficiency are spot on! 🎯 Choosing the right tasks and having a clear definition of success are essential for long-term progress and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.
I remember Eric Weinstein's first appearance.. on Tim's podcast. I was moved to tears when he spoke of mentorship. I think this is the best mentorship, and result, captured on film, that I have seen. I love you both and stay strong 💪
You two are so pleasant on the ears and eyes thank you so much for allowing my senses sounds soothe and comfort me today my brain waves Blessed Be my Friends
Tim's book, the 4 hour chef is the most incredible book you will ever read in the knowledge worker industry. I wish I had read it before I went to college. I don't cook, so I literally didn't even read half of the book, but the other half is shocking how much you can apply to learning new skills, how to learn new skills, interviews with people who can learn a new language in a month, the best techniques for learning a new language in a month, developing a superhuman memory, interviews with people who developed a superhuman memory, how you yourself can develop a superhuman memory, the food you can eat to help your body reach superhuman memory, and the tools and techniques that a chessmaster uses that you can use in your life, to achieve goals or make your life easier. Then to mix up the seemingly boring topics, Tim does an experiment to see if he can drink a gallon of ice cream, and the tools he uses to make it (almost) all the way through the challenge. This book is a guide to become a chef, its directions how to be smarter than AI, and its entertaining.
Constructive Criticism: Give the special episodes a special thumbnail. Hard to find these gems in between. Besides that just thank you. For everything.
Chris, I’m glad you do the ad unique each time. Helps with the flow, and piggybacking on the interview content- it gives you the reps to get better at selling well and I’m sure it helps get more ads. Just a rouge thought
This is best podcast of all time easily, very good job! Also the new backrounds are amazing, so much more fun and liveable experience to watch and it feels like you are in the room. Can you or anyone else recommend some other similiar podcasts? With similiar topics and type of quests?
I would suggest Huberman's podcast with David Goggins as guest. And Rogan's podcast with Naval Ravikant as guest. Theo Von with Tony Robbins. Brene Brown with Lisa Lahey.
49:56 the best point. Admiration means you see something in them that you yourself don’t have, but have learned to value. For instance, his EQ comment regarding strength/weaknesses. He admires that only because he is able to consciously VALUE it. Which is why complimentary vs. seemingly identical personalities is better .
Amazing interview. Chris: it would be really cool if you wrote a book compiling all the best things you've learned from your guests. Condescending all the most useful lessons from your podcast into a concise book would create an invaluable resource.
This conversation makes me think about why there aren’t more conversations like this happening for women, by women. We need this! This is so inspiring, interesting, and motivating.
I agree completely! I wish there was a community where these types of women AND men can converse - I rarely find mixing of gender to discuss these types of topics
This is an incredible podcast for anyone looking to optimize their own life and begin to perform to the levels excepted from yourself. Massive thank you Tim & Chris
This was one the best interviews I’ve ever listened to. Thank you for the deep thought and energy put into each discussion point, this quality of content is hard to find!! As a father of two girls under 4 years old and a husband the discussions on importance of family relationships and self care prioritization really hit home and validated a lot of the imbalance I constantly feel. Now I will put it in the calendar and stop postponing myself and my family.
The #1 book on my list that changed my life is Steps to Knowledge, The Book of Inner Knowing. I gotta recommend this one far and wide. The author even made it available online at no cost, imagine that.
I find it peculiar that a interview such as this doesn’t get nowhere near as many views as your videos touching on depression, male loneliness and other negative emotions. It’s as if we are not only drawn to depression but tend to bask in its ambience without actually doing anything to get out of it, much like when you talk about your goals that can suffice and you never actually take steps to get there. Something like this interview has way more information to actually move forward with your life practically in my eyes. I have actively stopped watching all of the interviews & shorts that for me personally glamourise male loneliness, depression and nihlism and it’s hard as they gave me an identity to adopt. I have tilted my gaze towards entrepreneur interviews and more positive podcasts in hope that will reorientate my way of thinking.
I love the book talk! Red Rising is a fantastic series! I'll even give the Audible version a shout for the first 3 books. The narrator Tim Gerard Reynolds has a great voice for this series!
This is brilliant. I've followed Tim for two decades and now you Chris for around 6mths. Great conversations. I like the background too! Quite Albert Hall like!
This was a fantastic episode. I love how Tim put up guard rails around things like psychedelic usage etc. Although I suggest there’s a lot of research that contradicts your views on ketamine treatments. That being said, I do agree that all ketamine treatments should be other form of infusion inside a clinic with a psychotherapist involved. At our micro hospital in Austin we used quite often to also assist with non narcotic detox protocols. It was a game changer. I did a loading phase of 6 infusions in 2 weeks and 1 per month for 3 months after. Saved my life from depersonalization disorder.
Genuinely, through happenstance, Tim is genuinely one of the biggest role models I have come across, for me. At first I avoided him.... Now I know why I did. The more I study him, the more I shed all the bullshit I don't need. I relate to many of his epiphanies and have adopted so many of his tools. Thankyou Tim for continuing to give so genuinely and changing my life for the better
Was happy to hear Chris take stock when Tim said, "Before I try to add more fuel to the fire…if I telescope out 6 months, 12 months from now, and I’ve done this, how will the composition of my audience have changed? Who will I have repelled, who will I have attracted?” Carrying that guideline will serve him well.
I can't help insights which resonates with me every minute of this podcast both from Tim & Chris. I hate that I had to pause every now & then to make notes. And when I follow the threads like "Perils of Audience Capture", "11 reasons not to become famous", it can easily take a week to complete the podcast. Enjoying this so fucking much🔥
All the best with your new family project Tim!! You deserve the best, thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience and putting yourself out there 😊 btw family is the best
1:30:05 Per hyper vigilance. "there is an art to letting small bed things happen, to practice letting small bad things happen" That sentence made me feel sick, I had an actual fear response to the idea of trying that. I guess it is time to work on my hyper vigilance problem.
52:40 I love witnessing in real time Chris’ realization that emotionality is part of mastering that intellectual power. And talking about desire, learning where the root of that desire that doesn’t make “sense” is going to help you understand why it’s there and when you understand why, you can more consciously decide to heal it and move on, or realize it’s been something your intuition has been trying to tell you all along.
Hello you savages. Get a free list of my 100 favourite books - chriswillx.com/books/ Here’s the timestamps:
00:00 Just How Optimised is Tim Ferriss?
06:29 Should You Focus on Long-Term Goals?
13:12 A Typical Day for Tim
35:54 What People Misunderstand About Fame
47:31 How to Choose the Right Partner
58:48 A Prophylactic Against Low Moods
1:15:37 Are Deep Thinkers More Lonely?
1:21:14 Having a Fear-Based View of the World
1:30:36 Tim’s Most Recommended Books
1:40:39 Things Worth Spending a Lot of Money On
1:45:11 Tim’s Most Heavily-Used Apps
1:58:01 Why The 4-Hour Body is Back in the Charts
2:05:14 If Tim Could Only Keep 10 Exercises
2:10:51 How to Avoid Burnout
2:23:30 The Most Impressive Individuals Tim Has Met
2:33:56 The Current State of Podcasting
2:38:49 Where Tim Goes For His Content
2:46:13 How Tim Avoids Audience Capture
2:56:32 Advice to People Wanting to Dream Bigger
3:04:30 What Tim is Focusing on Next
3:10:27 Ending
Been waiting for this for weeks! Thanks guys!
RE; Tim Ferris im stealing that "well id like to bounce that question back to you" and Chris when you were "forced" to respond to your own question I think your responses are an indication of how well you are doing as a podcaster. For example each time you were asked to answer your own question you revealed the depth of interest you had behind the question in other words it showed you truly had an interest in the discussion and that you weren't just " filling a role" which I think is the reason your podcasts have always stuck out for me. Incredible listen! Ive been waiting for this one!
Hey Chris! Would you pretty please let your friend Timothy know that I am trying to ask him on a date 🫶 not sure if he gave me the wrong number or if I got trolled but I’ve been on survivor twice and so I thrive in a challenge 😄 if you want to come to a midsummers fest in Stockholm you both would be more than welcome 🌼
I love what he said "if you can single-task for 2-3 hours a day, focusing on the highest leverage tasks, you'll be ahead of 99% of the population. "
Great quote!
It’s a good point, probably very true too. But I wonder how he would respond for an extremely high demand role. Where securing time like this is highly unlikely. Explains why we as an organisation are very unproductive tho
Appreciate you mate!
Love seeing two of the greats jamming! Truly epic pod 💪
Awesome episode - so many thought provoking moments. Seriously grateful to have access to these conversations!
2 salt of the Earth Super Humans just choppin it up. Salute to you both! Dynamic Operators of Excellence. 💪🏼👊🏼🫡
Hi @timferriss i have a cabin in the Norwegian mountains, no electricity just the presence of nature. If you’d be interested in a 10min zoom date and we click, we could go on a hike and ski date when you feel like traveling.
British Tim Ferriss interviews American Tim Ferris.
TimTim Tawulk Tawulk meets TimTim TalkTalk
Good one 😂
Grift v. Grift
Tim Ferris im stealing that "well id like to bounce that question back to you" and Chris when you were "forced" to respond to your own question I think your responses are an indication of how well you are doing as a podcaster. For example each time you were asked to answer your own question you revealed the depth of interest you had behind the question in other words it showed you truly had an interest in the discussion and that you weren't just " filling a role" which I think is the reason your podcasts have always stuck out for me. Incredible listen! Ive been waiting for this one!
Loving 🥰 the content and wondering if Goggins let them folks test his temperature TWICE 😂😮💛 Thanks for reporting after all the probing Tim!
I like this a lot!
Jason statham ?
Tim has a black belt in podcast judo.
Agreed !
My current #1 favorite podcaster interviewing the guy who got me hooked on podcasts 10 years ago. Can't get much better, thanks Chris 🙏🏻
I think a lot of people relate to this or nearly this (maybe not first but one of the first and maybe not #1 but too 5-10/etc). Epic meeting of minds❤️
I haven’t listened to Tim much lately so this has been a reminder of how much insight he always brings. And it feels like catching up with an old friend.
Tim's recommended books:
- Non-fiction -
Awareness by Anthony de Mello
Gold by Rumi (collection)
How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker
- Fiction -
Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem
Dune by Frank Herbert
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
- Bookshelves, etc. -
Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez
Little, Big by John Crowley
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting by Milan Kundera
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Short Stories by Ted Chiang
Thanks! - I ventured into the youtube comments just for this list!
Kudos ❤
I went to put one of the books on my Amazon list and it recommended the rest of the books in the list 🤣Looks like this episode is changing the algorithm!
Thank you!
Having such content available for free is one of the major perks of the time we live in.
Thank you to the best two in the business 🤝
Tim’s advice hasn’t changed in almost 10 years. Truly sticks to the basics. Love it
what was his advice ten years ago?
@@rolandmackintosh5163 dude.... 🤣
The 4-hour body and workweek when they were released changed the course of my life to a healthy, entrepreneurial, and adventurous journey .... forever grateful to Tim and will always be a big fan!
@@timoneill6931pretty sure you're just a Hater.
This conversation feels like two brothers catching up after a year apart- intimate, insightful, and as close as ever.
I find it highly suspect that such a mediocre interviewer could amass 2 million subscribers. Something very odd here.
It must feel incredible to have Tim Ferriss tell you that he's inspired watching You execute at such a high level. Just take that clip and play it back next time you're feeling a spell of melancholy.
This man’s book changed my life. The 4-hour work week inspired me to travel and live outside of my home in Canada and 4 years later I’m still living that life
Any advice? I'll read it too but I want to travel more
@@BorisBidjanSaberi11 be making at least $1000 USD / month online before starting to live the nomadic life. The book itself and websites/practical advice i would say is a little outdated but the principles inside still apply. If I would do it again, maybe I would have gone to Thailand or Vietnam, somewhere cheaper than Colombia/Ecuador which is where I started this journey
Same! I’ve retired twice because of it and still have more to implement.
As a 25yo with 4 children and the oldest is 5. The only answer for "but they're jumping on my solar plexus at 6am!" Is simply wake up earlier... He's right! Its the most annoying thing! But it's MUCH EASIER to change yourself and your habits than ANYONE ELSES - Even your kids. ❤️
How tf you 25 with 4 damn kids 😂😂😂😂😂 you had your first at 10?😭😂😂😂 busy bee
Your must be an wonderful adventure most women dream having after they gurl boss thier lives in 30s
I can’t play wake up earlier chicken with my kids. We’ll be up at 3:00am. 😅
Tim Ferriss is and will always remain the GOAT
Goat of what?
Chris every time you ask a guest "what would you say to someone who......" I find that this directly ties to myself. You know your audience, don't stop asking these things. Cheers mate.
"It makes me sad to think that somebody can have the capacity to do great things, and then not do the interpersonal thing to pay that forward" Chris Williamson. For some of us, (myself included) interpersonal work wasn't taught and we think we have the everything under control, but it's what we don't know, that we don't know, that often does the most damage. Thank you to both Chris and Tim for doing what you do and encouraging more people to truly look inward.
4:48 not many podcasters would allow 5 seconds of silence. It’s clear Tim has a thought he’s working on, but too many interviewers feel the need to fill space with words, especially with the low barrier to entry in this medium. Good interviewers allow the conversation to breathe. This was an excellent interview.
I started to reread the 4 hour work week several months ago and I couldn't believe how much that book impacted my life. I was living the majority of it. Tim is one of the all time great infkuencers at what he does. I'm on country 40 now and am grateful for whatever level of freedom I have
I could listen to him for hours. Guy is amazing so thanks for inviting him.
This is immediately up there with the best of your podcasts Chris. There was felt respect between both of you that allowed for what presented as a real open and honest conversation.
Tim is honestly one of the best dudes out there you can learn from. And if you do, your life will likely improve from the same day. Not for everyone. Thanks Tim for all you do.
I have been a fan of Tim Ferriss since 2012. This episode was just so informative, fun and generally wholesome.
Your production value and your continuous personal improvement as a podcaster, really shows. Well done, Chris. From a random stranger on the internet, well done. Your content matters.
Crazy to watch the guy I grew up listening to in Tim Ferris and learning incredible amounts to now being a bit older and loving Chris's new content. These podcasts make me so much happier and more successful. I attribute becoming an entrepreneur to Tim and being a better human because of Chris. So much gratitude for these guys. 🙏💪
Maybe the best Tim Ferriss Interview… That's saying a lot!
The podcasting game is evolving but we often forget that communication is the ultimate technology. Chris combines both (not easy). Happy to see Chris & Tim sharing a table.
@@brianmeen2158 good question. And who knows? But certainly, humanity needs more conversations like this.
Is podcasting the best format? Dunno but it is now. Perhaps it will mold in a slightly different format in the future.
The Rock and Stone Cold of podcasting 🔥
AndJoe Rogan is Hulk Hogan?
I'm 16 currently watching this episode, I have big dreams of being on the Modern Wisdom podcast one day even if its just one episode. Chris's conversations with his guess are so inspirational and extremely interesting to listen to. Without a doubt Modern Wisdom is my favorite podcast. Thank you so much to your team and your guests for providing so much value in a world dominated by shortform content and low attention spans, I hope you keep producing them for a long time to come.
Can't wait to watch your episode, dude. Keep grinding!
@@themadhatter444 thank you so much! You have no idea how motivating that is to me.
Tim's insights on effectiveness versus efficiency are spot on! 🎯 Choosing the right tasks and having a clear definition of success are essential for long-term progress and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.
Brilliant podcast. I now have a list of 30 things to do/buy/read.
i love Tim talking about fame. a conversation i always find fascinating. i think his blog post about fame is one of the best I've ever read.
I’m so glad someone finely interviewed Tim in the Ferris style
Fantastic conversation. A key takeaway from this is that the whole 'Optimisation Project' is finally reaching a dead end. Thank goodness.
I remember Eric Weinstein's first appearance.. on Tim's podcast. I was moved to tears when he spoke of mentorship.
I think this is the best mentorship, and result, captured on film, that I have seen.
I love you both and stay strong 💪
You two are so pleasant on the ears and eyes thank you so much for allowing my senses sounds soothe and comfort me today my brain waves Blessed Be my Friends
Ok, now I understand the screens, post production, the works. This looks/sounds awesome!
Tim's book, the 4 hour chef is the most incredible book you will ever read in the knowledge worker industry. I wish I had read it before I went to college. I don't cook, so I literally didn't even read half of the book, but the other half is shocking how much you can apply to learning new skills, how to learn new skills, interviews with people who can learn a new language in a month, the best techniques for learning a new language in a month, developing a superhuman memory, interviews with people who developed a superhuman memory, how you yourself can develop a superhuman memory, the food you can eat to help your body reach superhuman memory, and the tools and techniques that a chessmaster uses that you can use in your life, to achieve goals or make your life easier. Then to mix up the seemingly boring topics, Tim does an experiment to see if he can drink a gallon of ice cream, and the tools he uses to make it (almost) all the way through the challenge. This book is a guide to become a chef, its directions how to be smarter than AI, and its entertaining.
I'm grateful that Tim exists, thank you Tim Ferris for sharing good in a strange planet
Constructive Criticism:
Give the special episodes a special thumbnail. Hard to find these gems in between.
Besides that just thank you. For everything.
I didn't envision this collab but was so happily surprised to see Tim here
Chris, I’m glad you do the ad unique each time. Helps with the flow, and piggybacking on the interview content- it gives you the reps to get better at selling well and I’m sure it helps get more ads.
Just a rouge thought
Ok, I can easily vote for this episode as the most meaningful video of the internet for the last 10 years (maybe).
Two of you could the greatest duo in the podcast world
A modern wisdom cinema production! What a perfect name!
This is best podcast of all time easily, very good job! Also the new backrounds are amazing, so much more fun and liveable experience to watch and it feels like you are in the room.
Can you or anyone else recommend some other similiar podcasts? With similiar topics and type of quests?
I would suggest Huberman's podcast with David Goggins as guest. And Rogan's podcast with Naval Ravikant as guest. Theo Von with Tony Robbins. Brene Brown with Lisa Lahey.
@@SamenWerkend Thanks for The recommendations🙏
49:56 the best point. Admiration means you see something in them that you yourself don’t have, but have learned to value. For instance, his EQ comment regarding strength/weaknesses. He admires that only because he is able to consciously VALUE it. Which is why complimentary vs. seemingly identical personalities is better .
Literally, my two top favorite podcasters! 🙌
Amazing interview. Chris: it would be really cool if you wrote a book compiling all the best things you've learned from your guests. Condescending all the most useful lessons from your podcast into a concise book would create an invaluable resource.
This conversation makes me think about why there aren’t more conversations like this happening for women, by women. We need this! This is so inspiring, interesting, and motivating.
I agree completely! I wish there was a community where these types of women AND men can converse - I rarely find mixing of gender to discuss these types of topics
Chris, second half of this was exceptional. Great questions. Great pacing. One of your best. Great stuff 🙏🏾
The most optimized people on the internet right now, these guys are efficient!!
I love the humility of Tim Ferris.
This is an incredible podcast for anyone looking to optimize their own life and begin to perform to the levels excepted from yourself.
Massive thank you Tim & Chris
Loved this podcast by Tim Williamson!
This was one the best interviews I’ve ever listened to. Thank you for the deep thought and energy put into each discussion point, this quality of content is hard to find!!
As a father of two girls under 4 years old and a husband the discussions on importance of family relationships and self care prioritization really hit home and validated a lot of the imbalance I constantly feel. Now I will put it in the calendar and stop postponing myself and my family.
Chris's response to name of the wind is spot on, unbelievable book
Tim never fails to deliver. Always excited to hear him on podcasts.
I can't believe Whispers of Manifestation on Borlest isn't a hot topic. It's an incredible read
Spam. This person is promoting their own book.
The #1 book on my list that changed my life is Steps to Knowledge, The Book of Inner Knowing. I gotta recommend this one far and wide. The author even made it available online at no cost, imagine that.
Keep your woo to yourself please
Which book
I love the way the studio looks.💯💯. Great Studio + Great Conversation= Dope + Life Changing Transformation. I love the conversation
Official weigh-in. Watched the behind the scenes as well. Video wall rocks, makes an epic conversation even more awe-inspiring. Well done crew!
I find it peculiar that a interview such as this doesn’t get nowhere near as many views as your videos touching on depression, male loneliness and other negative emotions. It’s as if we are not only drawn to depression but tend to bask in its ambience without actually doing anything to get out of it, much like when you talk about your goals that can suffice and you never actually take steps to get there. Something like this interview has way more information to actually move forward with your life practically in my eyes.
I have actively stopped watching all of the interviews & shorts that for me personally glamourise male loneliness, depression and nihlism and it’s hard as they gave me an identity to adopt. I have tilted my gaze towards entrepreneur interviews and more positive podcasts in hope that will reorientate my way of thinking.
Such a good reminder: choose high leverage tasks.
"Measuring twice before cutting". Thank you for validating my process of researching or studying a subject twice before jumping.
I love the book talk! Red Rising is a fantastic series! I'll even give the Audible version a shout for the first 3 books. The narrator Tim Gerard Reynolds has a great voice for this series!
My life is better because of Tim Ferris. Thanks for this Chris!
P.S. Love the cinematic (slightly artificial) flair.
Brilliant! I wish more podcast hosts asked their guests the book and « the thing » question
Can't wait for the 4-hour Daddy book 👍
My two absolute favourite conversationalists in one frame together! Life couldn’t get better ❤
and they are also single ;)
@@meetpetru lol but how to meet them??
This is brilliant. I've followed Tim for two decades and now you Chris for around 6mths. Great conversations. I like the background too! Quite Albert Hall like!
Such eloquence from both, I can only admire their journey and strive to do better on my own!
Love the background. Makes want to watch, not just listen. Good upgrade👍
What a fantastic episode there Chris!
It's condensed and full of practical takeaways, and you get a deep exposure into such two great minds!
Thanks Chris!!! Watching this AMAZING and FREE interview, It felt like watching a bonus Master Class. Once again... thank you.
This was a fantastic episode. I love how Tim put up guard rails around things like psychedelic usage etc. Although I suggest there’s a lot of research that contradicts your views on ketamine treatments. That being said, I do agree that all ketamine treatments should be other form of infusion inside a clinic with a psychotherapist involved. At our micro hospital in Austin we used quite often to also assist with non narcotic detox protocols. It was a game changer. I did a loading phase of 6 infusions in 2 weeks and 1 per month for 3 months after. Saved my life from depersonalization disorder.
Absolutely love this podcast! Great interview!
Genuinely, through happenstance, Tim is genuinely one of the biggest role models I have come across, for me.
At first I avoided him....
Now I know why I did. The more I study him, the more I shed all the bullshit I don't need. I relate to many of his epiphanies and have adopted so many of his tools. Thankyou Tim for continuing to give so genuinely and changing my life for the better
Incredible; Such in-depth discussions with a mature perspective.
Was happy to hear Chris take stock when Tim said, "Before I try to add more fuel to the fire…if I telescope out 6 months, 12 months from now, and I’ve done this, how will the composition of my audience have changed? Who will I have repelled, who will I have attracted?” Carrying that guideline will serve him well.
I can't help insights which resonates with me every minute of this podcast both from Tim & Chris. I hate that I had to pause every now & then to make notes. And when I follow the threads like "Perils of Audience Capture", "11 reasons not to become famous", it can easily take a week to complete the podcast. Enjoying this so fucking much🔥
That prefrontal cortex game is strong with this one. How do I get a forehead like that?
Dude, lovely production! :) And also a long overdue interview with the original.. much appreciated!
Beautiful to the ear and to the eye. Bravo guys!
The production quality of this podcast has improved so much, this has to be one of my favourite sets, keep it up Chris!
All the best with your new family project Tim!! You deserve the best, thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience and putting yourself out there 😊 btw family is the best
Tim Ferris, I matched with you on a dating app back in 2014. For some reason you sound like a difficult person to date, but I love your content.
No way! I wonder how your lives would have turned out had you got into a relationship
difficult in what way
Video wall is so epic, Chris is a genius.
1:30:05 Per hyper vigilance.
"there is an art to letting small bed things happen, to practice letting small bad things happen"
That sentence made me feel sick, I had an actual fear response to the idea of trying that. I guess it is time to work on my hyper vigilance problem.
The production value of this 🤯
The image at 1:32:53 needs to be on a poster! Excellent vid and talk ! Well done.
47:39 That is correct 😂😂 my head swiveled around so quick. 😂 The ladies love Chris.
Tim Ferriss and 3h? Chris, you're a hero!
Hi Tim, thanks forbthe company🙏🏼
It rained a bit, for 10 min👍🏼 have a nice day🍀🌸
Absolutely incredible
True, the Fall of Civilizations podcast was my go to sleep podcast for years
this was actually a very helpful listen! Thank you Chris!👏👏
Less than 2 minutes in, and I have cleared the entire next 3 hours! What a pairing. Great conversation ❤
52:40 I love witnessing in real time Chris’ realization that emotionality is part of mastering that intellectual power.
And talking about desire, learning where the root of that desire that doesn’t make “sense” is going to help you understand why it’s there and when you understand why, you can more consciously decide to heal it and move on, or realize it’s been something your intuition has been trying to tell you all along.