Well there is an ethnic component to a culture you know, throughout the ages of recorded history folks knew this. It wasn't until the present day here in the states is multiculturalism peddled to the American populace, and to a lesser extent the English and Swedes.............
manchesterfellow this may be the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard. Go across the Atlantic Ocean and they’ll tell you all Americans sound stupid when using the English language lol.
You are imagining things. My original comment was to illustrate that only people that base their decision on race could be proud of Obama. He is a lightweight, inexperienced and thin skinned. I thought it was a joke when he ran until he won. If he had been white he would have never won.
+UBe Racis' (UBeRacis') I most certainly do get what you are saying and I agree with you. You do not get what I am saying and have imagined that I said something that I did not. The fact that he is the first black president is not my dream or goal, it is a fact, I just want to see a president that is qualified and capable, black, white, female, whatever.
+UBe Racis' (UBeRacis') because Obama turned out to be a lying, corrupt racist. nothing to be proud of. I too wish Sowell was the first black president, someone we could be proud of.
*I love this guy because he himself is the living proof of everything he says ;) He never needed affirmative action, quotas, or any racial special treatment to be one of the best economists in the USA.*
@@MamaKatt Candace Owens ?! She doesn't even have a college degree and she was just a poster girl for the republicans in her 20s. She has nothing in common with the legendary Thomas Sowell except being black
This is the sad misconception people have about "affirmative action" in general. It does not mean Ivy League schools take any black kid off the streets and gives him a scholarship just to meet some quotas. I went to college in the 70s. Yes, most young blacks were "affirmatively" recruited to make up for a long history of affirmative exclusion. But if you didn't have competitive grades or test scores and had been in the college prep program in high school, you would not even have been looked at as a possible recruit. And I'm sure even Thomas Sowell was a beneficiary of "affirmative action" in an informal manner, if not in a formal matter as in my day. Because of the history, most blacks, however bright, had no chance of admission to a good university. So most capable young blacks would never even have tried to gain admission to a white institution without the encouragement of "affirmative action." Maybe things are a lot different in the 21st century. Colleges have become not much more than money-grubbing institutions and allowing anybody through their doors as long as they bring that big fat student loan check with them. And if they have difficulties, they just give them safe spaces and excuse them from final exams. But I can confidently say that where I went to college there were many black students every bit as smart as Thomas Sowell. I knew of few black students who had the slightest sense of insecurity about whether or not they belonged there. And all of us - every black male and female student - were recruited on behalf of the "affirmative action" so many people terribly misunderstand today...or at least as it applied in my own youth.
@@ltravail Do most whites really want blacks to succeed and why should they? It seems like some type of sick Christian virtue game to prove they can improve the intelligence of blacks.
the fact we dare not say, that in the beginning it wasn’t their fault, but after so many decades equality, they are responsible for their own failures (because clearly success for blacks is more than possible, we have so many examples of it). partly their fault, partly the democratic party’s fault for imposing the exact conditions it took to keep them held back. time to break the cycle, and we’re happy to help you do that. start voting conservative and see how much better things will be for the very people who have been ruined by liberal ideology
For a man of such intellect and wisdom, he receives such relatively little praise. Like many who see further than others of their day he'll be widely appreciated only after his time.
I know you mean his mental & thinking faculties are “sharp”. But in fact he’s SHARPER than he was in his 20’s!! There’s something wrong w/ us if each time we hit a new decade (ie, 30, 40, 50…) we can’t say, “Wow, I didn’t know ANY thing 10 years ago; I’ve learned so much!!”
@@billlewis8711Very fair point. Even more so when Dr Sowell says he was a Marxist in his early 20s. Right up until he worked for the government and realized how things really worked.
Something being intuitively correct is no argument at all, in fact it is a method in which Marxists convince ordinary Americans that their cause is correct. It's lazy and incredibly destructive to think and come to conclusions this way.
The word "multiculturalism" itself is an oxymoron. Cultures have evolved to flourish on their own instead of being mixed and mingled with another, different culture.
***** China is 99% Chinese. Japan is 99% Japanese. Do they have any plans to change that? If not, why not? Wouldn't they benefit from importing tens of millions of Somalis and Pakistanis?
HerzWatIThink You forgot Korea: It is 99.99% Korean, Koreans are fiercely nationalistic and very proud of their own native culture, and I applaud them for being that way. Look at them now: very progressive and has the highest average IQ in the whole world. (BTW I am not Korean nor am I part Korean).
james bond You're another idiot. I know more about culture than you and all of your stupid, liberal teachers combined. Have respect for people who are superior to you!
Of course Thomas Sowell is brilliant, but this interviewer is also excellent! He asks good questions and ACTUALLY LISTENS TO THE ASWERS! Where have his kind disappeared to?
Collectivism sucks. Not profound; But true. Diversity NECESSITATES division, because division is the foundation of individualism, the principle on which most free nations are built. That's why it's called "InDIVIDualism". So which are you? A collectivist, or an individualist? You can be for diversity without being for multiculturalism, these are two very different things.
His writing, interviews, will.live forever, as everyone, who will please leave audio, video, and written journals. I have done it since age15, and willbe 73in October.
Mr. Sowell is my hero. Ive just recently discovered his teachings. I am about to be 28 years old and have no idea why i hadn't even heard his name before a couple of days ago
Likely because the main stream media & academia hate what he says about culture, society, & the sad state of things today - so they suppress & ignore him. Dr.Sowell totally broke the mold on so-called intellectuals …By giving clear, hard evidence to explain & solve modern social problems
When he says intellectuals are clueless outside of their speciality skill set he is correct, but for some unknown reason people expect intellectuals to be capable of understanding everything without the need to study it.
@@heybassss In reality intellectuals are just as dumb as anyone else but they have their bits of paper to say they once studied something which basically means they once read a book about something usually and remembered some of it and perhaps took a test to see how much they remembered. No smarter than anyone else really. Let's face it if you enjoy books you would do well as an intellectual, but would they be able to share their knowledge, often jot because they may know it only for themselves to understand.
Is good to hear an intelligent interview. He's asking questions without an agenda. Some interviewers come as a campaigner and bring an aggressive style.
Multiculturalism can never work. Dominant cultures will trample on less dominant cultures which will be marginalized. If multiculturalism was all about different foods and songs it would be pretty harmless. But values can differ greatly between cultures which makes it impossible to coexist peacefully.
Which cro-magnon cave did you just crawl out from? The world is run by considerate pussies not hot-blooded alpha males. It's just not fashionable to be bigoted and racially righteous anymore.
In a nutshell; the participatory panopticon is in full effect. The emasculation of man is happening globally, by the minute. Almost all cultures (apart from the most lumpen among us errgh erhm n.korea etc) are learning to become more soluble within each others mediums, which in turn have and continue to evolve into interesting and ultimately positive hybrids.The most resilient of commies have or are starting to alter their socio-economic statuses to fit in to the bigger picture. Given the sheer size of arsenal harboured by the worlds superpowers, a small-scale, geopolitical conflict is out of the question. It's annihilation or cooperation, to take the separatist approach at this stage and balkanise is just blinkered thinking. i'd definitely place your idea up there with something like anarcho-primivitism. Any attempt to re-balkanise, would ramp up tensions that collaborations and integration throughout history have helped to alleviate and need not be there at this stage in human evolution. (yes, i take note of the fact that when integration is pushed on populations by overly liberal agenda's this can be disastrous). in summary, do you think it would be wise for let's say america to completely cut ties with let's say the Chinese at this point?
jamafrican657 Ok??! Lots of gibberish imo. Completely cut ties with the chinese? You seem to misunderstand me completely. I never said that countries should stop trade and cooperation with other countries. What I'm strongly against is this multiculturalism, which will lead to one dominant monoculture if it is not stopped. Diversity can only be if it is allowed to remain, not if it is mixed up with Hollywood-type culture or destroyed by racial mixing. Also, be aware that all wars are, and have been, bankers wars. It is they who have financed Hitler, Stalin, Mao as well as the western world. They are the source of all major conflicts over the last 200+ years. The whole concept of multiculturalism is just a scam to get rid of the cultural identities, so that the people will become easily ruled. The same bankers are plotting to create a one world government, and that is why the UN, the World Bank etc. were created. It's pretty much common knowledge, and bankers like Max Warburg have stated their goals outright.
Your point about coexistence is a mute one. Surely we all occupy and co-exist on one globular eco-system, a notion that has been realised thoroughly via the explosion scientific/cultural insights since the turn of the 20th century. If you don't endorse the above idea i'd have to assume that you're happy to play out the conquest games and perpetuate some of the horror shows from the past 5,000 years or so of human history and believe me friendly competition does not work out between large masses.
Sweat Music Don't compare movies and video games with that garbage "music" genre that you call gangster rap. In movies and games, it's usually that the bad guys are killed, and you are usually penalized for harming innocents. By that nature, they do not glorify abhorrent behavior. Gangster raps are glorifying everything that is degenerate, from vengeance killings to pure debauchery.
Kevin Vo You are ignorant as shit, and just desperate for any type of argument. Even your view on movies and games are ignorant, showing how bland your taste is. Still, my comparison had nothing to do with your ignorance, or even your subjective taste. The argument that media creates killers was destroyed a long time ago.
Oh my God, does this man have his sh!t together! How is he not the supreme being for a black ideology? Nothing but facts and wisdom just flowing from this man!!
I’ve been and spent time in Africa. The speech of the truly educated African irregardless of the amount of melanin in their skin is impeccable. It is like listening to Mozart. It’s beautiful.
@@Hackenberg I just had a conversation about this the other day. A young woman affirmed what you and I know to be true. Her eyes have been opened to the propaganda.
Africans who come to the USA love this country. Gratitude is key to this according to our conversations. So many of these people have truly suffered. It's eye opening to those of us who care to hear their stories.
+ams914 My guess is that his views and assertions are not palatable to the mainstream media at large. He does interviews for Fox News, but that's about it. It's a fucking shame that pseudo-intellectuals like Melissa Harris-Perry and charlatans like Al Sharpton have SHOWS on MSNBC, yet I've never seen Sowell even score an INTERVIEW. This is part of the reason mass media is dying. Because of the Internet people are slowly finding more information, outside of the narratives the media is selling. And they are figuring shit out on their own. As a Black man I feel proud to have discovered Mr. Sowell, and I've definitely added him among my role models. He is almost peerless in his lucidity, insight, and intellect. And that, is precisely why you will NEVER see him on the mainstream media of today, even though YT is teeming with television appearances by him in the 1980s. The quality of the discourse has deteriorated, and value of knowledge has all but disintegrated.
ams914 He was a heavily syndicated columnist during the 80s. He is very widely known and respected by millions of Republican and conservative AND libertarian readers. He’s the greatest philosopher of America in the latter half of of the 20th century. Incredible human being all the way around.
You can find RUclips videos of some of Sowell's older interviews and debates with liberals in the mainstream media of the 1970's and 1980's, and he absolutely destroys his opponents. I suspect that's why the liberal media no longer him gives him a platform.
As an education major. I was enlightened on the matters of, Diversity, multiculturalism and globalism by Thomas Sowell. All these three are being taught as good (almost holy) things in the field of education.
The longer that I've been alive, the more I've realized most admissions and hiring decisions that greatly affect people's lives have nothing to do with merits, qualifications, or skills.
If you don’t say these things it’s because you have limited yourself. You don’t say things that are true because you are afraid of the backlash. If the founders had not had the bravery to say what needed to be said, the USA would never have existed. You would be subjects of the English crown. We would not understand what individual liberty is because there would be no American example. Grow a pair and say want needs to be heard as long as it is truthful.
Sowell never fails to impress. I'm of the old-fashioned, pre-PC left and, in my opinion, the new "cultural" left and progressives (and conservatives) would do well to pay close attention to his ideas.
A few points: Life isn't fair. He's stood by his principles, and he'll appreciated by many for his impact for years to come. It's not always about monetary rewards, which are somewhat flimsy. Be careful of SJW tendencies.
Thomas Sowell ...I have very few heroes because of the lack of validity and the feet of clay that become too easily broken all too soon and are all too transparent with falsehood. You Sir are a man among men!Thank you for your inspiration and the firm ground on which you stand in the truth which is good for all people. May God richly reward you Sir! I cannot say enough good about you as there aren’t words enough to express it. You are a treasure and you raise the standard of that which is to be respected!
Dr. Thomas Sowell's books should be required reading in schools throughout the world. Racists who argue that math is racist, or test scores are racist, are ignorant of this man. He changed my world view in the 1980's and he has never disappointed me. He is a man for our times.
Anogoya Dagaati He was, via my (racist) grandfather, the person that introduced me to libertarian thought. I still have newspaper clippings of his columns my grandfather saved. He’s amazing.
@12:29 This part of the interview is absolutely astounding, and I would love for leaders of the African American community here in the United States be asked to explain it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been on the wrong end of those wagging fingers all along...
I don't know how I got here and learned about Sowell, but I am so glad I did. Now I've watched all videos with him on here on RUclips. I'm amazed at the intellectual integrity he has. Unfortunately, in real life this kind of integrity and empirism mainly separates you from others as so very, very few are really open for thinking openly.
Idk how anyone can earnestly listen to Sowell and continue to blindly follow the democratic platform. He's so articulate and straightforward with his arguments.
These token gestures we so commonly see today are disgusting. It’s like picking the worst player for your basketball team first because you know he’s lesser than yourself.
I consider myself leaning more on the right by the traditional values. I question my beliefs constantly but all it takes is a good hearty dose of mr sowell’s enlightenments to smack me back into reality. VALIDATION COMPLETE!
Professor Sowell: "The world we live in, I've noticed, is not ideal." If you recognize the truth of this statement, you are a conservative. If not, you are a liberal, and will happily make the rest of us suffer for your ignorance and delusions. Thanks!
Liberty Prime Yes, but conservatives at least recognize that the solutions to problems should also be realistic, unlike most liberals and nearly all leftists. I think the failures of the Obama presidency are pretty clear evidence of this.
J. Scott Burgeson Many would argue Obama is not even very liberal at all. Any other first-world nation than the US views his policies as quite far to the right. The Republicans by comparison are essentially off the scales. I don't believe there's any party in actual power that compares to them. Even Republicans from 50+ years ago would be considered at least as far left as Obama. Eisenhower said that anyone who doesn't accept the programs of The New Deal has no place in American politics. That should tell you how far to the right things have shifted.
Been saying it for years. The blacks in Europe and elsewhere have a completely different demeanor of intelligence due to the lack of societal induced race-ism.
had only heard this man speak here and there over the years and am glad to find him being interviewed or i guess you may call it a lecture but ii find his wisdom something to listen to and respect.
I don't live in the U.S. & I don't care about his political affiliation, but I love that he demands facts and evidence rather than just dealing with feelings. Also it is nice to see an interviewer say the words "So what you are saying" & the interviewee agrees with what is being said.
unpleasant interjection into an otherwise rather decent exchange. You yourself signal nothing at all. You reflect no understanding of Sowell to speak of; no particular sentiment of congruency with other schools of thought. Not revealing of yourself if not in negative sentiment. Ben, on the other hand, responded and went above and beyond!Question: how can you bridge the gap in perception whereas the eight year olds respect the Hyundai driving factory worker/janitor/housewife and not the corvette driving drug dealing gangster?
I wanted to build a traffic bridge across a major river. As a proponent of diversity, I hired a juggler, a rodeo clown, a black opera singer, Caitlyn Jenner, and a leading Muslim cleric. I won an award for promoting diversity. Whoopee!! The bridge fell down and 100 people were killed. Go figure.
Ben Shapiro might be a machine gun, but Sowell is a cannon. He is far more powerful in a debate, interview, or lecture. Only Milton Friedman is comparable.
Cats Moo Shapiro is not against multiculturalism though, he asserts that is not correct to assume all cultures want the same thing. When you get down to it, he's mainly against Islamic mass migration.
Who's here watching Thomas Sowell to hear some truth during the chaos of the 2020 riots?
That would be me, just watched a few of the hooverinstitution channel vids from 2010 and he was spot on.
Been watch Sowell for many years. We need people like him to be heard more now than ever. Rationality is fading from society.
He’s been saying the same things since the 70’s and 80’s and basically all of it still holds true today
@@obamasgrandpapi7925 Even more significant today with the increase in government interfering with matters of the economy.
Silver Valley Coins and Bullion very true
"The intelligentsia pays no price for being wrong"
Truth has been spoken
No skin in the game. Just like corporate execs, academics, and politicians
Unfortunately, the major problem in society today, is the mistake of taking culture for race and vice versa.
Well there is an ethnic component to a culture you know, throughout the ages of recorded history folks knew this. It wasn't until the present day here in the states is multiculturalism peddled to the American populace, and to a lesser extent the English and Swedes.............
Mythic Dawn maybe, but not so much in content of their conversation
al t Ahh,I see.............
Indeed. Race and culture are mutually exclusives.
Yup, but races tend to celebrate certain cultures
If this man doesn't get a nobel prize,we might understand why our western society is falling apart.
he needs more drone strikes on children under his belt to warrant that.
Justin Wise whatthe fuck???
I'm referring to Obama getting the award. sorry I should have clarified.
Justin Wise aaa ok no problem hahah
Denis' response to what you said was priceless lol
Someone who'd never get to speak about race on CNN.
Omg Thomas Sowell vs Don Lemonhead. They would never
Well, that’s true because he’s no longer living.
@@jrossutubeedt2 he still alive he just released a new book called Charter School and their enemies
@@jrossutubeedt2 poor taste.
so true lol
America, this man is a national treasure for you guys.
Look after him.
I wish we could make him president. At least Secretary of Commerce, Treasury, SOMETHING.
I second and third that..... ThomasSowell4President...
You have love Thomas Sowell and what a great voice. He is a great read and even better to listen to.
manchesterfellow And Milton Friedman.
manchesterfellow this may be the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard. Go across the Atlantic Ocean and they’ll tell you all Americans sound stupid when using the English language lol.
Here to gain back some brain cells during these riots
Same. I think, instead of arguing with these morons on Facebook, I'll just start replying to their asinine rants with Sowell videos.
@@bthorn5035 Not even Sowell can get through some people cognitive dissonance
@@321Tdog Those people are irrelevant. I'm after the spectators. THEY are the prize.
@@bthorn5035 Good plan, I may do the same
@@bthorn5035 yES THIS, the strategy is always the crowning jewel of a goal
Thomas Sowell is a king among men. Why did he not run instead of Obama, then everyone could be proud of the first black president.
Yes, being black will not make a person a better president. I would vote for Sowell because he makes sense not because he is black.
You are imagining things. My original comment was to illustrate that only people that base their decision on race could be proud of Obama. He is a lightweight, inexperienced and thin skinned. I thought it was a joke when he ran until he won. If he had been white he would have never won.
+UBe Racis' (UBeRacis') I most certainly do get what you are saying and I agree with you. You do not get what I am saying and have imagined that I said something that I did not. The fact that he is the first black president is not my dream or goal, it is a fact, I just want to see a president that is qualified and capable, black, white, female, whatever.
+UBe Racis' (UBeRacis') because Obama turned out to be a lying, corrupt racist. nothing to be proud of. I too wish Sowell was the first black president, someone we could be proud of.
+Tim Lee Obama is only black through marriage.
Having a coffee and listening to two smart men talking. What a good morning.
*I love this guy because he himself is the living proof of everything he says ;) He never needed affirmative action, quotas, or any racial special treatment to be one of the best economists in the USA.*
Like Canadce Owen??? OH damn that cow sued with the help of the NACCP.
@@MamaKatt Candace Owens ?! She doesn't even have a college degree and she was just a poster girl for the republicans in her 20s. She has nothing in common with the legendary Thomas Sowell except being black
This is the sad misconception people have about "affirmative action" in general. It does not mean Ivy League schools take any black kid off the streets and gives him a scholarship just to meet some quotas. I went to college in the 70s. Yes, most young blacks were "affirmatively" recruited to make up for a long history of affirmative exclusion. But if you didn't have competitive grades or test scores and had been in the college prep program in high school, you would not even have been looked at as a possible recruit. And I'm sure even Thomas Sowell was a beneficiary of "affirmative action" in an informal manner, if not in a formal matter as in my day. Because of the history, most blacks, however bright, had no chance of admission to a good university. So most capable young blacks would never even have tried to gain admission to a white institution without the encouragement of "affirmative action."
Maybe things are a lot different in the 21st century. Colleges have become not much more than money-grubbing institutions and allowing anybody through their doors as long as they bring that big fat student loan check with them. And if they have difficulties, they just give them safe spaces and excuse them from final exams. But I can confidently say that where I went to college there were many black students every bit as smart as Thomas Sowell. I knew of few black students who had the slightest sense of insecurity about whether or not they belonged there. And all of us - every black male and female student - were recruited on behalf of the "affirmative action" so many people terribly misunderstand today...or at least as it applied in my own youth.
@@Lordpoliticallyincorrect The model minority.
@@ltravail Do most whites really want blacks to succeed and why should they? It seems like some type of sick Christian virtue game to prove they can improve the intelligence of blacks.
That last statistic devastated all of the remaining regressive liberalism in my soul.
Become a right wing libertarian!
Whoa, am I in the twilight zone?!
Accept no label...
the fact we dare not say, that in the beginning it wasn’t their fault, but after so many decades equality, they are responsible for their own failures (because clearly success for blacks is more than possible, we have so many examples of it). partly their fault, partly the democratic party’s fault for imposing the exact conditions it took to keep them held back. time to break the cycle, and we’re happy to help you do that. start voting conservative and see how much better things will be for the very people who have been ruined by liberal ideology
What's that poltergeist quote when the demon has gone
For a man of such intellect and wisdom, he receives such relatively little praise. Like many who see further than others of their day he'll be widely appreciated only after his time.
Thomas Sowell on point as usual. This man is a true intellectual and a warrior in the defense of liberty.
Sowell is a genius. Hard to believe he in his eighties in this video. The man is as sharp today as he was in his twenties.
This outstanding American just turned 90!
I know you mean his mental & thinking faculties are “sharp”. But in fact he’s SHARPER than he was in his 20’s!!
There’s something wrong w/ us if each time we hit a new decade (ie, 30, 40, 50…) we can’t say, “Wow, I didn’t know ANY thing 10 years ago; I’ve learned so much!!”
@@billlewis8711Very fair point. Even more so when Dr Sowell says he was a Marxist in his early 20s. Right up until he worked for the government and realized how things really worked.
"Doesn't it feel intuitively correct though?"
He's good at playing devil's advocate. It also gets Sowell speaking with such passion.
I don't understand the quote
@@burninglamp3968 I just thought it was funny how blunt he was in his response.
@@StabilAmboss It was very funny, and we got to relive it reading down to your comment!
Something being intuitively correct is no argument at all, in fact it is a method in which Marxists convince ordinary Americans that their cause is correct. It's lazy and incredibly destructive to think and come to conclusions this way.
The word "multiculturalism" itself is an oxymoron. Cultures have evolved to flourish on their own instead of being mixed and mingled with another, different culture.
***** China is 99% Chinese. Japan is 99% Japanese.
Do they have any plans to change that? If not, why not?
Wouldn't they benefit from importing tens of millions of Somalis and Pakistanis?
Shiga leave this ignorant be, clearly he or she does not comprehend what a culture is.
How does a culture have wants?
HerzWatIThink You forgot Korea: It is 99.99% Korean, Koreans are fiercely nationalistic and very proud of their own native culture, and I applaud them for being that way. Look at them now: very progressive and has the highest average IQ in the whole world. (BTW I am not Korean nor am I part Korean).
james bond
You're another idiot. I know more about culture than you and all of your stupid, liberal teachers combined. Have respect for people who are superior to you!
Of course Thomas Sowell is brilliant, but this interviewer is also excellent! He asks good questions and ACTUALLY LISTENS TO THE ASWERS!
Where have his kind disappeared to?
In the past?
It’s clear that the interviewer saw his role as helping to explain the interviewee’s views, not confront him.
Unity is strength, not diversity.
Diversity brings division
Collectivism sucks.
Not profound; But true. Diversity NECESSITATES division, because division is the foundation of individualism, the principle on which most free nations are built. That's why it's called "InDIVIDualism".
So which are you? A collectivist, or an individualist? You can be for diversity without being for multiculturalism, these are two very different things.
Conor Corrigan balance is the key.
So true
Cultural unity. The problem is when people advocate for ethnic unity.
In all honestly, I can't think of a wiser man.
He may be good but he can't compare to Sowell.
Try Friedrich Hayek :)
+Grotsnik Molyneux himself calls Sowell his favorite economist.
Milton Friedman ?
Patrick, did you finally return those video tapes?
goddamn I love this man, I hope he lives forever.
His writing, interviews, will.live forever, as everyone, who will please leave audio, video, and written journals. I have done it since age15, and willbe 73in October.
It killed me that he semi-retired.
@matthew kitty You don't like the truth buddy
Mr. Sowell is my hero. Ive just recently discovered his teachings. I am about to be 28 years old and have no idea why i hadn't even heard his name before a couple of days ago
Likely because the main stream media & academia hate what he says about culture, society, & the sad state of things today - so they suppress & ignore him. Dr.Sowell totally broke the mold on so-called intellectuals …By giving clear, hard evidence to explain & solve modern social problems
I agree. So glad you found him. I was happy to learn my 18 year old son found him too :)
Because they hate him.
This man is like Morpheus but he only has red pill, and he does not offer it, he just crams it down your throat, and it's amazing.
We desperately need more level headed, respectable people like Thomas Powell in the world.
🙏 Amen
I am adding all his books to my reading list!
Me too. He is an excellent writer.
Last year I read my first one: Discrimination and Disparities. Next one: Race and Culture.
Thomas Sowell really knows how to cut through the b.s.
When he says intellectuals are clueless outside of their speciality skill set he is correct, but for some unknown reason people expect intellectuals to be capable of understanding everything without the need to study it.
An "intellectual" is a matter of perception.
In reality intellectuals are just as dumb as anyone else but they have their bits of paper to say they once studied something which basically means they once read a book about something usually and remembered some of it and perhaps took a test to see how much they remembered.
No smarter than anyone else really.
Let's face it if you enjoy books you would do well as an intellectual, but would they be able to share their knowledge, often jot because they may know it only for themselves to understand.
Such a relevant interview for our recent dilemma. If only more people would listen.
This man is NEVER on the BBC.
They would never be able to handle the truth......
@Liberty AboveAllElse I doubt that they have a strict rule of this kind but they ARE the state media now - they're certainly not honest.
He's nearly 90 years old now, and he's Black too boot :-) LOL
What do you expect from a corporation that let Savile run riot for decades ?
I could listen to Thomas Sowell all day, every day. He has a brilliant, restless mind and expresses his thoughts very elegantly.
Thomas Sowell is spot on when it talks about the groupthink within so called "intellectuals".
Is good to hear an intelligent interview. He's asking questions without an agenda. Some interviewers come as a campaigner and bring an aggressive style.
Multiculturalism can never work. Dominant cultures will trample on less dominant cultures which will be marginalized. If multiculturalism was all about different foods and songs it would be pretty harmless. But values can differ greatly between cultures which makes it impossible to coexist peacefully.
Which cro-magnon cave did you just crawl out from? The world is run by considerate pussies not hot-blooded alpha males. It's just not fashionable to be bigoted and racially righteous anymore.
jamafrican657 Ehm, what are you trying to say?
In a nutshell; the participatory panopticon is in full effect. The emasculation of man is happening globally, by the minute. Almost all cultures (apart from the most lumpen among us errgh erhm n.korea etc) are learning to become more soluble within each others mediums, which in turn have and continue to evolve into interesting and ultimately positive hybrids.The most resilient of commies have or are starting to alter their socio-economic statuses to fit in to the bigger picture.
Given the sheer size of arsenal harboured by the worlds superpowers, a small-scale, geopolitical conflict is out of the question. It's annihilation or cooperation, to take the separatist approach at this stage and balkanise is just blinkered thinking. i'd definitely place your idea up there with something like anarcho-primivitism.
Any attempt to re-balkanise, would ramp up tensions that collaborations and integration throughout history have helped to alleviate and need not be there at this stage in human evolution. (yes, i take note of the fact that when integration is pushed on populations by overly liberal agenda's this can be disastrous).
in summary, do you think it would be wise for let's say america to completely cut ties with let's say the Chinese at this point?
Ok??! Lots of gibberish imo.
Completely cut ties with the chinese? You seem to misunderstand me completely. I never said that countries should stop trade and cooperation with other countries. What I'm strongly against is this multiculturalism, which will lead to one dominant monoculture if it is not stopped.
Diversity can only be if it is allowed to remain, not if it is mixed up with Hollywood-type culture or destroyed by racial mixing.
Also, be aware that all wars are, and have been, bankers wars. It is they who have financed Hitler, Stalin, Mao as well as the western world. They are the source of all major conflicts over the last 200+ years. The whole concept of multiculturalism is just a scam to get rid of the cultural identities, so that the people will become easily ruled. The same bankers are plotting to create a one world government, and that is why the UN, the World Bank etc. were created. It's pretty much common knowledge, and bankers like Max Warburg have stated their goals outright.
Your point about coexistence is a mute one. Surely we all occupy and co-exist on one globular eco-system, a notion that has been realised thoroughly via the explosion scientific/cultural insights since the turn of the 20th century.
If you don't endorse the above idea i'd have to assume that you're happy to play out the conquest games and perpetuate some of the horror shows from the past 5,000 years or so of human history and believe me friendly competition does not work out between large masses.
Thomas Sowell says nothing less than genius.
@4:33: "Doesn't feel intuitively correct though?" "No."
Gotta love Dr. Sowell.
Thomas Sowell, no one puts common sense (or what should be common sense) into words better.
Agreed, and he does it in a way that the average guy can understand what he's saying, unlike most intellectuals..
Born Rebel
Maybe that's because most intellectuals don't know what they are talking about.
Reaper Zwei That's most likely true.
Thomas always makes more sense in five minutes than a whole semester under most professors ❤.
Schools 4 fools
I bought 4 of his books right after watching this interview. It warms my heart to watch intellectuals who have something to say.
The truth is simple. It's the lies that are complicated
The interviewer is excellent!
13:37 "There's no gangsta rap" heheh this guy totally rocks, he is the most rock'n'roll badass of all economists! :-)
baianoise I don't understand why an already-demolished argument, which is just just flat out ridiculous, somehow "rocks"..
It was demolished in the 80s/90s, with the whole "movies and video games create killers" thing.
That's irrelevant to a genre of music. The white Mafia is also a problem, just like the police force.
Sweat Music Don't compare movies and video games with that garbage "music" genre that you call gangster rap. In movies and games, it's usually that the bad guys are killed, and you are usually penalized for harming innocents. By that nature, they do not glorify abhorrent behavior. Gangster raps are glorifying everything that is degenerate, from vengeance killings to pure debauchery.
Kevin Vo
You are ignorant as shit, and just desperate for any type of argument. Even your view on movies and games are ignorant, showing how bland your taste is. Still, my comparison had nothing to do with your ignorance, or even your subjective taste. The argument that media creates killers was destroyed a long time ago.
"It would be nice if she could provide on spec of evidence for it"... Such a simple but powerful and truthful statement.
Oh my God, does this man have his sh!t together! How is he not the supreme being for a black ideology? Nothing but facts and wisdom just flowing from this man!!
Prof. Sowell is a national treasure and his books are essential readings and should be readily available in every college.
T.Sowell is one of my very few heroes. I've learned so much from this brilliant man.
I love this interviewer. He is so inquisitive. Look at how he leans in asking a question, 8:15.
Peter Robinson is one of the best!
It is so much joy reading his books. I love him.
I’ve been and spent time in Africa. The speech of the truly educated African irregardless of the amount of melanin in their skin is impeccable. It is like listening to Mozart. It’s beautiful.
If you ever want to have an interesting conversation, ask an African what he thinks about American blacks.
@@Hackenberg I just had a conversation about this the other day. A young woman affirmed what you and I know to be true. Her eyes have been opened to the propaganda.
Africans who come to the USA love this country. Gratitude is key to this according to our conversations. So many of these people have truly suffered. It's eye opening to those of us who care to hear their stories.
This guy is so well spoken and what seems so complex he can explain in simplicity. This man has empowering words a true motivator and teacher.
Is this guy written off as a quack by the mainstream media? He makes so much sense that I'm assuming he is.
+ams914 My guess is that his views and assertions are not palatable to the mainstream media at large. He does interviews for Fox News, but that's about it. It's a fucking shame that pseudo-intellectuals like Melissa Harris-Perry and charlatans like Al Sharpton have SHOWS on MSNBC, yet I've never seen Sowell even score an INTERVIEW.
This is part of the reason mass media is dying. Because of the Internet people are slowly finding more information, outside of the narratives the media is selling. And they are figuring shit out on their own.
As a Black man I feel proud to have discovered Mr. Sowell, and I've definitely added him among my role models. He is almost peerless in his lucidity, insight, and intellect.
And that, is precisely why you will NEVER see him on the mainstream media of today, even though YT is teeming with television appearances by him in the 1980s. The quality of the discourse has deteriorated, and value of knowledge has all but disintegrated.
ams914 He was a heavily syndicated columnist during the 80s. He is very widely known and respected by millions of Republican and conservative AND libertarian readers. He’s the greatest philosopher of America in the latter half of of the 20th century. Incredible human being all the way around.
You can find RUclips videos of some of Sowell's older interviews and debates with liberals in the mainstream media of the 1970's and 1980's, and he absolutely destroys his opponents. I suspect that's why the liberal media no longer him gives him a platform.
As an education major. I was enlightened on the matters of, Diversity, multiculturalism and globalism by Thomas Sowell.
All these three are being taught as good (almost holy) things in the field of education.
Hope you did everyone a service and got the hell out of the education cesspool, 🖕 DOE 🤬
Love this man's rational intellect. A living national treasure. 👍👏
The brother is absolutely right. 👍🏿
My favorite author, Thomas Sowell. Thanks for these discussions.
Peter Robinson is a great interviewer. His questions are pointed, and they set up Thomas Sowell for some great answers.
When Thomas Sowell speaks, I listen.
Much respect for Dr. Sowell. Thank you so much sir.
Every minute you spend listening to Thomas Sowell increases your IQ by one point. This man is inspiring.
Has there ever been a man in modern time who answers so directly and speaks from such depth
The longer that I've been alive, the more I've realized most admissions and hiring decisions that greatly affect people's lives have nothing to do with merits, qualifications, or skills.
Read everything this guy have written! Is gold! It would certainly liberate your mind from all the media garbage !
That “Black Subculture” part of near the end is something I’ve felt for a while but didn’t know there were findings that may support that. Wow
Your not allowed to say these truths anymore.
If you don’t say these things it’s because you have limited yourself. You don’t say things that are true because you are afraid of the backlash. If the founders had not had the bravery to say what needed to be said, the USA would never have existed. You would be subjects of the English crown. We would not understand what individual liberty is because there would be no American example. Grow a pair and say want needs to be heard as long as it is truthful.
I am Nigerian, Ibo, Libertarian and I can testify, love this guy
🧡💛💚💙 THIS MAN IS 83 YEARS OLD in this video. He is SO INTELLIGENT!! 🧡💛💚💙
Sowell never fails to impress. I'm of the old-fashioned, pre-PC left and, in my opinion, the new "cultural" left and progressives (and conservatives) would do well to pay close attention to his ideas.
i can't be the only one who listens to gangster rap while working out and also an ardent fan of Mister Sowell's work. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
In a truly just world, this man would be a billionaire...
A few points: Life isn't fair. He's stood by his principles, and he'll appreciated by many for his impact for years to come. It's not always about monetary rewards, which are somewhat flimsy. Be careful of SJW tendencies.
Thomas Sowell ...I have very few heroes because of the lack of validity and the feet of clay that become too easily broken all too soon and are all too transparent with falsehood. You Sir are a man among men!Thank you for your inspiration and the firm ground on which you stand in the truth which is good for all people. May God richly reward you Sir! I cannot say enough good about you as there aren’t words enough to express it. You are a treasure and you raise the standard of that which is to be respected!
Outstanding interview,,,,,,, Done 7 years ago and it is still relevant today, maybe even more so.
"THERE'S NO GANGSTA RAP!" i love that
"The world we live in, I've noticed, is not ideal." No, it isn't, Dr. Sowell, but thank you for doing your utmost to make it ideal.
The Left says, 'It sounds good. I believe it. I want it to be true, therefore, it has to be true!'
I have learned so much from this man over the last twenty years. What a brilliant man.
Dr. Thomas Sowell's books should be required reading in schools throughout the world. Racists who argue that math is racist, or test scores are racist, are ignorant of this man. He changed my world view in the 1980's and he has never disappointed me. He is a man for our times.
So he is saying that multiculturalism is bad?
love this conversation i grew up in Germany and have never suffered from the same programming od usa blacks which have allowed me to accomplish more!!
Thomas Sowell is a realist and realism is not sexy and dammit we want sexy! Poor man indeed 'a prophet is accepted except in his own country'! Mercy!
Anogoya Dagaati He was, via my (racist) grandfather, the person that introduced me to libertarian thought. I still have newspaper clippings of his columns my grandfather saved. He’s amazing.
@12:29 This part of the interview is absolutely astounding, and I would love for leaders of the African American community here in the United States be asked to explain it. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been on the wrong end of those wagging fingers all along...
I don't know how I got here and learned about Sowell, but I am so glad I did. Now I've watched all videos with him on here on RUclips. I'm amazed at the intellectual integrity he has. Unfortunately, in real life this kind of integrity and empirism mainly separates you from others as so very, very few are really open for thinking openly.
In a nutshell....you are the story you perpetuate.
If you write and perpetuate an expectation that is desired....then life takes that turn.
Idk how anyone can earnestly listen to Sowell and continue to blindly follow the democratic platform. He's so articulate and straightforward with his arguments.
I love this guy...
I wish he would be more widely read and publicized.
These token gestures we so commonly see today are disgusting. It’s like picking the worst player for your basketball team first because you know he’s lesser than yourself.
What a great mind! His arguments are so well stated that I fell a harmonic rhythm as he speaks.
I consider myself leaning more on the right by the traditional values. I question my beliefs constantly but all it takes is a good hearty dose of mr sowell’s enlightenments to smack me back into reality. VALIDATION COMPLETE!
Professor Sowell: "The world we live in, I've noticed, is not ideal."
If you recognize the truth of this statement, you are a conservative. If not, you are a liberal, and will happily make the rest of us suffer for your ignorance and delusions. Thanks!
Everyone acknowledges the world isn't ideal. This is just an obvious liberal-bashing strawman you've built. I'm not even a liberal by the way.
Liberty Prime Yes, but conservatives at least recognize that the solutions to problems should also be realistic, unlike most liberals and nearly all leftists. I think the failures of the Obama presidency are pretty clear evidence of this.
J. Scott Burgeson Many would argue Obama is not even very liberal at all. Any other first-world nation than the US views his policies as quite far to the right.
The Republicans by comparison are essentially off the scales. I don't believe there's any party in actual power that compares to them.
Even Republicans from 50+ years ago would be considered at least as far left as Obama. Eisenhower said that anyone who doesn't accept the programs of The New Deal has no place in American politics. That should tell you how far to the right things have shifted.
Liberty Prime Much of the New Deal policies were based on Italian Fascism.
A conservative today was Just a liberal 10 years ago.
Obama migration policy was the same as Trump today
Peter: Doesn't it feel intuitively correct though?
Thomas: No.
The Flynn effect segment of the video blew my mind.
Been saying it for years. The blacks in Europe and elsewhere have a completely different demeanor of intelligence due to the lack of societal induced race-ism.
Ian H e
had only heard this man speak here and there over the years and am glad to find him being interviewed or i guess you may call it a lecture but ii find his wisdom something to listen to and respect.
He should have been our first black president.
I'd love to take a history course under Sowell. He's just so objective and articulates so well
i wish i can meet this dude
In my humble opinion this is the most important video on RUclips.
This guy is very good.
whalefish83 His articles from the 1980s, and 1990s, and 2000s, and up until last year, should be required reading. Brilliant man.
I don't live in the U.S. & I don't care about his political affiliation, but I love that he demands facts and evidence rather than just dealing with feelings. Also it is nice to see an interviewer say the words "So what you are saying" & the interviewee agrees with what is being said.
man, how we still need sowells voice today!
He's absolutely right about the ask/aks thing. I can hear a west country British girl saying it in my head.
Haha yes we have that here in australia. . Western suburbs of Melbourne for example
Say “ax” and immediately I know you’re not an intellectual
liberty pen, would you be so kind to tell me the name of the song from the beginning of the clip? Many thanks.
That comes from the opening of "Take Five" by fiddler Nate Leath. Highly recommended and available at iTunes. Thanks for visiting LibertyPen.
Composed by Dave Brubeck & Band.
unpleasant interjection into an otherwise rather decent exchange. You yourself signal nothing at all. You reflect no understanding of Sowell to speak of; no particular sentiment of congruency with other schools of thought. Not revealing of yourself if not in negative sentiment. Ben, on the other hand, responded and went above and beyond!Question: how can you bridge the gap in perception whereas the eight year olds respect the Hyundai driving factory worker/janitor/housewife and not the corvette driving drug dealing gangster?
Intermixing between races and cultures doesn't bring diversity, it destroys it by merging them all in one.
The host of these interviews is so excellent at them.
I wanted to build a traffic bridge across a major river. As a proponent of diversity, I hired a juggler, a rodeo clown, a black opera singer, Caitlyn Jenner, and a leading Muslim cleric. I won an award for promoting diversity. Whoopee!! The bridge fell down and 100 people were killed. Go figure.
Ben Shapiro might be a machine gun, but Sowell is a cannon. He is far more powerful in a debate, interview, or lecture. Only Milton Friedman is comparable.
Cats Moo Shapiro is not against multiculturalism though, he asserts that is not correct to assume all cultures want the same thing. When you get down to it, he's mainly against Islamic mass migration.
Ben Shapiro is an idiot