Je i vetmi gazetar që punon me shumë deshire e vullnet , këtë punë kaq të çmuar që të nxjeresh të vërteten e popullit tonë të mbrekullueshem, ...ju lumtë ,Martin ,...dhe Zoti ju ruajt e ju bekoftë ,jeni një njeri i mbrekullueshem ....
injoranca e juaj esh e frikshem!!! ne her te par mos flit per nje zot per te cilen se kemi ide cfar esht ne te dyten cfar qeverie kemi pasur? esh ket qe duhemi te mesojm organixacioni bon pun dhe ne se kemi pasur gjê , ket na meson historia, jo te urresh popuit kufitar se ata .... kan ber ate qe ne do i beshim te lishim me fuqi.
Jetoj ne Itali ,dhe jam e gatshme te paguaj dicka qe dokumentaret e Z.Marin Mema te paisen me titra anglisht gjermanisht dhe frengjisht ,eshte shumë e rendesishme për KOMBIN tone
Marini i qan të gjitha por ky është një nga emisionet më me vlerë që kam parë ndonjëherë. Për këtë duhet ngritur zëri fort. Të kishte reagime zyrtare shtetërore. Provat shkencore nuk i kundërshton dot askush!
Mesazhi më i rëndësishëm i studimeve është që bashkimi dhe dashuria midis popujve fqinjë me shqiptarët e Shqipërisë , është qasja natyrale. Janë një gjak....❤ Bravo për studimet dhe transparencën e rezultateve.
U trishtova shumë dhe ndjeva një dëshirë të madhe për të bërtitur me te madhe kur e mendova se këta përreth janë shqiptarë, e megjithatë luftojnë shqiptarët që kanë mbetur.
Bravo Matin, mos ndalo të hedhësh dritë në historinë e mohuar shqiptare, një histori e grabitur nga fqinjët tanë keqdashës. Marin krenohemi me ty o bir shqiptari ❤️🦅🇦🇱
Nder emisionet me te bukur dhe me me vlere per historine tone Shqiptare me fakte te qarta pa u nderlidhur me opinione subjektive per te mos krijuar asnje lloj kundershtimi ose mosbindje ndaj ketyre te vertetave shkencore!
Në Mal Të zië e dimë të gjithë se ka shumë shqiptarë' sepse flasin edhe sot shqip, por në Greqi kam njohur un' në peloponez një fis me mbiemrin Dardan,
Ne Greqi ka me shume Dardane se kudo , dallohen nga karakteri I forte , kane mbajtur shume tradita ne familjet e tyre .nje gruaje te forte ata e quajne dardanesa
Marin Historin e kam dasht edhe në shkoll kam msu pak po me emisjonet tua po e njoh veten shum ma mir Historia Shqiptare më ban të madh ekjo hatri i yt që po e ban kët punë Vullneti yt gzim i madh për Shqipart TË FALEMINERES ZOTRI
Atika, rreth 2milion ka per pronar tokash arvanitet, bleresit e pronave te tyre te ardhur nga deti i zi dhe ai kaspik, me rregullime mbiemrash qe perfundojne me idhis si (zyrbeqidhis, kostidhis,karipidhis, kazanxidhis,patazidhis, te gjith keta mbiemra brenda ne shtepi(jo jashte)flasin rusishte
@@Can-rv9gd Ke Thaç Puke EV13 Thaç Elshan Zogaj Mazrek R1b Z2705 Thaç Kolesjan Lume Kukes fis qe i takoj Un J2b L283 Z1295 Thaç Kamenice Kosove J2b L283 PH1751
Po, nje pjese e madhe e popullsise ne Serbi eshte me gjak shqiptar. E njoh serbishten shume mire dhe kam punuar e jetuar ne Beograd 7 vjet e gjysem. Shikoni mbiemrat e tyre te slavizuara nga shqipja jane me shumice. Dacic eshte ne qeverine serbe sot., po mbiemri I tij eshte Daci, pra shqip., e te tille ka me qindra mije.
Edhe emrin Mitrovicës duhet të ndërrohet. Kam lexuar për emrin e vjetër të saj që quhej Dhemitër. Por tingëllon edhe si një emër sllav, siq ka plot serbë me emrin Mitrov🤔
Gjithsesi kam lexuar diku qe serbet kur pane rezultatet qe tregonin qe dilnin shqiptare, nderhyne. Ndaj mundesia eshte qe shqiptaret te kene perqindje me te larte. Po ashtu edhe Greqi
Kishte qene e shkelqyshme po ti perktheni kto te dhana ne Anglisht, Gjermanisht e posaqerisht ne gjuhen serbe qe ta kuptojn te gjith popujt e ballkanit po pse jo edhe ne Greqisht e Rusisht!
Fisi Bua ne Himare vjen nga Arta ,Merkur e Gjina Bua Shpata . ne Himare jua bashkuan 1400 famije kryengritjes se Gjin Gjergj Kastrijotit .Edhe Melina ishte nga keto familje
The notion of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes has been a persistent narrative, often used to foster a sense of unity and historical continuity. However, a closer examination reveals the complexity and diversity within the Greek population, challenging the simplistic portrayal of ethnic homogeneity and direct lineage from the ancient Hellenes. To begin with, Greece has been a crossroads of various civilizations throughout history, including interactions with Albanians, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and others. This rich history of cultural exchanges has inevitably left an imprint on the ethnic composition of the region. Genetic studies indicate a diversity of influences, reflecting the historical interactions and migrations that have shaped the genetic makeup of the Greek people. This diversity challenges the notion of a singular, homogeneous ethnic origin. Moreover, the concept of ethnicity itself is complex and dynamic. It is not solely determined by genetic factors but is also influenced by cultural, linguistic, and historical elements. While the Hellenes were indeed one of the ancient tribes in the region, claiming a direct ethnic lineage from them oversimplifies the intricate processes of cultural assimilation, intermixing, and acculturation that have occurred over centuries. Language, often considered a key marker of ethnic identity, also presents complexities. The modern Greeks language belongs to the Indo-European family but is distinct within this linguistic group. While it has roots in the Hellenic language, linguistic evolution and influences from Latin, Slavic, and other languages have contributed to its unique character. This linguistic complexity challenges the notion of a straightforward, unbroken linguistic continuity between ancient Hellenic and modern Greek. Historical records further complicate the narrative of ethnic homogeneity. The region has witnessed migrations, invasions, and changes in political control, all of which have contributed to the diversity within the Greek population. The medieval period, for example, saw the influx of various groups, including Slavs and Normans, leaving lasting cultural and genetic impacts. In conclusion, the idea of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes is a simplistic narrative that does not fully capture the complexity of Greece's history and the diversity within its population. Genetic, linguistic, and historical evidence points to a more nuanced and multifaceted reality, highlighting the need to approach the question of Greek identity with a recognition of the intricate processes of cultural evolution and interaction that have shaped the region over millennia.
@@Atdhetar you make assertions but no facts. Three waves of Hellenes are clearly defined to have settled in Greece, Aeolians, Ionian’s and Dorians. Over centuries it is accepted they remained homogenous despite the many invasions. DNA tests have definitively confirmed current Hellenes are directly descended from Mycenaean and Minoan Civilisations. Demotic Greek is still rooted in Ancient Greek and the Pontic Greek dialect originating in Black Sea shores of Northern Turkey still use many archaic words as spoken by Alexander’s soldiers on their return home. You can’t claim Latin or Slavic languages influenced Greek because most of Latin is derived from the Greek. You look up a word in a Dictionary it says it comes from the Latin but by reading further that Latin derived from the Greek. As for the Slavs their influence is practically non existent as they didn’t even have an Alphabet till the Byzantine Emperor sent the monk brothers Methodius and Cyril to create one out of the Greek Alphabet with variations to some letters. Info European theory holds no validity for me because it is too vague and doesn’t adequately explain why in Antiquity there was a need for interpreters if all languages were of the same root. The biggest conquest of Greece militarily was by Rome which eventually found itself conquered by Greek Culture and language which persisted into Byzantine era. The Christianised Eastern Roman Emperors persecuted Hellenes but they didn’t cease to exist. Five hundred years of Ottoman rule didn’t wipe out the Greeks as they thrived in Anatolia and even after population exchanges of the 20th century there are tens if not hundreds of thousands still in Turkey only because they became Moslem. I travelled there and spoke to them in the Pontic Greek dialect. Foreign DNA in Greeks is minuscule when compared to the existence of Greek DNA found in all areas of Europe where Greeks established colonies eg: Sicily and Southern Italy where they still have remnants of Greek speakers they call Grecani. I don’t know how to keep writing without losing what I have because I can’t scroll down to address your other claims disputing the continuation of the Greek peoples from Antiquity. Thank you
@@vasilioskyriakidis2559 The facts speak for themselves showing the truth as it is. The place called Greece never existed before as we know it today. The people who live in so called Greece today used to be called "Romej" during Byzantine Empire and "Raja" during Ottoman Empire times (except the Arvanitas who used to be called always by their name like "Albani", "Arbanoi", etc.) and the name "Greece" never existed during Byzantine times. During Ottoman times in the Balkans, after the big powers pushed for an uprising in the place that today is called "Greece", an independent country was formed in 1821-1832. The majority of the population there was of Arvanitas (and Chameria) stock, they also were the backbone of the uprising for independence from the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the minority population was of Slav, Turks and Aromanian stock. After the gain of independence the place was so divided, and with a prolonged civil war that a real country could not be formed. Fearing the disintegration of the place after Ottomans left (and possibility of a return of the Ottomans), Prince Otto of Germany was brought in by European powers to clear the mess and do nation - building there. He was proclaimed King of the place by big powers and given plenipotentiary powers. The Price Otto royal family in Germany happen to be an admirer of the ancient civilizations, one of them being the extinct ancient Greek civilization, traces and archeological findings of which are also seen in that region called today "Greece" as well. Being an ancient history romantic and buff, Otto came up with the idea, that the only way to keep the place together and for a chance to build a country there, was to adopt/impose some kind of neutral/foreign ancient language and culture for all people living in that place, that will make possible for the people to stick together under one language and culture imposed on them. So with a special royal decree, he proclaimed a version of the ancient Greek (the easier one to be taught and learned by people there in those times) as an official language of the place, and also came up with the new name for the place, calling it with a special royal decree "Greece". Everything else was banned, and the new "country" formed, was ordered to be rebuild anew in resemblance of the old romantic view of the ancient Greek civilization, starting with the buildings, names of people, places, cities and villages, regions, mountains, fields and all were changed to made-up names loaned by the ancient literature of ancient Greek civilization. This of course was associated with money brought by European powers to rebuild. The more people in that place agreed with the change of their true national and ethnic identity and declare themselves artificially "Greeks/Helenes" and adopt to the new order, the more money was to be pouring in. Naturally, the strongest resistance to this artificial and made-up solution, was made by the Arvanitas (and Chameria), but at no avail. It is legendary, the loss by one vote in the Price Otto's Parliament of that time, of Arvanitas proposal to have the Albanian (Arvanite) language as an official language of the place called 'Greece" today, and to call the new country "Arvanoi" (instead of "Greece"). There is plenty of scientific and factual evidence, archival and historical documents, as well as studies and publications by major authors and authorities in the field about as above. One interesting fact here, is that one of the earlier German/Austrian well known historians and scientists of that time, Fallmerayer, alerted Prince Otto and others to this nonsense, of declaring a whole people and place by a name not belonging to them, and injecting an extinct language, culture and civilization on people who had no idea about it and did not belong to it at all. By the way, Fallmerayer, is a banned figure and historian in what is called Greece today. Germany is still paying for the Otto's mistake, even today. It has gotten stuck with the country so called "Greece". It is now forced to pour free money, even today, out of Germany's pocket (through European Union as well) year after year to keep it alive and going, as this "Greece" cannot stand on its own. It is an artificial creation of Prince Otto's fantasy (a "zombie" country so to speak), and the new generations of the Germans and Europeans are continuing to pay the price for it. Moreover, what Prince Otto did back then, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. He forced inhabitants of a whole region/place (called "Greece" today) to change by force their culture, language, national and ethnic identity to something else that those people were not, so they could artificially change in order to look modern and civilized (like ancient Greeks in Otto's personal view) and possibly be united. And of course, Arvanites and Chams (as the majority population in the region) suffered mostly from this ethnic cleansing. All this revelation, informs another major point: history taught about what today is called Greece, it appears to be taught wrong. People are wrongly taught in schools that today's Greece and its people are the direct descendants of ancient Greeks. Greece and Greeks of today, in some extend, also think they are superior to others just because they are called "Greeks" and their country "Greece" by decree (not by the virtue of the truth). They also seem to believe for some reason, they are entitled to the German and European money being handed out to them. The school textbooks and historiography should change, telling people the truth as it is. And with this, will come many other changes, in the way we see relations with the country called "Greece" today.
Je i vetmi gazetar që punon me shumë deshire e vullnet , këtë punë kaq të çmuar që të nxjeresh të vërteten e popullit tonë të mbrekullueshem, ...ju lumtë ,Martin ,...dhe Zoti ju ruajt e ju bekoftë ,jeni një njeri i mbrekullueshem ....
Jo Martin por Marin Mema 😊 👋
O Marin Mema te rujt Zoti je i madh pun te madhe po ben per trojet Shqiptare Rrespekt 👐🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
injoranca e juaj esh e frikshem!!! ne her te par mos flit per nje zot per te cilen se kemi ide cfar esht ne te dyten cfar qeverie kemi pasur? esh ket qe duhemi te mesojm organixacioni bon pun dhe ne se kemi pasur gjê , ket na meson historia, jo te urresh popuit kufitar se ata .... kan ber ate qe ne do i beshim te lishim me fuqi.
Jetoj ne Itali ,dhe jam e gatshme te paguaj dicka qe dokumentaret e Z.Marin Mema te paisen me titra anglisht gjermanisht dhe frengjisht ,eshte shumë e rendesishme për KOMBIN tone
Ska nevoj ke opsionin qe te perkthehet
Dhe unë jetoj në Itali, përshëndetje të gjithë diasporën shqiptare në Itali.
O austriaket e ,italianet e anglezet I Kane ditur keto gjera ketu e 500 vite
@@orgeskaca5044fatkeqsisht nuk o e vërtet Vlla, se titrët nuk jon të aktivizuar
I bashkangjitem ides tuaj 🫡
O Gjergj, bravooooooooooo se ke bo evolucion ne historin moderne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bravo. Gjurme Shqiptare i vetmi emision qe vlen❤
Nje dite e verteta e madhe per popullin shqiptar do dale. Shpresoj te jem gjalle qe ta shoh ate dite 🇦🇱
Rroft populli shqiptar e bravo Marin Mema
Marini i qan të gjitha por ky është një nga emisionet më me vlerë që kam parë ndonjëherë. Për këtë duhet ngritur zëri fort. Të kishte reagime zyrtare shtetërore. Provat shkencore nuk i kundërshton dot askush!
Bravo Marin, nëse ka mundësi në gjuhë Angleze me titra apo zë. Ju përshëndes.👍👍❤️❤️🇫🇷🇫🇷
Emisioni kampion i Topit me Gazetarin me te afte dhe profesional ne Gadishullin Ilirik.Marin Mema ❤❤❤ e Shiptarise🎉🎉🎉
Edhe njehere pershendes me shume emocion, zotin Marin Mema, per kete trasmision te rendesishem per historin e vendite tone bravo Marin
Bravo i nderuar qe sjell fakte...
O Marin te ruajt Zoti 😢😢😢😢😢🙌
Mesazhi më i rëndësishëm i studimeve është që bashkimi dhe dashuria midis popujve fqinjë me shqiptarët e Shqipërisë , është qasja natyrale. Janë një gjak....❤ Bravo për studimet dhe transparencën e rezultateve.
Respekte Marin ,origjinen e kam nga Opari i Korces, , nga e ka origjinen familja e Muzakajve ju pershendes
Nadir je i nderuar tek zoti mos ndrysho je.shume i mirë.
Nja dokumentar shum profesional ju lumt jeni shum profesionst aht knaqsi me ju ndegju arbria duhet mu ba
Me titra anglisht serbisht frengjisht i nderuar
Bravo, ju lumte!
Respekte Marin Mema .Gazetar si ju vetem na nderojne.
U trishtova shumë dhe ndjeva një dëshirë të madhe për të bërtitur me te madhe kur e mendova se këta përreth janë shqiptarë, e megjithatë luftojnë shqiptarët që kanë mbetur.
Bravo ❤❤❤❤
Respekt Marin Mema Nga Drenica 🇦🇱🇦🇱♥️♥️💯
Marin Mema, je më i miri!
Respekt Marin Mema per punen e palodhshme në sherbim të të së vertetes per historinë e kombit Shqiptarë🇦🇱👋
Bravo Matin, mos ndalo të hedhësh dritë në historinë e mohuar shqiptare, një histori e grabitur nga fqinjët tanë keqdashës. Marin krenohemi me ty o bir shqiptari ❤️🦅🇦🇱
Hello Berberian girl.🖐️😉😃😂🤣😛
@@SigmaSRBIIIyrian Stop commenting Siberian boy.
Urime për emisionin, por un do dëyshiroja të bëhet përykthimi në ANGLISHT..Faleminderit.
Edhe sot egzistojn mbiemrat hotoviq deri ne valevo e vershac
Keto emisione apo dokumentar duhet perkthyer ne gjuhen Angleze per ti pa bota 🤝🇦🇱
Respekt per ju❤
Respect nga USA na duhen ma shume njerz si ti
Nder emisionet me te bukur dhe me me vlere per historine tone Shqiptare me fakte te qarta pa u nderlidhur me opinione subjektive per te mos krijuar asnje lloj kundershtimi ose mosbindje ndaj ketyre te vertetave shkencore!
Te lumt
Marin je i mrekullueshëm.
Marin Mema je ❤❤❤❤
Marin Mema Respekt ❤🫶🫶
Në Mal Të zië e dimë të gjithë se ka shumë shqiptarë' sepse flasin edhe sot shqip, por në Greqi kam njohur un' në peloponez një fis me mbiemrin Dardan,
Ernest nuk flitet per ata qe flasin sot shqip! Flitet per fiset e medha te asimiluara te Malit te zi. Ndiq emisionin njehere e pastaj komento.
Në Greqi janë arvanitas, shpitarë nga Epiri, nuk kanë lidhje me kosovarët.
Ne Greqi ka me shume Dardane se kudo , dallohen nga karakteri I forte , kane mbajtur shume tradita ne familjet e tyre .nje gruaje te forte ata e quajne dardanesa
@@ΜΠΑΜ-Μ0421 O Dardanjen, Dardanjen siptariet afromadjupet.Hala hala škeš medoš akur.😃😂🤣😛👏
@Sigmalastwolf μάθε περισσότερα
Pershendetje nga kukesi zoti te bekoft omarin ❤
Respekte per punen e mire qe beni
Sot per sot nder te paktet njerz qe po luftojn per ket vend zoti te rujt u bash 150 vjec dhe tu shtoft fara
Bravo Marin
Feja na ndau feja osht nji.perde e zez qe sna len diellin ta shohim shqipot kon qen shum te lidhur me diellin
Marin Mema dhe Albin Kurti
Te vetmit shqiperar
Kadal niher se edhe na tjeret jemi shqiptar 😂😂
@@Heavenandhell-s2m E ka fjalen si personazh ne media se fatkeqsisht shumica qe dalin jan servila per komb te huaj.
Je njesh MARIN🦅🇦🇱🦅
Marin Mema 🔛🔝🏆🇦🇱❤️💯
Marin Historin e kam dasht edhe në shkoll kam msu pak po me emisjonet tua po e njoh veten shum ma mir Historia Shqiptare më ban të madh ekjo hatri i yt që po e ban kët punë Vullneti yt gzim i madh për Shqipart TË FALEMINERES ZOTRI
Bravo bravo bravo qè e pérmende FUQISHEM Kamenicen Korçè faleminderit.
Atika, rreth 2milion ka per pronar tokash arvanitet, bleresit e pronave te tyre te ardhur nga deti i zi dhe ai kaspik, me rregullime mbiemrash qe perfundojne me idhis si (zyrbeqidhis, kostidhis,karipidhis, kazanxidhis,patazidhis, te gjith keta mbiemra brenda ne shtepi(jo jashte)flasin rusishte
R1b-Z2705 Thaç i Drenicës 💪🏻
Thaqi është E-V13
@ Thaçi ka edhe degezime te tjera jo vetem Thaçin e Pukes
@@Bigbossialb Thaç Elshan
@@Can-rv9gd Ke Thaç Puke EV13
Thaç Elshan Zogaj Mazrek R1b Z2705
Thaç Kolesjan Lume Kukes fis qe i takoj Un J2b L283 Z1295
Thaç Kamenice Kosove J2b L283 PH1751
Illyria - Arbër 🇦🇱
Gjergj Kastrioti ✞
Feja e Italianit fashist 🇮🇹✝️
Titra Anglisht
1sh je Marin vetem vazhdo
ROMA today ALBALONGA once before 🧬 ILLYRIAN 🩸🇦🇱
Po, nje pjese e madhe e popullsise ne Serbi eshte me gjak shqiptar. E njoh serbishten shume mire dhe kam punuar e jetuar ne Beograd 7 vjet e gjysem. Shikoni mbiemrat e tyre te slavizuara nga shqipja jane me shumice. Dacic eshte ne qeverine serbe sot., po mbiemri I tij eshte Daci, pra shqip., e te tille ka me qindra mije.
I nderuar... pse nuk e beni emisionin ne gjuhen serbe edhe angleze????
Edhe emrin Mitrovicës duhet të ndërrohet. Kam lexuar për emrin e vjetër të saj që quhej Dhemitër. Por tingëllon edhe si një emër sllav, siq ka plot serbë me emrin Mitrov🤔
Kisha malazeze e ka pranu deri diku kte fakt
Gjithsesi kam lexuar diku qe serbet kur pane rezultatet qe tregonin qe dilnin shqiptare, nderhyne. Ndaj mundesia eshte qe shqiptaret te kene perqindje me te larte. Po ashtu edhe Greqi
Dhe ne Turqi mund te jepnit informacione DNA..Ne Stamboll.
nji korrigjim ne fun te dokumentarit, ne Kukes ka Çinamak jo Çimanak
Krejt shqip flet mitologjina dhe grekt e dijn por politika ruso greke eka ba te veten per te mos leju asnje gje shqiptare ktu tregon se ka diqka
Më thuaj një mit që ka kuptim në dialektin kosovar! 🤣
@ skam qte them se disa shqiptar te kosoves ma shum I besojn mitit sherjatit prralla me qebaba e mu mbulu si arabt
@@emanueltico qebaba dhe merrhaba selam alekym bajram iftar 🤣🤣🤣
O shqiptar te asimiluar grek qetesohuni se e verteta sa vjen e perhapet me shpejtesin e eres 😅😅😅
@@emanuelticoJo pajdh Nane.dialekt gegë 😅😅😅
Kishte qene e shkelqyshme po ti perktheni kto te dhana ne Anglisht, Gjermanisht e posaqerisht ne gjuhen serbe qe ta kuptojn te gjith popujt e ballkanit po pse jo edhe ne Greqisht e Rusisht!
Ku është pjesa e pare???
Fisi Bua ne Himare vjen nga Arta ,Merkur e Gjina Bua Shpata . ne Himare jua bashkuan 1400 famije kryengritjes se Gjin Gjergj Kastrijotit .Edhe Melina ishte nga keto familje
Me tekst anglisht, ju lutem!
Je vertet gazetar intelligente,, , kuci , Ka me mbiemrin , nje fshati rrethit tiranes ,
Kuçi ka hala në Kosovë Dugagjin jon musliman tash
Mblidhi kosovarët e tu se bëjnë propagandë anti-shqiptare në Internet!
Kurse Dukagjini ne Shkoder jan katolik ose ndoshta nuk jan e njejta rrënjë.
@@emanuelticoplus qe po kane enderra duke thene ne sjemi shqiptare por jemi dardane.
@@newballersfb Po, ëndërrojnë kosovarët 🤣
Hajredin Kuci
Ballkani duhet të jenë bashkë
Macedonia e lasht ka qen fis ilir si dardania è epri vec se ishin me te forta dhe te zhvillura
Un jam nga fisi Kuçi i malësisë së madhe të ardhur në Kuç të
Vlorës me pas Kuç Berat. Me mbiemër të ndërruar nga partia punës 😂
Ev13 Berisha,kelmendi tribe !
Mari je i pazavendsueshem ziti ta shperblefte mundin .
Subtitles 👍👍
Pjesën e par spo e gjej dot me ndihmon dot njeri?
Javen e kalume ka qene
Fiset shqiptare esht pjesa 1
Respekte Marin
Edhe ne rrethn e shijakut nje fshati Ka nje fshat karber , eshte afer , kam kalu me at fshat , karber
Why don’t you publish DNA results in English so more people can be informed ????
Albanians are Illyrians.
The notion of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes has been a persistent narrative, often used to foster a sense of unity and historical continuity. However, a closer examination reveals the complexity and diversity within the Greek population, challenging the simplistic portrayal of ethnic homogeneity and direct lineage from the ancient Hellenes.
To begin with, Greece has been a crossroads of various civilizations throughout history, including interactions with Albanians, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, and others. This rich history of cultural exchanges has inevitably left an imprint on the ethnic composition of the region. Genetic studies indicate a diversity of influences, reflecting the historical interactions and migrations that have shaped the genetic makeup of the Greek people. This diversity challenges the notion of a singular, homogeneous ethnic origin.
Moreover, the concept of ethnicity itself is complex and dynamic. It is not solely determined by genetic factors but is also influenced by cultural, linguistic, and historical elements. While the Hellenes were indeed one of the ancient tribes in the region, claiming a direct ethnic lineage from them oversimplifies the intricate processes of cultural assimilation, intermixing, and acculturation that have occurred over centuries.
Language, often considered a key marker of ethnic identity, also presents complexities. The modern Greeks language belongs to the Indo-European family but is distinct within this linguistic group. While it has roots in the Hellenic language, linguistic evolution and influences from Latin, Slavic, and other languages have contributed to its unique character. This linguistic complexity challenges the notion of a straightforward, unbroken linguistic continuity between ancient Hellenic and modern Greek.
Historical records further complicate the narrative of ethnic homogeneity. The region has witnessed migrations, invasions, and changes in political control, all of which have contributed to the diversity within the Greek population. The medieval period, for example, saw the influx of various groups, including Slavs and Normans, leaving lasting cultural and genetic impacts.
In conclusion, the idea of Greeks being ethnically homogenous and direct descendants of the Hellenes is a simplistic narrative that does not fully capture the complexity of Greece's history and the diversity within its population. Genetic, linguistic, and historical evidence points to a more nuanced and multifaceted reality, highlighting the need to approach the question of Greek identity with a recognition of the intricate processes of cultural evolution and interaction that have shaped the region over millennia.
@@Atdhetar you make assertions but no facts. Three waves of Hellenes are clearly defined to have settled in Greece, Aeolians, Ionian’s and Dorians. Over centuries it is accepted they remained homogenous despite the many invasions. DNA tests have definitively confirmed current Hellenes are directly descended from Mycenaean and Minoan Civilisations.
Demotic Greek is still rooted in Ancient Greek and the Pontic Greek dialect originating in Black Sea shores of Northern Turkey still use many archaic words as spoken by Alexander’s soldiers on their return home.
You can’t claim Latin or Slavic languages influenced Greek because most of Latin is derived from the Greek. You look up a word in a Dictionary it says it comes from the Latin but by reading further that Latin derived from the Greek.
As for the Slavs their influence is practically non existent as they didn’t even have an Alphabet till the Byzantine Emperor sent the monk brothers Methodius and Cyril to create one out of the Greek Alphabet with variations to some letters. Info European theory holds no validity for me because it is too vague and doesn’t adequately explain why in Antiquity there was a need for interpreters if all languages were of the same root.
The biggest conquest of Greece militarily was by Rome which eventually found itself conquered by Greek Culture and language which persisted into Byzantine era.
The Christianised Eastern Roman Emperors persecuted Hellenes but they didn’t cease to exist.
Five hundred years of Ottoman rule didn’t wipe out the Greeks as they thrived in Anatolia and even after population exchanges of the 20th century there are tens if not hundreds of thousands still in Turkey only because they became Moslem. I travelled there and spoke to them in the Pontic Greek dialect. Foreign DNA in Greeks is minuscule when compared to the existence of Greek DNA found in all areas of Europe where Greeks established colonies eg: Sicily and Southern Italy where they still have remnants of Greek speakers they call Grecani.
I don’t know how to keep writing without losing what I have because I can’t scroll down to address your other claims disputing the continuation of the Greek peoples from Antiquity.
Thank you
@@vasilioskyriakidis2559 The facts speak for themselves showing the truth as it is. The place called Greece never existed before as we know it today. The people who live in so called Greece today used to be called "Romej" during Byzantine Empire and "Raja" during Ottoman Empire times (except the Arvanitas who used to be called always by their name like "Albani", "Arbanoi", etc.) and the name "Greece" never existed during Byzantine times.
During Ottoman times in the Balkans, after the big powers pushed for an uprising in the place that today is called "Greece", an independent country was formed in 1821-1832. The majority of the population there was of Arvanitas (and Chameria) stock, they also were the backbone of the uprising for independence from the Ottoman Empire. The rest of the minority population was of Slav, Turks and Aromanian stock.
After the gain of independence the place was so divided, and with a prolonged civil war that a real country could not be formed.
Fearing the disintegration of the place after Ottomans left (and possibility of a return of the Ottomans), Prince Otto of Germany was brought in by European powers to clear the mess and do nation - building there. He was proclaimed King of the place by big powers and given plenipotentiary powers.
The Price Otto royal family in Germany happen to be an admirer of the ancient civilizations, one of them being the extinct ancient Greek civilization, traces and archeological findings of which are also seen in that region called today "Greece" as well.
Being an ancient history romantic and buff, Otto came up with the idea, that the only way to keep the place together and for a chance to build a country there, was to adopt/impose some kind of neutral/foreign ancient language and culture for all people living in that place, that will make possible for the people to stick together under one language and culture imposed on them.
So with a special royal decree, he proclaimed a version of the ancient Greek (the easier one to be taught and learned by people there in those times) as an official language of the place, and also came up with the new name for the place, calling it with a special royal decree "Greece".
Everything else was banned, and the new "country" formed, was ordered to be rebuild anew in resemblance of the old romantic view of the ancient Greek civilization, starting with the buildings, names of people, places, cities and villages, regions, mountains, fields and all were changed to made-up names loaned by the ancient literature of ancient Greek civilization.
This of course was associated with money brought by European powers to rebuild. The more people in that place agreed with the change of their true national and ethnic identity and declare themselves artificially "Greeks/Helenes" and adopt to the new order, the more money was to be pouring in.
Naturally, the strongest resistance to this artificial and made-up solution, was made by the Arvanitas (and Chameria), but at no avail.
It is legendary, the loss by one vote in the Price Otto's Parliament of that time, of Arvanitas proposal to have the Albanian (Arvanite) language as an official language of the place called 'Greece" today, and to call the new country "Arvanoi" (instead of "Greece").
There is plenty of scientific and factual evidence, archival and historical documents, as well as studies and publications by major authors and authorities in the field about as above.
One interesting fact here, is that one of the earlier German/Austrian well known historians and scientists of that time, Fallmerayer, alerted Prince Otto and others to this nonsense, of declaring a whole people and place by a name not belonging to them, and injecting an extinct language, culture and civilization on people who had no idea about it and did not belong to it at all.
By the way, Fallmerayer, is a banned figure and historian in what is called Greece today.
Germany is still paying for the Otto's mistake, even today. It has gotten stuck with the country so called "Greece". It is now forced to pour free money, even today, out of Germany's pocket (through European Union as well) year after year to keep it alive and going, as this "Greece" cannot stand on its own. It is an artificial creation of Prince Otto's fantasy (a "zombie" country so to speak), and the new generations of the Germans and Europeans are continuing to pay the price for it.
Moreover, what Prince Otto did back then, is tantamount to ethnic cleansing. He forced inhabitants of a whole region/place (called "Greece" today) to change by force their culture, language, national and ethnic identity to something else that those people were not, so they could artificially change in order to look modern and civilized (like ancient Greeks in Otto's personal view) and possibly be united. And of course, Arvanites and Chams (as the majority population in the region) suffered mostly from this ethnic cleansing.
All this revelation, informs another major point: history taught about what today is called Greece, it appears to be taught wrong. People are wrongly taught in schools that today's Greece and its people are the direct descendants of ancient Greeks. Greece and Greeks of today, in some extend, also think they are superior to others just because they are called "Greeks" and their country "Greece" by decree (not by the virtue of the truth). They also seem to believe for some reason, they are entitled to the German and European money being handed out to them.
The school textbooks and historiography should change, telling people the truth as it is. And with this, will come many other changes, in the way we see relations with the country called "Greece" today.
Kjo po
Si të konvertohen sërish në shqiptarë???
a di njeri se si dhe ku behet ky test i gjenetikes?
Mund ta besh kudo ne klinike serioze europiane
Ne jugun e Italisë sicili ka arberesh dhe sot folin shqip pse nuk ben nje emisjon Marin
Kam nje pyatje se se kuptova mir ne jug kishte fise illire me para apo fise greke per shembull ne permet
Po sa % vlleh ka ne Greqi
Look in England 🏴 30% ILLYRIAN 🧬🩸🇦🇱
Po pse o Marin nuk i përktheni në anglisht e frëngjisht me titra ? !
Skan lek prandaj
@manchesterunited8146 Skan mamin tat ta perkthej
Ju vet e thoni qe erdhi arvaniti,,dh
TITRAT!! Dhe jo vetem anglisht, por edhe serbisht e greqisht qe ta lexojne fqinjet se nga e kane origjinen
Aman more ngelem duke u fiksuar ne te shkuaren tone, dhe spo shohim te tashmen dhe te ardhmen si popull
Ik o serb ik nuk esht ky vendi ku duhet te shkuaaje ket koment
@@eminemking4Hello my African friend you came from Berberija.😂😛
@@SigmaSRBIIIyrian Serbians are from Caucasus.
@@elonacomani Shiptars are came from Africa and Kavkaz Albania.Bye African girl.😃😂😛🤣🖐️
@@SigmaSRBIIIyrian Make up your mind, we can't be from both places 🤣