[食在多倫多]|萬錦新酒家!|聚福樓|抵食又好味嘅精選四人和菜套餐| New Chinese Restaurant in Markham| Fortune Villa| Dinner Combo

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024
  • 萬錦開咗新酒家 - 聚福樓, 我哋就選擇平日來食晚餐, 希望無咁多人來 今次就約咗爸媽來食晚飯, 可以試多啲嘢食。今晚我哋叫咗個精選四人和菜套餐 ($118), 最開心每人一盅燉湯, 在冬天飲燉湯真係好暖身, 而其他菜色都好美味, 我哋諗住下次再來飲茶, 睇下水準如何。
    A new Chinese restaurant, Fortune Villa, recently opened in Markham. We chose to come on a weeknight to have dinner to avoid the crowds. This time, we came with mom and dad so that we could try more food. We ordered a dinner combo for four and I particularly love the soup. The other dishes were also delicious. Next time, we would probably come to have dim sum and see how good it is.
    Fortune Villa
    539 Bur Oak Ave.,
    Markham, ON
    Tel: 905-883-1923
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    #多倫多生活 #多倫多vlog #多倫多 #聚福樓 #萬錦 #dimsum

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