I say this only because I love you as a fellow sister in Christ. Maybe you meant that he saved your soul in a figurative way, but only the Lord Jesus Christ can save our souls and while this pastor seems to be a godly man, he is only a man.
It is a rare occasion to see godly men teaching women how to take after Gods own heart and reflect His beauty. Thank you for teaching the truth. I post similar videos on my channel, "3 ways to embrace godly womanhood." Check it out!
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK, Johnpiper0721@gmail.com
Thank you for your explanation, John! I’m so happy for hearing that and understanding the true beauty of being a woman! Which is the opposite of what the feminist movement sells. They want what the flesh wants. But the flesh dies. You will never find peace if you do things to satisfy your flesh.
@On TheEdge I understand where you are coming from : ) - but I have to say on the other side of the coin : if you are in a godly marriage, submitting to your husband isn't some horrible belittling oppressive life because you both have the same fear of the LORD and desire to be like Christ. Yes I agree we are equal in the eyes of our LORD both female and male fall short of the glory of God and both are only saved by grace. There are certainly phonies who are wolves in sheep's clothing who take scripture and twist them for selfish and evil reasons, that put women and others in messed up situations, which is disgusting. But just because a woman is called to be a helper Genesis 2:18 (and yes not all, but those called to biblical marriage), does not mean she worships him or is a pushover robbed of anything. I do admire your passion and I do understand and agree with lots you have said. I just wanted to present a less intense and intended side of the topic. God forbid division. God bless you and your children and your children's children.
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK, Johnpiper0721@gmail.com
@On TheEdge Great, then I guess you will be providing the EVIDENCE for miracles done by jesus so we can all verify them. Hopefully you aren't LYING and PRETENDING to have evidence based on gullibly believing bunch of old stories you read out of an old book. We are all waiting on your EVIDENCE.
@On TheEdge Now we can see just how GULLIBLE you really are. You think RUclips VIDEOS are evidence of miracles.... Seriously...??? You do know that people can make any baseless claim they want to in a video don't you? Are you REALLY that childish? I don't even know why you think the videos are convincing. So what if a bunch of people did begin believing baseless claims? It does not prove the claim true. Millions of people believe every lie Trump tells them even though he contradicts his own lie in the next sentence. Gullible people will believe ANYTHING, and YOU are one of them. You have still presented ZERO actual evidence for your baseless claims. Stop PRETENDING to know things you do not know.
@On TheEdge I consider it a public service to call out LIARS and FRAUDS when they are PRETENDING to know things they do not know. You are LYING and PRETENDING to know that I am some sort of "mohammedan". I see no evidence for ANY gods, so why would you think I would be a follower of the Muslim religion either? You are just LYING about that so you can dismiss the FACT that YOU have no evidence for YOUR god. I'm sure you would like me to leave so you can slip back into your comfortable fantasy world where no one calls you out on your dishonesty, but like I said, that is why I am here. You are LYING and PRETENDING to know things you do not know about a god you have no evidence for. If you would stop LYING, I would no longer be here.
John Piper, you are a true servant of GOD! This message was so beautiful and you opened up my eyes to a new understanding. There will always be people who will prosecute us for teaching and living in the truth, so I am so glad that you faithfully seek GOD so that you may stand strong amongst the wicked who try to bring you down. Stay strong brother, stay grounded and stay faithful! I will be praying for you!! You blessed me today sir, thank you!!
Wow, this was amazing, not at all what I was expecting but definitely satisfying and refreshing to hear. Thank you brother for being a faithful servant!
Kate E TY Katie. I was raised with this mind programming where these religious people say they honor & elevate women but in reality hate them. I didn't know it was called fundamentalism because I was raised Catholic. Then I switched to Protestant denominations and still came across this to varying degrees. Well this fundamentalist teaching is wrong on every aspect of Biblical topic going. They have caused soon much destruction, so many people to reject God & Christ, they have committed incalculable evil, insane evil upon people since it's beginning. I seriously doubt any of them, even this Piper guy are saved at all. Whitewashed on the outside, spiritually dead on the inside.
Kate E Did you listen to the drivel Piper spews out? How he cops out time and again? One place he says "Well, I "could" tell you ....but I won't. What's up with that b.s? Take the first woman for instance. She represents God's ultimate, highest creation. Adam represents the spiritually dead. He was not created inside the garden of Eden, the woman was. God started with amoebas & incests and stops with the female Adam, hand fashioned in Eden, from the heart of the male, (The Saved born from the death of Christ.) SHE represents the New Creation. God called them BOTH Adam. God never called her Eve. It wasn't the women through whom came sin but the male Adam who. He sinned knowingly, shoved his wife Eve under the bus so to speak, blamed her, disobeyed all the commands he had back then then lied to God about it. God held him more accountable then Eve as he was to have Eve's back & protect her. God never makes a distinction in positions both genders can hold after Christ redeemed us from the curse. And women were in subjection to their husbands from the curse. There is no way the Holy Spirit in women has less authority, power or duties because she lack a penis. They claim their is no healing, no encountering the presence of God, no deliverances and that most of their own denomination is chosen by God to go to hell. So, exactly what is left? What works of the devil did Christ come to destroy if they are right? They sure have no problem taking the money off of their own and living well. Piper over $400,000, MacArthur is over several million. Funds are pretty much doing Satan's job destroying people.
Alaina Reilly I was raised a Catholic also. They taught us our baptism and confession were all we needed to be saved. They never bothered to tell us it’s the truth that saves us and their lies were leading us to destruction. Like all false Christians we presented ourselves as good but we were bad. The nuns told my mother her children had strong morals which was a ridiculous lie. As children we lied and stole and did horrible things which we allegedly could confess and have washed away by a priest. It wasn’t until I started to study the Bible that my eyes were opened and I realized what a horrible sinner I had been AND how if I didn’t change I was on the road to destruction.
Thank you! I've be looking for a pastor to preach on those with the gift of being single. 1 Corinthians 7:9 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
21.49 and the little bit the follows, YEP! :) As Heidi Baker said, when you sweep the floor, it's Holy Holy Holy, because of the One you're doing it for. The hand that rocks the crib...
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK, Johnpiper0721@gmail.com
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK, Johnpiper0721@gmail.com
"Submission is the divine calling to honor and affirm her husband's leadership and help carry it through according to her gifts." A statement like this lacks a the qualifier that a husband's leadership be Christlike. Absent a direct focus on Christ's authority and leadership, this is a good formula to turn a husband and an earthly marriage into a false idol.
Nagging Thoughts it isn’t in that one quote but if you take a look at just about anytime John Piper speaks to men, he makes it clear as day that their leadership is a Christlike, sacrificial, servant leadership role. The wife’s submission is not contingent upon her husbands leadership, nor is the husbands leadership contingent upon his wife’s submission. You fulfill what God has called you to fully and not because your spouse is worthy of it but because your obedience is to God. Please don’t attempt to make something of the message that isn’t there.
@@Theprincessinyellow A man in a position of authority who influences people should NEVER teach wifely submission without at the same time teaching that men are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Complementarianism is often a setup for abuse. It's been, what, 8 years since he preached this sermon. In the ensuing years, dozens of IFB pastors, staff and volunteers have been charged, and many convicted, of sexual abuse of minors and women. Complementarian relationships have been fertile ground for abuse with too many perpetrators to list: Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, Josh Duggar, Toby Willis, officials at Jack Hyles' church and many, many more. Taking away women's voices just perpetuates the abuse. I would urge any woman whose husband commits adultery, or abuses her physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually to leave such a man. God loves you and does not expect his beloved children to live in fear and misery.
@@juliachildress2943 I disagree. If every time I watched a sermon about male leadership with the caveat being regularly brought back up that “but don’t forget wives you must make it your absolute mission to submit to him in everything” I would raise an eyebrow at that. I expect from a sermon directed towards men learning to be men after God’s own heart to focus on them and focus on what the scriptures say about that. What reason would you have to talk about women’s responsibilities in a sermon directed towards men? Just to make sure that the women don’t forget or something? These sermons are almost always done in a series where one week is directed towards men, the next is directed towards women and another may be directed towards children. I totally understand what you’re talking about but we find sin and biblical distortion in every denomination when people don’t want to simply allow God’s word to renew them but they want to use his word to achieve THEIR end goal. You can go to one end of the conservative perspective where you can question if they even believe that women are created in the image of God and equal in humanity in the first place or you can go all the way to the other end of the liberal spectrum where you can wonder if they even believe in the Bible to be the word of God at all. Even if we had Jesus and Paul and Titis walking with us today we would still be riddled with misusing their words for our own ends if our hearts aren’t submitted to God. Sin perpetuates abuse, not scripture when it’s followed. I think it’s safe to say that egalitarians dismiss the entire point of marriage for Christians which is to represent the relationship between Christ and His bride to the world. Christ and the church are to love fully and richly and deeply but don’t share equal authority.
@@Theprincessinyellow "Following" scripture is a very tricky enterprise, hence centuries-old disagreements on the nature of the trinity, the meaning of baptism, the doctrine of election, original sin, justification, and so much more. There is no single "following scripture". As much as one might dislike it and try to deny it, the fact is, we all interpret scripture, and we all pick and choose which parts we take literally. For example, I never hear conservative pastors preach against women wearing pearls and gold jewelry (1 Timothy 2:9), yet I frequently hear preachers preaching on the necessity of women dressing modestly, which is part of that same verse. They take the modesty part literally, but God help them if they tried to tell their wives to stop wearing gold and pearls. My point about preaching the husbands' and the wives' role in tandem with each other is important. Sermons and blogs that deal with biblical womanhood far outnumber sermons and blogs about biblical manhood and the biblical requirements for husbands. Lori Alexander, Debi and Michael Pearl, Bill Gothard and many others have spilled oceans of ink talking about wifely submission, calling your husband "lord" as Sarah did to Abraham, having a sweet and quiet spirit, keeping quiet in church, being keepers at home, wives submit to your husbands, on and on ad nauseum. Both men and women need to hear the whole story, no matter who the audience is or to whom he sermon is directed. A one-sided admonition makes men believe they are gods and makes women fell like they are little more than worms in the dust. Honestly, my husband and I threw off the burden of complementarianism years ago, and are much happier in our egalitarian marriage, which, by the way is completely mischaracterized by complementarian preachers. What does egalitarian mean? It means that if you see something that needs to be done, you do it without regard to whose "role" it is. It means that you put the comfort and happiness of your spouse on a level equal to your own. It does not mean 50/50 as many complementarian preachers say it is. Was it better to have my husband working two jobs with no time for family life, or for me to take a job as a school nurse once the kids were in school so that we could have a balanced family life. Does it mean that my husband, who has a stammer, should force himself to read the Bible and pray at our family devotions, or does it make more sense for me to read aloud and pray? No, for us complementarianism meant a set of legalistic chains that is completely unnecessary to a happy marital union (of 46 years and counting, by the way) or a godly, Spirit-filled life.
Question: If "God is "our husband", does it mean that marriage in the spiritual spectrum is the macro or universal/cosmic Plan of salvation? If so ,then in the big picture, in God's eyes, we are all, virtually women; potential wives of God! And so, all these fuzz about gender equality is senseless, or devoid of value or simply exercise in futility!
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK, Johnpiper0721@gmail.com
@@KeroRizkalla No. He distorts the word of God. How can anyone look at the state of the world - the hungry people, the children dying of preventable diseases, the disaster of melting ice caps, and believe that God cares a whit about who takes out the trash in your household, or who preaches the word of God. You really think that a doctrine that disqualifies half of the Christian population from preaching the gospel to every creature is of God?
@@juliachildress2943 God does not forbid women from preaching. Nor does he talk about taking out the trash. But it is important to understand that God created male and female different. You will never know peace if you do not understand your design, and your purpose.
@@KeroRizkalla My "purpose" is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples - all of his disciples - to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. So that means that every follower of Jesus should follow that command, whether male or female. He also gave a good many more commands - love God above all else, love your neighbor as you love yourself, forgive as you are forgiven, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, and more. There is no gender involved in any of that, nor did Jesus say a word about men and women having different roles or purposes. In fact, in Luke 10, Jesus mildly criticizes Martha for being busy with something that was not "needful" - housework/cooking, while Mary chose correctly in doing what was a masculine activity - sitting at the feet of the rabbi as he was teaching. This whole concept of gender roles is a man-made construct that is supported by carefully curated Bible verses. In no way is it anything that Jesus was concerned with, and we should not be distracted by it either.
love when a man gives his view of womanhood, now allow to give my view of manhood. Men should be strong and attractive. they should be over 6 feet tall. they should maintain physical apperceive so we stay attracted to them. they should be faithful and not let eyes or soul wander. they should protect and worship their wives. they should bless us with material things without complaint.
In an episode of Magnificent 7, the youngest team member "falls in love" with a beautiful young woman and seeks counsel on how to woo her. He is encouraged to invite her to a horseback ride and she agrees. During the ride, the young couple discuss the coming fight his friend (a womanizer) by standing up for a senora who fled an oppressive arranged marriage. The young woman clearly sees that her suitor is far more interested in watching the fight than spending time with her. She asks him if he would risk his life for her and he basically says "of course not." He proved that he did not truly love her and obviously she dumps him for good reason. "they should be faithful and not let eyes or soul wander." And you are perfectly right. It is equally wrong for a man to be unfaithful as it is for a woman. So often manhood is portrayed as physically strong and romantic; he is winging (almost literally) from woman to woman. I disagree. As for the height, that is outside of anyone's control. It is unwise if not dangerous for a woman to focus primarily on the physical attractiveness just like it is unwise for a man to focus on her physical appearance. That said, taking care of one's self is good.
Yes women can speak at women’s conferences so long as they do not disobey their husbands wishes regarding them speaking at a conference, tell the men or pastors what they ought to do, or usurp the role of headship over the wives and young women in the audience.
This view is nuts. My husband couldn't believe the nonsense of this. My husband is wonderful and so supportive and very much a Godly Leader and macho kind of man.
joe game ha ha. Tell me, what are your reasons for believing Fundies are correct? There are many scriptures in the Bible, starting in Genesis showing that women are created by God to be the males equal and not created just to serve & sexually service him. Now, whether I am correct or incorrect, if you want to engage in a deep discussion with scriptures and intelligence I am all for sharing & learning from you as well. If you just want to be a mudslinger or a fundamentalist then please enjoy your life. So, ?
Alaina Reilly haha sorry for my sarcasm, i was just curious why you disagree with piper and what your views are. if you are willing to set aside personal emotions and argue from the scripture, i'll be glad to engage in a discussion. i'll start by agreeing with you that women were not created to be men's sex toys or however you want to put it. but i disagree that women were created as men's equal, assuming that by equal, you mean equal authority. bible is very clear on the role of husband as the head and wife should submit to his authority.
+joe game I would be interested in a discussion but not an argument. FB as any such format of discussion has great limits. I have been blessed in real life to have been taught by people to go slowly & thoroughly, allowing whatever time and space is needed to think through, hear other sides. This meant months and months often passed while aspects and in this contexts, "arguments" were laid out. Also then we had to argue for the side we opposed and against the side we started from agreeing with. I thought this was how everybody was and I was sadly mistaken. But yes, I would be glad to discuss with you if we can include the above parameters. Would you also have any parameters or criteria to include as well? If you do, then I respect that and look forward to learning from you. I have not found almost anyone wanting to do this. It's mostly reacting from passion & offense or hurt. I've done it myself. How or where would you like to start? And, Thank you. Alaina
+joe game Let me answer your questions you put forth to me here. Why do I disagree with John Piper? To most correctly answer that I'd have to go by each statement of his I disagree with as opposed to broader statements. So, I'd have to get back to you. In a broad sense I think he, but more so, John MacArthur are wrong on most points. Not that I have any influence on them or most anyone. And, my being a woman, I wouldn't be listened to as a rule of thumb in spite of being told I would be. I am not referring to you here on this point as you asked for a discussion. As to equal authority, I agree with you that the male gender is given more Authority. Yet, in all my years I have never heard any sermon or Pastor preach or any Teacher teach on the Accountability aspect that comes with that greater Authority. There actually are some scriptures that indicate differently so you & I could both be wrong on this as well. I hope not. I like men having greater accountability. No problem admitting that either. But, does preaching grant that Authority always? So, would you Define Preaching and Define Submission? Feel free to add anything I'm not thinking of to ask or include.
Literally the best message that I needed. So grateful that God created we, women as spritual soldiers pleasing God, not people nor ourselves.
Solid preaching. Now let's get one for us wimpy men.
There is one. It was preached the evening before this one. Biblical manhood by voddie baucham
yeah, your kind. im just a bean soldier performing duties that requires them to be strong XD
@@Beanmachine91 Apparently a lot of homosexual stuff happening in the army bro.
Sir, you are the answer to my prayers (twenty years worth of prayer's) and have saved my soul. I thank God for you and your wife.
I say this only because I love you as a fellow sister in Christ. Maybe you meant that he saved your soul in a figurative way, but only the Lord Jesus Christ can save our souls and while this pastor seems to be a godly man, he is only a man.
All glory to God. Will continue to watch this video until it completely sinks in hallelujah amennn thank you Lord for everything
It is a rare occasion to see godly men teaching women how to take after Gods own heart and reflect His beauty. Thank you for teaching the truth. I post similar videos on my channel, "3 ways to embrace godly womanhood." Check it out!
NOTHING WORSE than a man telling a woman what to do!
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK,
Thank you for your explanation, John! I’m so happy for hearing that and understanding the true beauty of being a woman! Which is the opposite of what the feminist movement sells. They want what the flesh wants. But the flesh dies. You will never find peace if you do things to satisfy your flesh.
@On TheEdge I understand where you are coming from : ) - but I have to say on the other side of the coin : if you are in a godly marriage, submitting to your husband isn't some horrible belittling oppressive life because you both have the same fear of the LORD and desire to be like Christ. Yes I agree we are equal in the eyes of our LORD both female and male fall short of the glory of God and both are only saved by grace. There are certainly phonies who are wolves in sheep's clothing who take scripture and twist them for selfish and evil reasons, that put women and others in messed up situations, which is disgusting. But just because a woman is called to be a helper Genesis 2:18 (and yes not all, but those called to biblical marriage), does not mean she worships him or is a pushover robbed of anything. I do admire your passion and I do understand and agree with lots you have said. I just wanted to present a less intense and intended side of the topic. God forbid division. God bless you and your children and your children's children.
@@katelyn5010 The HELPER in Genesis 2:18 is not a servant. The Hebrew word used is EZER and elsewhere its used for God who is the HELPER OF ISRAEL
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK,
Oh to love the Lord God Almighty as this man does. Please oh Lord, increase my faith in you and my love for you and your Word!
Neither you nor that man have ANY evidence that your invisible god even exists.
@On TheEdge Great, then I guess you will be providing the EVIDENCE for miracles done by jesus so we can all verify them. Hopefully you aren't LYING and PRETENDING to have evidence based on gullibly believing bunch of old stories you read out of an old book. We are all waiting on your EVIDENCE.
@On TheEdge Now we can see just how GULLIBLE you really are. You think RUclips VIDEOS are evidence of miracles.... Seriously...??? You do know that people can make any baseless claim they want to in a video don't you? Are you REALLY that childish? I don't even know why you think the videos are convincing. So what if a bunch of people did begin believing baseless claims? It does not prove the claim true. Millions of people believe every lie Trump tells them even though he contradicts his own lie in the next sentence. Gullible people will believe ANYTHING, and YOU are one of them. You have still presented ZERO actual evidence for your baseless claims. Stop PRETENDING to know things you do not know.
@On TheEdge I consider it a public service to call out LIARS and FRAUDS when they are PRETENDING to know things they do not know. You are LYING and PRETENDING to know that I am some sort of "mohammedan". I see no evidence for ANY gods, so why would you think I would be a follower of the Muslim religion either? You are just LYING about that so you can dismiss the FACT that YOU have no evidence for YOUR god. I'm sure you would like me to leave so you can slip back into your comfortable fantasy world where no one calls you out on your dishonesty, but like I said, that is why I am here. You are LYING and PRETENDING to know things you do not know about a god you have no evidence for. If you would stop LYING, I would no longer be here.
Nicholas Flamel there is plenty darling but suit yourself
John Piper, you are a true servant of GOD! This message was so beautiful and you opened up my eyes to a new understanding. There will always be people who will prosecute us for teaching and living in the truth, so I am so glad that you faithfully seek GOD so that you may stand strong amongst the wicked who try to bring you down. Stay strong brother, stay grounded and stay faithful! I will be praying for you!! You blessed me today sir, thank you!!
Wow, this was amazing, not at all what I was expecting but definitely satisfying and refreshing to hear. Thank you brother for being a faithful servant!
That was crazy mind-blowing, how good is our God?!
Heather Tomazin It was blowing alright Heather but you got the wrong body part. Try a LOT lower.
+Alaina Reilly You crack me up :-)
Kate E TY Katie. I was raised with this mind programming where these religious people say they honor & elevate women but in reality hate them. I didn't know it was called fundamentalism because I was raised Catholic. Then I switched to Protestant denominations and still came across this to varying degrees. Well this fundamentalist teaching is wrong on every aspect of Biblical topic going. They have caused soon much destruction, so many people to reject God & Christ, they have committed incalculable evil, insane evil upon people since it's beginning. I seriously doubt any of them, even this Piper guy are saved at all. Whitewashed on the outside, spiritually dead on the inside.
Kate E Did you listen to the drivel Piper spews out? How he cops out time and again? One place he says "Well, I "could" tell you ....but I won't. What's up with that b.s? Take the first woman for instance. She represents God's ultimate, highest creation. Adam represents the spiritually dead. He was not created inside the garden of Eden, the woman was. God started with amoebas & incests and stops with the female Adam, hand fashioned in Eden, from the heart of the male, (The Saved born from the death of Christ.) SHE represents the New Creation. God called them BOTH Adam. God never called her Eve. It wasn't the women through whom came sin but the male Adam who. He sinned knowingly, shoved his wife Eve under the bus so to speak, blamed her, disobeyed all the commands he had back then then lied to God about it. God held him more accountable then Eve as he was to have Eve's back & protect her. God never makes a distinction in positions both genders can hold after Christ redeemed us from the curse. And women were in subjection to their husbands from the curse. There is no way the Holy Spirit in women has less authority, power or duties because she lack a penis. They claim their is no healing, no encountering the presence of God, no deliverances and that most of their own denomination is chosen by God to go to hell. So, exactly what is left? What works of the devil did Christ come to destroy if they are right? They sure have no problem taking the money off of their own and living well. Piper over $400,000, MacArthur is over several million. Funds are pretty much doing Satan's job destroying people.
Alaina Reilly
I was raised a Catholic also. They taught us our baptism and confession were all we needed to be saved. They never bothered to tell us it’s the truth that saves us and their lies were leading us to destruction. Like all false Christians we presented ourselves as good but we were bad. The nuns told my mother her children had strong morals which was a ridiculous lie. As children we lied and stole and did horrible things which we allegedly could confess and have washed away by a priest. It wasn’t until I started to study the Bible that my eyes were opened and I realized what a horrible sinner I had been AND how if I didn’t change I was on the road to destruction.
Great counsel,thank you pastor Piper
Thank you! I've be looking for a pastor to preach on those with the gift of being single. 1 Corinthians 7:9 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
I have never see this preacher before . But the Lord is definately with him . Impressive
Thanks to God for sending a laborer like you in the harvest 😇
21.49 and the little bit the follows, YEP! :) As Heidi Baker said, when you sweep the floor, it's Holy Holy Holy, because of the One you're doing it for. The hand that rocks the crib...
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK,
He said Christ like servant leadership and not rights of the husband is key in marriage.
Thank You!!!
Elizabeth Elliot figures very on the list of UNwimpy women
I can't watch enough of this great lessons.am truly blessed,6ys after the original stream.
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK,
"Submission is the divine calling to honor and affirm her husband's leadership and help carry it through according to her gifts." A statement like this lacks a the qualifier that a husband's leadership be Christlike. Absent a direct focus on Christ's authority and leadership, this is a good formula to turn a husband and an earthly marriage into a false idol.
Nagging Thoughts it isn’t in that one quote but if you take a look at just about anytime John Piper speaks to men, he makes it clear as day that their leadership is a Christlike, sacrificial, servant leadership role. The wife’s submission is not contingent upon her husbands leadership, nor is the husbands leadership contingent upon his wife’s submission. You fulfill what God has called you to fully and not because your spouse is worthy of it but because your obedience is to God. Please don’t attempt to make something of the message that isn’t there.
@@Theprincessinyellow Thank you.
@@Theprincessinyellow A man in a position of authority who influences people should NEVER teach wifely submission without at the same time teaching that men are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. Complementarianism is often a setup for abuse. It's been, what, 8 years since he preached this sermon. In the ensuing years, dozens of IFB pastors, staff and volunteers have been charged, and many convicted, of sexual abuse of minors and women. Complementarian relationships have been fertile ground for abuse with too many perpetrators to list: Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, Josh Duggar, Toby Willis, officials at Jack Hyles' church and many, many more. Taking away women's voices just perpetuates the abuse. I would urge any woman whose husband commits adultery, or abuses her physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually to leave such a man. God loves you and does not expect his beloved children to live in fear and misery.
@@juliachildress2943 I disagree. If every time I watched a sermon about male leadership with the caveat being regularly brought back up that “but don’t forget wives you must make it your absolute mission to submit to him in everything” I would raise an eyebrow at that. I expect from a sermon directed towards men learning to be men after God’s own heart to focus on them and focus on what the scriptures say about that. What reason would you have to talk about women’s responsibilities in a sermon directed towards men? Just to make sure that the women don’t forget or something? These sermons are almost always done in a series where one week is directed towards men, the next is directed towards women and another may be directed towards children.
I totally understand what you’re talking about but we find sin and biblical distortion in every denomination when people don’t want to simply allow God’s word to renew them but they want to use his word to achieve THEIR end goal. You can go to one end of the conservative perspective where you can question if they even believe that women are created in the image of God and equal in humanity in the first place or you can go all the way to the other end of the liberal spectrum where you can wonder if they even believe in the Bible to be the word of God at all. Even if we had Jesus and Paul and Titis walking with us today we would still be riddled with misusing their words for our own ends if our hearts aren’t submitted to God. Sin perpetuates abuse, not scripture when it’s followed. I think it’s safe to say that egalitarians dismiss the entire point of marriage for Christians which is to represent the relationship between Christ and His bride to the world. Christ and the church are to love fully and richly and deeply but don’t share equal authority.
@@Theprincessinyellow "Following" scripture is a very tricky enterprise, hence centuries-old disagreements on the nature of the trinity, the meaning of baptism, the doctrine of election, original sin, justification, and so much more. There is no single "following scripture". As much as one might dislike it and try to deny it, the fact is, we all interpret scripture, and we all pick and choose which parts we take literally. For example, I never hear conservative pastors preach against women wearing pearls and gold jewelry (1 Timothy 2:9), yet I frequently hear preachers preaching on the necessity of women dressing modestly, which is part of that same verse. They take the modesty part literally, but God help them if they tried to tell their wives to stop wearing gold and pearls. My point about preaching the husbands' and the wives' role in tandem with each other is important. Sermons and blogs that deal with biblical womanhood far outnumber sermons and blogs about biblical manhood and the biblical requirements for husbands. Lori Alexander, Debi and Michael Pearl, Bill Gothard and many others have spilled oceans of ink talking about wifely submission, calling your husband "lord" as Sarah did to Abraham, having a sweet and quiet spirit, keeping quiet in church, being keepers at home, wives submit to your husbands, on and on ad nauseum. Both men and women need to hear the whole story, no matter who the audience is or to whom he sermon is directed. A one-sided admonition makes men believe they are gods and makes women fell like they are little more than worms in the dust. Honestly, my husband and I threw off the burden of complementarianism years ago, and are much happier in our egalitarian marriage, which, by the way is completely mischaracterized by complementarian preachers. What does egalitarian mean? It means that if you see something that needs to be done, you do it without regard to whose "role" it is. It means that you put the comfort and happiness of your spouse on a level equal to your own. It does not mean 50/50 as many complementarian preachers say it is. Was it better to have my husband working two jobs with no time for family life, or for me to take a job as a school nurse once the kids were in school so that we could have a balanced family life. Does it mean that my husband, who has a stammer, should force himself to read the Bible and pray at our family devotions, or does it make more sense for me to read aloud and pray? No, for us complementarianism meant a set of legalistic chains that is completely unnecessary to a happy marital union (of 46 years and counting, by the way) or a godly, Spirit-filled life.
Question: If "God is "our husband", does it mean that marriage in the spiritual spectrum is the macro or universal/cosmic Plan of salvation? If so ,then in the big picture, in God's eyes, we are all, virtually women; potential wives of God! And so, all these fuzz about gender equality is senseless, or devoid of value or simply exercise in futility!
I didn't understand most of this message... Am I then wimpy or just stupid? :\
It's not you
Thank you for listening and God bless you, why I was praying the Holy Spirit now ministry to me that I should bring you more close to Lord you need to stay strong in prayers this time around. May the good Lord continue to guide you and grant you all your heart desires through Christ our Lord Amen 🙏, I will like to share something important with you if you don't mind just contact me personally at my Gmail address below OK,
That is not John Piper. It is a scam please don't fall for it.
I am a male that believes that males should let females speak for themselves. Would Piper be happy if females spoke for males?
atestring100 Piper is not speaking for women. He is speaking the words of God
He is preaching the word of God who is he speaking for?
@@KeroRizkalla No. He distorts the word of God. How can anyone look at the state of the world - the hungry people, the children dying of preventable diseases, the disaster of melting ice caps, and believe that God cares a whit about who takes out the trash in your household, or who preaches the word of God. You really think that a doctrine that disqualifies half of the Christian population from preaching the gospel to every creature is of God?
@@juliachildress2943 God does not forbid women from preaching. Nor does he talk about taking out the trash. But it is important to understand that God created male and female different. You will never know peace if you do not understand your design, and your purpose.
@@KeroRizkalla My "purpose" is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples - all of his disciples - to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. So that means that every follower of Jesus should follow that command, whether male or female. He also gave a good many more commands - love God above all else, love your neighbor as you love yourself, forgive as you are forgiven, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, and more. There is no gender involved in any of that, nor did Jesus say a word about men and women having different roles or purposes. In fact, in Luke 10, Jesus mildly criticizes Martha for being busy with something that was not "needful" - housework/cooking, while Mary chose correctly in doing what was a masculine activity - sitting at the feet of the rabbi as he was teaching. This whole concept of gender roles is a man-made construct that is supported by carefully curated Bible verses. In no way is it anything that Jesus was concerned with, and we should not be distracted by it either.
love when a man gives his view of womanhood, now allow to give my view of manhood. Men should be strong and attractive. they should be over 6 feet tall. they should maintain physical apperceive so we stay attracted to them. they should be faithful and not let eyes or soul wander. they should protect and worship their wives. they should bless us with material things without complaint.
5'11 is pretty damn close lol
gf tgg
gf tgg
gf tgg
In an episode of Magnificent 7, the youngest team member "falls in love" with a beautiful young woman and seeks counsel on how to woo her. He is encouraged to invite her to a horseback ride and she agrees.
During the ride, the young couple discuss the coming fight his friend (a womanizer) by standing up for a senora who fled an oppressive arranged marriage. The young woman clearly sees that her suitor is far more interested in watching the fight than spending time with her. She asks him if he would risk his life for her and he basically says "of course not." He proved that he did not truly love her and obviously she dumps him for good reason.
"they should be faithful and not let eyes or soul wander." And you are perfectly right. It is equally wrong for a man to be unfaithful as it is for a woman. So often manhood is portrayed as physically strong and romantic; he is winging (almost literally) from woman to woman. I disagree.
As for the height, that is outside of anyone's control. It is unwise if not dangerous for a woman to focus primarily on the physical attractiveness just like it is unwise for a man to focus on her physical appearance. That said, taking care of one's self is good.
Does his wife preach?
@On SB The Bible is toxic. One day you will have to come to terms with this and abandon it.
Shouldn't women speak at women's conferences?
Yes women can speak at women’s conferences so long as they do not disobey their husbands wishes regarding them speaking at a conference, tell the men or pastors what they ought to do, or usurp the role of headship over the wives and young women in the audience.
@On TheEdge ...You must live in a fantasy world where you believe all men are misogynistic.
@On SB oh my goodness
@@dazaiel8081 my thoughts exactly
@@abbybrown5967 Sounds really convoluted and weird.
Wimpy 😏 your great women. I don't care what they say about you.
This view is nuts. My husband couldn't believe the nonsense of this. My husband is wonderful and so supportive and very much a Godly Leader and macho kind of man.
+Alaina Reilly
wow, your reasons for going against piper's view is very clear and makes sense. i can see why your point of view is more biblical
joe game ha ha. Tell me, what are your reasons for believing Fundies are correct? There are many scriptures in the Bible, starting in Genesis showing that women are created by God to be the males equal and not created just to serve & sexually service him. Now, whether I am correct or incorrect, if you want to engage in a deep discussion with scriptures and intelligence I am all for sharing & learning from you as well. If you just want to be a mudslinger or a fundamentalist then please enjoy your life. So, ?
Alaina Reilly
haha sorry for my sarcasm, i was just curious why you disagree with piper and what your views are. if you are willing to set aside personal emotions and argue from the scripture, i'll be glad to engage in a discussion. i'll start by agreeing with you that women were not created to be men's sex toys or however you want to put it. but i disagree that women were created as men's equal, assuming that by equal, you mean equal authority. bible is very clear on the role of husband as the head and wife should submit to his authority.
+joe game I would be interested in a discussion but not an argument. FB as any such format of discussion has great limits. I have been blessed in real life to have been taught by people to go slowly & thoroughly, allowing whatever time and space is needed to think through, hear other sides. This meant months and months often passed while aspects and in this contexts, "arguments" were laid out. Also then we had to argue for the side we opposed and against the side we started from agreeing with. I thought this was how everybody was and I was sadly mistaken. But yes, I would be glad to discuss with you if we can include the above parameters. Would you also have any parameters or criteria to include as well? If you do, then I respect that and look forward to learning from you. I have not found almost anyone wanting to do this. It's mostly reacting from passion & offense or hurt. I've done it myself. How or where would you like to start? And, Thank you. Alaina
+joe game Let me answer your questions you put forth to me here. Why do I disagree with John Piper? To most correctly answer that I'd have to go by each statement of his I disagree with as opposed to broader statements. So, I'd have to get back to you. In a broad sense I think he, but more so, John MacArthur are wrong on most points. Not that I have any influence on them or most anyone. And, my being a woman, I wouldn't be listened to as a rule of thumb in spite of being told I would be. I am not referring to you here on this point as you asked for a discussion. As to equal authority, I agree with you that the male gender is given more Authority. Yet, in all my years I have never heard any sermon or Pastor preach or any Teacher teach on the Accountability aspect that comes with that greater Authority. There actually are some scriptures that indicate differently so you & I could both be wrong on this as well. I hope not. I like men having greater accountability. No problem admitting that either. But, does preaching grant that Authority always? So, would you Define Preaching and Define Submission? Feel free to add anything I'm not thinking of to ask or include.